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《高中英语《倒装句》复习教案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语《倒装句》复习教案.pdf(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高中英语倒装句复习教案I.Pre-learning试体会下列两种句子说表达的情感的不同点。NO.1The teacher came in.老师进来了。In came the teacher.进来了个老师。(语气具有不确定性,不知道进来的是哪个老师。NO.2Carl said:I love my motherland more than myself!Carl 说:“我爱我的祖国胜过爱我自己!”I love my motherland more than myself!said Carl.“我爱我的祖国胜过爱我自己!”Carl 说道。(小说里面经常这样用!由于语法、修辞或者情感表达的需要,而将谓

2、语或者谓语的一部分提到主语前面,从而构成倒装II.完全倒装-谓语部分全部出现在主语前 V+S+OA.状语置于句首引起完全倒装B.分词置于句首引起完全倒装C.there be 句型的完全倒装1.状语置于句首Structure:Adv+V+SIn the middle of Tiananmen Square stands the monument to the peoples heroes.人民英雄纪念碑矗立在天安门广场正中央。By the side of him sits a faithful dog.小练习:1._and caught the mouse.A.Up the cat jumped

3、-1-B.The cat up jumpedC.Up jumped the catD.Jumped up the cat2.那男孩从自行车上摔下来了!the boy from his bike.3.John opened the door,there he had never seen before.A.a girl did standB.a girl stoodC.stood a girl如果主语是代词(pronj,主语和谓语的语序就不需要变换,只需提前状语。Here they come!他们来了!Here comes the bus!公交车来了!小练习:1.look,_.A.there g

4、oes heB.he there goesC.there he goesD.he goes there2.Clark 去那里!Watch Out!以 here,there,now,then,in,out,up,down,off,away等副词开头的句子,可将谓语动词放在主语之前,引起倒装Now comes your turn.该你了。Then followed three days of heavy rain.接下来三天都在下大雨。Out rushed the students from the classroom.学生们从教室里蜂拥出去。Away went the boss.老板走了。想一想

5、:-2-“他从自行车上摔下来了”这句话该怎么翻译?He fell off from his bike.若换成倒装句呢?还是这样么?Off he fell from his bike.(如果主语是代词(pronj,主语和谓语的语序就不需要变换,只需提前状语Exercise:1.Out there,in the midst of the snow,in long,black clothes.A.a woman satB.sat a womanC.sitting a woman wasD.a woman was sitting2.At the meeting place of the Y angtz

6、e River and the Jialing River,one of the ten largest city in China.A.lies ChongqingB.Chongqing liesC.does lie ChongqingD.does Chongqing lie3.茂密的森林中有很多湖,一些湖大得可以容纳几个英国城镇。In the dark forests lie many lakes,some large enough to hold several English towns.(在描述情景时,为了使情景更生动形象,有时把状语部分放在句首表示强调,同时句子用倒装2.分词置于句

7、首为了强调,在进行时态中,有时候可将现在分词置于句首,在被动语态中,可将过去分词置于句首,从而构成完全倒装。Standing among the students was the well-known singer.Enclosed in the letter is a picture of mine taken in Beijing.3.There be 句型中的完全倒装There is little water in the glass.玻璃杯里面没有水了。-3-There happened to be a taxi parked at the gate.碰巧门口停着一辆的士。There

8、used to be a lot of trees on the hill.山上过去有很多树。注意:作地点状语的介词短语位于句首,there 省略On the top of the hill stood an old temple.There is an old temple stood on the top of the hill.In front of my haouse is a beautiful garden.There is a beautifu garden in front of my house.完全倒装综合练习1.Where is Kate?Look,she is at t

9、he school gate.A.there she isB.there is sheC.here you areD.here she is2.a letter for you.A.here isB.is hereC.here did beD.here being3.from the hill.A.Down ran the studentsB.Ran down the studentsC.Down runs the studentsD.The students runs down4.后来连着下了三天大雨。Then followed three days of heavy rains.III.部

