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《北师大版初中英语八下期中测试试题试卷含答案2.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大版初中英语八下期中测试试题试卷含答案2.pdf(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、初中英语 八年级下册 1/10 期中期中测试测试 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的一、听对话,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。1.A.B.C.2.A.B.C.3.A.B.C.4.A.B.C.5.A.B.C.二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。对话或独白你将听两遍。请听一段对话,完成第 6 至第 7 小题。6.Whats wr

2、ong with Ann?A.She has a stomachache.B.She has a toothache.C.She has a cold.7.What will Tony bring to Ann?A.Some film CDs.B.Some books.C.Some flowers.请听一段对话,完成第 8 至第 9 小题。8.What happened to Julie yesterday?A.She walked home from the school yesterday.B.She was caught in the rain yesterday.C.She made

3、some soup yesterday.初中英语 八年级下册 2/10 9.Why did the man call yesterday?A.Because he wanted help with homework.B.Because he wanted to chat with her.C.Because he wanted to cheer her up.请听一段对话,完成第 10 至第 11 小题。10.What is Steves problem?A.He has to get up early.B.He has too much homework.C.He thinks life i

4、s boring.11.What suggestion did Judy give him?A.Try out for a volunteer program.B.Go to hospital.C.Make more friends.请听一段对话,完成第 12 至第 13 小题。12.Where are the two speakers?A.In a library.B.In a hospital.C.In a shop.13.What did the doctor ask the young man to do?A.To take some medicine.B.To burn away h

5、is worries.C.To take more exercise.请听一段独白,完成第 14 至第 15 小题。14.Which of the following is not true according to the speaker?A.Kids are happy to help their parents with housework all the time.B.If parents make chores challenging,their kids may want to have a try.C.Kids cannot find and keep the treats(礼物

6、)until they tidy the room.15.What is the speech mainly about?A.How to stop your kids from causing housework.B.How to make chores professional and exciting.C.How to get your kids to do housework.三、请听一段短文,根三、请听一段短文,根据所听到的内容和提示信息,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。短文据所听到的内容和提示信息,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。短文你将听两遍。你将听两遍。A

7、Notice The last examEnglish It will finish at 16 a.m.Climbing the hill We will 17 to the foot of Green Hill.初中英语 八年级下册 3/10 Please wear sports shoes and take some 18 and water.On the top of the hill,well take pictures and have a 19 lunch time.After climbing the hill Well go home by 20 .四、单项选择四、单项选择

8、从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.Alice gave out all _ lucky money to help the poor people.A.she B.her C.hers D.herself 2._ April 16th,all the students visited the Capital Museum.A.In B.At C.On D.From 3.My two cousins decide _ a business together.A.to start B.start C.starting D.started 4.My fr

9、iend Sally _ to another city last year.I really miss her.A.moves B.moved C.was moving D.has moved 5.Paul,what were you doing at nine yesterday evening?I _ a movie in the cinema with my friends.A.was watching B.watch C.watched D.will watch 6.The school has to _ the school trip because of the bad weat

10、her.A.put up B.put down C.put on D.put off 7.Some old people feel a little _ at home because their children dont live with them.A.lonely B.alone C.healthy D.friendly 8._ it was snowing,_ it was not very cold.A.Although;but B.Although;although C.Although;/D.But;/9.I will finish _ the book this aftern

11、oon.Then I will give it back to you.A.read B.reading C.to read D.reads 10.Could you tell me_ zongzi in China?Usually at the Dragon Boat Festival.A.when people eat B.when do people eat C.how people eat D.how do people eat 五、完形填空五、完形填空(A)根据上下文,用所给词适当形式填空或填入所缺的词。At 9:00 a.m.yesterday,bus No.26 was goin

12、g along Zhonghua Road when the 11 (drive)saw an old man lying on the side of the road.A woman next to him was 12 (shout)for help.The bus driver,24-year-old Wang Ping,stopped the bus without 13 (think)twice.He got off and asked 初中英语 八年级下册 4/10 the woman what happened.She said that the man had a heart

13、 problem and should 14 (go)to the hospital.Mr.Wang knew he had to act 15 (quick).He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital.He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus.But to his surprise,they all agreed to go with him.Some passengers helped M

14、r.Wang to move the man on the bus.Thanks 16 Mr.Wang and the passengers,the doctors saved the man in time.“Its sad that many people dont want to help others because they dont want any trouble,”says one passenger.“But the driver didnt think about 17 (he).He only thought about 18 (save)a life.”(B)阅读下面的

15、短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。From the time I was a child growing up in New Jersey,I loved spending weekends with my grandparents.I felt 19 in Grannys small kitchen.We always had peaceful conversations,and Granny always seemed to include some wisdom with every dish she prepared.I remember one Sa

