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《2015年12月英语四级真题答案及解析(卷二).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015年12月英语四级真题答案及解析(卷二).pdf(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 1 2015 年 12 月大学英语四级考试真题(二)答案与详解 Part Writing 审题思路 这是一篇四级考试中常见的议论文。此次话题 lifelong learning(终身学习)在考生日常生活中是比较常见的,因此写起来难度不大。考生应该将重点放在第二段阐释终身学习的重要性上。尤其可以结合当今信息时代涌现的一些新事物、新现象,比如从近几年出现的网店、打车软件等展开讨论,从而使论证有理有据,避免空洞说理。 写作提纲 一、引出话题:终身学习很重要(the importance of lifelong learning) 二、论证重要性:在信息时代,必须通过不断学习,紧跟时代步伐(keep

2、 pace with the times through ceaseless leaning): 1、使用打车软件(a Taxi App)的出租车司机比不用软件的司机挣得多 2、个开网店的家庭主妇甚至比白领职员挣得多(out-earn a white-collar worker) 三、深化主题、总结全文:活到老、学到老;只有不断学习,才能在迅速发展的社会中实现肖身潜能(achieve our potential),生活得更好(live a better life) 范文点评 全文翻译 学习应该是一个终身的过程 常言道:学习是一种日常体验和终身使命。这句话揭示了终身学习的重要性,这也是我们被反复

3、教导的一个道理。 高分范文 精彩点评 Learning Should Be a Lifelong Learning Should Be a Lifelong ProcessProcess It is often said that learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission. The saying indicates the importance of lifelong learning, which we have been lectured over and over again. Lifelong learning is c

4、rucial to our life and career in modem society. Living in the Information Age, we have to keep pace with the times through ceaseless learning; otherwise, well be too outdated to seize any opportunities. For example,a taxi driver who learns to use a Taxi App such as Didi can make much more money than

5、 those who dont; a housewife who opens a shop online can even out-earn a white-collar worker. All of their success can be attributed to their constant learning in addition to the progress of technology. As an old saying goes, it is never too old to learn. Thus, learning is an attitude regardless of

6、age. Only through learning ceaselessly can we achieve our potential and live a better life in this rapidly developing society. 开门见山,引出谚语。 点明话题:终身学习的重要性。 分析终身学习为何重要,并举例进行具体论证。 1. 恰当地引用谚语,深化主题。 终身学习在现代社会对于我们的生活和事业至关重要。生活在信息时代,我们必须通过无止境的学习来紧跟时代步伐,否则,将会因落伍而失去很多机会。例如,一个学习使用诸如滴滴打车之类软件的出租车司机比不用打车软件的司机要挣得多得

7、多;一个开网店的家庭主妇甚至比白领职员挣得多。他们的成功除了归功于科技进步外,还归功于他们的不断学习。 俗话说得好:活到老,学到老。因此,学习是一种态度,无关乎年龄。只有通过不断学习,我们才能在当今迅速发展的社会中发挥自身潜能,生活得更好。 Part Listening Comprehension Section A 1.听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Harrison, thanks for calling. Now, when would it be good for you to visit our company? M: Well. In fact, I can come alm

8、ost any time next month. And probably toward the end of a week would be best for me. Q : What are the speakers talking about? 【预测】四个选项均为描述事实状况的短语,结合选项中多次出现的 meeting 词,以及 details, next week和 the mans visit 等,可以推断,对话内容与男士的出访和会面有关,而且此次会面尚未达成。 【精析】D。女士询问男士什么时候方便到她所在的公司参观,男士说下个月几乎任何时间都行,可能接近周末的时间最好。由此可知,

9、两人在谈论男士参观女士所在公司的时间,故答案为 D)。 2. 听力原文W: Can you help me find a book on South America? M : What specifically would you like to know about ? We catalogue our books in many different ways. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 【预测】四个选项均为表示场所的短语,可以推测本题考查地点,听对话时注意捕捉提示对话发生场所的关键词。 【精析】C)。女