10、分倒装-部分谓语出现在主语前面,句子其它部分不变1.这些句子都是什么意思呢?Little did he know about her.-4-Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.Never had a person escaped from the Skull Island which existed in the mist lively.2.表示祝愿的祈使句Structure:May+S+V+OMay you succeed!祝你成功Long live the Peoples Republic of China!中华人民共和国万岁!May y

11、ou return safe and sound!祝你平安归来!3.直接引语的部分倒装(主语是代词时,往往不进行倒装结构Structure:Sentence+V+S“Plato is dear to me,but dearer s till is truth!said Aristotle.Oh,yes,this is my book.said Tom.Lets go!suggested Mary.Whom are you looking forshe suggested.4.否定意义的词汇置于句首部分倒装Never before have I met him.我以前从未见过他。Seldom d

12、o I read such magazines.我几乎没有读过这份杂志。Not until my mom returned home did it I go to bed last night.昨晚直到我妈回家,我才睡觉。Little does he know what may happen.Watch Out!以 never,hardly,scarcely,rarely,barely,seldom,not only,not until,nor,little,nowhere,hardly.when,no sooner.than,by no means,under no circumstance

13、s 等否定或半否定词(组开头的句子,可引起倒装For example1.Not only should we not be afraid of difficulties,but(also we should try our best to overcome them.-5-我们不但应该不怕困难,而且要尽自己最大努力去克服它们。2.By no means will this metod produce satisfactory results.这种方法绝不会产生令人满意的效果。3.No sooner had he left home than it began to rain.他刚离开家,天就开

14、始下雨了。4.哪里也找不到那只狗狗。Nowhere were the dog to be found.5.Rarely true friendship there.A.a person will findB.wont a person findC.a person findsD.does a person find5.So,neither,nor,as置于句首以 so 开头,表示“也一样“”也这样”的句子要倒装。1.He is a student,and so am I.他是个学生,我也是。2.Society has changed and so have the people in it.社

15、会变了,社会上的人也变了。3.Im very interested in French.So am I.我对法语很感兴趣。我也是。Structure:So+be/do/have/can 或者其它情态动词+S翻译练习1.他现在能游泳了,我也能。He can swim now,so can I.2.大英帝国博物馆里陈列了许多东方文物,中国国家博物馆里也陈列了许多西洋古物。There are many old estern cultural realitics exhibitated in the Great Britain Museum,sodoes Chinese National Museum

16、3.他工作很努力。是的,他的确如此。-He works very hard.-So he does.So 的用法表“也一样”时,要倒装;表只对前句内容表示同意或肯定时,不倒装He promised to give me a book and so he did.Tomorrow will be Monday.So it will.-6-He promised to give me a book and so he did.It was hot yesterday.So it was.So.that 的用法1.So rapidly did he speak that we could hardl

17、y understand him clearly.He spoke so rapidly that we could hardly understand him clearly.2.So easy is it that a boy can learn it.It is so easy that a boy can learn it.(so.that 置于句首,通常也用倒装结构neither 与 nor 的倒装用法1.I wont do such a thing.Nor/Neither will anyone else.我不会做这样的事,别人也不会。2.I wont go back tomorr

18、ow.Neither will she.我明天不会回去,她也不会。(Structure:Neither/Nor+be/do/have/情态动词+SSo,neither,nor 练习1.Tom doesnt like wine.does Anna.A.SoB.NeitherC.EitherD.Also2.If you wont agree to our plan,.A.neither they will.B.neither wont theyC.they wont neither.D.neither will they.*3.Alice cant cook;.A.my sister cant,e

19、itherB.either can my sisterC.nor my sister canD.neither can my sister-7-4.Betty was generous.A.So did EllenB.So was EllenC.So Ellen wasD.Neither was EllenNeither.nor的倒装用法1.以 neither.nor连接并列分句时,此时前后分句都要使用倒装。Neither is she foolish,nor is she lazy.她既不傻,也不疯。Neither is the boy like his father,nor is he l

