06-最新热点时文阅读 -备战2022年中考英语考前名师绝招.docx

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1、06-最新热点时文阅读 -2020年中考英语考前名师绝招2020年高考有重大时事、社会热点新冠疫情和北斗三号融入语文试卷哟。序号内容1人工智能2垃圾分类35G(一)45G(二)5中医中药6抗疫7中国测量登山队成功登顶,再为珠峰量身高8北斗一 人工智能在科技发展极其迅速的当下,人工智能已经不再是天方夜谭,不再是漫画家笔下虚无缥缈的想象,而是真真切切地存在于21世纪的今天。阿尔法狗与韩国围棋高手李世石的对决,已经引起全世界对人工智能的广泛关注,各方媒体争相对其进行报道,也成为了考试的热点。人工智能投入眼科检测:比人更快更精确A Chines hospital on Thursday launche

2、d free consultations featuring artificial-intelligence (AI) cameras to detect eye diseases, which are major causes of blindness.Deqing county hospital in Guangdong Province became the first to use the device, co-developed by Chinas search engine Baidu and Sun Yat-sen University, to serve the general

3、 public, Baidu told Xinhua.The instrument is capable of diagnosing three types of eye disorders diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and macular degeneration. It scans the eyes and generates a report in 10 seconds, all done without the need for an doctor to be present.With an accuracy rate of 94 percent,

4、it had previously been piloted in hospitals in nine Chinese provinces, according to Baidu.Though it may be interpreted as AI making the doctors lose their jobs, Baidu said the new tool aimed to help cut the waiting line at the eye doctors short, especially in Chinas rural regions.Eye diseases are a

5、major cause of blindness in the developing world, where the short supply of eye doctors and instruments make it difficult to check and treat in time. China, with a population of 1.39 billion, has only thousands of eye doctors capable of analyzing eye screening photos.Xu Yanwu, a Baidu engineer devel

6、oping the instrument, said the AI cameras were specifically designed to address the lack of medical instruments and eye doctors at grassroots health facilities.1. How many kinds of eye disorders can the instrument diagnose?A 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.2. Whats the disadvantage of the instrument?A It can make the

7、 eye doctors lose jobs.B It can cut the treatment cost down.C It can reduce the eye disorder rate.D It can rise the eye treatment rate.3. What is the aim of the instrument?A To make the eye disease check more accurate.B To make eye disease treatment easier.C To make eye doctors work easier.D To make

8、 seeing an eye doctor easier.4. Which of the following is TRUE?A The AI instrument can bring brightness for blind people.B The AI instrument is easy to use and have high accuracy.C The AI instrument is invented by two universities.D The eye doctors feel uneasy about the AI instrument.5. What is the

9、main idea of this passage?A The short of eye doctors is making eye disease treatment hard.B The AI instrument is being put into use to diagnose eye diseases.C New diagnosing ways are being used for eye diseases.D .Eye doctors are in danger of losing their jobs because of the AI instrument.参考答案:CAABB

10、二、垃圾分类垃圾分类事关千家万户,既是建设美好家园的重要环节,也考验着社会治理的精细程度,上海已经宣布将“垃圾分类知识”纳入“初中学业水平考试”,这已经成为考试的热点。杭州兴起新垃圾分类系统方法A new rubbish sorting system has been put into use in Zixinhuating Community in Hangzhou. Local people not only sort their rubbish, but also put QR codes(二维码) on it.In Hangzhou, every family is provided

11、with three rubbish binsthe grey lid bin for “recycling” like steel and glass, and the green lid bin for “green waste” such as grass and leaves and the red lid bin for harmful waste, like batteries. On the streets, the bins are printed with pictures of the things that are allowed inside. It makes rec

12、ycling quite easy.“When the QR codes are seen, the bin will open by itself and I just throw the rubbish in it. Then I will get reward points to exchange for small gifts and even some money,” one of the local people told reporters. “Its really creative and encouraging.”This smart system has also been

13、 carried out in 350 communities in Beijing. The capital of China has joined a list of cities in the country that take action to support rubbish sorting. For example, Shenzhen and Shanghai have made laws to punish people and organizations for not sorting rubbish correctly.China produces quite a lot o

14、f rubbish every year. Much of the rubbish is buried in soil or burned without being sorted. Landfills take up a lot of land and have a risk of polluting the soil and water nearby. And burning rubbish can produce harmful gases. Through rubbish sorting, we can reduce the use of landfills and air pollu

15、tion.Whats more, rubbish sorting saves resources, which could bring economic benefits. For example, a ton of waste paper can be reused to make about 850 kg of paper, saving 17 trees and 50 percent of water. Because of their benefits, some countries have developed successful sorting systems.1. In Han

16、gzhou, which bin should you put leftovers in?A The grey lid bin.B The red lid bin.C The green lid bin.D All of the above.2. What will local people probably get if they put daily rubbish into the new system in Zixinhuating Community?A A computer.B A car.C A bin.D Some small gifts.3. Which of the foll

