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《高考英语写作提分宝典:2类短语20个句型.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语写作提分宝典:2类短语20个句型.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 1 / 4高考英语写作提分宝典:2 类短语+20 个句型活动类:playchess/football(soccer)/basketball 下象棋/踢足球/打篮球goswimming 去游泳 go on anouting 去郊游have anouting at (the seashore) 去( 海边) 度假see thesights of Beijing 去北京观光have apicnic on the weekend 周末去野餐ride ones bike with sb.to(the park) 与某人骑自行车去(公园) enjoy afamily trip 享受家庭之旅have ad

2、ance on weekends 周末有舞会go to thecinema 去看电影have aparty 聚会play theguitar/piano/violin, etc.弹吉他/ 钢琴/小提琴等sing asong 唱歌playmusic/classic music/folk music/jazz music 演奏音乐/古典音乐/ 民间音乐/爵士乐goto/attend a concert 听音乐会饮食类及其他:abalanced diet 平衡的饮食food toprevent starvation, and clothing to keep away from cold 食物充饥、

3、衣物御寒eat moreof fruits and vegetables and refuse junk foods 多吃蔬菜和水果,不吃垃圾食品do thecleaning 打扫 spend ones time in manydifferent ways 以多种不同的方式消磨时间enjoydoing things by oneself 喜欢独自做某事2 / 4日常活动类常用句型1.I was watching TV, absorbed in the story,when suddenly I heard a cry for help.我正在看电视,全然被故事情节吸引了,突然听到有人喊求救。2

4、.Better off now, we can afford moreexpensive food with better nutrition. 我们的生活更富裕了,能买得起更有营养的更贵的食品。3.Much to my surprise, he lifted up theheavy box with great ease. 他毫不费力地就把这个沉重的箱子提起来了,这让我很惊讶。4.Without a second thought, I jumped thequeue.我不假思索地就插队了。5.At my words/Hearing my words, he patted meon the s

5、houlder as if to say thanks to me.听到我的话,他拍拍我的肩膀,好像在对我说谢谢。6. Unfortunately, he was catching the trainbound for Beijing,so we only exchangeda few greetings.不幸的是,他要赶开往北京的列车,因此我们只互相问候了几句。7.Its two months since he quit hisprevious job and got employed in our company.他离开以前的那份工作到我们公司上班已经有两个月了。8.We are livi

6、ng in a big family. We shouldcare for and help each other and think it 3 / 4a great pleasure to help others whenthey are in trouble.我们共同生活在一个大家庭中。我们应该学会互相关心,互相帮助,把帮助别人摆脱困难当成一种很大的乐趣。9.Breakfastis the most important meal of the day, and dinner the most enjoyable.早餐是一天中最重要的一餐,而晚餐则是最愉快的一餐。10.More and mo

7、re people own their privatecars nowadays, which shows that people s income has been increasing day by day.现在越来越多的人有私人汽车,这表明人们的收入在逐渐增加。11.Now I have come to know what labor means.I think what I experienced in this summer vacation is really wonderful andmeaningful.现在我终于懂得了劳动的真谛。这个暑假我所经历的一切都是如此精彩而又意味深长

8、。 12.Id like to remind you that youshould put on more clothes when getting up the following morning to protectyourself from cold.我想要提醒你,第二天早晨起床时多穿衣服,注意保暖,以防感冒。13.Iattach great importance to communicating with our family members face to face,which helps build a harmonious family atmosphere.与家人面对面地交流很

9、重要,这样可以营造一种和谐的家庭氛围。14.Actually everyone should attachimportance to family communication. It can strengthen the bond of the wholefamily and bridge the gap between children and parents.4 / 4实际上,我们都应该重视家人的交流,这能增强家庭的凝聚力,消除孩子与父母之间的隔阂。15.Not only should parents and children loveand show concern for each o

10、ther, they should also respect and understand eachother.父母和孩子不仅应该彼此关爱,还应该互相尊重,互相理解。16.If you do not intent to get yourselfsick, exercising every morning will surely be thebest way to prevent disease.如果你不想让自己生病,那么每天的晨练一定是预防疾病的最好的方式。17.This extra sleep could makepeople feel more alert, and boost their

11、 immune system.额外的睡眠会让人们更加清醒,提升他们的免疫力。18.Riding bikes is certainly agood way for us to exercise and it is of benefit to our health. 骑自行车对我们来说无疑是一个锻炼的好办法,并且它益于健康。19.What are you going to arrangefor us during our stay in your city?在我们待在你所在的城市期间,你将为我们安排一些什么活动?20.I am writing to tell you whatwe have arranged for you.我写信是要告诉你我们为你所作的安排


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