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《(备考2022中考英语专题复习课件+教案+练习)语态专题训练及使用说明.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(备考2022中考英语专题复习课件+教案+练习)语态专题训练及使用说明.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、专题练习使用说明:1.本专题练习做为学生的课后作业使用,以巩固所学知识。2.本专题练习紧扣课标要求和中考说明,根据近几年中考题,被动语态常出现在单项选择题和句子翻译中。我们设计的题型紧跟近几年中考题型。题目设计从易到难,呈梯度上升,既有广度又有深度。适合不同层次的学生。动词的语态过关训练题一、基础训练题(单项选择:从A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项)( )1. The new railway_ in our hometown in 2013. A.was built B. is built C. has built ( )2.Can I move into the new room? No,

2、you cant. It _ soon. A.is painted B. will paint C. will be painted ( )3.- Why is the classroom so dirty? - Sorry, Sir, it _ yesterday, we forgot to do it. A. didnt clean B.isnt cleaned C.wasnt cleaned( )4. Now smart phones _ in many ways in our daily life. Aare used Bis used Care using( )5.A talk on

3、 developments in science and technology _ in the school hall next week. A.will be given B.has been given C.gives( )6.Now all Chinese families _ _ to have two children.Aallow Bare allowed Cwere allowed( )7. China's 23rd Beidou Satellite _ _ into space on June 12,2016.As Chinese,we are proud of it

4、.A.is sent Bwill send Cwas sent( )8.All the new words _ up in the dictionary yet. A.havent looked B.have been looked C.havent been looked( )9.Shanghai is really a modern city now! Many tall buildings _ everywhere. A.can be seen B.can see C.can be saw ( )10.The classroom _by the students every day.A.

5、clean B. cleans C. is cleaned 二、难题训练题(一)单项选择:从A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项( )1.Half of the work _ by now.Ahas finished Bhas been finished Chave been finished ( )2 Tony, as well as his parents _ visit the company yesterday. Awas invited toBwere invited to Cinvited to( )3.This kind of sweater _ very soft. A.is f

6、elt B.feels C.feel ( )4Wow!Your hat looks so beautiful.It _ by my Aunt.She is working in China.Ahas bought Bis bought Cwas bought( )5.Mom,where is my model plane?Oh,it _ _ to Jenny yesterday.Ais lent Bwas lent Clent ( )6.When _ the accident _ ? A.was; happened B.was; happening C.did; happen( )7.You

7、are not supposed to go to a family party unless you _ _ to in the US.Aare not invited Bare invited Cwill be invited( )8What's the meaning of the activity “Let's Save”?Paper shouldn't _ _ in everyday life.Awaste Bbe wasted Cis wasted( )9I want to borrow the book,but I don't know how l

8、ong it may _ _For two weeks.A. be borrowed Bborrow Cbe kept( )10. Jay Chou is a popular singer and his CDs _well. A. sell B. are sold C. sells(二)句子翻译:根据中文意思把词或短语连成句1. are , trees, planted, every year(每年我们都植树)2. half an hour , train tickets , was , Beijing, sold out, to, ago(通往北京的火车票半小时前就卖光了)3.should

9、, politely, the guests, be talked to,us, by(我们应该有礼貌地和客人说话)4.copy , the teacher, were, the students, the text, to, made,by(老师让学生抄课文)5.them, is , after school, often, them, cleaned, by , their classroom.(他们常常放学后打扫教室)6.together with, sent, parents, to, the , her, hospital, be, little girl, will(这个小女孩和她

10、的父母将一起被送到医院)7our school , will , in, basketball match , next week , a, be held一场篮球比赛下周将在我们学校举行。8a lot of, how , has , good advice , to, on, already, protect students, been given. (人们已经就如何保护学生提出了很多好建议)9these problems , about , enough , pay ,been reported ,them, the public, have, but, don't, much

11、attention to关于这些问题已报道得够多了,但依然没有引起公众多大的重视。10. the old man , be , weak, after, quite, must, so, the accident, looked after, was, he (那老人在事故后很虚弱,必须被好好照顾)动词的语态过关训练题答案:一、1-5 ACCAA 6-10 BCCAC二、1-5 BABCB 6-10 CBBCA三、1.Trees are planted every year. 2.Train tickets to Beijing was sold out half an hour ago. 3

12、.The guests should be talked to politely by us. 4.The students were made to copy the text by the teacher. 5. Their classroom is often cleaned by them after school. 6.The little girl together with her parents will be sent to hospital. 7.A basketball match will be held next week in our school. 8.A lot of good advice has already been given on how to protect students. 9. Enough about these problems have been reported, but the public don't pay much attention to them 10. The old man was quite weak after the accident, so he must be looked after


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