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《2021_2022学年新教材高中英语Unit2SuccessSectionⅠTopicTalk&Lesson1MoneyvsSuccess习题含解析北师大版选择性必修第一册20210603149.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021_2022学年新教材高中英语Unit2SuccessSectionⅠTopicTalk&Lesson1MoneyvsSuccess习题含解析北师大版选择性必修第一册20210603149.docx(6页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit2Unit2SuccessSuccessSectionSectionTopicTalk&Lesson1MoneyvsSuccessTopicTalk&Lesson1MoneyvsSuccess一、用适当的介词/副词填空1 1.It was on the waythe station.2 2.It is amazing to see such little child shows a hungerknowledge.3 3.Lion is a symbolcourage.4 4.Please focuswhat you are doing.5 5.I cannot believe tha

2、t he turned his backme when I was badly in needof his help.6 6.No matter what others say about you,I have my beliefyou.7 7.You can give your textbooksafter graduation.8 8.I cant givethe idea of an extra hour of sleep on weekends.9 9.It is crazy that the parents dropped their kidon the freeway.1010.I

3、 am dyingan answer to my question.二、用下面方框中所给短语的正确形式填空come up withbe committed todrop out ofdie ofgive awayput in effortbeginwithbe regarded asmake sensedream up1 1.The poor child will notschool because of the helpfrom the local charity organisation.2 2.The troubleme and should end with me.3 3.Theydi

4、fferent ways to get more money but all failed.4 4.It doesntto have a public space that no one can use.5 5.one of the best actors,he promised to continue working hard.6 6.The team spent the whole afternoon discussing the problem but hasnta solution.7 7.It is a pity that hecancer at such a young age.8

5、 8.If you have decided to achieve something,you need to.9 9.The boy had promised not tomy secret but he immediatelyshared it with his friends.1010.It is useless asking me to take a rest if hefinishinga task.三、完成句子1 1.If she sets out to(达成目标),she will try herbest to make it.2 2.I will change to anoth

6、er restaurant if it means(再等两个小时).3 3.I didnt mean(泄露秘密).Please forgive me.4 4.He caught a bad cold,(在雨中等父母).5 5.(吃太多)in the morning made me feel dizzy andhard to focus on my study.6 6.The person(我在寻找的)must be ambitious and determined.7 7.It(花了我一大笔钱)to buy thiscomputer.8 8.The scientist(被认为)one of t

7、he leadingexperts in this field.9 9.It(有待观察)whether they canlive a happy and peaceful life.1010.I have no idea(你在说什么).四、阅读理解You may not have heard of Ashoka,but for the past 27 years,thisassociation,founded by Bill Drayton,has fought poverty(贫穷)and sickness,promotededucation and encouraged small bus

8、inesses.To support these worthy causes,Ashokaprovides money for the worlds most promising“changemakers”seeking to solve(解决)urgent problems and would like to create a world in which every citizen is achangemaker.Drayton believes that anyone can become an agent for change.The important thingis to simp

9、ly give yourself permission.If you see a problem that you care about,youcan help solve it.The young in particular are willing to accept this concept becauseat heart every child wants to grow into a happy,healthy,contributing adult.In fact,itis many young peoples ambition to set up programmes or busi

10、nesses that improve socialconditions.An excellent example is an Ashoka project started in 1995 in Dhaka,whichhandled the rubbish problem facing the city,helped local farmers and provided anincome for poor people there.When Masqsood and Iftekhar began to study the problem of all the uncollectedrubbis

11、h that lay in Dhakas streets,attracting tats and disease,they discovered that80%of it was natural waste.So they educated the poor people in the city to compost(把制成堆肥)this waste.They knew that they would have a market for the end productbecause local farmers were struggling with chemical fertilisers(

12、化肥)which wereexpensive and had reduced the natural minerals in the soil over the years.At first,theywere refused,but once they were able to persuade them that there was money to bemade,the project took off.In 2009 sales were$14,000.Drayton is optimistic that in ten years Ashoka will be making really

13、serious,practical progress in bringing about social change by changing the way welook at economic development.1 1.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?A.ChangemakersB.BusinessmenC.Social ConditionsD.Rubbish Problem2 2.What does the underlined word“them”in Paragraph 3 probab

