Unit 2 What time do you go to school课件2.ppt

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《Unit 2 What time do you go to school课件2.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 What time do you go to school课件2.ppt(38页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Can you swim?Yes,I can./No,I cant.Can he play chess?Yes,he can./No,he cant.Can you and Tom play chess?Yes,we can./No,we cant.Can Jane and Jill swim?Yes,they can./No,they cant.What can you do?I can dance./I cant sing.What club do you want to join?We want to join the chess club.cant=ca

2、n not1.你会游泳吗?你会游泳吗?_ 不,我不会。不,我不会。_2.你们会说英语吗?你们会说英语吗?_ 是的,会。是的,会。_一、一、阅读阅读 Grammar Focus 部分部分,完成完成下列句子。下列句子。No,I cant.Can you swim?Can you speak English?Yes,we can.3.她会下棋吗?她会下棋吗?_ 不会。不会。_4.贝尔和简会跳舞吗?贝尔和简会跳舞吗?_ 是的,会。是的,会。_ 5.你会做什么事情?你会做什么事情?_ 我会弹吉它。我会弹吉它。_No,she cant.Yes,they can.Can she play chess?Can

3、 Bill and Jane dance?What can you do?I can play the guitar.1.可以看出,在可以看出,在 Can?句型中,情态句型中,情态动词动词 can 没有没有_ 和和 _ 的变化。的变化。2.用情态动词用情态动词 can 来询问他人的能力可来询问他人的能力可以归纳为以下句型:以归纳为以下句型:二、探究乐园。二、探究乐园。人称人称数数 Can+_+_+其他其他?肯定回答肯定回答:_ 否定回答否定回答:_ What+can+_+_?Yes,主语主语+can.No,主语主语+cant.主语主语 动词原形动词原形主语主语 do Can Wu Jun sp

4、eak English?No,he cant.But he can speak Chinese.ChineseEnglishCan?No,he/she cant.But he/she can Can?No,he/she cant.But he/she can Can?No,he/she cant.But he/she can 1.Wu Jun/speak English/speak Chinese _ _2.Mike/play basketball/play tennis _ _Can Mike play basketball?No,he cant,but he can play tennis

5、.Write questions and answers with the words and phrases.Can Wu Jun speak English?No,he cant,but he can speak Chinese.4.Grace/play soccer/play volleyball _ _5.Bill/write stories/tell stories _ _Can Grace play soccer?No,she cant,but she can play volleyball.Can Bill write stories?No,he cant,but he can

6、tell stories.3.Jane and Jill/dance/sing _ _Can Jane and Jill dance?No,they cant,but they can sing.What can you do?School ShowSunday 6:00 p.m.in the music room.What can you do?Come and show us!Take turns to say what you can do.I can play the guitar.I can do kong fu.I can tell English stories.I can si

7、ng and dance.Make a list of what you can do in your group.Li MengS2S3S4S5S6play the guitardo kong fuIn my group,Li Meng can play the guitar.S2 can do kong fu._S3 can sing and dance.S4 can tell English stories.S5 can Students Wanted for School Show We want students for the school show.Can you _ or _?

8、Can you _ the guitar?Can you _ stories?Please talk to Mr.Zhang after school.Complete the following poster with the words in the box.singdanceplaytellplay sing tell dance3b1.story 故事故事 stories(复数)(复数)词组:词组:write stories 写故事写故事 tell stories 讲故事讲故事 e.g.Jacks favorite story is Three Little Ducks.杰克最喜欢的故

9、事是三只小鸭子。杰克最喜欢的故事是三只小鸭子。Her grandpa tells two stories every Weekend.每个周末她的爷爷都会讲两个故事。每个周末她的爷爷都会讲两个故事。2.辨析:辨析:speak/tell/say/talk 1)speak 说说(某种(某种语语言);言);说话说话 speak English 说说英英语语 speak French 说说法法语语 e.g.Mr.Smith can speak Chinese well.史密斯先生史密斯先生说汉语说说汉语说得很好。得很好。2)tell 讲讲述;告述;告诉诉 e.g.Can your grandma te