20、ike his mother.这个男孩既不像他的父亲,也不像他的母亲。2.以 neither.nor连接并列主语时,不使用倒装。Neither she nor I are satisfied with his answer.她和我对他的回答都不满意。6.as 置于句首For example1.Ill as he is,he keeps on working every day.虽然他生病了,但每天坚持工作。=Although he is ill,he keeps on working.2.Cold as it was,my parents went out to work.虽然天很冷,但我的父

21、母还是出去工作了。=Although it was cold(outside,my parents went out to work.3.Child as she is,she can take good care of her younger sister.=Although she is a child,she can take good care of.(当连词 as 表“虽然,尽管”引导让步状语从句时,句子要倒装7.only 置于句首在以 only+状语开头的句子中,主谓要倒装For example1.Only in this way can you learn English wel

22、l.-8-只有这样你才能学好英语。2.Only then did I realize that it was too late.到那时候我才意识到一切都太晚了。3.Only when the war was over was he able to return home.只能战争结束了,他才能回家。注意:only+n/pron 时,only 只做定语,故不倒装。1.Only you are fit for this job.只有你才适合做这份工作。2.Only one passengers survied in the air crash.只有一名乘客在那次事故中幸存。倒装句练习题1.Not

23、until I began to work_how much time I had wasted.A.didnt I realizeB.did I realizeC.I didnt realizeD.I realized2.Only by practising a few hours every day_be able to master the language.A.you canB.can youC.you willD.will you3.If you dont go,neither_.A.shall IB.do IC.I doD.I shall4.No sooner_to the sta

24、tion_the train left.-9-A.had I got,whenB.I had got,thanC.had I got,thanD.did I get,when5.Your fatherisvery strict with you._.He never letsoffa singlemistakeof ours.A.So he isB.So isheC.He issoD.So does he6._today,he would get thereby Sunday.A.Would he leaveB.Was he leavingC.Were he to leaveD.Ifhe le

25、ave7.Neverin my life_such a thing.A.I have heard or have seenB.have I heard or seenC.I have heard or seenD.did I hear or see8.Here_!Where isXiao Liu?There_.A.comes the bus,isheB.comes the bus,heisC.thebus comes,isheD.thebus comes,he is9._,Iwillnot buy it.-10-A.Much as do I like itB.As much I like it

26、C.Much as I like itD.As I like it much10.I like football.I dont like volleyball._.A.So do IB.Neither do IC.So it is with meD.So is it with me11._the expense,I_to Italy.A.If it were not,goB.Were it not for,would goC.Werent it for,will goD.If it hadnt been,would have gone12.So_in the darkness that he

27、didnt dare to move an inch.A.he was frightenedB.was he frightenedC.frightened he wasD.frightened was he13.In modem times,girls like beautiful clothes.Yes,_and.After all,our life has greatly improved.A.so do they,so do youB.so they do,so you doC.so do they,so you doD.so they do,so do you14.You have a

28、n English class every day except Sunday.-11-_.A.So we haveB.So we doC.So have weD.So do we15.I wonder if your wife will go to the ball.If your wife_,so_mine.A.does,willB.will,doesC.will,wouldD.does,do16.Only after I read the text over again_its main idea.A.that I knewB.did I knewC.1 could knowD.I di

29、d know17.You seem to have learned all the English words by heart._.A.So l doB.So do lC.So I haveD.So have I18.I seldom watch TV,but listen to the radio a lot._.A.So do IB.Neither do IC.I m the sameD.So it is with me-12-19.So excited_that he couldnt say a word.A.he seemedB.did he seemC.was he seeming

30、D.he did look20.Jimmy was so nervous not a single word_down in the dictation.A.he wroteB.he was writtenC.did he writeD.was he written21.Little_when 1 took the trip where it would lead me.A.have I knownB.had I knownC.do 1 knowD.did I know22.Have you ever seen anything like that before?-_.A.No,I never

