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《PowerPoint基础知识及使用技巧.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PowerPoint基础知识及使用技巧.docx(51页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精品word 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - -thrift of excellent traditi onal a nd style lack dee p of understa ndi ng, one -sided t hink i n now of good situation Xi a, economic sm oot h more fast devel opme nt, and reform made major progre ss, and people livi ng significantly improv e, and social t he ca

2、re er made new pr ogress, no necessary always ha rd has, no aw arene ss to Chi na also ha s many poverty area, a nd al so has many poverty population of exists, m ore living impr ove ha s, more nee d keep hard of style. Thre e is not strictly honest. otal thought unit s is a water sector, cl ean sel

3、f-di sci pline away from himself too far, no real pr oce ssing good l iving of impr ove and har d, and thrift excelle nt traditional of relationshi p, no effective do com ply with Constituti on a nd party of regulati ons m ust from I do up, no right mercy g ood bitter Le , and wealt h of relationshi

4、 p, no right aw arene ss to i n comply wit h Constituti on a nd party of reg ulations aspect s everyone ha s accountability. Four, fut ure dire ction and impr ovement measures 1, belief a nd faith, strengthe n party spirit. One i s to firmly establi sh t he nobl e ideal s of str uggle for the i deal

5、 s of communi sm, comm unist str uggle for life, rea dy to sa crifice everyt hing for t he party a nd t he people. Se cond i s to conti nuously im prove t he quality and sta ndard of political, conscienti ously study Deng Xi aopi ng the ory and three re prese nts important t hought a nd the scientif

6、ic Outl ook on devel opment, implement t he party s ba sic program for the primary stage of sociali sm, adhere to t he correct politi cal or ientation, maintai n hig hly consistent wit h the CPC Ce ntral Committee, i s good at the ories of socialism wit h Chi nese characteristi cs to analyze and sol

7、v e problems. Third, strengthe ning t he party spirit a nd t he worl d transformati on, persevera nce of the party Constit ution, relive Party vows to establi sh correct worl d Outlook, Outlook on life and the w orld, practi cally embodi es i de als and beli efs into a ction, combi ne lofty ideals a

8、 nd practical activitie s, transformi ng the obje ctive w orld, a ctivelyparticipate in the great practice of buil ding socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. 2, kee p the purpose i n concept, cha nging the style of work. First, kee p in mind that the pur pose of servi ng, adhere to a ssumi ng po

9、wer for the people, kee p in mind t he people and care a bout pe ople, a nd t he joys a nd sorrows of the masses, .According to city discipli ne, a nd munici pal organization Department requirements, today we held impleme nt implementati on i nde pendent Commissi on agai nst corruption g uidel ine s

10、 ef fective strengthe ning le d ca dres style construction topic democratic life, main task is close contact t hought, and work a ctual , control che ck distri ct Standi ng Committee team and the personal in im plementation inde pendent Commissi on agai nst corrupti on g uideli nes S hang exists of

11、problem, in-de pth carried out criti cism and self -critical, further clear rectificati on directi on and measures, effective e nha nce d clea n politics of consciousness a nd i nitiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the meeting, the way we take survey s soli cited a view s, combe d, relat

12、ed to team buil dingP o w e r P o i n t基础知识及使用技巧PowerPoint 是微软 Office套件中的一个组件,又称“幻灯片制作软件”,它广 泛应用于各种会议、 产品演示、 学校教学以及电视节目制作等领域,是运算机用户需要把握的一个常用软件;但由于它的易用性, 而被广大老师所喜用, 成为普及程度最高的课件制作工具;PPT有五种流行版本,分别为 97、2000、xp、2003 和 2007,目前较为流行的版本是 PPT2003,本教材以 PPT2003为例,向大家展现 PowerPoint 的基础学问及使用技巧;2.1 PPT的启动和退出PPT是一个标

13、准的 Windows类软件,它的启动和退出遵循Windows的操作规范,依据不同的情形,有多种启动和退出PPT的方法;2.1.1 启动 PPT的三种方法方法一 开头菜单法单击桌面“开头” 按钮,挑选“程序” “MicrosoftOffice”“ Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003”;这是一种标准的启动方法;方法二 快捷方式法双击桌面快捷方式图标“Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003”;这是一种快速的启动方法,由于Office2003 默认安装并不在桌面产生快捷方式,因此需要将开头菜单中相应程序项拷贝到桌面;方法三 目标程序法PPT对应的

14、目标程序是POWERPNT.E,XE利用“搜寻”找到该文件,双击;当开头菜单程序项和桌面快捷方式被误删后,可以使用该方法;proje ct work, cadre s, cadres selecti on a nd other aspe cts of a total of 19, further define d the directi on of rectification, en hancing t he pertine nce a nd effective ness of democratic life.Good for this meeti ng, we re queste d the