10、ll stories?你奶奶会你奶奶会讲讲故事故事吗吗?tell sb.告告诉诉某人某人;tell sb.to do sth.告告诉诉某人做某事某人做某事 e.g.Lets go and tell our teacher.我我们们去告去告诉诉老老师师吧。吧。Tell Eric to bring his basketball to school.告告诉诉埃里克把他的埃里克把他的篮篮球球带带到学校来。到学校来。3)say 说说(强强调调所所说说的内容,常跟一句子的内容,常跟一句子)e.g.Mr.Lin says“Im your new teacher.”林老林老师说师说,“我是你我是你们们的新老的

11、新老师师。”“I dont know.”Linda say.琳达琳达说说:“我不知道。我不知道。”4)talk 说话说话;交;交谈谈(强强调调与他人与他人进进行行语语言交流)言交流)talk to sb.与某人与某人说话说话 talk with sb.与某人交与某人交谈谈 e.g.You can talk to Mr.Black.你可以和布莱克先生你可以和布莱克先生谈谈一下。一下。Mary is talking with Jenny.玛丽玛丽正在和詹妮交正在和詹妮交谈谈。3.show n.演出;节目演出;节目 v.给给看;展示看;展示 school show 校园演出校园演出 talent s

12、how 才艺表演才艺表演 e.g.We want students for the school show.我们需要学生参加我们的校园演出。我们需要学生参加我们的校园演出。e.g.Come and show us.来给我们(表演)看一下。来给我们(表演)看一下。Can you show me your new iPad?你能让我看一下你的新的平板电脑你能让我看一下你的新的平板电脑 吗?吗?show sb.(sth.)给某人看给某人看(某物某物)4.or conj.或者或者;也不也不(用于疑用于疑问问句或否句或否定句中定句中)e.g.Can you sing or dance?你会唱歌你会唱歌还

13、还是跳舞?是跳舞?My sister cant play basketball or soccer.我姐姐不会打我姐姐不会打篮篮球也不会踢足球。球也不会踢足球。一、选词填空。一、选词填空。1.Ms.Wu wants to _ to his son.2.Jenny and Mary can _ English well.3.Can you _ your new photo,Grace?4.Bob _“I can play chess well.”5.Mr.Li often _ us interesting stories.talkspeakshowsaystellsspeak,tell,say,

14、talk,show1.My grandpa likes to play _.(chess,the chess)2.My sister wants _(join/to join)art club.3.Mr.Wu cant sing _(and/or)dance.4.Our Chinese teacher always tell _(story/stories)to us.chessto joinorstories二、根据题意选择括号内的正确形式填空。二、根据题意选择括号内的正确形式填空。5.You can join the chess club._(Sounds/Sound)good.6.Lin

15、da cant play volleyball,_(and/but)she can play soccer.7.Can you play the guitar _(well/good)?Soundsbutwell三、句型转换。三、句型转换。1.Can you play soccer?(作否定回答作否定回答)_No,I cant.2.Can Mary and Linda play chess?(作作肯肯定定回答回答)_3.I can play volleyball.(对对划划线线部分提部分提问问)_ _ can you play?4.I want to join a music club.(对对

16、划划线线部部分分提提问问)_ _ do you want to join?5.They can write stories and tell stories.(变变否定句否定句)They _ write stories _ tell stories.Yes,they can.What sportWhat clubcant or 1.Jims sister can _ _(说英语说英语)well.2.Jim wants to _ _(讲故事讲故事)in the class.3.Mr.Lin can _ _(写故事写故事)in English.4.What can you do in the _

17、_(学校演学校演出出)?speak Englishtell storieswrite storiesschool show四、根据汉语提示完成句子。四、根据汉语提示完成句子。5.Please _ _(与与交谈交谈)our Chinese teacher after class.6.Mary _ play chess _ play soccer(也也不会不会).talk tocant or 校庆日到了校庆日到了,学校将举行一次学校演出学校将举行一次学校演出,请你写一个招聘会表演的学生的通知。请你写一个招聘会表演的学生的通知。Students Wanted for School ShowWe want students for the school show.Can you _ _励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全


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