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《七年级英语期末综合测试卷(三)含答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语期末综合测试卷(三)含答案.doc(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、.1/11七年级英语期末综合测试卷七年级英语期末综合测试卷(三三)(时间:90 分钟满分:100 分)班级_得分_听力部分(20 分)一、根据你所听到的容,选择正确答案一、根据你所听到的容,选择正确答案(5(5 分分)()1Afive boxesBfifteen booksCfifty bags()2Atall and slimBshort and slimCshort and strong()3A1aterB1atterC1etter()488010667B88010676C88010677()5go to schoolBgo homeCgo to the zoo二、根据你所听到的对话与问题

2、选择正确答案二、根据你所听到的对话与问题选择正确答案(5(5 分分)()6AOneBFourCThree()7A4:15B4:50C5:50()8AAt schoo1BAt homeCIn a book shop()9AOn ThursdayBOn FridayCOn Saturday()10AWhiteBYellowCRed三、根据你所听到的对话与问题选择正确答案三、根据你所听到的对话与问题选择正确答案(5(5 分分)(听第一段对话回答第 11、12 小题,第二段对话回答 13、14、15)()11A3:25B4:25C5:25()12A12 yuanB12.5 yuanC13 yuan()

3、13AA pair of trousersBA pair of football bootsCA sweater()14ASize 6BSize 7CSize 8()15A$68B$58C$45四、根据你所听到的短文填入正确的单词四、根据你所听到的短文填入正确的单词(5(5 分分)Millie is16clothes for me nowLook at the17It is18and the colouris young19favouriteI think it looks20on anyoneOh,how nice the21boots are 11 think it is22 to wea

4、r bootsLet me23 them onI dont want themto be24 tightI think 1 will be 25in the clothes16_17_18_19_20_21_ 22_ 23_ 24_ 25_笔试部分(80 分)一、选择填空一、选择填空(15(15 分分)()1Could you buy _milk for meplease?一 Sorry,I dont have_ moneyAsome;someBany,anyCany,some Dsome,any()2Would you like _ at home or go for a walk?.2/1

5、1Ato stayBstayingCstayDstays()3I dont mind _the windowIt is not in the roomAto openBopenedCopening Dis coming()4My words made him _very sadAfeelsBfeelCto feelDD felt()5China is a country _a 1ong historyAhasBhaveCin Dwith()6The library is a good place _booksAto lookBto seeCto watch Dto read()7.一 I ca

6、lled you yesterday,_nobody answered itWhere _you?Our family wentto Hang ZhouAand;areBbut;wereCso;were Dbut;did()8Mr.White has two children_is a doctor,and _is a nurseAOne;anotherBOne;othersCOne;other DOne;the other()9.The actor _of medium build and _straightblack hair,Ais;hasBis:isChas;has Dhas;is()

7、10We have a job _you _a teacherA.for;forB.to;forC.for;as Dfor;to()11Were so tired。Lets stop_Ahaving a restBto have a restChave a rest Dhas a rest()12There _a pen and two books on the deskA.haveBhasC.is Dare()13.The river runs_ the center of the cityAacrossBthroughC.cross Dpass()14.He eats _vegetable

8、s,but he doesnt eat _meatA。too many:toomanyBtoo much;too muchCtoo much:tomany Dtoo many;too much.3/11()15._pandas are very shy,_please be quiet.A.Because:soB.Because;C./;/Dso;二、补全对话二、补全对话(10(10 分分)A)根据情景,用一个适当髓容善在横线上,使对话的意思连贯、完整(5 分)A:Excuse me,lto Beijing Zoo?B:Sorry,2.Please ask the man over there

9、Hemay knowA:Excuse me,3 the zoo please?C:4 this street,turn left and walk on until you reach the traffic lights,then Turn rightand youll see it5you。A:Thank you very much.1_ 2._ 3_ 4._5._B)根据对话容,用方捺的容补全对话。(5 分)A:Mike,6。B:Im afraid its going to rain.A:7。There are thick clouds,8.B9Its going to be a rai