16、turday morning.I was about 11 years old.After breakfast I asked Granny,“What kind of soup are you making today?”“Vegetable beef,”she answered.“And you can help by cutting some carrots.”As I slowly cut the carrots,I said,“Ive got to give a report next week and Im scared(害怕的).I dont like standing in f

17、ront of everybody.What if I forget what Im going to say?Or what if somebody laughs?”“And what if you do just fine?”Granny asked.“Have you 20 notes?”“Well,no.That would be a lot of work.”“Hard work never 21 anyone,”Granny said.“You could try practicing in front of a 22 .Its easy to find how well you

18、are practicing.”I pushed the pieces of carrots to the side of the cutting board and went on to complain(抱怨)about schoolwork,friends and family.Granny took it all in,listening 23 while I talked about so many pieces of grief(伤心事)in my life.“Nancy,”she said,“Theres nothing wrong with a little trouble i

19、n your life.Well,you know,a lot of people dont make homemade soup these days.They say its too much trouble.But I dont 24 such a little trouble.It adds flavor(滋味)to my soup and to my life.My soup would be pretty bland(平淡)25 the vegetables,and so would my life if it didnt have the little ups and downs

20、.”She smiled and then started washing the dishes.While I helped Granny clean up,I thought about what she had said.I still had a few days to practice my report.That Saturday,Granny gave me food for 26 as well as a bowl of her homemade soup.As I 27 the meal with my grandparents,somehow(不知何故)my problem

21、s didnt seem so big any more.Maybe I could turn a little trouble into something as 28 as Grannys homemade soup.I would have to work on them.Granny had said hard work paid off.19.A.comfortable B.lucky C.excited D.relaxed 20.A.taken B.found C.prepared D.reviewed 21.A.misses B.hurts C.troubles D.stops

22、22.A.mirror B.wall C.person D.group 23.A.kindly B.quietly C.carefully D.patiently 24.A.mind B.refuse C.hate D.avoid 初中英语 八年级下册 5/10 25.A.out of B.away from C.beyond D.without 26.A.attitude B.ability C.thought D.energy 27.A.offered B.enjoyed C.cooked D.shared 28.A.great B.delicious C.special D.health

23、y 六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(A)Three people from different countries are having a three-week English learning in the United States.In the first class,they are introducing themselves.Hi.I am Pak Jee-Eun from Korea.My friends call me Jee-Eun.I

24、 am a university student.Everyone says I draw pictures very well.I want to draw pictures for books after I finish university.I live in Seoul,the capital city of Korea.My family is in Chejudo,a large island in Korea.I miss them very much.My name is Oscar.I am from Mexico and I live in the city of Gua

25、dalajara.My job is making films.Right now,I am making a film about a family in Guadalajara.The film shows interesting things about the family.I want to show people what life is like in my city in the film.Hello!My name is Pinar.I am from Turkey.I come from Istanbul.I love my city very much because m

26、y whole family lives there.I am a pilot.I fly airplanes for a small company.I take tourists to small islands in the Mediterranean Sea(地中海).I really love my job.29.Who is a university student?A.Jee-Eun.B.Oscar.C.Francis.D.Pinar.30.Chejudo is _.A.a city in Turkey B.a city in Mexico C.an island in Kore

27、a D.an island in Turkey 31.Oscar is making a film about _.A.a capital city B.a family C.an airplane D.a pilot 32.What is Pinars job?A.She makes films.B.She flies airplanes.C.She teaches in a university.D.She draws pictures for books.(B)The children at the top of the class succeed by knowing a few ba

28、sic skills that others can easily learn.According to the education experts and students themselves,here are the secrets of top students.Study is the first thing.Once the books are open or the computer is on,phone calls are unanswered,TV shows unwatched,snacks unnoticed.Study is business;business com

29、es before everything.初中英语 八年级下册 6/10 Study anywhere or everywhere.Study times are different for different children.Some work late at night when the house is quiet.Others wake early.Still others study as soon as they come home from school.However,all agree that consistency(持之以恒)is needed.Get organize

30、d.Dont waste time looking for a pencil or missing paper.Keep everything right where one can put ones hands on it.Even for a student who doesnt keep his own study area organized,a bag or a drawer(抽屉)is needed to put things in to save time.Learn how to read.The secret of good reading is to be an activ

31、e(主动的)readerone who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the writers message.Use your time best.Even the best students put off their work sometimes.But when that happens,they face it.“If you want to be at the top,make sure to finish the work on time.”says Christi Anderson,

32、a top student at Lyman High School.Take good notes and use them.Reading the text is important,but the teacher is going to test you on what he or she emphasized(强调).Thats what you find in your notes.Another kind of important“secret”of the top students is not so secret at all.For almost all of them,th

