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《(备考2022中考英语专题复习课件+教案+练习)综合检测.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(备考2022中考英语专题复习课件+教案+练习)综合检测.docx(2页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、综合检测一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. We often_ (play) in the playground.2. Su Hai _ (go) for a walk last Sunday.3. He _ (get) up at six oclock.4. What he usually (do) after school?5. I _ (pick) apples on the tree last month.6. Mike sometimes _(go) to the park with his sister7. _ Mike_(read) English every day?8. How

2、 many lessons _your classmate_(have) on Monday?9. Mike didnt _(finish) his homework yesterday.10. There _(are) five books on the desk a moment ago.二、选择填空。( )1. Ten minutes ago, there_ an eraser, a pen and some books on the desk. A. was B. were C. is ( )2. Grandpa _ glasses when he reads. 河北 A. wears

3、   B. wore   C. has worn  D. was wearing( )3.Mrs Black some flowers in the garden yesterdayApicks Bpicked Cis picked( )4.-I have ever seen Alice in Wonderland(爱丽丝梦游仙境) -When _? -Two weeks ago Adid you see it Bhave you seen it Cdo you see it Dwill you see i( )5

4、. Last week Vivian a dress for her mother with her first-month salary Abuy Bbought Cwill buy Dwould buy( )6. you to Nanhu Park a week ago? YesWe had a good time there (2015·衡阳) ADo;go BDid;go CDid;went( )7. Yesterday the teacher told us the earth _ the sun.   A. goes around  

5、;   B. went around        C. is going around     D. would go around ( )8. We dont know if our friend _. If he _, well let you know. 四川宜宾   A. comes, comes    B. comes, will come  C. will come, co

6、mes ( )9. -Your coat fits you well.           -Thank you. I _ it when I was on a vacation. .湖南长沙   A. have bought        B. buy                 C. bought( )10.Oh,no! I _ the book in the lab Aleave Bleft Cwill leave Dwas leaving 


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