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《高考8个六级常考语法重点.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考8个六级常考语法重点.pdf(22页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1 8 个六级常考语法重点 (一)it 常用句型 常见题型:听力理解、选词填空、信息匹配、阅读多项选择、段落翻译、短文写作 常见句型: 1. It is true/ obvious/clear/ possible/ certain that 真题解析: It is simply not true that economic growth will surely make our world cleaner.(16 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 经济增长一定会使环境改善也绝非事实。 It is certainly possible that we could get very slow gro

2、wth over the next year. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 在下一年里取得缓慢的增长是完全可能的。 It is clear that consumers dont always know what they are getting.(16 年 6 月 CET6,第三套) 很明显,对于自己买的产品究竟是何等货色,消费者们并不总是很清楚。 2. It is hard/difficult/important/necessary/possible ( for sb.) to do sth. 真题解析: Therefore,it is advisable for us to

3、distinguish the authenticity of information. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 因此,对我们来说,学会甄别信息是可取的。 It is highly important to expand the metropolitan areas. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 2 扩大都市圈至关重要。 3. It is reported/learned/estimated that . 真题解析: It is estimated that step would save hundreds of billions of dollars over

4、the next decade. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 据估计,这一举措将在未来十年节省数千亿美元。 4. It looks as if/as though 真题解析: It looks as though self-control is something that in one generation can disadvantage the next generation. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 这样看来,上一代的自制力似乎会影响到下一代。 5. It is + 被强调部分 + that . 真题解析: It was this lack of infor

5、mation that prompted the launch of Im First in 2013. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 正是由于信息缺乏,促使“我是第一代”机构于 2013 年成立。 It was only in the 20th century that Leonardos portrait of his patrons wife rocketed to the number-one spot.(15 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 直到 20 世纪,莱昂纳多为其赞助人的妻子画的画像才飙升至首要位置。 Its when you find yourself surr

6、ounded by toxic friends who live in the past that you realize youre not getting any younger. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 当你发现你的朋友都沉迷在过去的时候,你会意识到自己不再年轻。 3 It was his curiosity that made him invent so many things and achieved great success in his career. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 正是他的好奇心驱使他发明了如此多的东西,从而最终在事业上取得了巨大的成

7、功。 It is due to his focus on small things that Apple makes great success in the mobile field. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第三套) 正是由于他专注于做小事情,苹果公司才在手机行业取得了巨大的成功。 6. It takes(sb.). to do sth. 真题解析: It will take a long time to change the current trend in higher education. (15年 12 月 CET6,第二套) 改变高等教育的现状需要很长时间。 7.It is

8、 not until + 被强调部分 + that . 真题解析: It wasnt until I hit around 25 that I realized Id missed a large chunk of my life for absolutely no reason. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 直到我 25 岁我才意识到我毫无缘由地错过了生活中的大把时光。 (二)名词性从句 常见题型:听力理解、选词填空、信息匹配、阅读多项选择、短文写作、段落翻译 常见句型: 1.主语从句 真题解析: But what most students and parents dont r

9、ealize is that schools have 4 hidden motives for offering early decision. (15 年 5 月 CET6,第二套) 但是,大多数学生和家长并没有意识到,学校之所以提前录取是有其隐藏动机的。 2.宾语从句 真题解析: Piaget argued that attaining and accepting a vocation is one of the best ways to modify idealized views and to mature.(16 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 皮亚杰认为获得并接受一份职业是修正理

10、想化观念和使人变成熟的最好途径之一。 all the facts suggest that high unemployment in America is the result of inadequate demand.(16 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 所有的事实都表明美国的高失业率是需求不足的结果。 The study found that even in high-poverty schools,teachers consistently had a huge positive or negative impact. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第三套) 研究发现,即便在极度贫困的

11、学校,教师也始终起到了巨大的积极或消极的影响。 On the contrary, other people claim that it is a common phenomenon that a host of youngsters spend so much time reading on social networks. (15 年12 月 CET6,第一套) 而相反,另一些人却认为现在的年轻人花费太多的时间浏览社交网络。 From the standpoint of a traditional educator, this outcome indicated that schooling

12、 had failed to help students think about major scientific ideas. (15 年12 月 CET6,第三套) 从传统教育工作者的角度来看,这一结果表明,学校教育未能帮助学生思考重要科学理念。 5 He points out that the most reproduced works of impressionism today tend to have been bought by five or six wealthy and influential collectors in the late 19th century. (15

