(湖北专版)2015届高三英语总复习配套专题练习 介词和介词短语.doc

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1、介词和介词短语 基础训练1.(湖北八校2014届高三联考)A series of ancient Chinese coins are _ in an exhibition held in Nanjing, where a variety of ancient currencies were unveiled. A. in placeB. on displayC. at lengthD. on purpose 解析:B 考查介词短语辨析。句意:一系列中国古代硬币在南京举行的展览中展出,那里大量古代货币被揭开面纱。on display意为“展览,公开展出”,in place意为“适当,适当的;在适

2、当的地方”,at length意为“最后,终于;详细地”, on purpose意为“有目的地,故意地”。 根据句意可知应该选择B项。2. (孝感高中2014届高三调研)For most Chinese young people in recent years, a house is within sight but _ for lack of money.A. beyond reachB. beyond recognitionC. beyond descriptionD. beyond repair解析:A 考查介词短语辨析。句意 : 近些年对很多中国的年轻人来说住房近在咫尺,但是因为缺钱又

3、无法企及。beyond reach够不着;beyond recognition认不出;beyond description无法形容;beyond repair无法修理。根据句意可知应该选择A项。3.(湖北重点中学2014联考)In order to get happiness, many people chase after reputation or money aimlessly. However, in most cases, real happiness is actually _. A. at ease B. at hand C. at length D. at random解析:B

4、考查介词短语辨析。句意:为了得到幸福,许多人漫无目的地追求名望和金钱。然而,在大多数情况中,真正的幸福实际上就在手边。at ease安逸;at hand在手边; at length详尽地;at random任意地。根据句意可知应该选择B项。4. (湖北孝感高中2014届高三期末)Thanks to modern technology which has now broken the law of seasons, farming is no longer _ weather and temperature.A. at the mercy ofB. in the charge ofC. in t

5、he name ofD. in view of解析:A考查介词词组辨析。句意:多亏了现代技术打破了季节的规律,农业不再任季节和温度的摆布。at the mercy of任摆布;in the charge of由管理;in the name of以的名义; in view of由于。根据句意可知应该选择A项。5. (武汉2014届调研)I used to feel very nervous when I stood up in front of others, but now I feel quite _when giving a speech to the school A at random

6、B at length C at ease D at sight解析:C考查介词短语辨析。句意:过去我站在别人前面就感到紧张,但是我现在当去学校演讲时感到很放送。at random随意的;at length充分地,详尽地;at ease放松的;at sight一看到就,一经要求就,一出示就。根据句意可知应该选择C项。6. (湖北公安县2014届高三检测)It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner. _, Ill set the table. As a result B. On the

7、whole C. In the meanwhile D. As a matter of fact解析:C考查固定短语及语境的理解。句意:如果你去商店买东西且买到我们吃饭所需的食物将是一个很大的帮助,在此期间,我给放桌子。as a result结果; on the whole大体上; in the meanwhile在此期间; as a matter of fact事实上,实际上。根据句意可知应该选择C项。7. (黄梅一中2014届高三检测)In order to continue to learn by ourselves after leaving school, we must_ lear

8、n how to study in the school now. A. after all B. in all C. above all D. first of all解析:C考查介词词组。句意:为了毕业后能自己继续学习,我们在学校最重要的是学习怎么学习。after all毕竟;in all总共; above all最重要的是;first of all首先。根据句意可知应该选择C项。8. (湖北浠水三校2014届高三联考)I sincerely regret that I have hurt your feelings, but please trust meI didnt do it_.A

9、.by mistake B.on purpose C.at present D.in advance解析:B 考查介词短语辨析。句意:我非常后悔伤害了你的感情,但是请你信任我,我不是故意这么做的。by mistake错误地;on purpose故意地;at present现在;in advance提前。根据句意可知B项正确。9. (湖北黄冈润德高中2014届高三月考)-Id thought you couldnt deal with the situation.-On the contrary, it is quite _ my power.beyond B. within C. under

10、D. over解析:B考查介词辨析。句意:我原以为你不能应付当时的情形呢。正相反,它在我能力范围之内。beyond超过,超出;within在之内;under在之下;over在上面。Within ones power表示“在某人能力范围之内”,故选B项。10. (湖北重点高中2014届高三十一月联考)According to the agreement, _ you shall get preferred shares accounting for 8% of the whole income for your investment.A. in returnB. in turnC. after

11、allD. above all解析:A考查介词短语辨析。句意:根据协议,作为回报你会为你的投资得到占总收入8%的优先股。In return意为“作为回报”;in turn意为“轮流”;after all意为“毕竟;到底;终究”;above all意为“首要的”。根据句意可知应该选择A项。 提高强化1.(湖北重点中学2014届月考)Present at the ceremony were experts or professors who had achieved admirable achievements. And I felt completely _ among these succes