33、eir parents help is important.33.According to the third paragraph(段落),as students,we should all _.A.study late into night B.study in the early morning C.study as soon as we get home D.study in our favorite time with consistency 34.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us _ to save time for study.A.to lo

34、ok for our stationery B.to keep everything in hand C.to get everything organized D.to organize ourselves into groups 35.Which of the following is true about an active reader?A.Take good notes.B.Ask questions continually.C.Study everywhere.D.Arrange time well.36.According to the writer,the real secre

35、t in becoming a top student lies in _.A.the good teachers B.the good education experts C.some basic learning skills D.the parents help(C)There is a popular Chinese saying that“Fair skin will make up for three flaws(缺点)”.This mentions the fact that in Chinese culture,it is believed that people who ha

36、ve fair skin are more beautiful.In Western culture,however,the opposite is truemany Westerners think tanned skin is prettier.The example shows that different cultures have different ideas of what they think is beautiful.These cultural meanings of beauty,however,are no longer important.As more and mo

37、re people travel overseas,ideas about beauty are being shared among cultures.The Internet has also made it easier for people to share different types of beauty since people are always posting pictures on social media.The result is an ever-changing idea of what is considered beautiful.初中英语 八年级下册 7/10

38、 The cultural practice of ear piercings,for example,has become a part of modern day culture.In Kenya,it is a tradition among the Masai men and women to pierce and then make their ear lobes(耳垂)longer using ivory and wood or stones.They then wear colorful things on their ear lobes.This is a common pra

39、ctice since longer ear lobes are seen as a sign of beauty.This tradition has now found its way into present-day culture.Nowadays,this might still seem unusual to some,but with more and more well-known actors and film stars showing off their longer ear lobes.It will finally become more fashionable.It

40、 is understood that different cultures around the world have different ways of showing beauty.However,since we now live in a worldwide society,peoples views about beauty are always changing.With the help of the Internet,people are now able to easily borrow ideas from other cultures to help them stan

41、d out.So what new fashions can we expect to see in the future?37.What has made it easier for people to share ideas about beauty?A.The popularity of the latest fashions.B.The unchanged cultural traditions.C.The development of technology.D.The worlds growing population.38.The underlined word“pierce”in

42、 paragraph 2 means_.A.make sth.longer B.borrow ideas C.wear things D.make a hole 39.What can be learned about the Masai people from the passage?A.Longer ear lobes are their new fashion.B.They think longer ear lobes look beautiful.C.Only women make their ear lobes longer.D.They make actors and film s

43、tars famous.40.What is the passage mainly about?A.People in Asian countries like fair skin better.B.Peoples ideas about beauty are changing all the time.C.Different cultures have different ideas about beauty.D.Beauty is considered important in many cultures.(D)Next time a customer comes to your offi

44、ce,offer him a cup of coffee.And when youre doing your holiday shopping online,make sure youre holding a large glass of iced tea.The physical sensation(感觉)of warmth encourages emotional(情感的)warmth,while a cold drink in hand stops you from making unwise decisionsthose are the practical lesson being d

45、rawn from recent research by psychologist John A.Bargh.Psychologists have known that one persons feeling of anothers“warmth”is a powerful determiner(决定因素)in social relationships.Judging someone to be either“warm”or“cold”is a primary consideration.Much of this is rooted in very early childhood experi

46、ences Bargh argues,when babies understanding of the world around them is shaped by physical sensations,particularly warmth and coldness.Classic studies by Harry Harlow,published in 1958,showed monkeys preferred to stay close to a cloth“mother”rather than one made of wire,even when the wire“mother”初中

47、英语 八年级下册 8/10 carried a food bottle.Harlows work and later studies have led psychologists to stress the need for warm physical contact from caregivers to help young children grow into healthy adults with normal social skills.Feelings of“warmth”and“coldness”in social judgments appear to be universal.

48、Although no worldwide study has been done,Bargh says that describing people as“warm”or“cold”is common to many cultures,and studies have found those feelings influence judgment in dozens of countries.To test the relationship between physical and psychological warmth,Bargh did an experiment which invo

49、lved 41 college students.A research assistant handed the students either a hot cup of coffee,or a cold drink,to hold while the researcher filled out a short information form.The drink was then handed back.After that,the students were asked to rate(评估)the personality of the assistant.Those who had br

50、iefly held the warm drink regarded the assistant as warmer than those who had held the iced drink.“We based on our physical experiences even when we think abstractly(抽象地).”says Bargh.41.According to Paragraph 1,a persons emotion may be affected by _.A.the visitors to his office B.the psychology less


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