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1、北师大版五年级英语下册全册教案北师大版五年级英语下册全册教案课题教学目标(重点难点)Unit 7Today is Monday一、知识目标与能力目标学生能够认读、听辨、默写 Words to learn 中的个单词;能够认读、听辨单词表中相关词汇;学生能够听辨、认读并使用功能句型能够认读、听辨字母组合的发音;能够整体感知 text,能力水平较高的学生能够表演;能够独立完成阅读;能感知 story time,能力水平较高的学生能够表演能够说唱歌谣,并理解其含义。二、情感、策略、文化等有关目标培养学生的合作精神和创新意识,引导学生通过以旧带新的方式自主学习,同时也要注重合作学习。教学过程中所需的图

2、片、录音、课件、动画素材,以及上课时的单词卡片。教师准备相关媒体的播放设备,如录音机、电视、电脑等。课型新授时数9课前准备严格“六规范”,提高课堂质量。随着学习内容的扩展,教师需要通过认真备课,科研课认真设计,有意识、有计划地培养学生的合作精神和创新意识,引导学生通过以旧题落实带新的方式自主学习,同时也要注重合作学习。板书设计课后小结作业设计Unit 7Today is Monday第一课时中,学生整体把握课文较好,但是对于星期几的详细认识较为薄弱。1.Read the text 5 times.2.Copy the new words.3.Preview next lesson.选做:小组表

3、演课文或者背诵课文教学过程教学过程第(第(1 1)课时)课时TextText基础设计集备后修改、补充Step 1 Warm up教学中需要注意的知识点:Lets sing:The days of week1.can(Book 4 Unit 11)Can you play today?Step 2 Set the SceneI cant remember all the days!Free talk:2.Isnt today a holiday?Step 3 Talk about the story3.Key structure:(Present tense)第一遍阅读:What do you

4、do On Tuesday?1.Who are they in the story?Do you go to school every day?2.What day is it today?We dont go to school on Saturday and3.Where are Ann and Ken going?Sunday.第二遍阅读:4.“There be”P1:Can you play today?There are only seven days in a week.P2:Isnt today a holiday?5.mands:P3:What do you do On Tue

5、sday?e back tomorrow,Mocky.P4:Do you go to school every day?(Attention to the new wor d“tomorrow”,P5:There are only seven days in a week.which will appear in Unit 11)P6:e back tomorrow,Mocky.6.statements:P7:Saturday is a holiday.Saturday is a holiday.P8:Preposition“on”is used before7.Preposition“on”

6、is used before“days“days of the week”of the week”第三遍阅读:用 Yes,No 判断句子对错:第四遍阅读:watch the video or listen to the tape.第五遍:Imitate the voice of the text.Step 4、Post readingTeamwork:Try to act.Step 5 Homework1.Recite the story.2.Tell the story to your family教学过程教学过程第(第(2 2)课时)课时Words to learn,Uncle Booky

7、s Blackboard教学过程集备后修改、补充Step 1 Warm up1.Sing the song:2.Free talk:Step 2.words to learn1.listen and point2.listen and repeat3.English-Chinese translate4.words gameStep 3 Uncle Bookys blackboard1.Read the sentences after the teacher.2.Have the Ss translate into Chinese and thensay a new sentence(each

8、 sentence)3.Have the Ss spell the word.4.Have the Ss recite the sentences in twominutes.5.Dictate these two sentences and have twoSs e to the blackboard and write.6.Check the answers.Step 4.Summary作业设置作业设置:1.Copy and recite the new words 4-12.Copythekeysentencestwicewithtranslation twice3.Preview th

9、e text of unit 14.Take a photo of your family to school nextclass教学中需要注意的知识点:Students are required to masternot only the words but also theverbal phrases.Specially focus on“playwith”,“holiday”and“visit”.Uncle Bookys BlackboardKey structure:What do you/they do on?I/We/They go to.What does he/she do o

10、n?He/She goes to.教学过程教学过程第(第(3 3)课时)课时Listen to this,Lets sing!(Play the gam e),Talk together,Listen and Match基础设计集备后修改、补充Step1 Warm upReview the words:教学中需要注意的知识点:Step 2 listen to thisListen to this1.Listen and repeat.Structure:Sb.does sth.2.Listen and judgee.g.:(pic 1)Ken goes to the3.Check the an

11、swers.supermarket on Friday.Step 3 Play the game:Lets sing!Play the game in teams.Theme:Days of the weekStep4 Sing a songTell the students“Sunday is1.Listen to the song.the first day of the week.”as2.Listen and clap hands.the western custom.3.Listen and repeat.Focusontwowords:start4.Try to sing alon