14、ly refer to?A.The local farmers.B.Masqsood and Iftekhar.C.Drayton and his team.D.The poor people in Dhaka.3 3.It can be concluded from the passage that anyone can become a changemaker ifhe.A.considers Draytons conceptB.gets permission from AshokaC.tries to improve social conditionsD.is a young,happy

15、 and healthy adult4 4.The authors attitude towards Ashokas programme can be described as.A.changingB.forgivingC.cautiousD.positive五、语篇填空I gain a lot of rewarding experiences from some social activities.Our localCommunity Youth Club is a very popular organisation with young people in my town.Ihave be

16、en a member for four years now and Ive taken part in a lot of interestingprojects,1 1.include fun activities such as holiday camps and discos.Wehave organised sports competitions and we have even made a video.But it isnt all just enjoyment;we have also started doing social work to helppeople in our

17、neighbourhood.We 2 2.(organise)activities forlittle children during the holidays.We have also formed a special support group tohelp young people stop 3 3.(smoke).We are particularly proud of the most recent group we have created.It organisesregular visits 4 4.the local old peoples home.My class spen

18、t anafternoon at a home and everyone found the visit very rewarding.The old people therewere 5 5.(talk)and they told us their personal stories 6 6.(cheer).During our visit,the home was filled with 7 7.(laugh).But werealised that life wasnt always easy.Some of them were in poor health and were very8

19、8.(happy).Many young people like me do not live with our grandparents and we have littlecontact with elderly people.As a result,many young people dont know 9 9.they are like.After this visit,my friends and I decided that we should do 1010.to help improve the quality of their lives.六、完形填空Many years a

20、go,I was working at my job at a community college when a homelesswoman came in.She began1as she lay on one of the sofas in the student rest room.2,she wasnt well.Without thinking too much I went next door to the Student Affairsoffice where I knew I could find3in the Lost and Found box.I4up a setof c

21、lothing and went back to my office,5I heard a colleague calling me.She toldme that I should not6this person,as it would only lead to her wanting more help.Irefused her7and went back to help the woman,8my co-workers warning.Two weeks later,while I was working,a very cute elderly man entered my9andask

22、ed to speak with me in private.Curiously,I gave him my full10and he toldme that he had happened to hear my11with the co-worker about helping the12woman.He wanted me to know that it was always okay to help people and that was whyhe wanted to give me a13for$1,000.I burst into tears,because I14neededth

23、e money at the time,but also because I had never been15in such a way for helpingsomeone!We soon became good16and 10 years later he called me up suddenly and toldme he wanted to help me17my first home!He18giving me$120,000 as partpayment for my dream house in my hometown.I asked him why he wanted to

24、give me sucha large amount of money and he said it was because I was a“giver”and that I19it!To make a long story short,I was able to buy the perfect little home for myself,allbecause one day I did not20to help a homeless woman.1 1.A.smilingB.talkingC.shoutingD.coughing2 2.A.LuckilyB.ClearlyC.Strange

25、lyD.Sadly3 3.A.clothesB.booksC.foodD.medicine4 4.A.gaveB.turnedC.gatheredD.made5 5.A.whileB.whenC.howD.why6 6.A.ignoreB.disturbC.valueD.help7 7.A.adviceB.requestC.planD.offer8 8.A.more thanB.rather thanC.regardless ofD.apart from9 9.A.homeB.officeC.classroomD.dormitory1010.A.energyB.loveC.careD.atte

26、ntion1111.A.disagreement B.discussionC.fightD.quarrel1212.A.youngB.oldC.sickD.wealthy1313.A.supportB.checkC.tipD.promise1414.A.anxiouslyB.eagerlyC.hardlyD.really1515.A.recognisedB.measuredC.taughtD.praised1616.A.colleaguesB.competitorsC.partnersD.friends1717.A.buildB.buyC.rentD.repair1818.A.came out