10、士请男士帮助她寻找一本关于南美洲的书,男士反问女士具体想要哪方面的书籍,因为他们通过多种不同的方式对书籍进行归类。由此可知,对话发生在图书馆,故答案为 C)。 3.听力原文:M: Im trying to make a call to New York and havent been able to get through. Can you help me? W : Sure. Try my phone. Q : What is the mans problem? 【预测】四个选项均以 he cannot 开头,可以推断对话中男士一定是遇到了某种问题,结合选项中出现的 call,可以推断对话中

11、男士一定是遇到了某种问题 , 结合选项中出现的 call, get through, phone number和 public phone 等词,可以进一步确定男士遇到的问题与电话有关。 【精析】B)。男士说他在尝试打电话到纽约,但一直没打通,询问女士能否帮助他,女士很爽快地答应,并让男士试试她的手机。由此可知,男士没办法打电话到纽约,故答案为 B)。 4.听力原文:M: I have to go to Prof. Hudsons office to discuss my thesis. If time allows,Id like to go to the movies with you w

12、hen I come back. W : I dont think I can make it. Im going shopping with Jane right now. Q : What is the man going to do first? 【预测】四个选项均为表示行为的动词短语,可以推断本题考查的内容与行为动作有关。结合选项中出现的 with the woman 和 his thesis 等词,可以进一步判定本题考查的是男士的行为动作,因此男士的话为听音重点。 【精析】D)。男士说他必须去哈德森教授的办公室讨论他的论文,如果时间允许的话,他希望回来后能和女士一起去看电影,而女士却

13、说她不一定能赶得及,因为她现在要和简去购物。由此可知,男士首先要做的事情是与哈德森教授讨论他的论文,故答案为 D)。 5.听力原文:W : Why are you so upset and worried? M: Ive been racking my brains all morning,trying to recall where I put my gold watch. But it has been in vain. Q : What do we learn about the man? 【预测】 四个选项的主语均为 he,结合选项中多次出现的 watch 可以推断本题考查内容与男士的

14、手表相关,听录音时注意与手表相关的内容。 【精析】C)。女士问男士为什么那么心烦和焦虑,男士说他整个上午一直在回忆,试图回想起来他把金表放到哪儿了,但一直都是徒劳。由此可知,男士仍然不知道他把金表放在哪儿了,故答案为 C)。 6.听力原文:W: I thought you said you were going to call me last week about the car Im selling. M: Oh, Im sorry. It completely slipped my mind. Q: What does the man mean? 【预测】四个选项的主语均为 he,结合选项

15、中出现的 forgot, slipped and hurt, sorry 和 sold 等词,可以初步推断与男士相关的事实并不是特别好的事实,因此听录音时要注意捕捉与男士相关的信息。 【精析】A)。女士说她记得男士说过上周会给她打电话,与她讨论一下她要卖的那辆车,男士听到女士的话后,马上表示道歉,因为这件事 completely slipped my mind,本题的关键在于理解短语 slip ones mind 的含义,即“忘记”。也就是说,男士把这件事忘得一干二净,故答案为 A)。 7.听力原文:W : I tried to catch the bus but couldnt make i

16、t. So Im late for class. M: Another excuse. Are you ready for what youll say tomorrow? Q: What does the man imply about the woman? 【预测】四个选项均以 she 开头,结合选项中出现的 absent, class, excuses 和 being late 等词,可以推断女士上课出勤情况不好,对话内容应该围绕女士上课出勤情况展开。 【精析】C)。女士说她努力赶汽车,但没有赶上,所以上课才会迟到,男士却说又一个借口,并问她是不是连明天要说什么都准备好了。由此可知,男士

17、认为女士总是在为她的迟到找借口,故答案为 C) 。 8.听力原文:M: The apartment building I live in is going to be tom down before the end of this month. I dont know what to do. W : Well, my brother is a real estate agent. He can help you out, I think. Q : What do we learn about the man? 【预测】 四个选项均以 he 开头,结合选项中出现的 move out of, bu

