Unit4 导学案(二) 人教版高中英语必修三 .docx

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1、新人教英语必修三 unit4导学案(二)课前巩固单项填空1We are encouraged _ good use of our time.Amake Bto make Cmaking Dmade答案B解析考查固定搭配encourage sb.to do.的被动式:sb.be encouraged to do.。2It is said that this old building has _ for more than three hundred years.Aexisted BappearedCbeen built Dcome into being答案A解析exist“存在”,是延续性动词,

2、其他三项中的动词都为非延续性动词,不与一段时间连用,故只有A项正确。3If our parents do everything for us children,we wont learn to depend on _.Athemselves BthemCus Dourselves答案D解析depend on oneself自力更生。主语为we,因此应为ourselves。4There was a _ look _ her face.Apuzzled;on Bpuzzled;atCpuzzled;with Dpuzzle;in答案A解析句意为:她脸上表现出困惑的表情。puzzled感到困惑的;o

3、n ones face在某人脸上。5The government plans to bring in new laws _ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.Aforced BforcingCto be forced Dhaving forced答案B解析force所表示的动作和其逻辑上的主语new laws之间是主动关系,故可排除A、C两项;又因为force表示的动作和谓语动词plans是同时发生的,所以用现在分词形式。6The meeting was held in a livel

4、y_and everybody felt free to share his ideas.Aatmosphere BweatherCsituation Dphenomenon答案A解析考查名词词义辨析。atmosphere气氛,氛围;weather 天气;situation情形,状况;phenomenon现象。由句意知A项正确。7The manager had fallen asleep where he_,without undressing.Awas laying Bwas lyingChad laid Dhad lied答案B解析考查时态。lay放置,搁,产卵,其过去式、过去分词、现在分

5、词为laid,laid,laying;lie 躺,其过去式、过去分词、现在分词分别为lay,lain,lying;lie说谎,其过去式、过去分词、现在分词为lied,lied,lying。句意为:经理没脱衣服就在他躺着的地方睡着了。必背短语1、a widely accepted theory 一个普遍被接受的理论2、begin/ start with以.开始3、all directions朝四面八方4、in the direction of 朝.方向5、a cloud of dust 一团尘埃6、in time for sth/ to do sth 来得及/及时做某事7、a solid glo

6、be 一个固体的球状物8、what is even more important is= more importantly 更重要的是9、the continued presence of water 长期有水存在10、a chain of reaction 一系列的反应11、make it possible for sb to do sth 使做某事成为可能12、on the surface of the water 在水的表面13、fill the oceans and seas with oxygen使海洋充满了氧气14、fill sth with sth :(使) .充满15、be f

7、illed with 充满.16、be full of 充满.17、some.others.一些.另一些18、live on land as well as in the water既能生活在陆地上,也能在水里19、as well as 也;还;而且20、appear for the first time 第一次出现21、for the first time 第一次22、by laying eggs通过孵卵 23、be different from 与.不同24、in the past 在过去25、give birth to young baby animals 产幼崽26、in their

8、turns 轮到他们27、prevent .from 阻止某人做某事28、escape from 逃脱;逃离29、as a result of sth 结果30、too hot to live on太热而不能再上面生存31、millions of years to come未来的数万年32、depend on 取决于重点短语详解1 in time及时;终于(eventually);迟早(sooner or later,early or lateEven if one makes a mistake,correcting mistakes in time is a good thing.即使犯了

9、错,及时改正也是一件好事。夯实基础用time的相关短语填空(1)At no time did I feel they were being unreasonable.(2)I want to be home in time for tea.(3)Youd better do one thing at a time,so that you can concentrate on it.(4)At one time,that kind of thing would have made me really angry.2、 in ones turn轮到某人;接着(the time when sb. i

10、s allowed to doby turns交替进行in turn依次,轮流,逐个;转而,相应地out of turn不按次序;不合时宜take turns to do.轮流做It is ones turn to do.轮到某人做I bought the last CD in my turn.轮到我的时候,我买走了最后一张CD。We take turns to do cleaning.我们轮流打扫卫生。夯实基础(1)用turn的相关短语填空Let us consider each of these points in turn.The baby was so funny that he la

