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1、Your Guide to Flat Web Designing,TABLE OFCONTENT,1 Trend Alert2 Flat Design 1013 Flat Design, But Why? 4 Icon Design vs. Flat Design5 How To Make A Flat Design6 Conclusion, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,TRENDALERT!,WEB DESIGNS,are going FLAT! Minimalism is the new black and you go

2、t to wear it!, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,FLATDESIGN101, Flat design is a minimalistic approach to designing that focuses primarily on usability. It consists of using bright colors, spacing and two dimensional (flat) illustrations as elements. Microsoft was one of the first to

3、apply this design to its interface., 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,FLATDESIGNBUT WHY?,.because the all out flashy websites are no longer pleasing! And people really dont have the time to go through a content heavy page.,A flat design forces you to not only minimize the colors on y

4、our website, but also the elements to keep it neat and tidy! Exactly what a user wants these days., 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,ICONFLAT,Flat Wins Hands Down!, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved., 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,MAKE ITBRIGHT&BOLD,T

5、he signature element of a Flat Web Design is Bright, Bold Colors. So create a lot of Colorful Panels!,There are a lot many colors that you can play around with on Photoshop, but you can make life easier by using while creating your flat color theme.,Flat UI Colors, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All ri

6、ghts reserved.,CREATEMULTICOLORPANELS,To further enhance the bold look, combine colors to make a beautiful series of background panels, like .,NoteLimit your websites color palette to a few number of colors.,TriplAgent, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved., 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. Al

7、l rights reserved.,UPPERCASELETTERS,Use uppercase characters to demarcate navigation items and key headlines from the other elements. has been doing this and you should too!,Wistia, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,WHITE TEXT OVER COLORED BACKGROUNDS,Another popular technique to make

8、 your flat design stand out is to use white text over a flat background cover or a picture background. masters this trend!,Playground Inc., 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,VECTORS ARE COOL!,Vectors are constructed using geometrical shapes and distinct colors; and are best suited for

9、 artwork on flat designs. Heres how used it.,Lorenzo Verzini, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,SUBTLEBACKGROUNDSSTILL RULE!,For those of you who cant do without heavy content, try and make visually impactful background. On this, give away the content you want to offer using contrasti

10、ng colors. A very good example of this is .,OnSite, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,BIG IS BETTER!,Use huge page elements, and space them out well. This gives your page a minimal look, which suits your flat design., 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,THROWIN SOME EFFEC

11、TS!,Create transitions and other effects using HTML5 and CSS3 to make your website look simple and yet a visual spectacle. Heres how used it.,Le Rockwood, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,PANORAMA ISBEAUTIFUL!,Since almost every other flat design ends up using flat colors, heres a wa

12、y to stand out: use unique panoramic photos! They serve the purpose of a centerpiece while also giving the other elements a flatter touch. gets it right!,MailChimp, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,EQUIPYOURSELF!,Get yourself a Flat Design UI Kit so that you dont have to run from web

13、site to website looking for elements to use. Here are the top 5:,Flat UI Free,Flat UI Pro,Flat Design Toolkit,Blog/ Magazine Flat UI Kit,Vertical Infinity UI Kit, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,Now that your design is in place, its time to ensure that it delivers quality browsing e

14、xperience across all your users. The only to deliver efficiency is to sign up your website for services.,Depending on the resources your website requires, you can opt for any of these plans: Shared, VPS, Dedicated, Reseller and Cloud.,Webhosting, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,Beca

15、use no one else in the industry can offer the following:, Affordability Cutting edge technology at reasonable prices. Scalability Ability to flex hosting plans in sync with the increasing needs of the website. Reliability The 24/7 technical support is prompt and never lets your website down. Trustwo

16、rthy Your website remains far from the risks of being hacked as the company is certified secure by the likes of McAfee., 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,CONCLUSION,No matter what your business offers, when it comes to websites, minimalism is the new cool.So get rid of all the excess content and elements to make your website ready for a “Flat” overhaul!, 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved.,


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