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《湖北省黄石市第八中学2022年中考模拟考试英语试题卷(word版含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省黄石市第八中学2022年中考模拟考试英语试题卷(word版含答案).docx(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、黄石八中2022年中考模拟考试英语试题卷考试时间:120分钟考前须知:1 .答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上听力局部(共25分)一听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片,每句读两遍。(每题1分,共5分)1. Where are the two speakers?2. What is the speaker talking about ?4. Who is the boys friend?5 . Who are they talking about?二、听句子,选择最正确答语。句子读两遍。(每题1分,共5分)6. A. It is 5 yuan.B. It is

2、on the desk. C. It is around the corner.B: I dont know. Lefs read it together.A: All right.A. Can you tell me?B. What do you think of Snow White?C. What are you up to?D. What happens in the end?E. Oh, whafs the name of the book?F. She enters a different place and meets some strange people there.G. H

3、ow were you feeling?六、.翻译题(每题2分,共10分)根据汉语提示,补全句子。每题四个空,每空限填一词。81 . 5年前我对骑马感兴趣。I became a horse five years .82 .无论你遇到什么难题,你都应该尽最大努力解决。what problems you meet, you should try your best them.83 .直到他取得了很多辉煌的成就,才有大学注意到他。took notice of him he got many great .84 .这部两小时的电影向我们展示我们家乡这些年的变化。The two-hour/two hou

4、rs film shows our hometown these years.85 .保持所有东西井然有序是个好习惯。 a good habit to everything/all the things in.七.书面表达GO分)为了鼓励人们积极向他人传递关爱,某青少年英文网站“The Link of Love”(爱的链 接)专栏开展征文活动。请你给该专栏投稿。内容包括:1 .你想向谁表达你的关爱?为什么?2 .你打算做些什么来表达你的关爱?作文要求:1 .不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名。2 .语句连贯,词数80左右。作文的开头己经给出,不计入总词数。We are

5、 growing up in love and care from people around. It is important to love and care for others.参考答案:1-5 ACCBC 6-10 CACCC 11-15 DBAAC 16-20 CCBCC21. Australia 22. two months 23. bored24. new friends 25. school bus26-30 CCCDD 31-35 AADAD 36-40 BCAAC 41-45 BACDB46-50 CADCD 51-55 BCDAC 56-60 EBDAC61. Engl

6、and. /The UK. /He is from England, /the UK.62. 93. /He was 93.63. It shows how the global ecosystem is being destroyed by humans.64. Yes, there is. /Yes, there are. /Yes, therere lots of things we can do to help our planet become “wild” again.65. He wants to tell us (that we need) to protect our pla

7、net/earth. /This is a documentary for everyone on Earth because we are all part of this. We need to take action now!66. what 67. well 68. improve 69. all 70. by 71. notes 72. stranger 73. as 74. me75. own76-80 CEAFD81. I was/got/became interested in riding a horse (horses) five years ago.82. No matt

8、er what problems you meet, you should try your best to solve them.83. No universities took notice of him until he achieved many great achievements.84. The two-hour/two hours film shows us how our hometown has changed these years.85. Its a good habit to keep everything/all the things in good order.86

9、. 范文We are growing up in love and care from people around. It is important to love and care for others.Here and now, Id like to express my gratitude and love to my parents. They not only try their best to give me a happy and worry-free childhood, but also make me a better person by showing me how to

10、 get along with people around. Without them, I would never become such a friendly, outgoing, confident and brave boy.I will spare no effort to do well in all my subjects to make them proud of me. And I will try to be a considerate son at home, helping them with the housework when I can.试卷第12页,共1页录音稿

11、1. M: Excuse me, madam. Td like to choose some flowers for my mother.W: Let me see. These fresh flowers are very nice.2. W: Surfing is a very popular sport all over the world.3. Those are Lilys grandparents.4. W: This is a nice photo. Who is he?M: He is my friend Frank.5. . W: My uncle is a magician

12、. He likes to take a big mirror with him.M: Sounds Great. Hope to his performance when I am free.6. Could you tell me where the supermarket is?7. What would you like to buy for Linda?8. M: Hello. Can I speak to Peter, please?9. What subject does your sister like best?10. Where did you buy the magazi

13、ne ?11. Can I help you? I bought this t shirt as a gift last week, but have found it is the wrong size, so I want to return it.If you have your receipt, there will be no problem. Thank you very much.Question What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?12. Hello Lucy, are you the young

14、est in your class? No, Im 13 now. Bruce is one year younger than me.13. W:Fve just bought this coat on sale.I paid 200 dollars for it. What do you think of it ?M: Its very nice. But my daughter bought the same thing for half the price.14. W: Look at the picture, Who is the man ? M: He is my grandfat