27、B.ended upC.carried onD.resulted in1919.A.deservedB.wantedC.neededD.enjoyed2020.A.fearB.failC.hesitateD.attempt答案:一、1 1.to2 2.for3 3.for4 4.on5 5.on6 6.in7 7.away8 8.up9 9.off1010.for二、1 1.drop out of2 2.began with3 3.(had)dreamed up4 4.make sense5 5.Regarded as6 e up with7 7.died of8 8.put in effor

28、t9 9.give away1010.is committed to三、1 1.achieve her goal2 2.waiting for another two hours3 3.to give away the secrete4 4.waiting for his parents in the rain5 5.Eating too much6 6.I am looking for7 7.costme a fortune8 8.is regarded as9 9.remains to be seen1010.what you are talking about四、1 1.A主旨大意题。本

29、文提到的公益组织助力每个人成为“changemaker”,故选 A 项。2 2.D词义猜测题。由文章第三段第二句可知,这里 they 指的是“当地的穷人”。3 3.C推理判断题。由第二段中的“Draytonbelievesthatanyonecanbecomeanagentforchange.Theimportantthingistosimplygiveyourselfpermission.Ifyouseeaproblemthatyoucareabout,youcanhelpsolveit.”可知,他相信任何人都可以成为一个带来改变的“中介”,重要的是允许自己去做。如果你看见一个你关心的问题,

30、你可以去帮助解决这个问题。而这里的解决问题就是试着去改善社会状况。4 4.D观点态度题。文章对这个公益组织都是正面的描述。五、1 1.which2 2.have organised3 3.smoking4 4.to5 5.talkative6 6.cheerfully7 7.laughter8 8.unhappy9 9.what1010.something六、1 1.D根据下文“shewasntwell”可知,这名妇女此时身体不好,因此“咳嗽”符合语境。2 2.B根据上下文可知,这里描述的是她生病咳嗽,是一种很明显的状态。3 3.A根据下文的“Iupasetofclothingandwentb

31、acktomyoffice”可知,这里作者是去拿衣服(clothes)。4 4.C根据语境可知,这里作者去拿衣服,用 gather 符合题意。5 5.B考查时间状语从句。“我”拿起一套衣服回到办公室,这时“我”听到一个同事在叫“我”。6 6.D这个同事告诉“我”,“我”不应该帮助这个人,因为这只会导致她想要更多的帮助。这里与后半句“asitwouldonlyleadtoherwantingmorehelp”中的 help 相呼应。7 7.A“我”拒绝了她的建议,并回去帮助那位女士。8 8.C“我”不顾同事的警告,拒绝了她的建议,回去帮助那位女士。9 9.B两周后,当“我”正在工作的时候,一个非

32、常可爱的老人走进“我”的办公室,要求和“我”单独谈谈。从上文的“whileIwasworking”可知,这里应该是这位老人走进了作者的办公室。1010.D“我”感到很好奇,于是把全部注意力都放在了他身上,他告诉“我”,他碰巧听到“我”和同事在帮助那个生病的女人的问题上有分歧。根据前面的 curiously 可知,作者很好奇,所以非常注意他。givesbonesfullattention 全神贯注于某人。1111.A见上题解析。1212.C见第 10 题解析。1313.B他想让“我”知道,帮助别人总是好的,那就是为什么他想给“我”一张 1000 美元的支票。根据语境和后面的金额$1,000 可知

33、,这里指的是他是给“我”支票(check)。1414.D“我”哭了,因为“我”当时真的很需要这笔钱,也因为“我”从来没有因为帮助别人而被这样认可过!1515.A见上题解析。1616.D“我”们很快成为好朋友,10 年后他突然打电话给“我”,告诉“我”他想帮“我”买“我”的第一套房子!根据后文“Hegivingme$120,000aspartpaymentformydreamhouse”可知,这位老人给了作者一大笔钱,帮助他购买自己的房子,由此可知,两人成了好朋友。1717.B见上题解析。1818.B他最后给了“我”12 万美元,作为“我”在家乡购买梦想中的房子的一部分付款。1919.A他说因为“我”是一个“给予者”,那是“我”应得的!2020.C长话短说,“我”能够为自己买到一个完美的小房子,这一切都是因为有一天“我”毫不犹豫地帮助了一个无家可归的女人。


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