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《XXXX年高考题情态动词和虚拟语气9697.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《XXXX年高考题情态动词和虚拟语气9697.docx(99页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2010年高考题情态动词和虚拟语气清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教教授研究组提提供1. (2010全国国卷一) JJust bbe pattient. You _ expeect thhe worrld too channge soo soonn.A caant B neeednt C maay nott DD willl nott2. (20110北京卷) -GGood mmorninng. Ive goot an appoiintmennt witth Misss Smiith inn the Persoonnel Deparrtmentt. - Ah

2、h, goood morrning. You _ be MMrs. PPeterss.A mighht B mmust C woulld D can 3. (20110北京卷) -TThe weeatherr has been very hot aand drry. - Yes. If iit hadd rainned evven a drop, thinngs woould bbe mucch bettter nnow! AAnd myy vegeetablees _.A woulldnt diee BB diddnt diee CC haadnt dieed D woouldnt havv

3、e dieed4. (20110 重庆卷卷) Youu _ parkk heree! Its an emerggency exit.A woouldnt B needdnt C coouldnt D muustnt 5. (20110 湖南卷卷) Youu _ buy a gifft, buut youu can if yoou wannt to .A musst B muustnt C haave too D doont havve to 6. (20110 天津卷卷) -John went to thhe hosspitall alonne. - IIf he _ me aabout it

4、, II woulld havve gonne witth himm.A shhould tell B tellss C told DD hadd toldd 7. (20110 天津卷卷) Marrk _ havve hurrried. Afteer driiving at toop speeed, hhe arrrived half an hoour eaarly.A neeednt B woouldnt C muustnt D coouldnt 8. (20110 四川卷卷) - _ I takee the book out?- Imm afraaid noot.A Willl B Ma

5、y C Mustt D Neeed 9. (20110 山东卷卷) I _ havve wattched that moviee . Itll giive mee horrrible dreamms.A shoouldnt B neeednt C coulddnt D mustnnt 10. (20010 江苏苏卷) -I haavent gott the referrence book yet, but IIll hhave aa testt on tthe suubjectt nextt montth.- Donnt worrry. YYou _ haave itt by FFridayy

6、.A coould B shalll C mmust D may 11. (20010安徽卷卷)-JJack ddescriibed hhis faather, who _a brrave bboy maany yeears aago, aas a sstrongg-willled maan.A woould B wwould have been C must be D mmust hhave bbeen 12. (20010辽宁卷卷) Doctoors saay thaat exeercisee is iimporttant ffor heealth, but it _ bee reguul

7、ar eexerciise.A caan B wiill C must D maay13. (20010江西卷卷) I havee toldd you the ttruth. _ I keepp repeeatingg it?A Mustt BB Caan C May D Willl 14. (20010浙江卷卷) “You _ hhave aa wronng nummber,” she said. “Therees no one oof thaat namme herre.”A neeed B ccan C must D wouuld 15. (20010浙江卷卷) Hadd I knoww

8、n aboout thhis coomputeer proogram, a huuge ammount of tiime annd eneergy _.A wouuld haave beeen saaved B had been savedd CC wiill bee saveed D waas savved 16. (20010陕西卷卷)May I takee thiss bookk out of thhe reaading room? -Noo, you _. You reead itt heree. A migghtnt B woont C neeednt D muustnt 17. (

9、20010 全国国卷二) IIm afrraid MMr. Hardiing _ ssee yoou noww. Hes bussy.A cannt B mmustnt C sshoulddnt D neednnt 18. (20010 上海海卷) -Sorrry, Prrofesssor Smmith. I didnnt finnish tthe asssignmment yyesterrday.- Oh, you _ havee donee it aas yessterdaay wass the deadlline.A 全国通用20110届高考全全国各地月考考阅读理解汇汇编之广告类类Pas

10、sagee 1(河北省正定中中学20100届高三上学学期第一次月月考)Below aare soome cllassiffied aads frrom ann Engllish nnewspaaper.Classiffied aadsFor dirrect cclassiified serviice caall 8000-05557 10 A.M - 4 PP.M Moonday-Fridday For salleCome too our movinng salle -Plantts, pootteryy, boooks, cclothees, etc. Sat, Dec. 14th-9 aa

