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《浙江省温州中学2013届高三英语第三次模拟考试试题新人教版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省温州中学2013届高三英语第三次模拟考试试题新人教版.doc(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、温州中学2013届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题选择题部分(共80分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。There are more than 1.3 billion people in this country, and we are still on _long journey toward modernization. That requires _ international environment of lasting peace.A.

2、a; the B. the; / C. a; an D. /; the 2.It is not what you are thinking about but how you can put it into _ that countsApractice Battempt Cpermission Daccount 3. Knowledge begins to increase as soon as one individual communicates his ideas to _ by means of speech. A. other B. another C. the other D. s

3、ome other 4._ in the queue for almost half an hour, he suddenly realized that he forgot his code.A. Having waited B. Waited C. To wait D. Waiting 5. As the quality of the citys air continues to give rise to _, the residents are encouraged to drive cars less often. A. descriptions B. compromise C. co

4、ncerns D. emergency 6. Its not the commitment _ that brings success but also the courage to believe in yourself. A. only B. alone C. lonely D. just 7. She is quite _ to office work. You had better offer her some suggestions when necessary. A. familiar B. fresh C. similar D. sensitive8. He proved him

5、self a true gentleman and the beauty of his _ was seen as its best when he worked with others. A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character9. -What do you think of Peter?-He _ be really difficult to get along with even though hes a nice person in general.A. shall B. should C. must D. can10. Jordan

6、 kept his illness from his opponents before the final game _ they might know about it.A. now thatB. on condition thatC. for fear thatD. in order that11. If you often feel tired and cant focus your attention, that is _ you have to stop studying too hard and to have a rest. A. why B. whether C. when D

7、. what 12. The boy, one of the so-called rich second generation, forced his parents to buy a new car _ it might cost.A. no matter how B. however high C. no matter how much D. how much13. Amazing! Too many private cars are trapped on the highways which is free of charge for the first time, causing he

8、avy traffic jams, some even _ for several hours. A. held up B. broken up C. taken up D. given up14. Cellphones have changed our behaviour and how we communicate. They _ everywhere- sometimes where they shouldnt. A. are being used B. will be used C. have been used D. had been used 15. -I did really w

9、ell in the examination, Jeff.-I did _. I got full mark.A. no less B. not less C. not worse D. no worse16. If better use is _ your spare time, you will have a more brilliant future.A. made of B. spent C. used for D. taken17. Mother told me to be _ shouting distance so that she would set her mind at r

10、est. A. beyond B. above C. over D. within 18. They chatted with each other in Wenzhou dialect. I stood by and listened hard but still failed to _ what they were talking about.A. make for B. make up C. make out D. make over 19. Come on, Maria! You can also enjoy _ I am having if you canAre you sugges

11、ting me cycling every day?A. as a healthy life as B. as healthy a life asC. as a life healthy as D. healthy as a life as 20. You wont believe it, Susan. I was chosen as exchange student to Harvard.- Congratulations! _.A. Thats something B. Its my pleasure C. Thats all right D. You got it第二节:完形填空(共20

12、小题; 每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。Employers fear they will be unable to employ students with the skills they need as the economic recovery kicks in, a new survey 21 .Nearly half of the organizations told researchers they were already struggling to find 22

13、with skills in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), _23_ even more companies expect to experience 24 of employees with STEM skills in the next three years.The Confederation of British Industry and the vocational qualifications body EDI 25 694 businesses and organizations across the publ

14、ic and 26 sectors, which together employ 2.4 million people.Half are 27 they will not be able to fill graduate posts in the coming years, while a third said they would not be able to 28 enough employees with the right A-level skills. 29 we move further into recovery and businesses plan 30 growth, th

15、e demand for people with high-quality skills and qualifications will 31 ,said Richard Lambert, Director General, CBI. In the future, people with qualifications in science and maths will be particularly sought after, and firms say it is already hard to find people with the right 32 or engineering ski

16、lls. The new government must make it a top 33 to encourage more young people to study science-related 34 The survey found that young people would improve their job prospects 35 they studied business, math, English and physics or chemistry at A-level. The A-levels that employers 36 least are psycholo

17、gy and sociology. And while many employers dont insist on a 37 degree subject, a third prefer to hire those with a STEM-related subject.The research 38 worries about the lack of progress in improving basic skills in the UK 39 Half of employers expressed worries about employees basic literacy and num

18、eracy(计算)skills, while the biggest problem is with IT skills, 40 two-thirds reported concerns.21. A. submitsB. reveals C. launches D. generates22. A. audience B. officials C. partners D. staff23. A. while B. because C. for D. although24. A. exits B. shortages C. absences D. departures25. A. surveyed

19、 B. searched C. exposed D. exploited26. A. collective B. private C. personal D. civil27. A. contented B. confirmed C. concerned D. confused28. A. connect B. release C. transfer D. recruit29. A. Although B. Unless C. Before D. As30. A. with B. for C. on D. by31. A. decrease B. reduce C. improve D. in

20、crease32. A. creative B. technical C. mental D. physical33. A. priority B. option C. challenge D. judgment34. A. procedures B. academics C. thoughts D. subjects35. A. until B. since C. whereas D. if36. A. consider B. discuss C. order D. observe37. A. typical B. particular C. positive D. general38. A

21、. highlighted B. paid C. focused D. touched39. A. masses B. workforce C. citizens D. communities40. A. what B. whom C. where D. why第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,共50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该选项标号涂黑。AAmericans have always been firm believers of what William James called “the bi