15、her. W:Really ? He is short and thin. M: In the old days ,his family was very poor, and he had to work when he was a child.15. W: Does your mother work in hospital?M: No. She works in a bank.Q: Where does the boys mother work?16. 17 18 M: What a great picture,Vicky. Are those your parents? W: Yes ,i

16、ts my favorite picture, really nice. So do you have any brothers or sisters? W: No, I am an only child, actually in lots of families in China have only one child. M: Really? I didnt know that. W: but I think more families will have two or three children in the future. What about you, Luis? M:Im from

17、 a big答案第1页,共2页family with two brothers and four sisters. W: Wow, is that typical in Peru? M:Maybe, but big families are great because you get a lot of birthday presents.19 20. M: Hey, Betty, you look unhappy. Whafs wrong?W: I had an argument with my best friend last week. What should I do?M: Well,

18、you could write her a letter.W: I dont think so. I dont like writing letters.M: Maybe you could call her up at home.W: No, I dont want to talk about it on the phone.M: Well, you should say youre sorry.W: Yes, I know I should, but its not easy.M: Hey, I know. You could send her a text message.W: Well

19、, thats a good idea.【原文】21-25My name is Celia. Tm an Exchange student from Australia. I have been here in China for two months. Now I have a new family, new friends and new environment. The people around me are very friendly, but I still feel bored at new home and new school. Thafs because my Chines

20、e is not very good and I cant communicate with other people very well. In fact, I have studied Chinese for two years, but I cant speak it very well. Ifs hard for me. One of my friends told me that he could teach me Chinese after school. I think I will do better with my friends help. To my surprise,

21、I have to walk to school every day because theres no school bus at my new school. Ifs really tiring.答案第2页,共2页答案第3页,共1页7. A. A dress. B. On May 15th. C. To the library.8. A. Hurry up, Peter. B. Fil call him later. C. Just a minute.9. A. Very good. B. Watching TV. C. Science.10. A. With my sister. B.

22、Two days ago. C. In a bookstore.三、听小对话,选择正确答案,对话读两遍。(每题1分,共5分)11. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Boss and Worker.B. Librarian and student.D. Shop assistant and customer.C. Manager and secretary.12. How old is Bruce?A. 13.B. 12.C. 11.13. How much did the mans daughter p

23、ay fbr her coat?A. $100.B. $180.C. $200.14. Whom are the speakers talking about?A. The man grandfather. B. The womans father.C. The mansgrandmother.15. Where does the boys mother work?A. In the post office.B. In the hospital.C. In the bank.四、听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(每题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,回答第16至第18三个小题。16. Whats

24、the picture about?A. Vicky and Luis.B. Luis9 parents.C. Vicky family.17. How many people are there in Luis family including his parents?A. Seven.B . Eight.C. Nine.18. What can we infer from the conversation?A. There must be more children in Vickys family.B. It might be normal to have a big family in

25、 Peru.C , Luis loves his brothers and sisters just because of their gifts.听下面一段对话,回答19,20两个小题。19. How does Betty feel at first?A. Happy.B. Angry.C. Worried.20. Which is the last advice the man speaker gives Betty?A. To call her up.B. To write her a letter.C. To send her a text message.五、听短文,完成表格。每空一

26、词,短文读两遍。(每题1分,共5分)An Exchange student Named CeliaWhere is she from?21.How long has she been in China?For22._How does she feel about her new life?She feels 一 not good._23.because her Chinese isWho teaches her Chinese after school?One of her _24.Whats her problem?Theres no_25.笔试局部(共95分)一、单项选择(io分)一 Wh

27、at should we do fbr Ms. Chen on Teachers Day? Any suggestions? 一. What about sending her some flowers?A. Let me help you B. Keep trying C. I have an idea D. Not a big deal 27. 一We very simply at home and do not spend a lot of money on food.一Thats why youre called the Greens.A. have eaten B. will eat

28、C. eatD. ateWhat good books did you read recently?Yes, I Learn English Tell China s Stories since last year, and now the third time.A. readB. am reading C. have readD. had read Students a few why and how questions in Mr. Zhangs class, did you noticethat?Yes, I think he wanted to train their abilitie

29、s of deep thinking.A. are askedB. have been asked C. should be asked D. were asked一Morning, Spencer! Milk or coffee?-Coffee, please. A nice cup of coffee can get me and ready to start my day.A. clearB. dealC. fillD. fresh一 Mum, why do I have to wash hands so many times a day?一 For your health, you b

30、e too careful.A. cantB. shouldntC. mustntD. needntMore and more families have two children at home.The elder ones will usually for their mothers attention.A peteB.developC. communicateD. dependShe learned to stop herself and comparing herself to others.A.putting.upB.putting.onC. putting.awayD. putti

