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1、小学六年级毕业升初中统一考试数学试题(时间 90 分钟,满分 120 分,)一、细心读题,认真填写,(共 23 分,8、9 小题每空 0.5 分,其余的每题 2 分)1.诸 城 市 今 年 的 财 政 收 入 是 六 十 九 亿 六 千 零 八 十 万 元,用 元 作 单 位 写 作()元,用“亿元”作单位写作(),保留整数大约是()亿元。2.一个三角形三个内角度数的比是 2:2:5 这个三角形按角分是()三角形。3.把线段比例尺(),在这幅地图上,5.5cm 表示实际的()千米。4.用 0,1,2 这三个数字组成的能被 2,3,5 整除的最小三位数是(),把它分解质因数是().5.数学课上,

2、小红从一个半径是 3cm 的圆形纸片上减去一个扇形,恰好占所在圆的面积的1,这个扇形的圆心角是(度),面积是(平方厘米)。6204080120160(千米)改写成数字比例尺。6.在1a13中,a 不能等于().已知 b 的绝对值等于 8 那么 b=().7.把 7 千克汤平均分装在 9 个袋子里,每袋是这些糖的(),每袋重()千克。8.学校组织书法比赛,10 位评委给小明打分如下,90、92、90、97、85、89、92、94、92、87,这组得分的中位数是()如果去掉一个最高分、一个最低分,小明的平均得分是().9.制药厂生产了一种农药球,直径是 2cm,把它永长方体的盒子包装每盒 2 排,

3、每排 4 个,那么盒子的长、宽、高分别是(,)厘米。10.一根丝带长 5 米,小红先剪掉了它的()米。11.4 千米 80 米=()米。2 小时 40 分=()小时。3.06 平方米=()平方分米。8500 毫升=()升。11,又剪去它的包扎礼物这时丝带还剩余2412.12()=():12=0.75二、判断题。(共 10 分,每小题 1 分)1.因为 3.20.8=4,所以说 3.2 是 0.8 的倍数。()。2.三个连续的偶数按从小到大的顺序排列,中间的一个用 a 来表示,那么这三个连续整数的和可以用 3a 来()。3.0.436 扩大 10 倍鱼 436 缩小 100 倍结果相等。()。4

4、.圆的面积和半径成正比例。()。5.21不能化成有限小数。()。286.所有的有理数不是负数就是正数。()。7.某车间今天出勤 100 人,缺勤 7 人,出勤率是 93%。()。8.在一条直线上有 A、B、C 三点,那么这条直线上有 6 条射线 3 条线段。()。9.用棱长是 1 厘米的小正方体木块,拼成一个最小的长方体,表面积减少了 2 平方厘米。()。10.740080=7408()。一、选择题。(共 16 分,每小题 2 分)1.下列公元年份是闰年的有:()A.1894 年 B.1992 年 C.1998 年 D.2100 年2.一个口袋里放 5 个黑球,4 个花球。7 个红球。从中摸出

5、 3 个球,这三个球()都是黑球。A.一定 B.可能 C.不可能 D.一定不3.下面图形中()是四棱柱的侧面展开图。A.BCD.4.一组图形有规律的排列着。第 78 个是()。A.B.C.D.5.学校捐款救助特困生,小明和小红共捐款 5 元,小明和小东共捐款 7 元,小红和小东共捐款 3 元,下面说法正确的是()。A.小东捐 3 元 B.小明捐 2 元 C.小红捐的最少 D.小明捐的最多。6.摩托车驾驶员以每小时 20 千米的速度行驶了 60 千米,回来时每小时的速度是 30 千米,他的往返平均速度是()千米。A.20 B.24 C.257.下列各数比4小的数是()。5115A.B.0 C.D

6、.()3568.把 10 克盐溶解在 100 克水中,盐和盐水的比是()。A.1:9B.1:10C.1:11D.10:100二、图形与操作题(共 8 分)1.李平将一个小木箱子放在大木箱子上,并从上面看、侧面看各画了一张图。(如图)请你在右边的方框里画出它的俯视图。1.计算下面复合图形的表面积。3.计算下面阴影部分的面积.三、计算:(共 24 分)1.直接写得数(6 分,每题 0.5 分)2.5115728 7 4.60.5 21132212(12)(16)0.7+0.4=2.计算题(每小题 3 分共 18 分)(9.1811113 22)151(4)(13)(212)12(111463)(0