22、tch goddess success”. Self-help guidance books have topped the bestseller lists since Benjamin Franklin published his autobiography. Americans are much more likely than Europeans to believe that people can get ahead in life so long as they are willing to work hard. And they are much more likely to c

23、hoose a high-paying job that carries a risk of redundancy(裁员) than a lower-paid job that guarantees security.But you cant have winners without losers (or how would you know how well you are doing?). And you cant broaden opportunity without also broadening the opportunity to fail. For example, blacks

24、 could not blame themselves for their failure in the “race of life”, in Abraham Lincolns phrase, because at that time they were prevented from so many parts of it. But now although the barriers are lifted, the picture of the blacks life is more complex.All of which creates a huge problem: how exactl

25、y should a highly-competitive society deal with its losers? Its all very well to note that drunkards and lazybones get what they deserve. But what about the honest toilers? One way to deal with the problem is to offer people as many second chances as possible. In his new book “Born Losers: A History

26、 of Failure in America”, Scott Sandage argues that in the mid-nineteenth century people held a different view of failurefrom something that had described a bad business to something that defined a whole life. Yet one of the outstanding things about America is how strongly it has refused to hold the

27、idea that there is any such thing as a born loser. American schools dont divide their pupils into groups according to their ability much longer than the European schools: the whole point is to fit in rather than stand out. American higher education has many points of entry and reentry. And the Ameri

28、can legal system has some of the most generous bankruptcy(破产) rules in the world. In Europe, a bankrupt is often still a ruined man; in America, he is a risk-taking one.American historynot to mention American folk talesis filled with examples of people who tried and tried again until they made a suc

29、cess of their lives. Lincoln was a bankrupt storekeeper. Henry Ford was a continuous failure. At 40, Thomas Watson, the architect of IBM, faced prison. Americas past is also full of people who came back from disaster. A second way to deal with losers is to celebrate them. Perhaps in reaction to the

30、nonstop development of business life, American popular culture often sympathizes with losers. But even in the loser-loving bits of popular culture, the American success is always achieved in spite of difficulties. More often than not, born losers turn out to be winners at last.41. Why do Americans p

31、refer a high-paying job according to the passage? A. Because they are afraid of taking risks.B. Because they are devoted to working hard.C. Because they are eager to achieve success.D. Because they are interested in reading bestsellers.42. The underlined words “honest toilers” (Paragraph 3) can best

32、 be described as people who are _. A. hard-working B. reliable C. wealthy D. determined43. The fourth paragraph is written to _. A. compare American education system with that of EuropeB. introduce some generous rules of American legal systemC. show that America is ready to give people second chance

33、sD. explain the reason why Americans refuse to be born losers44. The writer may most probably agree with the idea that _.A. America is a country not fit for black peopleB. born losers have already disappeared in modern American societyC. there is always a dislike of people who are crazy about promot

34、ing businessD. American society has gradually changed the attitude towards failure over the years45. Which of the following is mainly conveyed in the passage?A. Success comes first.B. More winners, more losers. C. History is full of changes and advances.D. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin

35、again.B Your teens dont want you to be their friends. What they need is for you to be a reliable responsible role model worthy of their respect, and not some overgrown child who wears too tight jeans or T-shirts with slogans advocating the good points of 100 proof liquor. Dont debate the teen ever.

36、If she wants to debate, suggest she sign up for the Debate Club. If you buy into their teen logic (which is basically illogic, the product of an immature brain and every extreme of emotion known to mankind) your mouth will go dry. Teens need to know that no means no. Remember when your teen was two

37、years old and he said “no” a lot? Well now its your turn, particularly when your teen wants to engage in behaviors that are dangerous. Dont buy your teen a car. If you do, he will total it in record time. Guaranteed. The teen should earn the car, or at least a portion of it (and by that I dont mean

38、one of the tires). You know how you take much better care of an item of clothing you spent a fortune on compared to one you bought in a bargain basement? Its the same thing, only a car can do serious damage. Encourage sports participation even if your teen has two left feet. In some sports, two left

39、 feet wont knock him out of the box, so to speak. Sports participation develops perseverance and cheerfully functioning as a team member. You also will know where your child is every day after school (on the field, that is, or at a rival school). Just make sure you root for the right team, okay? Bee

40、n there, done that. Let the school know you in a good way so that school personnel do not dive under the desk when you approach. If you are asked to speak at the school, your teen will feel mighty proud. If you make something for the bake sale, try to make it taste edible and if you cant see it thro

41、ugh, do yourself and your child a favor and buy something at the local bakery or supermarket. To know your teens friends is to know your teens. Teens have a secret life, and a parents goal is to find out secrecy that is sometimes thicker than the CIA and the KGB combined. If you really want to know

42、what your kid is up to, get to know their friends. How? By being warm and kind, and by asking questions that dont sound like an interrogation(审讯), but serve that purpose without their knowing it.46. When your kids are doing something that might negatively affect their future, you should _.A. have yo

43、ur kids express their opinions fully and then discuss with themB. think about how you can be their close friendsC. report that to their school immediatelyD. say no and tell them that they must stop47. According to the passage, as a parent, you should encourage your kids _.A. to wear too tight jeans

44、B. to sign up for the Debate ClubC. to be greatly involved in sports D. to make as many friends as they can48. The underlined word “total” in the third paragraph probably means _.A. damage B. add C. buy D. earn49. The passage mainly wants you to know that _.A. kids have their secrecy and freedom B. raising Teenagers calls for certain parenting skillsC. your teen needs some house rules D. the family is changingCA few months ago as I wandered thro


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