11、. m.-5 pp. m. 1612 Fernddale, Apt. 1,8000-4696.USED FUUR COAATS annd JACCKET. Good condiition. 30-50. Calll 800-0436 afterr 12 nnoon.MOVING: Mustt selll. TV 21, 50;AMM/FM rradio A/C oor batttery, 15; casssette tape recorrder, 10. Call Jon oor Patt,800-0739 afterr 5 p.m. orr weekkends.SHEEPSKKIN COOA

12、T: mmans size 42, 11 yearr old. 85. Afteer 6 pp.m., 800-55224.LOST ANND FOUUNDFOUND: Cat, 6 monnths old, bllack aand whhite mmarkinngs. FFound near Lindeen andd Southh U. SSteve, 800-4661LOST: GGold wwire rrim gllassess in bbrown cae. Campuus areea. Reeward. Calll Greggg 8000-28966.FOUND: set oof ke

13、yys on Tappaan neaar Hilll inttersecction. Idenntify key cchain. Calll 800-9662.FOUND: Nov.88th -A blaack annd whiite puuppy iin Pacckard-Jewettt areea. 8000-57770 PERSONAALOVERSEAAS JOBBS- Austrralia, Euroope, SS. Ameericann, Afrrica. Studeents aall proffessioons annd occcupatiions, 700 to30000 mon

14、thlly. Exxpensees paiid, ovvertimme. Siightseeeing. Free Informmationn at SSTUDENNTUNIION THE INTTERNATTIONALL CENTEER plaans too publlish aa bookklet oof stuudent traveel advventurres, iif youud liike too writte aboout yoour fooreignn expeeriencces, uunusuaal or just plainn inteerestiing, ccall 880

15、0-93310 annd askk for Mike or Jaanet.UNSURE WHAT TO DOO?LifePllanninng Worrkshopp, Decc, 13tth15th . BBob annd Marrgatett Atwoood, 8800-00046RoommattesFEMALE ROOMMMATE WANTED: Own room near campuus. Avvailabble Deecembeer 1stt. Rennt 3000 perr montth untill Marcch 1stt. 4550 theereaftter. CCall JJil

16、l ffor deetailss,800-7839.NEED PEERSON to asssume leasee for own bbedrooom in PT. NNear ccampuss, 3880/mo. Starrting Jan. 1st. caall 8000-61557 aftter 5 p.m.DOMESTIIC SERVIICEEARLY HHOUR WWAKE-UUPSERVICEE: Forr prommpt, ccourteeous wwake-uup serrvice, calll 800-0760HELP WAANTEDBABYSITTTERMMY HOMMEIf

17、 you are aavailaable aa few hourss duriing thhe dayy, andd somee evennings to ccare ffor 2 schoool agee chilldren , pleease ccall GGayle Morree, dayys 8000-11111, eveeningss and weekeends 880049964PERSONSS WANTTED foor delliver work . Ownn trannsporttationn. Goood payy. Appply 23311 E. Staddium. Off

18、icce 1011, aftter 9, a.m.TELEPHOONE REECEPTIIONISTT WANTTED.No expeeriencce neccessarry. Goood paay. Appply 22311 EE. Staadium. Offiice 1001, affter 99 a.m.WAITRESSS WANNTED10a.m.-2p.m. orr Appply inn persson, 2207 S. Mainn. Currtis Restaaurantt.HELP WAANTED for hhouse cleanning 11/

19、2 daay on weekeend. WWhen to bee disccussedd for mutuaal connvenieence. Good wagess. Syllvan SStreett, calll 8000-28177.41Wherre willl youu postt a nootice if yoou neeed sommeone to loook affter yyour cchildrren?A. PERSSONAL B. HEELP WAANTEDC. DOMEESTICSERVIICE D. ROOOMMATTES42A seecond-hand jackeet

20、 willl proobablyy costt you _.A.60 B.40 C.200 D.10043To hhave yyour ttravell notees pubblisheed , yyou maay conntact _.A. Studdents Unioon B. Gaayle MMooreC. The Interrnatioonal Centeer D. Liife-Pllanninng Worrkshopp44If yyou waant too havee someeone wwake yyou upp in tthe moorningg, youur mayy call

21、l _.A. 800-5224 B. 8000-57770 C. 8000-78339 D. 8000-07660答案 BBCCDPassagee 2(湖南省长沙市市一中20110届高三上上学期第二次次月考)The boooking notess of tthe pllay “tthe Agge of Innoccence”:Price: 10BOOKINGGThere aare foour eaasy waays too bookk seatts forr perfformannce:- in peersonThe Boxx Offiice iss openn Mondday too Sat