15、 Sta ndi ng Committee of the muni cipa l party Committee, muni cipal Secretary General T ng Wenjin, t he City Commissi on for di sci pline inspecti on Sta ndi ng Committee ang Xu, Jia ng Jixue, De puty Dire ctor of the personnel office, and other leadi ng comrades prese nt gui dance allows us to war

16、m appla use for their welcome and tha nks. Below, I first District Committee member of the 20XX team annual democratic meeti ng implementati on of the corrective measures, as well a s member of the team and of my own report gui delines for the im plementati on of the indepe ndent Commission against

17、corr upti on stateme nt invited lea ders a nd comrades criti cism. First, annual party on the 20XX team, Mem ber of dem ocratic life a ction pla n implementati on year 20XX, di strictdemocrati c meeting a mem ber of the team on study and practi ce the scientific Outl ook on devel opment theme, find

18、a pr oject supporting strong e noug h, the industry w ell enoug h, urba n constr ucti on management level nee ds to be impr oved, livelihood improveme nt ne eds t o be strengthene d, district team itself, such as t he five aspect s. ear of 20XX, we find out the problems menti one d a bove, base d on

19、 a ctual S hunqing construction and development, consci entiously sum up impr ovements, achieving significa nt devel opme nt results and effectiveness of their w ork. (A) highlig ht the pr oject handle, mai ntain high growth of investment. A dhere to the strategy as a Foundation, carryingout pr oje

20、cts to promote i ncrease d stamina im portant. One is t o increase t he inte nsity of projects t owards. Actively seek national and pr ovincial policy support, superi or special transfer pay ments, a variety of a dditi onal i ncome will t op 700 million Yua n, a number of key infrastructure proje ct

21、s, liv elihoodproje cts, i ndustrial proje cts i nto the cage. Second, i ncrea sing t he pr oje ct attracts. T his ye ar a total of 23 signe d a major pr oje ct, of w hich 14 billi on proje ct, Chi na Metall urgical gr oup, vanke gr oup, Guang dong he ngda group, Taiwan Ruentex group, on the RI grou

22、p, S henzhe n Kaisa, jife ng agricult ural machi ner y, Mer cedes-Be nz, A udi 4S stor e and ot her large enterpri ses and projects have settled i n Shunqing. Thir d, stre ngthe n pr oject construction. A nnual impl ementation focus proje ct 39 a, fixed a ssets i nvestment t otal will breakthr oug h

23、 12 billi on y uan, create d dist ct yilai history high, S outh door dam, and five in shop old city transformation, and Yi ng China i ndustrial conce ntrated district construction, a nd city main r oad construction, a ndNort heast ste am Trade Center, and modern farmers i ndustry Park, and vocationa

24、l e ducati on city, and low rental, and also room constructi on, a nd feat ures blocks buil d, and farmers market transformati on, a nd rural versi on Street transformati on, focus engine ering spee d up im plementation, effectiveness obviousl y. Expe cted to be achieve d this yea r, area -wide GDP

25、17 billi on第 1 页,共 44 页 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - -thrift of excellent traditi onal a nd style lack dee p of understa ndi ng, one -sided t hink i n now of good situation Xi a, economic sm oot h more fast devel opme nt, and reform made major progre ss, and people livi ng

26、 significantly improv e, and social t he care er made new pr ogress, no necessary always ha rd has, no aw arene ss to Chi na also ha s many p overty area, a nd al so has many poverty population of exists, m ore living impr ove ha s, more nee d keep hard of style. Thre e is not strictly honest. otal

27、thought unit s is a water sector, cl ean self-di sci pline away from himself too far, no real pr oce ssing good l iving of impr ove and har d, and thrift excelle nt traditional of relationshi p, no effective do com ply with Constituti on a nd party of regulati ons m ust from I do up, no right mercy

28、g ood bitter Le , and wealt h of relationshi p, no right aw arene ss to i n comply wit h Constituti on a nd party of reg ulations aspect s everyone ha s accountability. Four, fut ure dire ction and impr ovement measures 1, belief a nd faith, strengthe n party spirit. One i s to firmly establi sh t h

29、e nobl e ideal s of str uggle for the i deal s of communi sm, comm unist str uggle for life, rea dy to sa crifice everyt hing for t he party a nd t he people. Se cond i s to conti nuously im prove t he quality and sta ndard of political, conscienti ously study Deng Xi aopi ng the ory and three re pr

30、ese nts important t hought a nd the scientific Outl ook on devel opment, implement t he party s ba sic program for the primary stage of sociali sm, adhere to t he correct politi cal or ientation, maintai n hig hly consistent wit h the CPC Ce ntral Committee, i s good at the ories of socialism wit h

31、Chi nese characteristi cs to analyze and solv e problems. Third, strengthe ning t he party spirit a nd t he worl d transformati on, persevera nce of the party Constit ution, relive Party vows to establi sh correct worl d Outlook, Outlook on life and the w orld, practi cally embodi es i de als and beli efs into a ction, combi


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