17、owing is NOT the consequence of burying rubbish?A Polluting soil.B Polluting water.C Taking up a lot of land.D Saving resources.4. What does the passage mainly talk about?A The history of a new rubbish sorting system.B An introduction of a new rubbish sorting system.C Economic benefits of a new rubb

18、ish sorting system.D Rubbish bins in China.5. In which part of a newspaper can you probably read the passage?A Health.B Culture.C Education.D Technology.参考答案:CDDBD三 5G中国华为联合英国沃达丰拨出世界上第一个5G电话Chinese mobile giant Huawei and British telecom provider Vodafone claimed to have made the first 5G data phone

19、 call in the world this week, the latest development in the race to faster mobile data connections.The call, made on Tuesday between a computer in Barcelona and a mobile phone in Madrid, used a dual “4G to 5G connection” which can reach speeds up to eight times faster than the current 4G standard. V

20、odafone added that following Tuesdays first voice call, it successfully completed a video call using 5G data connection on Huaweis Radio Access Network (RAN) equipment.Vodafone officials told Spanish newspaper that previous tests did not meet up-to-date standards, but rather used experimental settin

21、gs that wouldnt be compatible(兼容的) with most current 4G technologies.Yang Chaobin told Newsweek that his firm would be starting commercial testing with Vodafone in the near future.As the worlds second largest smartphone maker, Huawei has already announced plans to invest 5 billion yuan (786 million

22、US dollars) in developing 5G this year. The companys first 5G computer chips and mobile phones are set for release in 2019.5G stands for “fifth generation” and refers to the newest standard for mobile wireless networks. Telecoms companies expect 5G to be used widely in 2020, bringing faster Internet

23、 speeds capable of supporting “the Internet of things” including web-connected household appliances, lights and driverless cars, as well as virtual reality and augmented reality technologies.1. What kind of call is the first 5G call made by Huawei and Vodafone?A Text call.B Voice call.C Video call.D

24、 All of the above.2. Who could Yang Chaobin be?A A staff of Huawei.B A staff of Vodafone.C A reporter from Newsweek.D The writer of this passage.3. Which of the following words can replace the underlined word “invest”?A Pay.B Cost.C Take.D Spend.4. What can we learn from the passage?A All things wil

25、l be connected with the Internet in 5G time.B Huawei will devote a lot to make the standard of 5G.C Huawei planned to release its first smartphone in 2019.D 5G equipment is much faster than the current 4G technology.5. Which column of a website can you see this passage?A Education and culture.B Scie

26、nce and technology.C Pop and entertainment.D Health and life.参考答案:CADCB四、5G5G时代即将来临,中国运营商斥巨资建大型基站Chinese mobile carriers are expected to invest 1.2 trillion yuan (US$176.5 billion) in 5G by 2025, 50 percent more than their total 4G investment, Nomura said yesterday. Carriers including China Mobile,

27、China Telecom and China Unicom, are expected to build over 4.9 million 5G macro base stations by 2025.5G is a “game-changing” opportunity for carriers as they can explore new business like smart manufacturing, super high definition video and smart driving, instead of just being a “pipeline” for voic

28、e and data services.China will issue “temporary” 5G licenses in several targeted cities this year. Consumers will be able to use the first batch of 5G smart-phones and tablet computers in the second half. Its the first time that Chinas top industry regulator clarified the 5G industry timeline, espec

29、ially the debut of 5G phones.But 5G services will become accessible to normal consumers later than expected. More work needs to be done to make the 5G industry mature, which wont happen until 2020, said UBS recently. Enterprises and organizations, rather than consumers, will enjoy 5G services initia

30、lly. The first batch of 5G services will be available to consumers in about 10 cities only.1. Why is 5G a “game-changing” opportunity for carriers?A Because they can explore new business like smart manufacturing, super high definition video and smart driving.B Because they are just being a “pipeline

31、” for voice and data services.C Because they can make more money from it.D Because they are expected to build more macro base stations.2. When will people be able to use the first batch of 5G products?A In the second half of the year.B One year later.C Two years later.D We dont know.3. How many citi

32、es will enjoy 5G services initially?A 5.B 8.C 9.D 10.4. Whats the main idea of the passage?A Mobile carriers plan to spend big on 5G.B 4G is unpopular in the world.C Mobile carriers will make more money.D People prefer to 5G rather than 4G.参考答案:AADA五、中医中药热点是一些考试中的“常客”,在备考中,考生应该重视热点的学习和把握。建议大家考试前尽可能熟

33、悉一下与中国特色、传统文化有关以及时政热点相关词汇。往年中考英语经常涉及到中国文化、中国特色话题;可见中国文化相关话题在近几年考试中出现越发频繁。中药备受国外友人青睐What comes to a foreigners mind when speaking of China? Not martial arts(武术) or Peking opera, but traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).Chinese Foreign Languages Publishing administration did a survey in 2015, asking 9500

