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《2015_2016学年高中英语指导与分级阅读Unit2Poems练习新人教版选修6.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015_2016学年高中英语指导与分级阅读Unit2Poems练习新人教版选修6.doc(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit2 Poems话题指南 本单元的中心话题是“英国诗歌”,具体涉及英文诗歌的种类、英国诗人介绍、英文诗歌的发展史、诗歌的节奏、韵律等。我们平时接触比较多的是著名英美诗人、作品特点、英文诗歌传入中国的历史以及英语诗歌的赏析一类的文章。此类文章多以说明文与记叙文为主(如著名诗人的成长经历等)。此类话题文章的难度中等,文章中的词汇也是我们比较熟悉的。话题常见单词、短语和句型1. rhyme (韵律), convey (传达), pattern (式样), translation (翻译), line (行), poem(诗歌),poet (诗人), legacy (遗产), couplet (

2、对句), intense (热情的), sentiment (情感), commemorate (纪念)2. make up of(组成;构成), in particular(尤其;特别), be perfectly mixed with (与结合), be collected in (收集在), rather than(而不是),a series of (一系列),be intended to(倾向于)3. It was therefore surprising and somewhat disappointing that, But the problem remains that, Be

3、cause it represented equally well 分级阅读Part I 完形填空 (Cloze Test) 试题自己测测看 (Test yourself) 主题:罗琳与哈里波特(Rowling and Harry Potter)Part II 阅读理解 试题自己测测看基础篇(Basic articles) A 唱唐诗比赛 (Tang poem contest ) B 关于乐府(Something about Yuefu) 拔高篇 (Advanced articles) A. 李白与杜甫(Li Bai and Du Fu)B. 被抛弃的精品(The thrown-away ma

4、sterpiece)C. 唐诗(Tang poems)Part I 完形填空试题自己测测看开始时间:_ Like that of her own character, Harry Potter, J.K. Rowlings life is like a fairy tale. Divorced(离婚), living on public assistance in a tiny Edinburgh flat with her infant daughter, Rowling 1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone 2 a table in a caf du

5、ring her daughters naps and it was Harry Potter 3 rescued her. Rowling 4 that she always wanted to write and that the first 5 she actually wrote down, when she was five or six, was a story about a rabbit 6 Rabbit. Many of her favorite 7 center around reading hearing The Wind in the Willows 8 aloud b

6、y her father when she had the measles(麻疹), enjoying the fantastic adventure stories of E. Nesbit, and her favorite story of all, The little White Horse. At Exeter University Rowling took her degree in French and 9 one year studying in Paris. After college she moved to London to 10 as a researcher an

7、d bilingual(双语的) secretary. The best thing about working in an office, she has said, was 11 up stories on the computer when no one was 12 . During this time, on a particularly long train ride from Manchester to London in the summer of 1990, the idea 13 her of a boy who is a wizard and doesnt know it

8、. He 14 a school for wizardry she could see him very plainly in her mind. By the time the train 15 into Kings Cross station four hours later, many of the characters and the early stages of the plot were fully 16 in her head. The story took further shape as she continued working on it in 17 and cafes

9、 over her lunch hours.After her marriage to a Portuguese TV journalist ended in divorce, Rowling returned to Britain with her infant daughter and a suitcase full of Harry Potter notes and 18 . She settled in Edinburgh to be near her sister and 19 to finish the book before looking for a teaching job.

10、 Wheeling her daughters carriage around the city to escape their 20 , cold apartment, she would duck into coffee shops to write when the baby fell asleep. In this way she finished the book and started sending it to publishers.背景知识J. K. Rowling, born in 1965, British author, who writes about the magi

11、cal adventures of a boy wizard named Harry Potter. The Harry Potter book series dominated(占据) bestseller lists beginning in the late 1990s, attracting millions of fans worldwide among children and adults alike. 体裁:记叙文 总词数:376建议用时:15 mins1.A. read B. recited C. wrote D. copied2.A. on B. in C. around

12、D. at3.A. what B. thatC. which D. who4.A. remembers B. thinks C. reminds D. supposes5.A. book B. storyC. novel D. fiction6.A. naming B. published C. called D. replaced7.A. songs B. sports C. things D. memories8.A. spoken B. said C. told D. read9.A. cost B. spared C. took D. spent10.A. regard B. cons

13、ider C. work D. treat11.A. searching B. readingC. listening D. typing12.A. noticing B. watchingC. observing D. seeing13.A. came to B. struck to C. stuck to D. hit on14.A. studies B. attends C. builds D. goes15.A. entered B. pulledC. reached D. arrived16.A. organized B. taken C. formed D. appeared17.

