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《山东省德州市庆云县第二中学2016届九年级英语上学期期中试题外研版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省德州市庆云县第二中学2016届九年级英语上学期期中试题外研版.doc(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、九年级英语期中测试卷卷I(选择题,共85分)听力部分(第一节)I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )1. A. hand B. band C. bank ( )2. A. 8 B. 18 C. 80( )3. A. speak up B. stand up C. grow up( ) 4. A. Every family has a dog in America B. Dogs seem popular in North America C. Dogs are most popular in America ( )5. A. The streets are

2、 cleaner than before B. The streets are as clean as before C. The streets are dirtier than before II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )6. A. Yes, its good-looking B. No, not at all C. Thank you ( )7. A. Yes, I do B. A double one C. Yes, I know ( )8. A. No, I dont B. No, I havent C. No, just a second

3、( ) 9. A. Oh, really? Is he all right? B. By the way, how can I help? C. I wish he didnt but he did ( )10. A. It doesnt matter B. Thank you very much C. Certainly, sorry III. 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( ) 11. Why is Katy moving? A. Because she needs a small house B. Because her house is far C.

4、Because she needs a big house ( ) 12. Whatre the speakers mainly talking about? A. A violinist B. A singer C. A concert ( ) 13. Where does the woman want to go? A. Hospital B. Shop C. Museum ( ) 14. How much change will the woman get? A. $100 B. $60 C.$40( ) 15. How does Li Mei come? A.by bus B. by

5、plane C. by boat IV. 听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)( )16. Where can you find some information about the places of interest you wish to visit? A. From the free map B. From the book you read C. From the Internet ( )17. When can you decide which hotel to stay in? A. After you have decided which ci

6、ty to visit B. After you have got to the city you want to visit C. After you have decided to have a holiday ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg( )18. Why do they walk very quickly? A. Because it is very cold outside B. Because they think thats a good way to keep healthy C. Because there are dogs walking

7、 after them( )19. Where do they walk in winter? A. On the playground B. In the park C. In the club building ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg( ) 20. Where is the Job Search Centre? A. Near a hotel B. Near a bus station C. People of all ages ( ) 21. Which of the following jobs were mentioned in this pa

8、ssage? A. Zoo-keeper B. Babysitter C. Bank tellerggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg( )22. Where are the two speakers probably now?A. In the supermarket B. In a factory C. At home ( )23. When did the man begin shopping on the Internet? A. When he was 10 B. When he was 12 C. When he was 20( )24. What wil

9、l the woman do next? A. Buy shoes on the Internet B. Learn how to shop on the Internet C. Show the man how to shop on the Internet ( )25. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man wants to buy sports shoes on the Internet B. The woman has never shopped on the Internet C. The woman wants to

10、buy a sports hat on the Internet 笔试部分V单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )26. This is _ dictionary Ive told you. Isnt it _ useful one? A. a; theB. the; anC. the; aD. the; the( )27. Eight _ pounds per month? Thats not much. A. hundred ofB. hundreds ofC. hundredsD. hundred( )28. Dont worry. My bro

11、ther has got many vegetables. You can have some of_.A. mine B. yours C. his D. hers( )29. Its such difficult work, but _ of them four felt frustrated.A. neither B. both C. none D. all( )30. The story is hard to understand, _ there are no new words in it.A. so B. but C. though D. until( )31. They all

12、 looked _ me _ surprise, but I didnt know why?A. for, to B. by, for C. up, over D. at, in( )32. That piece of music created by the new singer sounds _. We all like it.A. terrible B. terribly C. wonderfully D. wonderful( )33. It _five months since I came to America.A. was B. is C. will be D. had been

13、( )34. I didnt hear you because I _ a shower at that moment.A. have taken B. will take C. was taking D. am talking( )35. Its a secret. You _ tell anyone about it.A. mustnt B. must C. can D. neednt( )36. -How long has the factory _? -Since three years ago. A. open B. be open C. been open D. been open

14、ed ( )37. _ useful information he has found on the Internet! A. What a B. What C. How a D. How ( )38. Sarah had to stay at home and look after her grandma, _? A. did sheB. didnt sheC. had sheD. hadnt she( )39. -Can you tell me whom the play _ in 1997? -Sorry, I dont know. A. was written by B. was wr