34、 foreigners in G20 countries about Chinas national image. Half of them chose TCM.TCM has a 3,000-year history in China. It is based on the Chinese philosophy(哲学) of yin and yang. It looks at humans and nature as a unity(统一). So to keep healthy, we should follow the laws of nature. For example, it is

35、 time to sleep at 11:00 pm, because yin power starts to recover by then. If you often stay up late, your body will lose balance and catch illness.TCM and the Chinese philosophy about humans and nature have gone global in recent years. People in 183 countries and regions are now using TCM therapies(疗

36、法), according to Chinas first white paper on TCM. You may have noticed the round, purple marks on the shoulders of US swimmer Michael Phelps at the Rio Olympics this summer. He was using the TCM cupping(拔火罐) therapy. It made headlines across the world.One of the reasons behind the growing popularity

37、 of TCM is the increase of scientific research into it. Last year, Chinese scientist Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize for discovering an anti-malaria drug(抗疟药). She used a plant long used in traditional medicine.1. _ foreigners chose TCM in G20 countries in 2015.A 20 B 2015 C 4750 D 95002. People shoul

38、d go to sleep at _ according TCMA 10:00 am B 11:00 am C 10:00 pm D 11:00 pm3. What does the underlined word “recover” mean in Chinese?A 消失.B 恢复.C 增加.D 减弱.4. What made headlines across the world at the 2016 Rio Olympics?A Tu Youyou was using western medicine.B Michael Phelps was swimming.C Michael Ph

39、elps was using TCM cupping.D Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize for discovering an anti-malaria drug.参考答案:DDBC6、 抗疫82岁退休护士自制纸箱防护服,提醒人们待在家里2020年春节是不平凡的一个春节,2020年的春天是一个令人记忆犹新的春天,2020年的这个寒假更是一个刻骨铭心的假期,2020年中考也终将会是一个不一样的载入史册的中考,很多地方因疫情影响体育、信息与实验考试取消。相信各门文化课的考试也会是一场疫情下的热点考查,今天分享一篇关于抗疫的英语时文阅读,同学们提前了解,有备无患。 来自古

40、巴哈瓦那的82岁的费里迪亚·罗雅斯(Feridia Rojas)是一名退休的护士,由于新冠疫情的肆虐,她决定自己制作并穿戴这种用纸箱制作成的防护服,以保护自己不受新冠病毒感染。题材体裁难度词汇建议用时实际用时正确率社会热点新闻报道2545分钟Feridia Rojas, 82, from Havana, Cuba, decided to build and wear a cardboard box herself to protect her from the virus, which is very dangerous to the elderly in the country a

41、s personal protective equipment is not widely available. "I am at home. What about you?" reads a message on her box, in a witty nod to Cuba's coronavirus(冠状病毒) slogan "Stay at home".The old woman, whose daughters both live in the United States, said with no one to help her wi

42、th daily necessities, she had to find a way to do so safely by herself. "I was worried about the cases who could cough just as I passed," she said. "So I thought I would do a little house with a cardboard box and wear it."Rojas used to work as a nurse. She got the box from somewh

43、ere in her Palatino neighbourhood and cut arm holes and a window for her face which she covered in clear plastic. On the top, she glued cake boxes to make it look more like a house with a roof than a flat-topped apartment building. "She's very creative," her neighbour Zayda Echemendia

44、said with a smile, adding that Rojas still helped local people with injections for free at home.While her mobile home may be less necessary as Cuba's outbreak appears to have come under control, it still brought people a lot of joy. "With stress and anxiety during this time, my little home

45、makes people laugh," she said.1. Cuba wore the box to _.A. touch anything with the virusB. protect herself from the virusC. tell people the danger of the virusD. protect people from the virus2. Why did Feridia Rojas go outdoors?A. Because she had no idea about the virus.B. Because she wasnt wor

46、ried about the virus.C. Because she had no choice but to shop by herself.D. Because her daughters needed her daily help.3. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?A. Rojas was a doctor in the past.B. Her neighbour offered her a free box.C. The box had no window for Rojas faceD. Rojas did some voluntary w

47、ork at home.4. What did people think of Rojas way?A. Interesting.B. Useless.C. Crazy.D. Stupid.参考答案:BCDA七 中国测量登山队成功登顶为珠峰再“量身高”巅峰时刻!2020年5月27日11:03,2020珠峰高程测量登山队成功登顶珠峰!60年前,中国登山队队员实现了人类第一次从北坡成功登顶的壮举。45周年前,中国首次精确测定并公布珠峰高程。A Chinese survey team became the first and perhaps only group today to climb Mt.

48、 Everest this year, part of a project to measure the exact height of the world's tallest mountain again.The activity, reported by Chinese state media, comes after both China and Nepal canceled the spring climbing season on the mountain that straddles their border in order to prevent the new coronavirus(冠状病毒) from spreading among expedition teams that usually live for weeks in tightly packed camps with little emergency medical help.That could make the Chinese survey team the only people this year to reach t


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