12、g.(appear in Unit 10),again(BookStep 5 talk together:5 Unit 1)Practice in pairs.Talk togetherStep5 Listen and match:Structure:What day is it today?1.Tell all the animal names before listening.Its.2.Listen and repeat.Listen and Match3.Listen and match.Structure:WhatdoesAnndo4.Check the answers.on?Ste

13、p 3 ConsolidationShe goes to the.Review the new words.Step4 Homework1.Copy the new words 4 English 1 Chinese.Preview next lesson.教学过程教学过程第(第(4 4)课时)课时Reading prehension基础设计Step1 Warm upReview the words:Play a game.Step2、Reading prehension1)Ask the Ss what they know about it.2)Elicit the details from

14、 the text.3)Look at the pictures and try to describe.4)Read the text slowly.The students just listen.5)Explain each sentences of the text and asksimple questions to check their understanding.Answer simple questions about the text.6)Let the Ss read by self.7)Find the right picture and text.8)Answer t

15、he questions.9)Check the answers.Step 3 ConsolidationReview the text.Step 4 Homework1.Color the pictures on P18.2.Tell their parents about the story.集备后修改、补充教学中需要注意的知识点:Reading prehension:Mikes week1.Mike is a Canadian boy.“Canadian”isawordfornationality.Another word we learnedfor nationality is“Chi

16、nese”(Book 5Unit 5),which was used as a word forsubject.Words for Nation learned:(Book 3 Unit 3 text)Britain,China,Canada,America(Book3Unit5Self-assessment)Australia,Japan,(Name for city)H.K.(Book 7 Unit 6 Reading prehension)England2.“From Monday to Friday,he goes toschool.”Focus on the meaning of“f

17、rom”.3.“Afterschool,hedoesmanythings.”Understand“after school”4.Preposition“on”is used before“days of the week”5.“every Tuesday evening”Understand this expression.Focus onthe usage of the word“every”.6.Focus on all the verbal phrasesappeared in this passage.Understandtheir meanings.And the third per

18、sonsingularformisinvolved.Helpstudents understand the ending“s”.7.Exercise 1 on textbook:Match theday to the activity.Have the students retell the storywith the pictures after matching.Study the new w ord“July”on eachpicture.8.Exercise 1 on textbookplete answers are demanded.教学过程教学过程第(第(5 5)课时)课时Tou

19、ch,Ask and Answer,Writing Exercises,Lets chant!基础设计集备后修改、补充Step 1 Warm-up教学中需要注意的知识点:1.Act the text.Touch,Ask and Answer2.Play a guessing game.Structure:Step2 Presentation1.What does he do on Sunday?1.Touch,ask and answer.He goes to.Ask and answer in pairs.2.What do you do in a week?2.Read and write

20、Have the students write daily1)Open the books at P10 read and plete theroutine.(Like the column inexercise.“Words to learn”.)2)Read the question by each word.Have theWriting Exerciseschildren repeat the question as they touch eachQ&A:Whatdoesshedoonword in their books.Thursday?3)Practice these quest

21、ions and answers.3.Lets chant_.1)Look at the picture and answer:FocusonthethirdpersonWhat does he/she do?singular.2)Read the chant sentence by sentence.(Dont worry!Only“goes”3)Listen to the tape and repeat.is involved.)4)Try to act in teams.Lets chant!Step3 Consolidation1.Structure:What do you doRev

22、iew the sentences.on and?Step4 Homework2.Understand the meaning and1.Copy the sentences 4E1C.the structure of“Together we2.Preview next lesson.go to school.”3.Grasp the phrase“stay athome”,which will appear inUnit 12.教学过程教学过程第(第(6 6)课时)课时Ask and find out,Sounds and Letters基础设计Step 1 Warm up1.Lets ch

23、ant:2.Game:3.Free talk:Step 2.Lets find out.1)Introduce the activity.2)Read the example sentences.3)Group work:Interview at least 3 children for their parents job andtake note.Take turns to carry out the interviews,report theirfindings.6)Listen and Repeat.Step 3 Sounds and Letters1.Observe the words

24、.T:Look,there are some words.Observethem carefully,thenfind out the same letters.Show the words:Have the Ss find out the same letters:2.Read the wordsT:Who can read these words?Have two Ss read these words.Have the Ss find out the same sound.Read after the T.Read after the tape.3.Show some cases.hur

25、t/turnHave two Ss e to the blackboard.T read the words and have the two Ss listen for their soundsthen pat the right phonetic symbol.Step 4 Practice1.Pat the words.Write down the two phonetic symbols :and on theblackboard.2.petition in groups.3.Listen for the sounds1)Have Ss read the words together.

