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《历年考研英语真题中高频分类词汇(共11页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《历年考研英语真题中高频分类词汇(共11页).doc(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上历年考研英语真题中高频分类词汇 务必多遍浏览    政治经济词汇  立法会议 legislative sessions  行政处罚 administrative penalty  司法部门 enforcement apartment  侵犯个人隐私 invasion of privacy  修改宪法 revise the constitution  假账 deceptive accounting   

2、漏税 tax evasion  刑事诉讼 criminal proceeding  行贿和受贿 take and offer bribes  要求索赔 claim compensation  目无法规 defy the law and social disciplines  法律监督 function as a legal supervisor  扰乱治安 disturb the social order  建立奖励和制约机制 establish a in

3、centive and disincentive system  物质和精神文明建设 material and ideological progress  精简机构 streamline government organs  集思广益 pool ones wisdom  扩大内需 expand the domestic demand教育类词汇   文凭 diplomas and certificates  考研热 the craze for graduate school s

4、tudy  应试教育 the examination-oriented education  义务教育 compulsory education  复合型人才 interdisciplinary talents  文化底蕴 the rich cultural deposits  大学生创业 the university students innovative undertakings  扩招 expand enrollment  被授予学位 be gran

5、ted a an official certificate from  高分低能 good scores but low qualities  片面追求升学率 place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a higher level  退学 drop out of the school  形成淘汰制度 frame an elimination system  教书育人 impart knowledg

6、e and educate people  因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude  德才兼备 possess political integrity and professional ability  品学兼优 be a students of fine qualities and fine scholar  提高学生身心素质 improve the health and psychological quality  适应社会的改变 ad

7、just to the social changes quickly  满足社会的急需 meet the urgent need of the society  保护知识产权 protect the intellectual property  才疏学浅 be wanting in ability and shallow in knowledge  努力获得精神文明 make efforts to seek cultural and ideological progress  减轻负担 redu

8、ce the heavy burdens  更加有意义和丰富的生活 a more vigorous, colorful and dynamic life  工作类词汇  崇高职业 noble career  白领工作 white-collar workers  跳槽 job-hopping  试用期 probationary period   人才流动和双向选择 talent flow and a dual-way selection  

9、;自由职业 freelance work  拜金主义 money worship  获得名利 achieve fame and wealth  充分发挥个人的潜力 develop fully ones potential and creativity  实干精神 steadfast and earnest in ones work  工作出色 excel in ones work  无忧无虑 be care-free  社会和个人的尊重 social an

10、d personal esteem  生计问题 a bread and butter issue  生活补助 living subsidies  人才交流 talents exchange  培养人才 cultivate talents  推荐人才 recommend the virtuous and able  人才外流 brain drain  优化产业结构 optimize the structure  精简人员 cut off

11、the overstaffed offices  提高综合素质 improve the comprehensive quality  解决劳动就业问题 tackle the problem of labor force utilization  砸掉大锅饭 shatter the convention of iron bowl  坚持改革 be persistent in the reform progress  造成失业问题 bring about the unemployment probl

12、em  下岗人员 the laid-off workers  自谋生路 be self-employed  给出优惠政策 give preferential treatment  享受失业救济金 enjoy unemployment pension  需要安全感和生活保障 need a sense of security and guarantee of life   劳动力短缺 shortage of manpower  提高文化,智慧,品质修养 enh

13、ance their cultural and moral quality  商业类词汇  服务行业 service trade   家用电器 household electrical appliances  物美价廉 with low price and high quality  售后服务 after-sale service  旺季 during peak selling seasons  销售渠道 distribution channel 

14、; 商标冒用 trade-mark infringement  稳定物价 stabilize the commodity prices  加强品牌效应 strengthen the brand effect   提高购买力 raise the purchasing power  保持市场的良好的秩序 keep to market in good order  适销对路 be good for sale  脱销 out of stock   刺激购

