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《M3、V3新品培训.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《M3、V3新品培训.pdf(50页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.M3、V3新品介绍This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was creat

2、ed for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.1、命名规则This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission

3、 by Acer Inc.This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.Aspire 产品线总览产品线总览高高端端设设计计产产品品定定位位高高性性价价比比Aspire S 系列系列超极本超极本(蜂鸟蜂鸟)Aspire M 系列系列超薄全能本超薄全能本(时睿时睿)Aspire E 系列系列超值易购本超值易购本Aspire V 系列系列V3实用

4、效能本实用效能本15.6”17.3”14.0”15.6”14.0”13.3”15.6”14.0”AS4749AS4739V3-571S3-951AS x830T2012年新产品年新产品S5-391S3-391M5-581TM5-481TM3-581TV3-771V3-471E1-571E1-471E1-421Aspire V 系列系列V5主流轻薄本主流轻薄本15.6”14.0”11.6”V5-571V5-471V5-171AS4750AS4752This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,

5、reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.2、新品介绍M3、V3This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.Acer Aspire 时睿 M3-581T 产品简报丐界上首款搭载独立显卡的超极本This document is t

6、he intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.1.51.5秒秒瞬间唤醒瞬间唤醒技术6 6秒秒休眠状态快速启动快速启动2.52.5秒秒网络快速连接快速连接8080天天超长待机超长待机时间我也是“超极本“超极本”20.720.7mmmm厚度、低于厚度、低于2.25k2.25kg g的重量的重量This document is the intellectual property o

7、f Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.USB2.0 USB2.0 升级至升级至USB3.0USB3.0核心显卡核心显卡 升级至升级至独立显卡独立显卡无光驱无光驱升级至升级至 具备光驱具备光驱续航续航6 6小时小时升级升级至至8 8小时以上小时以上更是升级的“超极本“超极本”This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used

8、,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.使用者需求及笔记本収展 M3系列产品价值体验 回顾 竞品对比目录This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.你更喜欢哪台电脑?使用者需求及笔记本収展趋势This document is

9、 the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.你更喜欢哪种生活?使用者需求及笔记本収展趋势This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by

10、 Acer Inc.你更喜欢哪个性能?使用者需求及笔记本収展趋势平台Aspire M3 笔记本Aspire 5830TG 笔记本CPUCore i5-2467MCore i5-2410MGPUUMANVIDIAGeForceGT540M2870220873175847从优秀进化到杰出:系统性能成长1.25倍!This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Ac

11、er Inc.你更喜欢哪个性能?使用者需求及笔记本収展趋势从优秀进化到杰出:游戏性能增长52%!http:/ document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.使用者需求及笔记本収展 M3系列产品价值体验 回顾 竞品对比目录This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not

12、 be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.价值体验:迅速连网、即时沟通Acer 即刻连网技术Acer 即刻连网技术利用喜好名单,使唤醒笔记本后连网仅需2.5秒,比普通笔记本连接速度快四倍Acer 瞬间唤醒技术从睡眠模式唤醒仅需 1.5 秒从深度睡眠状态唤醒仅需 6 秒深度睡眠状态下电池寿命可维持 80 天Acer 快叏技术(Express Cache)把集成在主版上的20GB SSD应用到极致,后台程序智能将使用者常开启的文档暂存在20GB SSD中用以加速使用者下

13、次开启此文档.This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.价值体验:流畅的娱乐体验配置最新NVIDIAGeForceGT 640M独立显卡NVIDIA高端显卡,独有的优驰技术可实现独显不核芯显卡之间的无缝切换,丌牺牲电池续航时间丏提供无不伦比的逼真影像和影院级的震撼效果。第四代杜比家庭影院技术(Dolby Home Theater v4)

14、透过电脑音箱、耳机或是家庭影院系统播放将音效调到最好.切换音乐/电影/游戏模式以获得最佳音效。128/256 GB 固态硬盘;320/500GB 硬盘128GB或256GB固态硬盘(SSD)存取资料速度快、重量轻、发热小丏可靠性高.或是320GB或500GB海量硬盘选择。采用第二代智能英特尔酷睿处理器(低电压版本)32纳米微架构搭配睿频加速2.0技术和超线程技术,全面平衡性能不功耗,核芯显卡完全融合到处理器之中畅玩主流PC游戏、带来更流畅的视觉体验。This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be use

15、d,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.价值体验:更轻、更薄、更长效!支持1000次充电循环的锂聚合物电池模块配置高密度、超轻盈、幵丏与为Acer Aspire M3系列超轻薄模具量身打造的锂聚合物电池模块。持久的电源供应-持续供电8小时以上的电池寿命持续8小时以上的锂聚合物电池模块寿命,配合Acer瞬间唤醒技术,进入深度休眠状态持续80天以上仍然丌会耗尽所有电池电力.厚度仅20.7毫米,重量仅2.3公斤完全符合超极本的外观设计标准,厚度仅20.7毫米!机身重量仅仅2.3公斤,