31、 have seen anything like that beforeB.No,never I have seen anything like that beforeC.No,never have 1 seen anything like that beforeD.No,I have seen anything like that before never23._,1 would accept the invitation and go to the party.A.Were I youB.Was I youC.Had I been youD.Would 1 be you24.You sho

32、uld work less_.-13-A.and neither should IB.and so should IC.and nor should ID.and so I should25._and caught the mouse.A.Up the cat jumpedB.The cat up jumpedC.Up jumped the catD.Jumped up the cat26.Not only_a promise,but also he kept it.A.did he makeB.he madeC.does he makeD.has he made27.His uncle is

33、 a worker and has been working in the factory for more than ten years._.A.So is his auntB.So has his auntC.So his aunt doesD.So it is with his aunt28.Not once_their plan.A.did they changeB.they changedC.changed theyD.they did change29.Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?I dont know,and_.-14-A

34、.nor dont I careB.nor do I careC.I dont care neitherD.I dont care also30.Not until he arrived home_he find that this wallet had been stolen.A.didB.wouldC.whenD.that31.This is one of the oldest trees in the world._such a big tree.A.Never I have seenB.I havent never seenC.Never have I seenD.I have see

35、n never32.Nowhere else in the world_cheaper tailoring(裁缝业,成衣业 than in Hong Kong.A.a tourist can findB.can a tourist findC.a tourist will findD.a tourist has found33._succeed in doing anything.A.Only by working hard we canB.By only working hard we canC.Only we can by working hardD.Only by working har

36、d can we34._that we all went out,lying in the sun.A.So fine was the weather-15-B.So was the fine weatherC.The weather was so fine wasD.So the weather was tine35._a nice man_that we all believe him.A.So,did he seemB.So,he seemedC.Such,he seemedD.Such,did he seem36.You seem to be an actor._.I have pla

37、yed many parts in a lot of films.A.So do IB.So am IC.So I doD.So I am37.Not only_working hard,but also_very polite.A.the boy is,he isB.is the boy,he isC.the boy is,is heD.is the boy,is he38._,he never seems able to do the work beautifully.A.Try as he doesB.As he triesC.Try as does heD.As try he does

38、39.I cannot see the picture well from here.-_.A.Neither can t I-16-B.Neither I canC.I cant neitherD.Neither can I40.You ought to have given them some advice-_,but who cared what I asked?A.So ought youB.So 1 oughtC.So it wasD.So I did41.So carelessly_that he almost killed himself.A.he drivesB.does he

39、 driveC.did he driveD.he drove42.Little_about his own health though he was very ill.A.he caredB.did he careC.he caresD.does he care43.Well_know him and well_know me.A.I did,he didB.did I,he didC.did I,did heD.I did,did he44.No sooner_they rushed out into the street.A.did they hear the news thanB.did

40、 they hear the news when-17-C.had they heard the news thanD.had they heard the news when45.Little wonder_up their hands in dismay.A.have some thrownB.some have thrownC.thrown some haveD.have thrown some46._,he would have passed the exam.A.If he were to studyB.If he studied hardC.Had he studied hardD

41、.Should he study hard47.We were lucky enough,for no sooner_home_it rained.A.we returned,andB.we had returned,whenC.did we return,whenD.had we returned,than48.So little_agree on the plan that they could not settle their difference.A.did theyB.do theyC.they didD.they did not49._he realized it was too late to return home.A.No sooner it grew dark thanB.Hardly did it grow dark whenC.It was not until dark thatD.It was until dark that-18-倒装语序参考答案15 BDACA 610 CBBCC 1115 BDDBA 1620 BADBC 2125 DCABC 2630 ADABA 3135 CBDAD 3640 DBADD 4145 CBCCB 4649 CDAC-19-


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