14、A. theatres B. pubsC. cinemas D. concerts18.A. chapters B. books C. magazines D. newspapers19.A. set about B. set off C. set up D. set out20.A. splendid B. largeC. comfortable D. tiny结束时间:_实际用时:_正确率:_难度系数:Harry Potter是很受全世界书迷喜欢的系列小说,可很少有人知道此书的作者J. K. Rowling的命运就像书中人物哈利波特一样具有神奇色彩。1. C 作为一个作家,应该是“写”或“

15、创作”小说。2. D写作时应该是“坐在桌子前”,用at a table。3. B本句采用了强调句型,强调的是主语Harry Potter。此处Harry Potter应该理解为书的名字。4. A此处是Rowling对往事的回忆,所以应该选remembers。5. B下文“was a story about a rabbitRabbit”暗示了此题的答案。novel指一般的小说;fiction多指科幻方面的小说。6. C语境为“关于一只名叫Rabbit的兔子的故事”。7. D此段主要讲述的是Rowling对往事的回忆,这里的意思为“她的许多美好回忆集中在读书上”。8. D read aloud意

16、思为“大声朗读”;虽然tell可以表示“讲故事”,但它不与aloud搭配。9. D spend time(in)doing sth.为固定结构。10. C虽然四个动词都与as搭配,但此处表示“当研究员和秘书”,所以用work as。11. D此处表示在上班期间搞业余创作,应该是在电脑上把构思的小说“打出来”。12. B语境为:当没有观察时,她就在电脑上打字。watch表示“观看,观察,监视”,符合语境;notice表示无意中“注意到”;observe多表示搞专门研究的人长期地进行某一方面的观察;see表示有意或无意中“看到”。13. A表示“某人产生一个主意”常用an idea comes t

17、o sb, an idea strikes sb或sb hits on/upon an idea。14. B与上学有关的短语为study at/in a school, attend a school, enter a school和go to school。15. B火车进站、出站常用动词pull into和pull out of。另外,这两个短语还可表示轮船进、出码头。16. C此处表示故事中的人物和前边的部分已经在大脑中完全“形成”。17. B从后边的over her lunch hours可知,此处应选pubs(酒店)。18. A从上文的notes一词和下文的to finish the

18、 book可知,此处表示Harry Potter那本书的“章节”。19. D此处表示定居下来以后着手完成她的书。表示“着手干某事”常用set out to do sth和set about doing sth两个短语,由后边的不定式结构推断出选D。set off表示“动身,出发”;set up意为“建立”。20. D离开她们狭小而又寒冷的公寓。Part 阅读理解基础篇A开始时间:_ After four months running, the national childrens singing competition has come to an end in Beijing, but th

19、e wonderful songs and music still remain in the air.One of the ideas growing out of the event is to sing Chinas Tang poems. The movement has given great inspiration to those who compose songs for children. Excerpts from well-known poems of Li Bai, one of Chinas greatest poets, are perfectly mixed wi

20、th music of the 21st century. As these children sing, its how they find pictures and songs in the ancient poems. “Reading Poems of Tang Dynasty” is a golden award winner of the 2007 national composing competition for childrens song. Winning again at this years nationwide childrens singing competitio

21、n, the song will be collected in an album which contains another 20 pieces inspired by the famous ancient poems. Famous composer Gu Jianfen says theres no better way to attract the younger generation than through singing, especially when asking them to memorize the legacy of their ancestors. Gu Jian

22、fen, composer, said, “When we recorded the song, we discovered how involved the children were. Their sincere feelings and true thoughts let us learn the innocence of young hearts. For me, nothing is more precious than this.”Singing is also one great way for those young minds to sing out their gratit

23、ude to their parents, teachers and those who care for them. Those kinds of songs have taken a big slice of the winning pieces at this years competition.Tips:legacy n. 遗产 innocence n. 单纯 gratitude n. 感激 slice n. 部分Winning again at this years nationwide childrens singing competition, the song will be