31、ng.down- Don*t be angry with your kid when he makes a mistake again, will you?-No, T wont. I know that of us are perfect after all.A. noneB. neitherC. eachD. all一 Can you come over to my place for dinner? _. Shall I bring anything?A. Perhaps next timeB. Have a nice mealC. Just have a lookD. Yes, Td

32、love to二、完形填空(10分)Sally is eighty-six years old. She has no sons 36 daughters. Her husband died ten years ago. But she didnt move into a nursing home. She would like to 37 herself every day.Every night she spends two hours 38 kids with math for twenty years. All kids living on her street can get her

33、 help without payment(报酬).She was a famous math39before she retired(退休)from a middle school.She gets up early in the morning, then does sports, goes shopping or helps cleaners 40 the street. And she does these happily.When the kids come for help, she is always 41 and tries her best. People asked her

34、 42 She said, 4i love it. It makes me happy to help them.”She is always happy every day and always says hello to people around her 43 a smile. Ive decided to love everything around me. So Im happy to do 44 Im thankful for those kids who come to me for help. Each kid is my 45 I love each day to help

35、them.” she said.Really, a good decision decided on what one does in life.36. A. andB. orC. butD. so37. A. look likeB . look atC. look afterD. look for38. A. helpingB. workingC. studyingD. teaching39. A. teacherB. nurseC workerD. cleaner40. A. doB. runC sweepD. play41. A. awfulB. happyC. tiredD. bori

36、ng42. A. whyB , whereC , whenD. how43. A. forB. onC. withD. in44. A. anythingB. nothingC. somethingD. everything45. A. exampleB. giftC teacherD. Helper三、阅读理解(共40分)AIm sure you all know how important recycling is. Recycling is when you take oldthings and turn them into new things. It sounds like magi

37、c. But its actually very scientific.MaterialThe first thing you have to do is to collect items that can be recycled. Only certain materials can be recycled. These include things made out of paper, metal, glass and plastic.Daily thingsCan you think of everyday items made of these materials? Soda cans

38、 are good example. They are made out of metal. Magazines and newspaper are made out of paper. So are cereal boxes. Some bottles of juice are made out of glass. Bags and yogurt containers are made out of plastic. There are many things that can be recycled.LoopThese things are usually stamped with the

39、 recycling loop. It has 3 arrows that go in a triangular( 三角形)circle. This shows that cycle(循环)continues. Items are thrown away but continue their lives as something else.ProcessLets go back to the process of recycling.The items are put in a recycling bin.A truck carries the items to a recycling pla

40、nt. The materials are separated and squashed (被压扁成)into square cubes. (4) Companies buy and turnthem into new products.46. What is recycling“ according to the passage?A. Its a magic performance. B. Its a way of burning old things.C. Its a way to make old things useful. D. Its a scientific research.4

41、7. Which material is not mentioned in the passage?A.Rubber.B. MetalC.Glass.D.Plastic.48. You can put your old things into a recycling bin except.A.soda cansB. magazinesC.cereal boxesD.all bottlesThe “3 arrows“ shows that the items.A.have some valuable stampsB.are in a triangle circleC.are recycled a

42、nd reusedD.are thrown away49. The passage is mainly about.A.recyclable materialsB.recyclable daily thingsC.the recycling processD.recycling in a scientific wayBLast Sunday evening, my parents went out for a walk with my sister. But I studied alone at home because I would have an English test. Sudden

43、ly, I saw bright light in my neighbors kitchen. I thought he was cooking, so I went on studying.Soon, there was a terrible smell in the air and I thought something was wrong. I went out and saw fire coming out of my neighbors kitchen. So I shouted Fire, Fire! But no one heard or came out. I ran quic

44、kly to my house to call 119, and then I rang my neighbors doorbell, knocked at the door, but there was no response. I got into the house through the window and found my neighbor sleeping in his bedroom. I woke him up and we rushed out of the house together.We tried our best to pour water through the

45、 kitchen window, but the fire was too heavy. Luckily, the firemen came and put out the fire quickly. When niy parents came back, they found I was dirty and tired. After my neighbor told them the whole story, they were happy and said I was a brave boy.50. The underlined word “response“ can be replace

46、d (代替) by.A. resultB. answerC. questionD. keyWhy didnt the writer go out fbr a walk with his parents?A. Because his parents only liked his sister B. Because he would have an English class.C. Because he had to study for an English test.D. Because there was a fire on his neighbors kitchen.51. Who put

47、out the fire at last?A. The writer.B. The writer parentsC. The writer neighborD. The firemen52. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. The writers neighbor was sleeping when the fire started.B. No one helped the writers neighbor put out the fire.C. The fire happened last Friday evening.D. The writers parents were angry when they knew what had happened.53. Whats the passage mainly about?A. How to put out a fire.B. My neighbor was a brave man.C. I saved my neighbor from the fire.D. I studied a te


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