13、 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 他指出,当今转载最多的印象派作品大多在 19 世纪末被五六个富裕并有影响力的收藏家购买过。 3.表语从句 真题解析: And that, fundamentally, is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 这也就从根本上解释了为什么我们面临巨大的结构性问题的论调被多次复制。 Chances are that the product is made in China. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第二套) 很

14、有可能这件产品是中国制造的。 this sort of activity is where the future of environmental action lies. (15年 12 月 CET6,第三套) 这种活动正是环境行动的未来所在。 The lesson taught by plants is that sharing life expands and enhances the sphere of the living. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 植物教给我们的是分享生活,拓展生命空间,提升生命层次。 The problem is that this process

15、 effectively shortens the window of time students have to make one of the most important decisions of their lives up to that point. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 6 问题在于这个过程有效地将学生必须做出人生重大决策之一的一小段时间缩短到那一刻。 4.同位语从句 真题解析: But missing from all these data is the sense that todays young care very much about their co

16、untry, about political environment, or about the future of their society. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第三套) 但在这所有这些数据中, 都没有信息表明当今年轻人关心自己的国家, 关心政治环境, 或者关心社会的未来。 the label was misleading because it gave the impression that the products had been certified by a third party when the certification was the companys own.

17、 (16 年 6 月 CET6,第三套) 这一标签具有误导性,因为它给人们的印象是这些产品已被第三方认证,但实际上却是由公司自己认证的。 There is an idea that sales are all about lies and that you have to be really tricky and clever with words to sell your products. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 有些人认为,销售充满谎言,要想卖出商品就必须能说会道。 (三)分词 常见题型:听力理解、选词填空、信息匹配、阅读多项选择、段落翻译、短文写作 常见搭配: 1.分

18、词作定语(分词前置,分词后置) 真题解析: 7 A surprising thing for the man who runs one of the worlds most powerful economies to say?(16 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 对于一个统治世界上最强大国之一的人来说,说出这样的话很奇怪吗? Only three states, with a combined population not much larger than that of Brooklyn(16 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 只有在三个人口总数加起来不超过布鲁克林的州 Its benefi

19、ts outweigh the hazards involved. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 它的好处远超过了它所涉及的危害。 a retired member of the Public and Commercial Services Union (15 年 12月 CET6,第三套) 一名公共及商业服务工会的退休成员 the foods served are so diverse that guests cannot eat up all the dishes. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 端上的饭菜丰富多样,让客人吃不完。 an astonishing numb

20、er of exceptional colleges(15 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 数量惊人的杰出的学校 2.分词作状语 真题解析: Chinese entrepreneurs have been working hard to become leading innovators, aiming at responding to consumer market. (16年6 月CET6,第一套) 中国企业家也在努力争做创新的先锋,以适应消费市场 8 Facing water shortages and escalating fertilizer costs, farmers in de

21、veloping countries are using raw sewage to irrigate and fertilize nearly 49 million acres of cropland. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 面临水源短缺和不断上升的肥料成本的压力, 发展国家的农民正在使用下水道污水对近四千九百万英亩的农田进行灌溉和施肥。 Agriculture is a water-intensive business, accounting for nearly 70% of global fresh water consumption. (16 年 6 月 CET6,

22、第二套) 农业是大量用水的行业,约消耗全球近 70%的淡水。 Based on the above imagination, we may conclude that(16 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 根据以上的情形,我们可以得出. Faced with so much information, were actually not competent enough to tell the useful information from the useless one. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第二套) 面对如此多的信息, 我们实际上并没有足够的能力辨别哪些是有用的, 哪些是无用的。

23、 Viewed from scientists standpoint, all the energy contained in fuel either now nor in the future becomes heat. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第二套) 科学家认为,燃料里所含的全部能源迟早都会变成热量。 3.分词作补语(通常在感官动词和使役动词之后) 真题解析: make your audience absorbed and involved (15 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 让你的听众被吸引并且参与进来 9 4.分词作插入语 常见结构: judging from 从判断 g

24、enerally/strictly speaking 一般说来/严格说来 taking all things into consideration 全面看来 (四)定语从句 常见题型:选词填空、信息匹配、阅读多项选择、段落翻译、短文写作 常见句型: 1.which、that 引导的定语从句(指物) 真题解析: The protection and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throug

25、hout the world. (16 年 6 月 CET6 第一套) 人类环境的保护和改善是一个重要问题, 它将会影响到全世界人口的福利和经济的发展。 2. who, whom, that 引导的定语从句(指人) 真题解析: Driverless cars should be built ,programmed and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 无人驾驶车辆,应该由能够对安全和交通事故负责