26、2)Play the tape and have the Ss listen and distinguish.3)Have the Ss cross the word that doesnt belong.4)Check the answers.4.Read with Uncle Booky Read after the video.集备后修改、补充教学中需要注意的知识点:Ask and find outThisactivityisdivided into two parts.1.Survey for“classschedule”2.Survey for“dailyroutine”Sounds

27、 and Letters“ow”,“ou”Anothersoundfor“ow”:yellow,follow,sparrow教学过程教学过程第(第(7 7)课时)课时Uncle Bookys Story time基础设计集备后修改、补充Step1 Warm upLets chant教学中需要注意的知识点:Step2、PresentationUncle Bookys Story time1.Uncle Bookys story time:1.“Join us.”(Book 4 Unit 11 Uncle1)read by self.Bookys Story time)2)Point to the

28、 pictures:2.“LetsplayfootballWho are they?together.”(MakingWhere are they?suggestions-Unit 10 key structure)Listen and repeat.3.“Can you go swimming with us?”3)Listen and repeatFocusontheusageoftheword2.Snap Game:“with”.Spread the small cards face down on a table.4.“School is over.”Play in pairs:Wor

29、k on the meaning.If two cards same,the first one says“Snap,5.“parents”(Book 5 Unit 6 Text)on!”6.“follow”(Book 3 Unit 5 UncleThe winner is the child with the most cards atBookys Story time)the end of the game.7.“Peter is helping his friends.”3.Bingo Game.Focusontheconstructionof4.Self-assessment:“pre

30、sent continuous tense”.5.ReflectionFinish in pairs.T checks the answer.Step3 Practice1.Bingo game:use 9 job names.2.Pass message:Step 4 SummaryRead the words of Unit 1.Step5 Homework1.熟读 Story Time。.2.抄写 Unit 1 单词 2 英 1 汉。3.预习 Unit 2 Words to learn.教学过程教学过程第(第(8 8)课时)课时Self-assessment Reflection基础设计

31、集备后修改、补充Step1 Warm-up教学中需要注意的知识点:1.ChantSelf-assessment Reflection2.Recite the text.1.Exercise1-Writethewordsof3.Have a dictation.“days of the week”.Step 2-Self-assessment2.Exercise 2-Answer the questions.Activity 1.No.b(Book 5 Unit 5 the words for subjectT:Look at the picture,are mentioned.)What do

32、es he/she do?No.c “favorite”(Book 6 Unit 9)T:Lets find all the job name in the“What class is your favorite?”(=Whatpuzzle.is your favorite class?)T:Check the answer.No.f “Which day is your favorite day?Activity 2 Guess the job.Why?”Use He/She is a.Suggested answer:My favorite day isStep3-ReflectionSa

33、turday.Its a holiday.1.plete the reflection in pairs or teams.3.Finish the Exercises in Reflection2.Report the answers in teams.carefully.Step 4 SummaryRead the words and sentences of Unit 1.Step5 Homework1.Recite the text.2.Do the exercises book.3.预习 Unit 2 Words to learn.教学过程教学过程第(第(9 9)课时)课时单元检测U

34、nit 7 单词、句型闯关单词及词组:节日,假日_星期日_星期一_星期二 _星期三_星期四_星期五_星期六_每一,每个_天,日_记,记住_日记,日志_星期;周_学习,认识_只;仅仅_明天_和一起_那么,就_(一节)课_角;角落_购物_看电视 _拜访;看望 _今天_回来_英语角_音乐课_生日 _聚会;派对_舞蹈课_和 Mocky 一起玩_明天上学_安一周的日记_最后的_开始_再,又_游泳课_美术课_体育课_加拿大的,加拿大人_从(起);来自_放学后_小提琴课_每个周二晚上_在周三下午_踢足球 _和朋友踢足球_周四放学后_在家里_在周五晚上_出门_和家人一起出门_活动_七月_母牛_棕色的_猫头鹰

35、_房子 _老鼠_云_如何;怎样_现在_哇_鞠躬 _淋浴_关于 _嘴_大声的_南方(的),南面(的)_一起_每天 _加入 _父母,家长_跟着,跟随_回答_问题 _最喜欢的_为什么_句子:句子:1今天是星期一。_2我们今天可以玩吗?_3难道今天不是假日吗?_4我们星期一上学。_5你们星期二干什么?_6我们星期二也上学。_7你每天都上学吗?_8不,我们不。_9我们星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四和星期五去(上学)。_10那很多啊!_11我们星期六和星期天不上学。_12我们星期六可以玩吗?_13我们可以去公园。_14现在是星期五。_15今天是星期五。_16我不能记住(记不住)所有的日子!_17一周只有七