18、ilding, real estate agent 和 stay with 一词,可以推断对话内容与男士的住房情况有关。 【精析】B)。男士说他住的那栋公寓楼月底前就要拆除了,他对此一筹莫展,女士告诉男士,她弟弟是房地产经纪人,应该能够为男士提供帮助。由此可知,男士必须在短期内搬离现在的住所,故答案为 B)。 Conversation One 9-11.听力原文: M:Ace Employment Agency. Good morning. W:Good morning. I wonder if you can help me. Im looking for a job. M:Ill see

19、what we can do. Uh. Have you been to us before? W :No. (9) But youve managed to get jobs for some of my friends. So I thought, perhaps, you know. M:Yes, I see. First of all, could you give me your fall name? W :Yes, of course. Susan Hollies. M: Good. And could I have your phone number? W :Yes. 77889

20、92. M:Fine. And your date of birth, please? W :Feb. 3rd, 1980. M: Thank you. Now education. Which school did you go to? W: (10) I went to a secondary school in South Town. M : And have you been to college? W: No. (10) I left full-time education when I was 18. M : I see. Any qualifications? W: Yes. I

21、 gained a shorthand and typing diploma at evening classes. M : Thats good. Now, where are you working at the moment? W: (11) Well, Ive got a job as a shorthand-typist. But Fm not enjoying it very much and it doesn5t pay very well. M: I see. Have you applied for any other jobs? W: Yes. I thought Id l

22、ike to be a policewoman. But they turned me down because I was too short. M: What would you like to do now, then? W : Well, I think Id like to work in a travel agency. M: I see. I think the best thing is for me to see what we might find for you. And then. 9. How did the woman get to know about the m

23、ans company? B。【精析】男士问女士是否曾通过他所在的机构找过工作,女士表示没有,但这家职业介绍所曾帮助她的朋友们找到过工作,由此推断,她是从朋友处得知这家职业介绍所的信息的,故答案为 B)。 10. What formal education did the woman receive? C。【精析】对话中男士问女士曾在哪所学校上学,女士说她在 South Town 上的中学,然后又说,她 18岁之后就没有再接受过全日制教育,由此可知,女士所接受的最高程度的正规教育就是中学,故答案为 C)。 11. What do we learn about the womans occupa

24、tion? A。【精析】对话中男士询问女士目前在哪里工作,女士回答说自己现在的工作是一名速记打字员,故答案为 A)。 Conversation Two 1215听力原文: W : Steve, can you tell me how long youve been a pub owner? M: Well,four years,I suppose. (12) Ive been involved with pubs off and on for ten years. Ive sort of done hotel work and Ive also run a restaurant pub. An

25、d now Ive got what you call a good old-fashioned pub. (13) That is, a public bar, with all the social games going with it, which is what weve always wanted to have, you know. W: It sounds like youve always worked in pubs, but not always in this one. M : No, no. I worked in quite a variety of pubs. W

26、: What makes a good pub? I mean, you said, you know, it has got a good variety of things. M: Well, (14) I think having the right customers to start with, selling the right beer, keeping it good, and most of all, keeping a good attitude yourself, even though you probably feel very tired. But the idea

27、 is, if you generate from your side, its got to affect the other side, if youre getting the right customers in. W: Yeah. I must say thats one thing that has always struck me about being a pub owner. I mean, a lot of people seem to think that ifs a nice job, you know. Everybody says, Oh,Id love to re

28、tire and get a country pub.(15) But it seems to me that ifs actually very hard work. 12、What does the man say about his involvement with pubs? C)。【详解】对话中女士问男士他成为酒吧老板有多长时间了,男士回答说已经四年了,不过他从事与酒吧相关的工作断断续续已经有十年,故答案为 C)。 13、What characterizes the old-fashioned pub, according to the man? D。【详解】对话中男士说他现在的酒吧