15、买欲 stimulate the desire to buy  促销 promote sales  超前消费 premature consumption  有效期 term of validity   零售价 retail price  批发价 whole price  紧俏商品 commodities in short supply  假冒伪劣 forged and fake commodities  工业词汇  

16、产业结构升级 upgrade the structure of industry  外向型经济:export-oriented economy  企业凝聚力 the cohesive force in enterprise  亏损企业 enterprise in the red  创收 generate profits  精简开支 cut down the outlay  扭转局面 reverse the tide   有外需 have a potenti

17、al in overseas market  医药健康词汇  杀虫剂 pesticide  卫生环境 sanitary environment  营养不良 malnourished  传染病 infectious disease  呼吸疾病 respiratory disease  建设卫生城市 hygienic city重点词组与词汇 1 ) :  阅读理解部分:  1. indentify v.确定,证明

18、0; 2. relevant to有关的,相应的  3. in sympathy with同情  4. depend on依赖,依靠  5. refer to v.查阅,提到,谈到,  6. secretary n.秘书,书记,部长,  7. alternatively adv.做为选择,二者择一地  8. addressing寻址,选择,选址  9. comment on评论  10. convention n.大会,协定,

19、习俗,  11. arrive in到达  12. show around参观  13. accommodation n.住处,膳宿  14. push aside把。 . . . . .推开,避开  15. stomp n.跺脚  16. position n.位置  17. common to共同的,公共的,公用的  18. appropriate adj.适当的  19. inedible adj.不适于食用的

20、,  20. notorious adj.声名狼籍的  21. resent v.愤恨,怨恨  22. disparaging adj.蔑视的,毁谤的,  23. scapegoat n.替罪羊  24. off-the-cuff即兴的  25. familiar adj.熟悉的, n.密友,  26. exaggeration n.夸张,夸大之词  27. understandment n.理解  28. pick

21、 out挑选  29. inject vt.注射,注入  30. ingenuity n.机灵,独创性,精巧,  31. cope with对付,应对  32. burdensome adj.繁重的,烦累的,  33. result in导致  34. confer n.商讨,授予  35. version n.译文,译本,  36. as a result结果是  37. gizmos n.小发明 

22、60;38. universal adj.普遍的,通用的,宇宙的,  39. hum to v.嗡嗡叫,哼  40. assembly n.集合,装配,  41. automated adj.自动化的  42. terminal n.终端, adj.末期,每期的,  43. control v.控制  44. miniaturization n.小型化  45. submillimeter n.微米  46. supervision n

23、.监督,管理  47. at least至少  48. interact vi.互相作用,互相影响  49. despite prep.不管,尽管,不论  50. initial adj.最初的,词首的, n.词首大写字母  51. in attempting to企图  52. a fraction of n.小部分,片断,分数  53. irrelevant adj.不相关的  54. instantaneous adj.瞬间的,即

24、刻的,  55. suspicious adj.(of)可疑的,怀疑的  56. neuroscientist n.神经科学家  57. return vi.归还  58. jump vi.跳跃,上涨  59. scary adj.引起惊慌的  60. quadruple adj.四倍的,四重的, n.四倍  61. suspend vt.吊,悬挂v.延缓  62. consequence n.结果, 逻推理,因果关系, &#

25、160;63. severe adj.严厉的,剧烈的,严重的,  64. effect n.结果,影响, vt.招致,达到(目的等)  65. sensitive to adj.敏感的,灵敏的,感光的  66. conservation n.保存,保持,守恒  67. intensive adj.强烈的,  68. consumption n.消费,消费量,肺病  69. consultancy n. -cies顾问(工作)  70. estimate v

26、.估计,估价,评估  71. compared with相比  72. commodity n.日用品  73. supreme adj.极度的,极大的,最高的  74. implicaton n.暗示  75. constitutional adj.构成的,宪法的,  76. intend vt.想要,意指,  77. foresee vt.预见,预知  78. permissible adj.可允许的,  79.

