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1、英语Day 1 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义economic industrious estimate depression stagnation inflation purchaseprosperity crisis fluctuation Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. Being average just wont earn you what it used to.A. 平均的 B. 普通的 C. 学术的 D. 热情的2. The Internet affords

2、 anonymity to its users,a blessing to privacy and freedom of speech.A. 承担起 B. 提供;给予 C. 推荐 D. 解释3. Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society?A. 账户 B. 柜台 C. 地位 D. 规模4. They just want Ottawa to fork over additional billions with few,if any,strings

3、 attached.A. 来源 B. 职业 C. 上面 D. 附带5. Prior to his departure,he addressed a letter to his daughter.A. 给 . 写信 B. 地址 C. 向 . 讲话 D. 起诉Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!Actually, it isnt, because it assumes that there is an agreed account of human rights, which is something the world does not have.

4、主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 2 日期 _Question 1:这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义solve novel ambition enhance enact accelerate accompany appropriate compensate boundary Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. Congress passed an act to regulate the US railroad industry.A. 行为 B. 法案 C. 起作用 D. 气氛2. Since much

5、of the variation is due to genes,one more agent of evolution has gone.A. 代理 B. 信念 C. 原动力 D. 想法3. His assumption of power was welcomed by everyone.A. 假定 B. 提出 C. 产量 D. 承担4. I really appreciate your taking time to read my letter.A. 感激 B. 欣赏 C. 意识到 D. 适应5. Pennys only son was the apple of her eye.A. 苹果

6、 B. 掌上明珠 C. 声音 D. 曲调Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!On one view of rights, to be sure, it necessarily follows that animals have none. Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements.主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 3 日期 _Questio

7、n 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义abundant commercial consumption prestigious malpractice numerical importation be entitled to do merge subordinate Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. Nobody likes to hear the acid remarks.A. 愤怒的 B. 先进的 C. 强烈的 D. 尖酸刻薄的2. But his primary Question is not to

8、 think about the moral code,which governs his activity.A. 规范 B. 范围 C. 爱好 D. 教学3. No disciplines have seized on professionalism with as much enthusiasm as the humanities.A. 纪律 B. 概要 C. 学科 D. 成分4. Mary and her husband clash over the question where they should live.A. 推翻 B. 争论 C. 碰撞 D. 处理5. Therefore,t

9、he best Chinese schools then had the cream of the crop among Hong Kongs secondary schools students.A. 佼佼者 B. 先驱 C. 样本 D. 物质Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!The idea of punishing a tiger that kills somebody is absurd, for exactly the same reason, so is the idea that tigers have rights.主干部分结构

10、梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 4 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义eligible intelligent motivate talent recommend influential respond abide by sustainability efficiency Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. The author is strongly opposed to the practice of examinations at schools because some st

11、udents are bound to fail.A. 解救 B. 保护 C. 注定 D. 涌现2. A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress promoted me to abandon my relatively high profile career.A. 木块 B. 阻碍 C. 抽出 D. 栽培3. New industries can blossom overnight if we find an outlet for their products.A. 导致 B. 赞助 C. 策划

12、D. 发展4. The government determined to put a brake on the public spending.A. 赦免 B. 涌现 C. 跟踪 D. 削减5. It is what led generations of pioneers to blaze a westward trail.A. 开拓 B. 渴望 C. 提出 D. 凑合Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!The most elementary form of moral reasoningthe ethical equivalent of lea

13、rning to crawlis to weigh others interests against ones own. 主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 5 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义malnutrition considerable perspectivepredominant enthusiastic ambiguous incentive candidate demerit acclaimQuestion 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. They dont make co

14、untryside any more,and every year concrete consumes more of it.A. 反射 B. 占据 C. 消费 D. 触摸2. His guilty conscience forced him to make a clean breast of everything.A. 心情 B. 胸部 C. 样本 D. 学派3. Everything entrance ticket lists a toll-free number for counseling from the Indiana Department of Mental Health.A.

15、加工 B. 法律顾问 C. 咨询 D. 完善4. Supreme Court Justice Sandra is in her 70s,and former surgeon general Koop chairs an Internet start-up in his 80s.A. 椅子 B. 报刊 C. 担任主席 D. 火箭5. I covered my exit by claiming “I wanted to spend more time with my family.”A. 掩饰 B. 支付 C. 报道 D. 走完Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子

16、并翻译成中文!This in turn requires sympathy and imagination, without which there is no capacity for moral thought. To see an animal in pain is enough, for most, to engage sympathy.主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 6 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义ignorant competent skyscraper hostility hospitablejustif