15、itten C. is written D. is written by ( )40. Dont worry! The firefighters will _ the fire as soon as possible. A. put out B. put away C. put up C. put off ( )41. Most kids hope _ their time at school. A. not waste B. to not waste C. not to waste D to waste( )42. We believe that these mountains _ with

16、 trees in a few years time.A. are covered B. will cover C. will be covered D. are covering( ) 43. With the money _ he saved when he was young, he could go on with his education.A. what B. who C. thisD. that( ) 44. -Look, this sweater is beautiful . -_?. A. Why not trying it on B. why not try on it C

17、. why not try it on D. why not trying on it ( )45. -Could you please tell me _ the History Museum?-The day after tomorrow, I think.A. when will you visit B. when you will visitC. when would you visit D. when you would visitVI. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题分,计10分) There was once a king who offered a prize to the ar

18、tist who would paint the best picture of peace,Many artists 46 The king looked at all the picturesBut there were only two he really liked,and he had to choose 47 them There was a calm lake in one pictureThe lake was a perfect mirror and peaceful towering(高 大的)mountains were all around itOverhead was

19、 a blue 48 with light white clouds All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peaceThe other picture had mountains,tooBut they were bare(光秃秃的)and had rough rocksAbove was a(n) 49 sky,from Which rain 50 and in which lightning flashedDown the side of the mountain a waterfall fel

20、l quicklyThis did not look peaceful 51 But when the king looked 52 ,he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush 53 in a crack (裂缝)in the rockIn the bush a mother bird had built her nestThere,in the middle of the rush of angry water,sat the mother bird on her nestin perfect peace Which picture do you thi

21、nk won the prize? The king chose the second pictureDo you know 54 ? Because,explained the king,peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise,trouble,or hard work,Peace 55 to be in the middle of all those things and still be calm in your heartThat is the real meaning of peace”46Atried

22、Battended Cjoined Dentered47Ain Bbetween Cof Damong48A1ake Briver Csky Docean49Ablue Bclear Cangry Dcalm50Adropped Bjumped Cfell Dran51A,for all Bat all Cafter all Dabove all52Adeeply Bclosely Ccompletely Dfully53A1iving B1ying Cstanding Dgrowing54Ahow Bwhy Cwhen Dwhere55Asuggests Bshows Cmeans Dind

23、icatesVII. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分) 阅读、三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Kid Power in Action!Kids wanted a Chicken Soup book of their own, so here it is! Children Soup for the Kids Soul is for kids ages nine through thirteen, and its “all that!” Sometimes you feel like life is a complete blast(冲击), from scor

24、ing the winning goal to hanging out with your friends. Yet other times, life is too difficult: You seem to see violence(暴力) everywhere you turn, more parents are getting divorced(离婚), your best friend moves away, or you feel like you dont fit in.Now there is a place to find answers and encouragement

25、 and to help you realize that your dreams really can come true.With funny stories about friendship and family, and serious stories about brave kids and difficult choices, this book will make you laugh, cry, think, and feel good about yourself.Ever since the first Chicken Soup for the Soul was publis

26、hed in June 1993, we have been getting requests(请求) from kids all over the world asking for a Chicken Soup book just for them. So here it is, the first full-length Chicken Soup for the Kids Soul, written by kids and by grown-ups who havent forgotten what its like to be a kid.We would like to know ho

27、w the stories in the book will affect you and which ones are your favorites, please write to us and let us know. We also invite you to send us any stories that you would like us to consider for the second book: Helping of Chicken Soup for the Kids Soul. You may send stories and poems that you have w

28、ritten, or ones that you have read and liked. For more information, you can visit the Chicken Soup for the Soul site on American Online at keyword: chickensoul .( )56. Choose the proper answer according to the passage.A. This book is written to help parents who get divorced.B. Only people aged from

29、thirteen to nineteen will get help from this book.C. This book was specially written for kids ages nine through thirteen.D. Other people are not allowed to read it. ( )57. How many years has the first book come out? A. exactly 10 years B. nearly 15 years C. over 16years D. less than 13 years( )58. W