27、 justify v.证明是正当的  80. morphine n.吗啡  81. principle n.法则,原则,原理  82. mediation n.仲裁,调停,调解  83. maintain vt.维持,供养,主张  84. prescribe v.指示,规定,处(方),  85. legitimate adj.合法的,合理的, v.合法  86. homicide n.谋杀  87. community n.团体,共同体

28、,共有,共同体,  88. acknowledge vt.承认,答谢,报偿  89. prolonged vt.延长,拖延  90. ineffectual adj.无效的,不成功的    翻译部分:  1. major adj.主修的,成年的,  2. behavior n.举止,行为  3. similar adj.相似的,类似的  4. discard vt.丢弃,抛弃  5. remain

29、 vi.保持,逗留,剩余,  6. obscure adj.暗的,模糊的,  7. interaction n.交互作用,交感  8. prescientific adj.科学以前的,  9. entrench v.以壕沟防护  10. illustrate vt.举例说明,图解,  11. responsibility n.责任,职责重点词组与词汇2) :  阅读理解部分:  1. spymaster n.间谍组织的首脑 &

30、#160;2. lay the root for打下基础  3. be fascinated with着迷  4. believe in相信  5. espionage n.间谍,侦探  6. reshape vt.改造,再成形,  7. vocation n.召唤,职业  8. electronic adj.电子的  9. decade n.十年,十  10. point-and-click点击  11. inte

31、lligence n.智力,聪明,智能  12. increasingly adv.日益,愈加  13. influential adj.有影响的,有势力的  14. compile vt.编译,编辑,汇编  15. by a large margin大幅度  16. advantage n.优势,有利条件,利益  17. mastery n.掌握  18. private adj.私人的,私有的,  19. corporation n

32、.律社团,法人,  20. prediction n.预言,预报  21. mutually adv.互相地,互助  22. distribution n.分配,  23. vacuum up清空  24. predict v.预知,预言,预报  25. sign-up登记  26. staff n.棒,全体职员, vt.供给人员,  27. back-and-forthing来来回回  28. dramatic a

33、dj.戏剧性的,生动的  29. declaration n.宣布,宣言,  30. take pride in骄傲  31. independent n.中立派, adj.独立自主的,  32. paraphrase n.短语,措词  33. triumph n.胜利,成功v.获得胜利  34. misguide vt.误导  35. seek to v.寻找,探索,  36. biomedical adj.生物(学和)医学的

34、0; 37. rull out排除  38. advocate n.提倡者, vt.提倡,  39. advance in n.前进, v.,预付adj.前面的  40. allegation n.主张,断言,辩解  41. cruelty to n.残忍,残酷  42. perplexed adj.困惑的,不知所措的  43. deliberately adv.故意地  44. staffing安置职工  45. fair

35、adj.美丽的, (头发)金黄的,公平的, (天气)晴朗的  46. distributing v.分配,分发,分布  47. encourage vt.鼓励,怂恿  48. immunization n.使免除,使免疫  49. vaccine adj.疫苗的, n.疫苗  50. epidemic adj.流行的, n.时疫,  51. compassionate adj.富于同情心的  52. molecular adj.化分子的,由分子组成的

36、60; 53. make clear弄清楚  54. connection between联系  55. hip n.,忧郁adj.熟悉内情的  56. at best adj.最好的adv.最好地  57. at worst adj.最坏的,最差的  58. editor n.编辑,编辑器,编者  59. lest conj.唯恐,以免,  60. misinformation n.误报,误传  61. institutio

37、n n.公共机构,协会,  62. ultimate adj.最后的,最终的,  63. citizenry n.公民成市民(集合称)  64. ember n.灰烬,余烬  65. combine with v.与结合  66. merge into v.合并,并入,  67. heightened v.提高,升高  68. monopoly n.垄断,垄断者,  69. account for v.说明,占,得分 

38、0;70. freight n.货物,运费, vt.装货,  71. allow for v.虑及,体谅  72. substantial adj.坚固的,实质的,  73. coordinated n.同等者, adj.同等的, vt.调整,  74. fierce competition from激烈的竞争  75. commodity n.日用品  76. have them by throat控制  77. consolidation n.巩固,合