12、sful people.A. out of condition B. out of order C. out of place D. out of mind解析:C考查介词短语辨析。句意: 出席这个仪式的都是取得巨大成就的专家、教授。我在这些成功人士中感到非常不协调。out of condition不健康;身体不好; out of order 出故障,违反规程;out of place 不恰当,不协调;out of mind 心不在焉;开小差。根据句意可知应该选择C项。2. (湖北 2014届联考)At the initial stages of postwar, _ maintaining

13、of cooperative relationship with USA and strengthening Soviets interest, Stalin adopted negative attitude to the Communist Party of China. A. in the possession of B. for the sake of C. at the mercy of D. on the occasion of解析:B考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:在战后初期,为了与美国保持合作关系,加固苏联的利益,斯大林对中国共产党采取了消极态度。in the possession

14、 of拥有;for the sake of为了; at the mercy of任摆布; on the occasion of在的时候。根据句意可知应该选择B项。3.(黄冈三校2014届11月联考)_ the works of Leonardo da Vinci, the Louvre Museum has more than 6,000 other European paintings, ranging from the 13th century to the 19th century.A. Apart from B. Except for C. Except D. In addition解

15、析:D考查近义词辨析。句意:除了达芬奇的作品外,卢浮宫还有600 0多件其它的欧洲绘画作品,涵盖了从十三世纪到十九世纪。except for指排除整体中的一些细节的东西;except除了,不包含其它的;in addition单独使用,加宾语时,要加介词to; apart from除了,是介词短语,后可直接加宾语。故D项。4.(湖北孝感高中2014届高三调研)For most Chinese young people in recent years, a house is within sight but _ for lack of money.A. beyond reachB. beyond

16、recognitionC. beyond descriptionD. beyond repair解析:A考查介词短语辨析。句意:近些年对很多中国的年轻人来说一套房子房子是近在咫尺,但是因为缺钱又无法企及。beyond reach够不着;beyond recognition认不出;beyond description无法形容;beyond repair无法修理。根据句意可知应该选择A项。5. (湖北教学合作2014届联考)Shuangliu International Airport in Chengdu, the fourth largest in China _ passenger traf

17、fic, has 22 direct flights to 16 countries and regions around the world.A. in favor ofB. in charge ofC. in need ofD. in terms of解析:D 考查介词短语辨析。句意:成都双流国际机场,就乘客量而言是中国第四大客运航空站,有22条直飞世界16个国家和地区的航线。in terms of“在方面,就来说”,in favor of“赞成”,in charge of“负责”,in need of “需要”。根据句意可知应该选择D项。6. (襄阳2014届高三调研) His rema

18、rk was considered to be quite , because it deepened the gap between two parties and caused more conflicts A out of place B out of mind C out of question D out of order解析:A考查介词短语辨析。句意:他的评论被认为是不合时宜的,因为它加深了两个党派的差距,造成了更多的纷争。out of place不合适;out of mind心不在焉;out of question没问题;out of order混乱。根据句意可知A项正确。7.

19、(武昌区2014届高三调研)He also acknowledges that, in general, state-owned companies do have an advantage _ the stability, management, and career prospects they offer A in terms of B in need of C in charge of D in praise of解析:A考查介词短语辨析。句意:他也承认说总体上就稳定性、管理以及他们所提供的职业前景而言,国有公司的确有优势。In terms of意为“就而言”;in need of意为

20、“需要”;in charge of意为“主管”;in praise of意为“称赞”。根据句意可知应该选择A项。8. (恩施高中2014届质检)I want to know how the money was used _ and whether it is used in a reasonable way or not. A. in detail B. in general C. in demand D. in shape 解析:A考查介词短语辨析。句意:我想详细地了解那笔钱是如何用的,想知道是否它用于一种合理的方式。in detail意为“详细地”;in general意为“大体上”;in

21、 demand意为“需要”;in shape意为“在外形上;健康;处于良好状态”。 根据句意可知应该选择A项。9.(湖北八市201高三调考)We can be a smart shopper by choosing for value, not for looks; , choose good quality goods with plain packages.A. in particular B. in other words C. in addition D. on the contrary解析:B考查介词短语辨析。句意:通过选择商品的价值而不是外表,我们可以做一个聪明的买家。换句话说,要

22、挑选平装的高质量商品。in particular特别地;in other words换句话说;in addition此外,除此之外;on the contrary相反地。根据句意可知应该选择B项。10. (2014武穴中学高三月考)_ the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all aspects of life, putting pressure on all individuals.A. In spite of B. By means of C. On account of D. For lack of解析:C考查介词短语的辨析。句意:由于生活步伐的加快,在生活的各个方面竞争变得日益激烈,这就给所有的个人带来了压力。in spite of意为“尽管”;by means of意为“通过方式”;on account of意为“因为;由于”;for lack of意为“因缺乏”。根据句意可知应选C项。- 4 -


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