10、ny dayA:Oh,yes,the rain is coming downCan you see it?B:Yes,10 its going to rain today6_ 7_8._9._10._三、句子翻译三、句子翻译(10(10 分分)1现在是下午 3 点,我妈妈正在为我做蛋糕。_2课堂上不要说话。_3老师教我们法语。_4她每天练习说英语。Shepractices_5昨天孩子们在水里玩得开心。The children _ in the water yesterday6你认为这部电影怎么样?_ do you _the movies?7去购物怎样?.4/11How about_?四、完形填

11、空四、完形填空(共共 1515 分,每空分,每空 1 1 分分)(A)Ken1 very busy yesterdayHe got up at 7:00 in the morningHe washed hisfacequickly and had some milk and bread2 breakfastIt was a fine dayHewent to schoolearlyHe had four3 in the morningHe had a little rest afterlunchHe worked very hard in class a11 dayHe4basketball

12、after school andthen went home.On his way 5 he bought a penWhen he 6home,he had a short rest.After thathe7 his parentsHe quickly cooked8 and cleaned the house,He watched TV9half an hour after dinnerThen he finished homework at 9:00He10at ten oclock()1AisBwasCwere Dam()2AonBinCabout Dfor()3AmatchesBg

13、amesCbooks Dclasses()4AplaysBplayCplayedDplaying()5AschoolBworkChome Dto home()6AgotBgot toCgo Dwent()7AhelpBhelpedCcalled D1ooked()8AbreakfastB1unchCdinner Dfood()9AtoBforCat Din()10Awent to school Bwent to bedCgot to school Dgot up(B)用所给词的适当形式填空watchwegosurprisebeYesterday my father and I11 to wat

14、ch a football game with our pet dogMydogwas white and blackIt took us half an hour to drive a car to the footballfieldWe had fun12 the gameAfter the game,we went to look for our carThere13 lots of cars here andthereWe came to a red car,but he didntWe were14when my father couldntopen thedoorHe looked

15、 at the car carefully and found it wasnt15The dogwas sitting nearthe right carHe sat there and looked at usWhat a cute dog!We had a good time!11_12_ 13_ 14_15_五、阅读理解五、阅读理解(共共 2020 分分)A根据短文容从各题的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个最佳答案(共 10 分,每小题 1 分).5/11(A)Mrs Shirly was a teacher for 32 yearsWhen she stopped teachin

16、gShe decidedto dosome things that she had never done beforeOne thing she wanted to do wasto learn howto flyAfter taking flying lessons for a few hours,Mrs Shirly hadanother ideashe wantedto jump out of an airplaneShe put on a parachuted(降落伞),opened the planes door,andleapedDown she flatedAt the time

17、 jumpedfrom the plane,Mrs Shirly was 61 years old。()1The best title is _AA Wonderful schoo1BA Woman Become TeacherCYoure never tooold tolearnDA Ride in aJetPlane()2Mrs Shirly was a teacher for _Aa few hoursB.32 yearsC50 years D60 years()3When Mrs Shirly jumped,she wore _。AwingsB.a parachuteCa kiteD.

18、large shoes()4You can tell from the story that Mrs Shirlylikes to_Astay at homeB.drive race carsCtry new thingsD.plant flowers()5The word“leaped”means_。A跳跃B打开C.飞翔D.走(B).6/11()6When can we read books in the library?AOn weekendsB.on Monday;CFor eight hoursD.At five on Tuesday()7What cant we do in the

19、library?A Borrow books。BRenew booksCKeep the library book for a weekDTake books out before we ask the people in the library()8If we lose the librarybooks,we have to_.Abuy themBpay for themCrenew them Dask the people there()9Which of the following dont you do in the library?AGive the books back on ti

20、meBRenew the books on timeCTalk loudlyDBe quiet()10What time do we have to leave the library?AAt 2:00 pmBBefore 4:30pmCAfter 4:30pmDIn the afternoon(C)阅读短文,简要回答下面的问题阅读短文,简要回答下面的问题(共共 1010 分,每小题分,每小题 2 2 分分)Wang was born into a rich family in America,but he was not a spoiled child。His parents made hi

21、m practice violin for hours every day and he also learned Karate(空手道)To make pocket money,Wang had to deliver newspapersAt five or six.7/11every morning,Wang was already upEven on cold winter days,he rode his biketo deliver newspapers to every home!“When I went outside,other people were not up yet,”