17、ication instinct skeptical profession reliable Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. Include a few causal and apparently off-the-cuff remarks which you can deliver in a relaxed and unforced manner.A. 描绘 B. 命名 C. 保持 D. 发言2. Then a more disconcerting discovery began to dawn on him:he was smarte

18、r than his parents.A. 顿悟 B. 满意 C. 忍住 D. 膨胀3. We may infer from the second paragraph that in its early days the U.S. was confronted with delicate situations.A. 神圣的 B. 微妙的 C. 机灵的 D. 社会的4. We can see civilizations adapt and flourish in the rugged desert southwestern North America.A. 独立的 B. 轻微的 C. 荒凉的 D

19、. 变质的5. From the middle-class family perspective, much of this, understandably, looks far less like an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility.A. 屈服 B. 攀登 C. 捐助 D. 运行Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!Creating a “European identity” that respects the different cultures and tradit

20、ions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old continent is no easy Question and demands a strategic choicethat of producing programs in Europe for Europe.主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 7 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义institute autonomy anonymity federal democracy principle overtur

21、n colonialassembly adequate Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. Benjamin Friedman believes that economic recessions may ease conflicts between races and classes.A. 订阅 B. 缓解 C. 绊倒 D. 伸展2. And thats the problem with a social cure engineered from the outside: in the real world,as in school, we

22、 insist on choosing our own friends.A. 幸存 B. 设计 C. 裂开 D. 闪耀3. We often make the mistake of excursion when describing the connotation from the pictures.A. 偏题 B. 碎片 C. 穿梭 D. 样品4. Favoritism in official access can fan public perceptions of corruption.A. 解决 B. 引起 C. 抓住 D. 延伸5. In many respects, the dear

23、th of moral purpose frames not only the fact of such widespread phone hacking but the terms on which the trial took place.A. 诱惑 B. 品尝 C. 造成 D. 趋向Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “Unity we stand, divided we fall”and if

24、 I had to choose a slogan it would be “Unity in our diversity”.主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 8 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义excessive independentregime guaranteepropertyintegrate comprehensive symbolize embody transmit Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. When any non-human organ is

25、 transplanted into a person, the body immediately recognizes it as foreign.A. 整洁的 B. 微小的 C. 异质的 D. 体贴的2. According to the text, online publication is significant in that it facilitates public investment in scientific research.A. 改造 B. 促进 C. 整理 D. 忍受3. That is a lie that we have perpetuated,and it fo

26、sters commonness.Knowing what you are good at and doing even more of it creates excellence.A. 培养 B. 牵引 C. 跟踪 D. 珍惜4. Owners who allow their dogs to foul the footpath will be fined.A. 结束 B. 发抖 C. 超越 D. 弄脏5. But there are few places where clients have more grounds for complaint than America.A. 类型 B. 周

27、转 C. 理由 D. 尝试Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!Whether Arab oil flows freely or not, it is clear to everyone that world industry cannot be allowed to depend on so fragile a base. 主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 9 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义privilege implication assume essentially vi

28、rtue statute deprive infrastructure criterion legislature Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. The large, slow-growing animals were easy game, and were quickly hunted to extinction.A. 翻到 B. 猎物 C. 时态 D. 脾气2. I would feel ashamed if i just designed something for glamour or to show some kind of

29、 fake image.A. 迷惑 B. 扭曲 C. 紧随 D. 变乱3. When I saw their gloomy faces, I knew something was wrong.A. 典型的 B. 混乱的 C. 沮丧的 D. 讨厌的4. The grave forecasts by Toyota will likely have ripple effects throughout Japans export-dependent economy.A. 实际的 B. 黯淡的 C. 紧绷的 D. 试探性的5. The report makes heavy reading for pub

30、lishers who have, so far, made handsome profits.A. 极好的 B. 温柔的 C. 明确的 D. 数量多的Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use.主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 10 日期

31、 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义medium inclineentertainmentshrinkheadline column circulation authority approve exclusive Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be hit with a round of huge rate increase.A. 闪烁 B. 传送 C. 紧随 D. 打击2. Spen

32、ding too much time on the computer has several hazards as follows.A. 缺点 B. 范围 C. 趋势 D. 调子3. They tried to humble your importance in that achievements.A. 贬低 B. 折磨 C. 节约 D. 牵动4. He hammered home the points he wanted to convey.A. 兴旺 B. 证明 C. 精讲 D. 装饰5. It is not always wise to humor a small child.A. 迁就

33、 B. 触发 C. 诱捕 D. 纠缠Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!It seems almost certain that by 2001 the United States will no longer be a great food exporting nation and that, if necessity forces exports, it will be at the price of belt-tightening at home.主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 11 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇

34、还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义defend literature exemplifystatistic manuscript scrutiny mortal collapse downgrade intrude Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. By giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions.A. 理解 B. 引起 C. 低估 D. 遭受2. Science and technology would cure

35、all the ills of humanity, leading to lives of fulfillment and opportunity for all.A. 记号 B. 门槛 C. 种族 D. 问题3. The widespread availability of such recordings has thus brought about a crisis in the institution of the traditional classical concert.A. 风俗 B. 部队 C. 制服 D. 关税4. The spooks call it“ open-source

36、 intelligence, and as the Net grows, it is becoming increasingly influential.A. 秘密的 B. 最新的 C. 新闻 D. 情报5.But a decision among projects none of which has immediate utility is more difficult.A. 不安的 B. 地下的 C. 直接的 D. 独一无二的Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!Those who support the “nurture” theory, t

37、hat is, they advocate education, are often called behaviorists and they claim that our environment is more important than our biologically based instincts in determining how we will act. 主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 12 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义constraint substitute digital primitive di

38、stinguish prospective bias verify platform source Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. She is an impossible woman to work with.A. 上面的 B. 极度的 C. 意外的 D. 难以忍受的2. Identify when, where, and how youll implement them.A. 通过 B. 支持 C. 削弱 D. 实行3. The serious border incident along increased our fears of

39、 the war.A. 冲突 B. 种类 C. 边缘 D. 事件4. The industry of these little ants is wonderful to behold.A. 职业 B. 勤奋 C. 美德 D. 录像5. The boy was invested with full power to be in charge of the meeting arrangement.A. 冒险 B. 自愿 C. 授予 D. 消失Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!Additional social stresses may also o

40、ccur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movementsthemselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 13 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义academic course extracurricular diplomacy prominent inherent prologue

41、 catastrophe metric convention Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. Verdicts should represent the conscience of the community and not just the letter of the law.A. 词汇表 B. 法律的字面意思 C. 价值 D. 版本2. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago.A. 漫游 B. 激发 C. 迫近 D. 停止3. Her lat

42、e husband was an outstanding scientist.A. 可实施的 B. 已故的 C. 无用的 D. 垂直的4. Dont always lecture the children when they make mistakes.A. 浪费 B. 讲座 C. 挥手 D. 责备5. You d better lodge money in the bank or taking it with you is not safe.A. 存放 B. 违背 C. 否决 D. 唤醒Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!The United

43、States is the product of two principal forcesthe immigration of European peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these traits.主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 14 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义assessable highlight pote

44、ntial component physical condition intellectual capacity stimulus individual emission Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. Some Americans fear that immigrants living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nations assimilative power.A. 易受攻击的 B. 庸俗的 C. 原始的 D. 不受影响的2. Mrs.Li init

45、iated a program to monitor the health of the survivors.A. 收回 B. 耐用 C. 编制 D. 发起3. This is a part of reform for a healthy future, and it is imperative.A. 命令的 B. 普遍的 C. 势在必行的 D. 值得的4. As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold, deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the jump without a net.A.

46、跳跃 B. 快速行动 C. 跳槽 D. 保留5. He loosed the ropes that bound the prisoner, thus allowing him to jump up and escape.A. 解开 B. 宽松的 C. 不精确的 D. 旋转Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!Allens contribution was to take an assumption we all share-that because we are not robots we therefore control our thought

47、s-and reveal its erroneous nature.主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 15 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出下列单词的词性和释义!词性释义contemplate specific inferiority peak acquisition contemplate absorb thesis abstract convincing Question 2: 这些熟词僻义的单词还认识吗?请选出划线单词的在句子中的意思!1. Our ability to mute our hardwired reactions by pausing

48、 is what differentiates us from animals.A. 哑巴的 B. 编制 C. 穿着 D. 减轻2. Instead, the company has done precisely what it had long promised it would not. Its a stunning move.A. 包裹 B. 行为 C. 瀑布 D. 腰部3. The process sweeps from hyper-active America to Europe and reaches the emerging countries with unsurpassed

49、might.A. 战争 B. 冲突 C. 仓库 D. 威力4. That matters because theory suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a target species is about 50% of its original levels.A. 重要 B. 担保 C. 环绕 D. 焊接5. He made the other boys laugh by mocking the way the teac

50、her spoke.A. 模仿 B. 出产 C. 除草 D. 监视Question 3: 还记得如何解析长难句吗?按表格要求分析下列句子并翻译成中文!No body who went to a grammar school could be ignorant that the drama was a form of literature which gave glory to Greece and Rome and might yet bring honor to England. 主干部分结构梳理重点词汇句子翻译Day 16 日期 _Question 1: 这些核心分类词汇还认识吗?请默写出


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