39、并  78. captive n.俘虏, adj.被俘的,  79. compete for为 竞争  80. appeal to v.呼吁,上诉,有吸引力  81. federal adj.联邦的,同盟的  82. extreme adj.尽头的,最后的n.极端,  83. discrimination against n.辨别,歧视  84. on the grounds在 基础上  85. in the long run从长远看&

40、#160; 86. have the option of有 的选择权  87. subscribe v.捐款,签署(文件),  88. in practice实际上  89. position n.位置,阵地vt.安置,  90. flourish vi.繁荣,    翻译部分:  1. in all times一直  2. think about思考  3. wonder at怀疑  

41、4. possess of占有  5. subject to v.使服从,使遭受  6. diversity n.差异,多样性  7. result from起源于  8. seek to寻求  9. endeavor in致力于  10. dispassion n.冷静,公平  11.specialization n.特殊化,专门化,  12. anthropology n.人类学  13. orient n.东方

42、, vt.使适应,确定方向  14. comparative adj.比较的,相当的  15. unique adj.唯一的,独特的  16. moral adj.道德(上)的,  17. insight n.洞察力,见识  18.entirely adv.完全地,全然地,  19. perceive vt.察觉  20. abstract n.摘要, adj.抽象的,  21. immense adj.极广大的,重点词组与词汇3) :

43、  1. hunt for v.搜寻  2. stumble v.绊倒,使困惑,蹒跚,结结巴巴地说话,踌躇n.绊倒,错误  3. attract vt.吸引vi.有吸引力,引起注意  4. intellectual property知识产权  5. counsel n.讨论,商议,辩护律师vt.劝告,忠告  6. inefficient adj.效率低的,效率差的, (指人)不能胜任的,无能的  7. drawback n.缺点,障碍,退还的关税,退税(指

44、进口货物再出口时退还其进口时的关税)  8. eliminate vt.排除,消除v.除去  9. concept n.观念,概念  10. implicit adj.暗示的,盲从的,含蓄的,固有的,不怀疑的,绝对的  11. strategy n.策略,军略  12. design n.设计,图案,花样,企图,图谋, (小说等的)构思,纲要  v.设计,计划,谋划,构思  13. tempt vt.诱惑,引诱,吸引,使感兴趣,考验,试探 

45、60;14. sign up登记,签约  15. potential adj.潜在的,可能的,势的,位的n.潜能,潜力,电压  16. traffic n.交通,通行,运输,贸易,交通量,交易,交往,通信量  vi.交易,买卖vt.在通行,用作交换  17. marketing n.行销,买卖  18. worthwhile adj.值得做的,值得出力的  19. keep a close watch on密切注视,密切关注  20. demand for

46、需求  21. compensation to补偿,赔偿  22. negotiate谈判,商量  23. maintain vt.维持,维修,继续,供养,主张  24. mean n.用意  25. look out v.面朝,留神,照料  26. discrimination n.辨别,区别,识别力,辨别力,歧视  27. condemn vt.判刑,处刑,声讨,谴责  28. illegal adj.违法的,不合规定的 

47、 29. continue to继续  30. unaware of没有意识到  31. have a big advantage over对有较大优势  32. spread n.伸展,展开,传播,蔓延,酒席,宴会,桌布  v.伸展,展开,铺,涂,敷,摆,传播,散布  33. suspiciously adv.猜疑着,怀疑着  34. start with以开始  35. respectively adv.分别地,各个地  

48、36. predecessor n.前辈,前任, (被取代的)原有事物  37. coincidence n.一致,相合,同时发生或同时存在(尤指偶然)的事  38. dream up v.空想出, <俗>构思,创造,设计(发明物等)  39. junior n.年少者,晚辈,下级, (年龄、职位等)较低者,大学三年级学生  adj.年少的,下级的,后进的  40. improving改进,改善(质量) ,精炼  41. insensitive adj.对没有感觉

49、的,感觉迟钝的  42. qualification n.资格,条件,限制,限定,赋予资格  43. confidence n.有信心  44. publicly adv.公然地,舆论上  45. graduation n.毕业,毕业典礼,刻度,分等级  46. ceremony n.典礼,仪式,礼节,报幕员  47. literally adv.照字面意义,逐字地  48. draw up v.草拟,停住,逼近,追上,整队  49.