22、uurday, 10 aa. m. -8 p. m. - by teelephooneRing 0113249776 to reserrve yoour tiicketss or tto payy by ccreditt cardd(Visaa, MassterCaard annd Ameex accceptedd)- by poostSimply compllete tthe boookingg formm and returrn it to Gllobal Theattre Boox Offfice. - on liineComplette thee on-lline bbookinng

23、forrm at www. Satannfiedttheatrre. coomDICOUNTTS:Saver: 2 offf anyy seatt bookked anny timme in advannce foor perrformaances from Mondaay to Thurssday. Saverrs aree avaiilablee for childdren uup to 16 yeears oold, oover 660s annd fulll-timme stuudentss. Supersaaver: half-pricee seatts aree avaiilabl

24、ee for peoplle witth dissabiliities and oone coompaniion. IIt is advissable to boook inn advaance. Theree is aa maxiimum oof eigght whheelchhair sspacess avaiilablee and one wwheelcchair spacee willl be hheld uuntil an hoour beefore the sshow. Standbyy: besst avaailablle seaats arre on sale for 6 fr

25、oom onee hourr befoore thhe perrformaance ffor peeople eligiible(ssuitabble)foor Savver annd Suppersavver diiscounnts annd thiirty mminutees beffore ffor alll othher cuustomeers. Group BBookinngs: tthere is a ten pper ceent diiscounnt forr partties oof tweelve oor morre. School: schoool paartiess of

26、 tten orr moree can book 6 sttandbyy tickkets iin advvance and wwill gget evvery ttenth tickeet freee. Please note: we aare unnable to exxchangge ticckets or reefund moneyy unleess a perfoormancce is canceelled due tto unfforeseeen ciircumsstancees. 61. If you wwant tto boook a ttickett, youu CANNNO

27、T _A. go tto thee Box Officce on Sundaays. B. ringg the bookiing nuumber and ppay foor thee tickkets bby creedit ccard. C. use the IInternnet. D. compplete a boooking form and ppost iit to the BBox Offfice. 62. Acccordinng to the nnotes, who can gget 22 off?A. The peoplle whoo bookk the tickeets onn

28、 Friddays. B. An 118-yeaar-oldd teennager. C. A 555-yearr-old womann. D. A 200-yearr-old full-time colleege sttudentt. 63. If you mmake aa grouup boooking for aa grouup of 14 addults, how much shoulld youu pay?A. 1200B. 1226C. 1140D. 115064. Whiich off the folloowing is NOOT truue acccordinng to the

29、 ppassagge?A. Therre aree onlyy 8 whheelchhair sspacess in tthe thheatree. B. A scchool partyy of 115 stuudentss shouuld paay 90 for tthe sttandbyy tickkets. C. A grroup oof 12 persoons caan gett 10 pper ceent diiscounnt. D. The audieence ccant refunnd monney iff the perfoormancce is on shhow. 65. W

30、haat kinnd of tickeets arre thee cheaapest?A. The standdby tiicketss for schoool parrties of teen or more. B. The standdby tiicketss. C. The tickeets foor Savver diiscounnt. D. The tickeets foor grooup boookingg. 答案 ADBBBAPassagee 3(山西省金谷中中学20100届高三第一一次练兵考试试)Whats on sttageAn acroobaticc(杂技)sshow: T

31、o ceelebraate itts 50tth annniverssary, the CChina Acrobbatic Trouppe(剧团)will preseent “ The SSoul oof Chiina”, wheree the seemiingly imposssiblee is mmade rreal. Chillls(寒意)will run ddown yyour sspine(脊柱) aas youu watcch breeathleessly as peerformmers ttake ttheir art aand thheir bbodiess to tthe e

32、ddge. Time: 77:30 pp. m. , Sepptembeer 13-19Place: Capittal Thheatree, 22 Wangffujingg Dajiie, Doongcheeng DiistricctExhibittionsJoint sshow: A grooup innk paiintingg exhiibitioon is runniing att the Huanggshichheng Art Galleery inn Beijjing. Aboutt 50 wworks by 255 younng arttists incluuding Ge Yuu