7、.18910)9 341.2 12673 51251.6 60500=6 2.1 7.832(158)3.66.58 41288 78+209+122+491-258-42四、生活中的数学问题解答:(共 34 分,15 小题每题 5 分,第 6 题 9 分)1.王茹在社会实践中了解到,我市某加工厂原来每月用水 468 吨,通过采用节水技术,原来一年的用水量,现在可以多用一个月。现在这个工厂每月比原来可节约用水多少吨?2.打折促销是商家经常采用的促销手法,某店将进价 6 元的小商品按标价的八折出售,仍然可以获利 1.2 元,你知道小商品的原来标价是多少?(用方程计算)3.某人装修房子,它的书房长

8、 4.5 米,宽 3.6 米,用一种方砖正好 45 块,客厅长 6 米,宽 4.5米,用同样的方砖需要多少块?3.汪师傅把一块长 40cm、高 30cm、高 20cm 的长方体木料加工成一个圆柱体,聪聪利用所学的知识提了建议,加工后的圆柱体体积最大,加工后的体积是多少?4.一个长方体水箱里装有 15cm 高的聪聪把一个直径 6cm 的铁球放入水中,水面上升了0.6cm,弟弟把一块石块放进了水箱,石块没入水中后水面又上升了 1.5cm,问这块石块的体积是多少?5.下面是英语听力成绩的统计图。.这种统计图的特点是()。如果要看出每个分数段与全班总人数之间的关系。我们可以制成()统计图。.这次听力成

9、绩的优秀率是多少?(80 分以上为优秀)(百分号前保留一位小数)。.这次考试 80 分以上的比 80 分以下的人数多百分之几.通过观察和分析这些数据谈谈你对这个班英语听力情况的看法或给同学提点建议。Class:Name:()1.Good morning!A.Morning!B.Hello!C.Hi!()2.Nice to see you again!.A.How are you?B.Nice to see you,too.C.How do you do?()3.Good night,mom!A.Night!B.Good night!C.Good evening.()4.How do you d

10、o?A.How are you?B.Fine,thanks.C.How do you do?()5.How many story books do you have?A.I have 10.B.I can see 10.C.Thirty yuan.()6.Do you have new teachers?A.Yes,we do.B.Yes,we dont.C.Yes,we have.()7.Whos your art teacher?A.Mr Zhu.B.Miss Zhu.C.Hes tall.()8.Whats he like?A.Hes tall and strong.B.Yes,he i

11、s.C.Mr Zhu.()9.Is your English teacher young?A.No,she isnt.B.Yes,she is.C.No,she is.()10.?Her name is Chen Jie.A.Whats your name?B.Whats she name?C.Whats her name?()11.?I like Chinese,math and English.A.What classes do you like?B.What do you like?C.What are you like?()12.?We have English and P.E.A.W

12、hat do you have on Mondays?B.What do you have?C.What do you have on Monday?()13.?Its Monday.A.What is it today?B.What day is it today?C.What day is today?()14.?I watch TV and do my homework.A.What do you do?B.What do you do in Mondays?C.What do you do on Sundays?()15.May I have a look?A.Sure.Here yo

13、u are.B.Look!C.Here you are.()16.Our math teacher is Canada.A.from B.in C.at()17.I three new teachers.A.has B.am C.have()18.Whats Chinese teacher like?A.you B.your C.youre()19.My P.E.teacher is thin.A.too B.so C.very()20.There are days in a week.A.six B.seven C.eight()21.There are month(月)in a year(

14、年).A.ten B.eleven C.twelve()22.I often watch TV Saturday.A.on B.in C.at()23.I like P.E.I dont lime music.A.but B.and C.so()24.This is apple.It is red apple.A.a,a B.an,an C.an,a()25.What do you like?A.classes B.class C.classs六年级英语测试题Class:Name:()1.How are you?A.Fine,thanks.B.Yes,it is.C.How are you?(

15、)2.Nice to meet you!A.Fine,thank you.B.OK.C.Nice to meet you,too!()3.How do you go to school?A.I go to Canada by plane.B.I go to school by bike.C.What about you?()4.How do you go to the USA?A.I usually go to school by bus.B.I go to England by ship.C.I go by plane.()5.?My home is near the post office

16、.A.Where is your home?B.OK.C.See you then!()6.See you at 2 oclock.A.See you then!B.The fifth floor.C.Its easy.()7.?You can go by the No.15 bus.A.Its not far.B.How can I get to Zhongshan Park?C.Sure.()8.Where is the hospital?A.Next to the cinema.B.Thank you.C.Youre welcome.()9.Excuse me,is there a ci