22、he saidThe best moment of his day,he said,was after he got home,tired and hungry,and atesweet pies his mum had made11What family was Wang born into in America?_12Why did Wang deliver newspapers?_13How did Wang deliver newspapers every day?_14Did Wang get up late?_15When was the best moment of Wangs

23、day?_六、书面表达六、书面表达(10(10 分分)请根据下面的图片和文字提示向我们介绍你的周末,写一篇 70 词左右的英语短文。根据下列提示完成短文。play the guitar,do ones homework,go to the library,fly kites,clean theroom,go to the zooI had a busy weekend_.8/11_参考答案参考答案听力部分听力部分一、根据你所听到的容,选择正确答案1There are fifteen books on the desk。2The girl is short and slim3He is writ

24、ing a letter to his friend4一 Could you let me know your new phone number?一 Sure;880106675I sometimes go to the zoo with my parents by bus on Sunday afternoon1B 2B 3C 4A 5C二、根据你所听到的对话与问题,选择正确答案1M:Oh,there are four pens on the deskW:Yes,one is red,and the other is blueQ:How many blue pens are there?2M

25、:The film will begin at6:00W:Thats rightWe have only ten minutes。Q:What time is it?.9/113M:What can I dofor you?W:I want to buy some Chinese booksQ:Where are they now?4M:What day is it today?W:Its FridayM:Oh,I am free tomorrowShall we go to the park。W:Thats a good idea。Q:When are they going to the p

26、ark?5Was this white shirt yours,Jim?M:No,its my brothersMy shirt is yellowQ:What colour is Jims brothers shirt?6C 7C 8C 9C10A三、根据你所听到的对话和问题选择正确答案(听第一段对话回答第 11、12 小题,第二段对话回答第 13、14、15 小题)1W:Hello,Mr Green,were not later,are we?M:Hello,JaneNo,youre not late1 was a little earlyW:When does the film begi

27、n?M:It begins at four twenty-fiveW:Shall I buy the tickets,Mr GreenM:Oh,yesI forget thatW:Do you know how much a ticket:is?M:Two tickets,twenty-five YuanOh,Ill buy some snacks foryouW:All rightIll wait for you hereQ:1When does the film begin?2How much is a film ticket?2W:Hello,can I help you?What ar

28、e you looking for?M:Good morningId like to buy a pair of football bootsW:What size are your feet?M:Size 8I like this pairCould I try them on,please?W:Yes,of courseM:Well,they fit very wellHow much do they cost?W:They are$68M:Oh,thats too expensiveDo you have a cheaper pair?W:Yes,whatabout this colou

29、rful pair?M:Good,I like it very muchHow much are they?W:Theyre only 45$M:0K,Ill take itHeres the moneyQ:1Whats the man looking for?2What size are his feet?.10/113How much does he pay finally?11B 12B 13B14C15C四、根据你所听到的短文,填入正确的单词Millie is designing clothes for me nowLook at the jumperIt is yellow andt

30、he colour isyoungpeoples favouritethink it lookssmart on anyoneOh,hownice the leather boots are!Ithink it is comfortable to wear boots。Let me trythem onI dont want them to be too tightIthink 1 will be modern in theclothes。16.Designing17.jumper 18yellow 19.peoples 20smart fortable 23.try24.too25.mode

31、rn笔试部分笔试部分一、选择填空1D 2A 3C 4B 5D 6D 7B 8D 9A 10C11B 12C 13.B 14D 15B二、补全对话1Can you tell me the way?Which is the way?2I dont know3Wheres4GoWalk downalong5next to/in front of6C 7.E 8.D 9.B 10.A三、句子翻译1Its three oclock in the afternoonMy mother is making a cake for me。2.Dont talk in class。3.Mr.Li teaches

32、us French。4.speaking English every day5had fun playing6.What,think of7.going shopping四、完形填空1B 2D 3D 4C 5C 6A 7.B8.C 9B 10.B11went 12.watching 13were 14surprised15.ours五、阅读理解1.C 2B 3B 4.C 5D 6C 7D 8B9C10.B11Rich family12To make pocket money13He rode his bike to deliver newspaper to every home。14No,he didnt。15The best moment of his day was after he got home and ate sweept pies his mumhadmade。六、书面表达略.11/11


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