26、的生产商们建立、规划并销售。 10 Jones represents a small percentage of first-generation students who are able to gain entry into more elite universities. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 琼斯仅代表了能考入那些更著名的大学的第一代学生的一小部分。 3. whose,of which 引导的定语从句(指人或物) 真题解析: Growth has gone to the very,very top,whose share has almost increased f

27、our times since 1980. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 增长的是位于社会最顶层的人们的收入,他们的平均收入自 1980 年以来已经增长了4 倍。 2011 is the historic moment in the process of urbanization in China,whose urban population exceeds the rural population for the first time. (15年6月CET6,第二套) 2011 年是中国城市化进程中的历史性时刻, 其城市人口首次超过农村人口。 Americans views the

28、 family as a group whose primary purpose is to advance the happiness of individual members. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第三套) 美国人认为家庭的首要目的是提升每个家庭成员的个人幸福,而不是整个家庭的幸福。 4 .when, where, why,that 引导的定语从句(指时间、地点、理由) 真题解析: It is also the reason why development agencies are not united in their view of environmental issues

29、. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 这也是为什么发展机构对环境问题的意见不能统一的原因。 11 The virtual world acts as an appropriate platform where people can always stay in touch however long the distance is. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 虚拟世界是一个合适的平台,使得人们无论距离多远都可以随时保持联系。 In cases where sewage mud is used, expensive chemical fertilizer use can be

30、avoided. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 在使用污泥的情况下,可以省去使用昂贵的化学肥料。 The revisions come at a time when green marketing is on the rise. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第三套) 这些修订正值绿色营销兴起之际。 5. 非限制性定语从句(补充说明) 真题解析: structural unemployment is a fake problem, which mainly serves as an excuse for not pursuing real solutions. (16 年 6 月 C

31、ET6,第一套) 结构性失业是一个虚假问题,只是不寻求真正解决方法的一个借口。 The preferences of these men bestowed prestige on certain works, which made the works more likely to be hung in galleries and printed in collections. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 他们的喜好使得这些作品享誉盛名, 从而令这些作品更有可能陈列在画廊并作为收藏品印刷。 It also gives schools a higher yield rate, whic

32、h is often used as one of the ways to measure college selectivity and popularity. (15年6 月CET6,第二套) 这也能给学校带来更高的招生率, 这是人们经常用来衡量一所学校的可选性和受欢迎12 程度的方法之一。 (五)状语从句 常见题型:听力理解、选词填空、信息匹配、阅读多项选择、段落翻译、短文写作 常见句型: 1.地点状语从句 真题解析: Where justice is concerned, there is also a huge divide. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 虽然人们关注公平

33、,但还是有很大差距。 2.方式状语从句 真题解析: .you will start to feel as if the best days of your life have passed you by. (15年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 你会发现你生活中最美好的时光似乎都离你而去。 3.原因状语从句 真题解析: environmental degradation affects the poor more than the rich, as poorer people derive a much higher proportion of their income directly fro

34、m the natural resources around them. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 环境退化对穷人的影响超过对富人的影响, 这是因为穷人靠周围自然资源获取的收入占其总收入的比例更高。 People often get into love affairs because they have unrealistic 13 expectations about somebody. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 人们陷入恋爱关系时,往往都会对对方抱有一种不切实际的期待。 Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday,

35、 for it has passed and is beyond our control. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 生活教会我们不要缅怀昨天,因为它们已经成为过去并且无法挽回。 Family name and honor are less important than that in aristocratic societies, since equality of opportunity regardless of birth is considered a basic American value. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第三套) 在美国,家族名声和荣誉不像在贵

36、族社会那样重要,因为“不论出身,机会均等”被视作美国的一项基本价值。 4.目的状语从句 真题解析: So the only alternative is working hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 我们能做的事情就是在当下努力,这样才能有一个更好的明天。 5.结果状语从句 真题解析: In some cases, water is so scarce that farmers break open sewage pipes transporting waste to loca

37、l rivers. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 有时候,水源太过匮乏了,农民甚至会打破将污水导入当地河流的下水管道来灌溉。 Teaching is so important that it should be like other professions, with high pay and good working conditions. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第三套) 14 教学是如此的重要,它应该像其他职业一样,有着较高的工资和良好的工作条件。 As it is, sleep is so undervalued that getting by on fewer hou

38、rs has become a badge of honor. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第三套) 睡眠的重要性被严重低估了,睡眠时间短成了值得骄傲的事。 6.条件状语从句 真题解析: Testing innovations do no good unless the good experiments are identified and expanded and the bad ones are dropped. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 只有保证好的试验能得到认同并得以拓展,不好的试验被摒弃的情况下,测试创新才会有用处。 Our society needs the fu