29、是那种人们普遍认为的传统酒吧,这种酒吧的特点就是会有很多社交活动,故答案为 D。 14、What does the man say is most important in making a good pub? C。【详解】当女士问男士怎样才能成为好酒吧时,男士说,首先要有合适的顾客,售卖合适的啤酒,并 且酒要好,最重要的是,即使感觉很疲惫,也依然要保持良好的态度,这样才能让酒吧更成功,故答案为C)。 15、What does the woman think of running a country pub? A。【详解】对话结尾时,女士说,很多人都认为经营酒吧是一份很好的工作,每个人都说想在

30、退休以后, 开一家乡村酒吧,但女士却认为经营酒吧实际上是一份相当辛苦的工作。选项 A)中的 tough 是原文中 hard的同义转述,故答案为 A)。 Section B Passage One To help ourselves and others, its important to know something about drugs. A drug is a chemical substance. It can bring about a physical, emotional, or mental change in people. Alcohol and tobacco are d

31、rugs. Caffeine, a substance found in coffee and some soft drinks, is also a drug. (16) Drug abuse is the use of a drug, legal or illegal, that hurts a person or someone close to him. A drug user is the person who takes the drug. There are many kinds of drug users. Experimental users may try drugs on

32、ce or twice. They want to see what the effects will be. (17) Recreational users take drugs to get high. They use drugs with friends or at parties to get into the mood of things. Regular users take drugs all the time. But they are often able to keep up with the normal routine of work. Dependent users

33、 cant relate to anything but drugs. Their whole life centers around drugs. They feel extreme mental or physical pain without drugs. Its not always easy to tell that someone is using drugs. In the early stages, drug use is often hard to see. Sometimes, people like drugs or need drugs so much; they ca

34、nt do without them. They are dependent upon drugs. (18) Only a few kinds of drugs can cause physical dependence. But almost any drug, when its misused, can make a person think he needs it all the time. By this time, its too late and the person is hooked. 16、What does the speaker say about drug abuse

35、? D。【详解】短文中提到,药物滥用是指合法或非法地使用药物,并对使用者本人或者与其亲近的人造成伤害,故答案为 D)。 17、What does the speaker say about recreational drug users? B。【详解】短文中提到了不同类型的人使用药物的目的。其中提到,Recreational users take drugs to get high.即娱乐性毒品使用者吸毒是为了让自己兴奋,故答案为 B)。 18、What does the speaker say about drug dependence? C。【详解】短文最后一部分提到,虽然仅有很少几种药物

36、会造成身体的依赖性,但若使用不当,几乎所有药物都会让人一直觉得他需要该药物,这时候已经晚了,因为他已经上瘾了。也就是说,药物依赖性很难根除,故答案为 C)。 Passage Two According to Charles Harper, Chairman of ConAgra, the Healthy Choice line of frozen dinners, began with his own heart attack. It has been brought on by years of eating anything he could get his hands on. (19)

37、As he lay in the hospital recovering, Harper imagined the line of healthy frozen foods that tasted good. (20) The Healthy Choice product line was carefully tested with consumers before being introduced to the general public. ConAgras research and development staff spent a year working under the inst

38、ruction “Whatever the cost, dont sacrifice taste”. The first test market results surprised even the ConAgra team. The low-sodium, low-fat frozen dinners sold much better than expected. (21) According to the firms vice-president of marketing and sales, “We benefited from low expectations. The product

39、s were much better than people thought they would be.” This finding supported ConAgras decision to position the product against other high-quality frozen dinners rather than as a diet or health food. The new products brand name and packaging were an important part of the development process. (22) Th

40、e name Healthy Choice was chosen for the positive implication it held for consumers. Because ConAgra felt the product would be an impulse purchase, it was important to make the item stand out in the freezer case. This was accomplished through the dark green packaging that not only differed from the

41、competitors but also suggested freshness and richness in vitamins. 19、What did Charles Harper think of while he was in hospital? B。【详解】短文中提到,当查尔斯哈柏因为心脏病发作而躺在医院康复时,他想象着一排健康美味的冷冻食品,故答案为 B)。 20、What does the passage say about the Healthy Choice product line before it went to market? A。【详解】短文中提到,在真正投放到市