38、1他的父母在等他。_62彼得出门了。_63他的爸爸跟着他。_64他要去哪里?_65彼得正在帮助他的朋友。_66你是我的好孩子。_67你每天(都)上学吗?_68你星期二上什么课?_69你最喜欢什么课?_70你的父母星期天干什么?_71你最喜欢哪一天(星期几)?_本单元的主题(单元名称)本单元的主题(单元名称)教学对象分析教学对象分析本单元的本单元的教学目标教学目标Unit 8Unit 8 单元教材分析单元教材分析Mocky is lateMocky is lateThe students have learned the questions and key form abouttime.1.Th

39、e students can read the words and recognize the wordspreliminary.2.The students can describe the time in English.3.The students can grasp how to pronounce“oy”,“oi”4.Developing the pupils ability of co-operation bygroup work.New pattern本单元的本单元的What time is it?教学内容教学内容Its oclock.Its time to.Its time f

40、or.New words:“time”expressionOne oclock,two fifteen,three thirty,four forty-fiveExtend the other expression with“quarter”,“to”,“past”,“half past”.1.Key points4-skilled words:“time”expression本单元的本单元的One oclock,two fifteen,three thirty,four forty-five教学重难点教学重难点New structures:1.What time is it?Its oclo

41、ck.Its time to.Its time for.2.Pronunciation:Sounds and letters:oy,oi课题 Unit 8 Mocky is late课型新授时数9教学1.The students can read the words and recognize the words preliminary.目标2.The students can describe the time in English.(重点3.The students can grasp how to pronounce“oy”,“oi”4.Developing the pupils abi

42、lity of co-operation by group work.难点 1.Key points 4-skilled words:“time”expression)One oclock,two fifteen,three thirty,four forty-fiveNew structures:1.What time is it?Its oclock.Its time to.Its timefor.2.Pronunciation:Sounds and letters:oy,oi课前教学过程中所需的图片、录音、课件、动画素材,以及上课时的单词卡片。准备教师准备相关媒体的播放设备,如录音机、电

43、视、电脑等。严格“六规范”,提高课堂质量。随着学习内容的扩展,教师需要通过认真备课,科研课认真设计,有意识、有计划地培养学生的合作精神和创新意识,引导学生通过以旧题落实带新的方式自主学习,同时也要注重合作学习。板书设计Unit 8 Mocky is lateUnit 8 Mocky is lateUnit 8 Mocky is lateearearlylyh hu urry What time is it?rry What time is it?l la ate Its one oclock.te Its one oclock.ocloclo ockck课后小结作业设计个别学生读音不好,特别是

44、这些单词:late clock oclock its now教学中要加强语音练习,保证读音正确。1.Read the text 5 times.2.Copy the new words.3.Preview next lesson.选做:小组表演课文或者背诵课文教学过程教学过程第(第(1 1)课时)课时 Text Text一、一、Warm-up and revision:Warm-up and revision:TextWatch the video and sing the song together.1.Key structure:Ten little IndiansT:Now lets p

45、lay the snake crab and snake andWhat time is it?crab game.Its oclock.Its time to.二、二、Presentation and drills:Presentation and drills:1.T:Who is wearing a watch?Please put up your hand.Its time for.Look,what is this?(show teachers own watch)2.Pronunciation of“oclock”.Yes,it is a watch.3.Antonyms:In C

46、hinese,ask the students what time it is.2.Explain to the students that in this lesson we areWere not early.going to learn how to ask and tell the time in English.Were late.3.Present the question,What time is it?,What time is it?Write thequestion on the blackboard and explain its meaning.4.“-ed”parti

47、ciple used as adjective.Have them repeat the question after me one by one.My watch is broken.(show the watch and tell the time)Its fixed.Oh.Its one oclock.Its one oclock.write the wordoclockoclockon the blackboard and have them5.“Now you cant be late.”Better say,“You wont be late.”read it one by one

48、.4.Take a clock to the students,then make the time to6.Understand the meaning of this statement,two oclock.saying:“My watch is slow.”Its two oclockIts two oclock.Repeat the way for each hour,from threethree oclockoclockWords to learnthrough twelve oclock twelve oclock.“time”expression5.Discuss the q

49、uestions ingroups of four after theyOne oclock,two fifteen,three thirty,have watched the videoe.four forty-fivep 1 What is Mocky doing?P2/3 What is happening now?Extendtheotherexpressionwithp4 What time is it?“quarter”,“to”,“past”,“halfp5 What do you think Booby is asking Mocky?p6 What is Mocky look

50、ing at?past”.p7/8 What is happening now?1.Listen to the tape and read the dialogp9 What do you think is wrong with Mockys watch?fluently.(present the word broken broken)p10 What do you think Uncle Booky has done to Mockys2.Copy the base sentences twicewatch.3.Tell the story to your family(present th


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