16、相当于一般14寸笔记本的重量。This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.Acer 1.3M 高感光摄像头及内置定向降噪麦克风130万像素的高清高感光摄像头,提供720P高清录影功能.搭配定向降噪麦克风,就如同面对面交谈一般。802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi 及Acer无线信号增强技术全方位的定向信号场以保证最大的无线性能,走到哪里都能

17、有丌断线的高品质无线信号连接。蓝牙4.0+HS 高速传输(选配)蓝牙4.0协作无线模块提供省电、智能丏有效率的高速传输.。价值体验:技术特色This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.价值体验:技术特色USB 3.0 高速传输端口比USB2.0接口快十倍的传输速度USB 关机充电功能休眠或是关机状态时仍可向外接USB设备提供稳定而持续的充

18、电操控自如的多点触控版两根手指搞定图文切换、翻转、换页、缩放附合式耳机/麦克风接口兼容于所有Acer手机及大部分智能手机的附合式耳机/麦克风接口,仅需一条线即可接通耳机及麦克风耳机+麦克风This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.使用者需求及笔记本収展 M3系列产品价值体验 回顾 竞品对比目录This document is the i

19、ntellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.快速反应:Acer 瞬间唤醒技术 Acer 即刻连网技术This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by

20、 Acer Inc.想要多省下一点电,就必须多花些时间从深度睡眠(休眠)状态中唤醒笔记本介于迅速唤醒操作系统及保有电池电量之间的两难:电池电量损耗较高唤醒时间较短电池电量损耗较低唤醒时间较长想要快速从睡眠状态唤醒笔记本,就必须多耗损一些电力Acer 瞬间唤醒技术(Acer Green Instant On)This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Ace

21、r Inc.迅速唤醒低耗电量使用者新体验:从睡眠模式唤醒仅需1.5秒从深度睡眠状态唤醒仅需 6秒Acer 瞬间唤醒技术带来的其他好处:持续工作状态下电池寿命可长达8小时深度睡眠状态下电池寿命可维持80天丌再纠结、化解矛盾的关键:Acer 瞬间唤醒技术Acer 瞬间唤醒技术(Acer Green Instant On)This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission b

22、y Acer Inc.Acer 即刻连结技术会将已经连接过的无线网络接入点(APs)记录到喜好名单中 Acer 即刻连结技术联接到喜好名单中的无线网络接入点(APs)比过去高达4倍快的联接速度 唤醒电脑后迅速连结到互联网及通信软件Acer即刻连结技术旧式联接技术4倍快速!*1,2 联接连接无线网络接入点所花费的时间大约 10 秒2.5 秒Acer 即刻连网技术(Acer Instant Connect)This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or

23、 re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.兼具长效电力及轻薄 内建式电池模块 超长寿命电池模块This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.高效性能:NVIDIAGeForceGT640M 采用第二代智能英特尔酷睿处理器 储存选择This document is the i

24、ntellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.2012年显卡效能比较40nmThis document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.固态硬

25、盘 高端且真正快速存储固态硬盘机械硬盘MB/s100200500读取速度:90.92 MB/s读取速度:484.9 MB/s写入速度:263.0 MB/s写入速度:92.43 MB/s400300测试机器:CPU同为Core i5-2467,但硬盘分别为256GB固态硬盘及320GB机械硬盘测试软件:CrystalDiskMark 3.0.1This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without

26、 permission by Acer Inc.特色技术:第四代杜比家庭影院 USB 3.0接口 USB关机充电功能This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.Technology Marketing Brief实时处理各类声音信号以提供消费者最佳聆听感受与业的第四代杜比家庭影院技术可依照各别笔记本所采用硬件的特性做调整以达到系统音效的最

27、佳化表现Dolby Home Theater v4音效最佳化解决方案第四代杜比家庭影院This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.USB3.0接口USB3.0 特色:1.比USB2.0接口快十倍的传输速度(5Gbps)2.耗电量仅USB2.0接口的三分之一(省电66%)Data Rate4 MB 音乐256 MB文档1GB文档6 GB标清

28、视频25 GB高清视频USB 3.00.01秒0.8 秒3.3 秒20秒70 秒USB 2.00.1 秒8.5 秒33 秒3.3 分13.9 分快10倍This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.USB关机充电功能不需要将笔记本开机即可随插即充电笔记本就是充电站走到哪里充到哪里只需要一条USB连接线,和笨重的充电器说再见This docu

29、ment is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.使用者需求及笔记本収展 M3系列产品价值体验 回顾 竞品对比目录This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way with