11、ughed and cried by turns.(2)翻译句子我们排队买票。We waited in turn to buy our tickets.3、 prevent.from.阻止;抑制prevent sb.(from) doing.阻止某人做stop sb.(from) doing.keep sb.from doing.keep sb.doing.使某人一直做protect sb.from.保护某人不受的侵袭Further treatment will prevent cancer from developing.进一步的治疗将阻止癌症恶化。We recognized the pos

12、sibility and took steps to prevent it happening.我们认识到了这种可能性,并且采取了一些预防措施。特别提醒上述短语中的from在被动语态中都不可省略。夯实基础用所给词的适当形式填空(1)Nothing would prevent him from speaking (speak) out against injustice.(2)The laws protect everyone here from being attacked(attack)4、break out(战争、火灾、疾病、争吵等)突然发生;爆发We watched,amazed as

13、fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earth's gravity increased.我们惊奇地看着,随着地球的引力增加,宇宙飞船的外层燃烧起火。break down出故障;失败;垮掉;垮下来;分解break in 破门而入;打断(谈话等)break into 强行闯入;突然起来break up 解散;打碎;驱散The Second World War broke out in September,1939.第二次世界大战于1939年9月爆发。The thief broke into my house and s

14、tole my money.小偷破门而入我家,偷了我的钱。The computer system broke down suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.他正在网上搜信息时电脑系统突然出故障了。5、watch out for密切注意;当心;提防,留意Watch out for the haze;it may do great harm to us.当心这种雾霾天气,它可能对我们造成很大的损害。(1)watch out 当心;小心watch over 照看;看守(2)look outtake careb

15、e careful 注意,当心I think you should watch out for that mandon't be cheated by him.我认为你应该当心那个人,别被他骗了。It was my duty to watch over the children.照看那些孩子是我的职责。课后小练.单句语法填空1The motorcycle ran so fast that it crashed (crash)into the stone.2“You miss them,don't you?”he asked gently (gentle)3As we all k

16、now,Qian Xuesen is a famous physicist(physical) in the world.4After a long journey,the children were all exhausted(exhaust)5The young woman was interested in biology (biologist) when she was in the university.6The train pulled (pull) into the station and the passengers got off one by one.7A great du

17、st cloud formed in the sky blocking out the sunlight.8All the visitors were told to watch out for the dangerous animals while visiting the zoo.9The fans cheered up when they saw their favorite star.10How the big forest fire has broken out remains to be a mystery.完成句子1这本词典不如你想象的那样有用。This dictionary i

18、s not as/so useful as you think.2当习主席出现时,所有的学生都高兴起来。When Chairman Xi turned up,all the students cheered up3既然你已是个大学生了,就应当学着独立。Now that you are a college student,you should learn to be independent.4她买了一幅厚窗帘来挡住光线。She bought a heavy curtain to block out the light.5我们的新图书馆是旧图书馆的四倍大。Our new library is fo

19、ur times larger than the old one.教材课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式Last month,Li Yanping and I made a trip to the moon 1.in a spaceship. Li told me that the gravity force would change three times. First,2.when we escaped the pull of the earth's gravity,we were 3.pushed (push) back into our seats. Clo

20、ser to the moon,there was 4.less (little) gravity. I 5.cheered (cheer) up immediately and floated 6.weightlessly (weight) around in our spaceship cabin. On the moon,my weight was less than on the earth. Walking 7.did (do) need a bit of practice now that gravity had changed. After a while I got the h

21、ang 8.of it and we began to enjoy 9.ourselves (our)But returning to the earth was very 10.frightening (frighten)We watched,amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship.4 cheer up感到高兴;感到振奋cheer sb.up使某人高兴cheer.on为加油cheerful adj.高兴的;快乐的Cheers!干杯!Cheer up!Youre bound to succeed.打起精神来!你一定会成功的。I wrote that song just to cheer myself up.我写那首歌是给我自己打气的。夯实基础用cheer短语的适当形式填空(1)I think he misses her terribly.You might cheer him up.(2)Most people would like to cheer_on their favorite players.8


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