17、nema near here?A.Yes,there is.B.No,its not far.C.Its near the post office.()10.?Its near the post office.A.Yes,there is.B.No,its not far.C.Where is the library?()11.?Its next to the hospital.A.Where is the cinema,please?B.Is it far?C.Go straight.()12.How can I get to the hospital?A.Its next to the h

18、ospital.B.You can go by the No.201 bus.C.Thank you.()13.Thank you.A.Thank you.B.OK.C.Youre welcome.()14.How can I get to the museum?A.Go straight.Then turn left.B.Thank you.C.Its east of the cinema.()15.Where is the post office?A.Go straight.Then turn left.B.Thank you.C.Its east of the cinema.()16.W

19、hat are you going to do this evening?A.Im going to the cinema.B.I go to school on foot.C.Yes,it is.()17.Is it far?A.No,it is.B.Yes,it is.C.Yes,it isnt.()18.do you go to school?A.What B.Where C.How()19.I go to school bike.A.on B.by C.get()20.Can I go foot?A.by B.at C.on()21.How can I to the post offi

20、ce?A.near B.get C.for()22.me.A.Excuse B.How C.next()23.birthday to you!A.After B.Happy C.First()24.The hospital is the left.A.at B.in C.on()25.is the bookstore?A.Where B.How C.When四年级英语测试题Class:Name:()1.Good afternoon!A.Hello!B.Hi!C.Afternoon!()2.Nice to see you again!A.How are you?B.Hello!C.Nice to

21、 see you,too.()3.Good night,moom!A.Good evening!B.Good night!C.Night!()4.How are you?A.Fine,thank you.B.I am 10.C.Nine.()5.How do you do?A.Fine,Thank you.B.How are you?C.How do you do?()6.How old are you?A.How are you?B.I am 11.C.I have 11.()7.?I have 23.A.How many books do you have?B.How many books

22、 can you see?C.How many book do you have?()8.?I can see 6.A.How many lights do you have?B.How many lights can you see?C.How many light can you see?()9.May I have a look?A.Sure.Here you are.B.Look!C.Sure.Here are you.()10.?50 yuan.A.How much is this schoolbag?B.How many is this schoolbag?C.How much a

23、re this schoolbag?()11.Wheres my seat?A.Its near the door.B.Its on the door.C.Its under the door.()12.Lets clean the desks and chairs.A.All right!B.Hello!C.Its nice.()13.Whats this?A.There is a board.B.Its a bee.C.Its bee.()14.?My name is Mike.A.Here are you?B.Whats your name?C.How do you do?()15.Wh

24、os the inventor of paper?A.Chinese people.B.Oh!Great!C.Hello!()16.Ia student.Youa teacher.A.am,amB.are,areC.am,are()17.Thisa boy.His nameZhang Peng.A.is,isB.am,isC.is,are()18.Letclean the fish bowl.A.IB.meC.my()19.This isapple.It isred apple.A.an,anB.a,aC.an,a()20.Wea new classroom.A.areB.haveC.has(

25、)21.Therea bee in our classroom.A.isB.areC.am()22.have a new schoolbag.schoolbag is heavy.A.I,myB.I,MyC.My,I()23.Put your English bookyour head.A.atB.inC.on()24.Theremany books in the desk.A.amB.isC.are()25.How manydo you have?A.pencilB.pencilsC.pencils.三年级英语测试题Class:Name:()1.当向别人打招呼时,应该说:A.Hello.B.

26、Good morning.()2.How are you?的正确答语是:A.nameB.Im fine,thank you.()3.当想知道别人的名字时,应该说:A.Whats your name?B.See you.()4.字母 K 的小写是:A.kB.()5.Nice to meet you 的意思是:A.见到你很高兴。B.你好吗?()6.向别人告别时,应该说:A.Good bye!B.Hi.()7.Jenny is a A.boyB.girl()8.Li Ming is a A.boyB.girl()9.Jenny lives in A.Canada.B.China.()10.字母 P 的大写是:A.PB.q()11.当向别人说谢谢时,应该说:A.Nice to meet you.B.See you later.()12.早上好的正确答语是:A.Good morning.B.See you later.()13.Whats this?Its a A.deskB.book()14.This is a A.teacherB.Danny()15.This is a boy.Whatsname?A.hisB.her


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