30、hat problems might the kids meet with in their life according to the passage? A. Your best friend moves away B. Your schoolwork is too heavy C. You fail in the exams D. Your parents dont buy you birthday presents( )59. The first book was written by _. A. Kids B. Grown-ups C. An English woman D. Both

31、 kids and Grown-ups( )60. If you want to know more information about the second book, please _. A. Come to our office B. Call us C. Get on American Online D. Write to usBYou go to a store. You see many new things. You know about them before you get to the store. How do you know? You saw these things

32、 on TV. You learned about them through advertising.People have been advertising for thousands of years. Long ago, men called “criers” walked up and down the street. They shouted about things that were being sold.Later, people met at one place. This place was a market. Some people came to sell. Other

33、 people came to buy. But only those people who were at the market knew what was being sold.When people learned about printing, things changed. Soon there were newspapers. Many people read the newspapers. They saw many ads in the papers. Later, more people saw and listened to the ads on TV. Are the p

34、eople who sell to us “criers”?( )61. When you go to a store, you see _. A. singers B. advertisement C. many new things D. TV( )62. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. We go to the store to read the newspaper.B. We go to the store to buy things we hear about.C. We go

35、 to the store to look at the ads on TV.D. We go to the store to know other people.( )63. People have been advertising for _.A. thousands of years B. hundreds of yearsC. one thousand years D. one hundred years( )64. Later people could find the ads _.A. on TV B. in the newspapersC. everywhere D. both

36、A and B( )65. The main idea of the whole story is _.A. people advertise to sell things B. people cried when they had to advertiseC. people went to the market D. people never advertise CRecently hand-foot-mouth disease has spread across China. In the past three months, there have been about 41,846 ca

37、ses (病例) in 30 provinces and regions. The number is increasing. Eighteen Chinese children have died of the disease so far this year. What causes the disease and why is it dangerous? Hand-foot-mouth disease is a common childhood illness. It mainly affects children under the age of 10. It gets its nam

38、e from the rash (疹子) that develops on the hands and feet. It can also cause blisters (水泡) in your mouth. A child who has the disease will usually have a fever, a runny nose and sore throat. He or she doesnt want to eat or drink because of pain in the mouth. Hand-foot-mouth disease is mostly not seri

39、ous. The fever and rash clear within a few days. But in some cases, the virus (病毒) affects the heart, lungs or brain. This puts the childs life in danger. A virus causes hand-foot-mouth disease. The disease spreads easily where a lot of young children are together, such as in a child-care center. So

40、metimes it can also affect teenagers and adults. In order not to pass on the virus, good hygiene (卫生) is important. We should wash our hands as often as possible. Especially we should wash our hands before meals and after going to the toilet.66. More than _ people have caught hand-foot-mouth disease

41、 this year. A. thirty thousand B. forty thousand C. four million D. fourteen thousand 67. Hand-foot-mouth disease _. A. is a kind of cancer B. isnt dangerous at all C. can cause death D. will disappear soon68. A patient of hand-foot-mouth may _. A. eat more B. have blisters in the mouth C. have rash

42、 on the face D. eat less 69. From the passage, we know that the hand-foot-mouth disease _. A. spreads easily among the young children B. will not affect adults C. didnt happen in China D. starts from villages 70. _ can help us to keep away from the hand-foot-mouth disease. A. Passing on the virus B.

43、 Taking children to the child-care center C. Keeping your hands clean D. Not going to public places卷II(非选择题,共35分)注意事项:1. 答卷II前,将密封线左侧的项目填写清楚。2. 答卷II时,将答案用蓝色、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔直接写在卷上。听力部分(第二节)VIII. 听填信息(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)Jim想加入健康俱乐部,请你根据Jim的介绍填写下面的申请表(Application Form). Application Form Name: Jim White Date of bi

44、rth: April 26th, 1994 Address: 29 Lincoln Road, _71_ the library. Family members: Parents and two _72_. Hobbies: Football, swimming _73_, and tennis. Prizes: Watson Bays _74_Player of football in 2008. Date of last medical examination: _75_ 16th, 2008. Telephone: 2325-1983 E-mail: Jimmy笔试部分IX. 任务型阅读(共小题,每小题分,计10分)阅读


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