50、recipient adj.容易接受的,感受性强的n.容纳者,容器  50. plough through费劲地阅读,吃力地钻研,艰难地通过  51. come to v.达到,继承,复苏,停止,想起,共计  52. client n.计顾客,客户,委托人  53. blame n.过失,责备vt.责备,谴责  54. concern about (利害)关系,关心,关注,关注,所关心的是  55. shop at购物  56. admission n.允

51、许进入,承认某事之陈述,供认  57. lag n.落后,囚犯,迟延,桶板,防护套adj.最后的  vi.缓缓而行,滞后vt.落后于,押往监狱,加上外套  58. approach n.接近,逼近,走进,方法,步骤,途径,通路  vt.接近,动手处理vi.靠近  59. crucial adj.至关紧要的  60. panicn.惊慌,恐慌,没有理由的  61. prospect n.景色,前景,前途,期望vi.寻找,勘探  62. m

52、odest adj.谦虚的,谦让的,适度的  63. in despair绝望  64. despite prep.不管,尽管,不论  65. fortune n.财富,运气,大量财产,好运,命运vt.<古>偶然发生  vt.给以大宗财富  66. predominately adv.占主要优势地  67. overbidvt.出价高与(别人), (桥牌上)叫牌超过(别人) vi.过高出价  n.过高的出价,过高的叫牌  6

53、8. folk n.人们,亲属(复数),民族adj.民间的  69. comfortableadj.舒适的  70. lining n.加衬里,内层,衬套  71. bubble n.泡沫,幻想的计划vi.起泡,潺潺的流  72. be influenced by被影响  73. ingredient n.成分,因素  74. sustain vt.支撑,撑住,维持,持续  75. be worth doing值得做  76. plac

54、e a very high value on特别重视  77. entertainern.款待者,表演娱乐节目的人,演艺人员  78. for the sake of为了  79. symptom n.医植症状,征兆  80. intellectualadj.智力的,有智力的,显示智力的n.知识分子  81. counterbalancevt.使平均,使平衡,弥补n.平衡量,平衡力,势均力敌  82. anything but adv.决不  83. di

55、staste n.讨厌,嫌恶  84. pursuit n.追击,追求  85. participate in v.参加,参与,分享  86. democracy n.民主政治,民主主义  87. resent v.愤恨,怨恨  88. privilegen.特权,特别待遇,基本公民权力,特免  vt.给与特权,特免  89. innate adj.先天的,天生的  90. reluctantlyadv.不情愿地,嫌恶地 &#

56、160;  翻译部分:  1. assume vt.假定,设想,采取,呈现  2. have some connection with与有关  3. take root in生根,扎根  4. diverse adj.不同的,变化多的  5. vanish vi.消失,突然不见, 数成为零n.语弱化音  6. assimilate v.吸收  7. native n.本地人,土产,土人  adj.本国的,出生地的,本

57、地的,与生俱来的,天赋的,土产的,土著的  8. grateful adj.感激的,感谢的  9. strikingly adv.醒目地,引人侧目地  10. fabricate vt.制作,构成,捏造,伪造,虚构  11. habitual adj.习惯的,惯常的  12. formulate vt.用公式表示,明确地表达,作简洁陈述v.阐明  13. imprison vt.监禁,关押v.监禁  14. consequence n.结果, 逻推理,推论,因果关系,重要的地位  15. hypothesis n.假设  16. inappropriate adj.不适当的,不相称的  17. emphasize vt.强调,着重v.强调  18. diversityn.差异,多样性  19. explicitly adj.外在的,清楚的,直率的, (租金等)直接付款的  20. linguistic determinism语言决定理论专心-专注-专业


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