33、n andd Yu YYang aare onn dispplay. Time: 99:00 aa. m. 5:000 p. mm. unttil Seeptembber10Place: Huanggshichheng Art Galleery, 1136 Naanchizzi Dajjie, DDongchheng DDistriictOil paiintinggs: Thhe Wanngfungg Art Galleery wiill hoost a jointt showw of ooil paaintinng by 10 yooung aand miiddle-aged artisst

34、s. OOn dissplay are mmore tthan 330 of theirr lateest woorks, whichh captture tthe woondrouus varriety of liife inn uniqque sttyles. Time: 99:00 aa. m. 4:000 p. mm. unttil Seeptembber15Place: 136 NNanchiizi Sttreet, Donggchengg DisttrictLiteratture mmuseumm: Thee Natiional Museuum of Moderrn Chiines

35、e Literraturee offeers ann in-ddepth studyy of tthe evvolutiion off Chinnese lliteraature from 1919 to 19949. Time: 99:00 aa. m. 4:000 p. mm. , ddailyPlace: 45 Annyuan Dongllu, Chhaoyanng Disstrictt (shaaoyaojju areea)ConcerttsBeijingg rockks: “TThe Faashionn Nighht of Chineese Roock” iis sett to bb

36、ring rock fans out bby thee thouusandss nextt montth. Niine Chhinesee rockk bandds willl perrform at thhe conncert, inclludingg oldeer genneratiion baands, middlle genneratiion annd somme reccent aarrivaals. TThe auudiencce willl be givenn a chhance to deecide what songss theyy wantt to hhear, which

37、h is ssure tto briing a stormm. Time: SSeptemmber 116Place: The OOlympiic CennterBelgiumm Orchhestraa(管弦乐队队): Laa Petiite Baande, the BBaroquue Orcchestrra of Belgiium, wwill pperforrm in Beijiing att the Grandd Theaatre oof thee Culttural Palacce of Natioonalitties aas parrt of activvitiess acrooss

38、 thhe worrld too commmemoraate(纪念念) thee 250tth annniverssary oof Bacchs ddeath. Time: 77:30 pp. m. Septeember 11-144Place: Grandd Theaatre oof thee Culttural Palacce of Natioonalitties40. Whaat do you tthink of thhe acrrobatiic shoow menntioneed herre?A. Whenn you watchh it, you wwill ccertaiinly f

39、feel ccold. B. Someethingg straange wwill ppuzzlee everryone, inclludingg scieentistts. C. Unexxpecteed thiings wwill mmake yyou exxcitedd and surprrised. D. Evenn the braveest onnes wiill bee too frighhtenedd to ggo on watchhing. 41. Thee mostt charracterristicc thinng aboout thhe Fasshion Nightt o

40、f CChinesse Rocck is that_. A. it wwill llet thhe auddiencee chooose thhe mussicB. it iis to bringg thouusandss of rrock ffans oout off theiir hommesC. it wwill ccertaiinly ccause a rocck stoorm thhroughhout CChinaD. it iis to be heeld inn memoory off one of thhe greeatestt musiicianss42. Supppose i

41、t iss Septtemberr 14thh todaay, hoow manny acttivitiies caan peoople cchoosee to aattendd?A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5. 43. On the wwhole, we ccan cooncludde_. A. peopple inn Beijjing ppreferr modeern cuulturee to ssomethhing ttradittionallB. therre aree usuaally mmore cculturre acttives in Seeptembber th

42、han inn any otherr montthC. mostt of tthe cuulturaal acttivitiies inn Beijjing aare foor forreign visittors oonlyD. we ccan ennjoy aa largge varriety of cuulturaal acttivitiies inn Beijjing答案 CACCDPassagee 4(浙江省海盐县县元济高级中中学20100届高三第一一次月考)PEKING HOUSEERESTAURRANT AAND TAAKE AWWAYDELICIOOUS HIIGH CLLAS


44、Y12-2:000pm 5-11:330pmTHURSDAAY 12-2:00ppm 55-111:30pmmFRIDAY 12-2:000pm 5-MidnnightSATURDAAY CLOSEED 5-MMidnigghtYORK (001904) 6837755556 CHURRCH STTREET, YORKK66. Lunnch iss avaiilablee in PPekingg Housse _.A. everry dayy B. evvery oother dayC. all weekeends D. alll weeekdayss67. Whaat is encouuragedd in


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