39、ll participation of its younger citizens if it is continue to thrive. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第三套) 我们的社会如果想继续蓬勃发展,就需要年轻公民的充分参与。 If a team manager exemplifies such qualities, then the team would be better able to realize their potential and achieve their objectives. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 如果团队经理能够展示出各种素质,整个团队就能

40、够更好的发挥潜力,实现目标。 These students need to build skills and knowledge during college if they are to use their degrees as stepping-stone to middle-class mobility. (15 年 12 月CET6,第二套) 这些学生如果想把学位作为迈入中产阶级的踏板,就需要在大学期间学习技能和知识。 15 7.让步状语从句 真题解析: Although more than a third have an object in their rooms they woul

41、d like to keep secret from their parents, rarely is it anything more alarming than a diary or off-color book or CD. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第三套) 虽然有超过三分之一的青少年的房间里都有不想让父母看到的东西,譬如日记本、低俗的书籍或 CD 等,但很少有比这些更让人担忧的东西。 Although a team may be composed of knowledgeable people, they must learn new ways of relating and w

42、orking together to solve cross-functional problems. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 虽然团队中都是博学的人,但他们也必须学会与其他人互相协作,形成良好的合作关系,以解决跨职能问题。 8.比较状语从句 真题解析: man-made creations as smart and capable as we are (16 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 像人类一样聪明,有能力的人造机器人 Southern states without strong teachers unions have schools at least as awf

43、ul as those in union states. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第三套) 没有强大教师工会的南方诸州, 其学校至少和那些有教师工会的联邦州的学校一样糟糕。 It could also insist on checking private manned spacecraft as thoroughly 16 as it does commercial aircraft. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第三套) 航空局坚持要求对私人的载人航天器进行彻底的检查,就像其对商用飞机所做的那样。 The more people were exposed to, the more

44、they liked it,and the more they liked it, the more it appeared in books, on posters and in big exhibitions. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 看到这些作品的人越多,这些作品就越受欢迎,就能被更多的书籍、海报转载,并在大型展览上陈列。 In the 1850s,Leonardo da Vinci was considered no match for giants of Renaissance art like Titian and Raphael, whose works were

45、 almost ten times as much as “Mona Lisa”. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 在 19 世纪 50 年代,人们还认为达芬奇赶不上文艺复兴时期像提香和拉斐尔这样的艺术巨匠,他们作品的价值几乎是蒙娜丽莎的十倍。 public parks in cities become crowded as soon as the sun shines(15 年 6 月CET6,第一套) 从日出之时城市公园就挤满了人。 the sooner we start, the better off we will be (15 年 6 月 CET6,第一套) 越早开始行动,对

46、人类越好。 (六)特殊句型 常见题型:听力理解、选词填空、信息匹配、段落翻译、短文写作 17 常见句型: 1.tooto(太以至于不能) 真题解析: too fascinated by the companys previous success to recognize the change that was needed to sustain its competitiveness. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 过于迷恋公司以前所取得的成就,而未意识到需要做出改变以保持公司的竞争力。 For example, building codes included green cons

47、truction guidelines, most developers would be too lazy to challenge them. (15年12 月CET6,第三套) 例如,如果建筑条例中增加绿色施工指南,大多数开发商都会懒得挑战这些条例。 too busy to make perfect private plans(15 年 12 月 CET6,第三套) 太忙而无法制定完美的私人计划。 当 too 被 only, but, all 等词修饰时,tooto结构就不再表示否定的意思,而有肯定的含义 The bankers, among the strongest advocate

48、s of laissez-faire economics, were only too willing to accept hundreds of billions of dollars from the government in the aid programs. (15 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 那些银行家是最支持自由放任的经济体制的人, 他们非常愿意接受来自政府援助项目的上千亿美元。 2.when it comes to(当谈及) 真题解析: When it comes to the comprehensive economic strength, Shenzhen ranks

49、18 among the top-class cities in China. (16 年 6 月 CET6,第二套) 就综合经济实力而言,深圳居于中国顶尖城市之列。 Opinions vary when it comes to the impact of social networking websites on reading. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 关于社交网络对读书的影响众说纷纭。 They should learn how to balance the relationship between parents and the children from Ameri

50、can parents when it comes to education. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 在涉及教育时,他们应该向美国父母学习如何平衡父母与子女间的关系。 3.notbut(不是.而是) 真题解析: The issue is not just how the team can function more effectively, but how it integrates with the overall organization or society that it supposedly serves. (15 年 12 月 CET6,第一套) 问题不仅在于应


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