42、场面向大众之前,Healthy Choice 系列的食品经过了消费者的认真测试,故答案为 A)。 21、What is said to contribute to ConAgras business success? B。【详解】短文中提到,ConAgra 公司负责市场营销的副总裁认为,他们从低期待值中受益,产品比人们想象的更出色,故答案为 B)。 22、What does the speaker say about the name Healthy Choice? C。【详解】短文中提到,选择使用 Healthy Choice 这个商品名称,是因为它能给消费者以正面暗示,故答案为 C)。 P

43、assage Three (23)In the United States, 36 states currently allow capital punishment for serious crimes such as murder. Americans have always argued about the death penalty. (24) Today, there is a serious question about this issue: Should there be a minimum age limit for executing criminals? In other

44、 words, is it right for convicted murderers who kill when they are minorsthat is, under the age of 18to receive the death penalty? In most other countries of the world,there is no capital punishment for minors. In the United States though, each state makes its own decision. Of the 36 states that all

45、ow the death penalty, 30 permit the execution of minors. In the state of South Carolina, a convicted murderer was given the death penalty for a crime he committed while he was a minor. (25) In 1977, when he was 17 years old, James Terry Roach and two friends cruelly murdered three people. Roachs law

46、yer fought the decision to execute Mm. The young murderer remained on Death Row for ten years while his lawyer appealed to the governor. The lawyer argued that it is wrong to execute a person for a crime he committed while he was a minor. In the United States, the governor of a state has the power t

47、o change a sentence from the death penalty to life in prison. (25) Nonetheless, the governor of South Carolina refused to stop the execution. Roach was finally executed in 1986. 23、What does the speaker say about the death penalty in the United States? A。 【详解】短文开头明确指出,在美国,目前有 36 个州允许对严重罪行执行死刑,比如谋杀。也

48、就是说,美国大部分地区有死刑的存在,故答案为 A)。 24、What is the focus of the debate around the death penalty? B。【详解】短文中提到,目前关于死刑存在一个重大问题:是否应该对被执行死刑的罪犯设置一个最低年龄限制,故答案为 B)。 25、What does the speaker say about James Terry Roach? D。 【详解】短文最后提到,1977 年,詹姆斯特里罗奇当时 17 岁,与两个朋友一起残忍地杀害了三个人,因此被判死刑。虽然他的律师提起上诉,但该州州长拒绝撤销死刑,最终他于 1986 年被执行死

49、刑。 由此可知,虽然罗奇在犯罪时仍是未成年人,但依然被执行了死刑。故答案为 D)。 Section C 26、transactions。【详解】本句主语 they 为复数,因此空格处应该填入名词复数形式,作介词 as 的宾语。.空格所在句分号前提到,大笔借款通常不是问题,而空格所在部分后半句中说条款都已经被白纸黑字地记录下来。由此可见,大笔借款被看作商业交易。.结合录音填入 transactions,意为“交易,业务”。 27、in silence。 【详解】本句主干结构完整,此处应该填入副词或副词短语,充当状语,修饰动词 suffer。. 由该句之后卡萝尔对自己遭遇的描述可以看出,她的朋友金

50、尼经常向她借钱,但从来没有还过,虽然数目不大,而卡萝尔也觉得不好意思,没有要求她还钱,也就是说,她对朋友的行为是默默地忍受。结合录音填入 in silence,意为“默默地”。 28、short of。【详解】 此处填入的词或词组应该能够连接系动词 is 和空格后的名词 cash,描述主语金尼与金 钱之间的关系。空格所在句后一句中说,金尼经常向卡萝尔借上一两美元买饮料或者电影票,也就是说,金尼比较缺钱。结合录音填入 short of,意为“缺少,缺乏”。 29、resent。【详解】此处应该填入动词,作句子的谓语。空格所在句及其前两句都是在描述卡萝尔的朋友向她借钱不还,说明卡萝尔对朋友这样的行


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