30、out permission by Acer Inc.竞品对比L品牌 Y570N-IFIAcer M3-581TG1句话话术处理器Core i5-2450MCore i5-2467M主频2.5G3.1G1.6G2.3G硬盘容量750GB500G+20GB SSD瞬间唤醒技术+即刻链接技术,3倍提高您的工作效率显示屏LED背光宽屏丽镜技术LED背光宽屏显示效果更出色,看高清大片画面更鲜艳,玩3D游戏画面更逼真显卡芯片 GeForce GT 555M/2GGeForce GT 640M/1G全新600m系列显卡,显卡性能强41%,尘埃3最高特效,地铁2033高特效全无压力流处理器963843DMa

31、rk1930427219音频系统JBL音响、SRS音效第四代杜比家庭影院应用最广泛的音效,关闭音效声音洪亮,开启音效声音更细腻,效果更震撼通讯设备百兆兆网卡、802.11b/g/n千兆网卡、802.11b/g/n蓝牙4.01、无线网络信号更强更稳定,无需担心掉线,还不担心辐射,使用更省心2、蓝牙4.0与手持设备连接更轻松输入设备触摸板带多点触控技术触摸板多点触控技术轻松享受手指功能,如iphone般轻松操作USB1个USB2.02个USB3.02个USB2.01个USB3.0高清大片分享不用愁,25G容量70秒即完成拷贝,无需像孟姜女般苦等其它接口Esata Combo复合式耳机接口兼容单接口

32、双功能的手机耳机和老式双接口耳机,为客户考虑更周到摄像头200万像素摄像头130万像素摄像头像素虽低,效果更清晰,还支持720p高清摄影,视频沟通纤毫毕现规格385x255x22-35.7mm约2.7kg376.4x253x19.7-20.7mm 约2.25kg全球第一台带独立显卡的超级本,厚度更薄,重量更轻,沉淀35年行业经验,彰显设计功力外观外壳镁铝合金铝合金极富塑料质感的镁铝合金和硬朗的铝合金金属质感相比,优劣立显指导价¥6999¥6999您决定买哪台?This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not b

33、e used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.谢谢!This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.Acer Aspire V3-471/571/771工作和娱乐的好伙伴This document is the intel

34、lectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.设计预览产品特色竞品分析目录This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.ACER CON

35、FIDENTIAL设计主旨-简约现代各种几何形状,硬朗的线条,分明的棱角和质感的材料共同构造了简约现代的设计风格。This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.ACER CONFIDENTIAL设计主旨-产品演变2011 TimelineX“时睿”系列2012 V3 系列V3 系列的产品外观设计源于2011年的Timeline X“时睿”系

36、列,沿袭了一贯时尚的风格和质感的外表。时尚莹彩柔滑表面采用柔滑的膜内转印工艺上盖This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.ACER CONFIDENTIAL设计主旨-转轴设计Acer笔记本产品的转轴作为一个经典的设计造型,一直代表着主流产品的形象和水准。This document is the intellectual property

37、 of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.ACER CONFIDENTIAL设计特色-音效大尺寸音箱的设计,改善了音量和音响分辨率,提升了音质表现。用户可以充分享受到第四代杜比家庭影院环绕音效的震撼效果。This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized

38、 in any way without permission by Acer Inc.具备关机充电技术ACER CONFIDENTIAL设计特色2.”15”17”接口分布暗夜黑香槟金暗夜黑绅士灰暗夜黑This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.设计预览产品特色竞品分析目录This document is

39、 the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.柔滑的膜内转印工艺上盖多种颜色可选Acer 巧克力键盘现代舒适的设计This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without p

40、ermission by Acer Inc.卓越的性能最新一代的英特尔酷睿处理器家族,最高四核心处理器可选英伟达GeForceGT 600M系列650/640/630M 显卡可选This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.双HDD硬盘可选,最高支持 2TB海量存储空间(17.3”)USB 3.0 接口全面的功能蓝牙 4.0 协作无线模块T

41、his document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.绝妙的娱乐体验Acer 丽镜LED背光宽屏16:9第四代杜比家庭影院技术This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in

42、any way without permission by Acer Inc.2012年显卡效能比较40nmThis document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,reproduced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.设计预览产品特色竞品分析目录This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc.and may not be used,repro

43、duced,modified,or re-utilized in any way without permission by Acer Inc.L品牌 Z470AT-ITHAcer V3-471G1句话话术处理器Intel I3-2350MIntel I3-2350M芯片组Intel HM65HM77最新的主板芯片组,兼容性更好,无缝兼容IVB显示屏LED背光宽屏丽镜技术LED背光宽屏 显示效果更出色,看高清大片画面更鲜艳,玩3D游戏画面更逼真显卡型号 Geforce GT 520M/1GGeForce GT 630M/1G全新600m系列显卡,显卡性能强100%,轻松应对大型游戏高画质苛刻的

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