24、collected in an album which contains another 20 pieces inspired by the famous ancient poems. 本句中,winning again为v-ing短语作状语,which引导了定语从句,修饰album。句意:今年全国范围的儿童歌曲比赛再次获胜,歌曲将被收集到唱片中,这张唱片将再收集20首由著名古诗创造的歌曲。Gu Jianfen, female, Han nationality, was born in Osaka, Japan in 1935. Her ancestral home is in Weihai,

25、 Shandong Province. Gu graduated from the Composition Department of Northeast Music School in 1955. Gu is a musician who has served as a composer at Central Song and Dance Ensemble(团). She has been a council(理事会) member for several international organizations, including the China International Cultu

26、ral Exchange Center, Association for Promoting Peaceful Reunification(团结) of China, and Beijing Municipal (市政的)Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. In 1984, she established the Gu Jianfen Vocal Music Training Center.体裁:记叙文 总词数:262建议用时:5 mins1. Which of the following would be the best t

27、itle of the passage? A. Childrens competition in Beijing. B. Children Singing Chinas Tang poems. C. Great inspiration to composers. D. The importance of singing Chinas Tang poems. 2. What does the underlined word “Excerpts” mean in the third paragraph? A. Tones. B. Meanings. C. Selected works. D. Li

28、nes. 3. From the passage we can see Singing Chinas Tang poems _. A. was first held in 2007 B. is first held this year C. was a prize in the 2007 national composing competition D. was only held among the prize winners4. Why is singing Tang poems so important in todays world? A. Only in this way can c

29、hildren be innocent. B. It is a way for them to learn the meaning of the poems. C. It is a way to make children involved in things. D. With these poems it is a good way to attract the children. 5. From the passage we can see the author takes a(n) _ attitude towards Chinas Tang poems singing. A. crit

30、ical B. positive C. neutral (中立的) D. passive 结束时间:_实际用时:_正确率:_难度系数:文章大意:本文是记叙文。全文记叙了唐朝最具影响力的两位诗人李白与杜甫的诗歌特点。李白最著名的是他的乐府诗与绝句,风格上豪迈奔放,虽然在用此的深度上不及杜甫,但是他们具有同样的影响力。杜甫的诗歌侧重于忧国忧民,他的诗歌中充满了对当时军事、以及政府成败的忧患。4. B 细节理解题。联系His use of language is not as erudite as Du Fus but equally effective我们知道,李白在用词上没有杜甫渊博。5. C

31、主旨大意题。全文讲述了李白和杜甫的诗歌风格。A只是文中的一个细节,因此可以排除。拔高篇B开始时间:_ Like many other ancient cultures, China possesses an impressive and celebrated literary heritage. The master poets of Tang Dynasty (618-907), for example, are rightfully known as some of the worlds best poets.It was therefore surprising and somewhat

32、 disappointing that, upon coming to China to teach writing at a university in mid-2006, I discovered that the average Chinese learner was far more interested in King Kong than the subtle yet profoundly insightful poetry of the Tang Dynasty genius Li Bai; or that when I mentioned Mulan (the heroine o

33、f an early Chinese), I was told about a Disney animated adaptation of the story. Have the Chinese-especially the youth-lost all interest in the literary masterpieces of their own language as a result of the greedy impact of popcorn Western culture?My fears were somewhat decreased when I found out th

34、at Chinese primary school students still learn Tang Dynasty poems; that cultural events associated with the lives of literary icons-such as the Dragon Boat Festival-are celebrated each year; and that sites commemorating writers and their words-such as the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, the inspiration

35、 for many generations of Chinese poets-are popular and well-preserved attractions. I was also pleased to gradually discover that not all Chinese youths are as crazy about throwaway popular culture as it first appeared and that many are in fact very enthusiastic about great poets and novelists. But t

36、he problem remains that I have not been able to discover anything altogether new or exciting about either classical or contemporary Chinese writing in spite of having lived in a Chinese metropolis for more than a year. Tips:subtle adj. 微妙的 profoundly adv. 深深地 icon n. 肖像;偶像 commemorate vt. 纪念 It was

37、therefore surprising and somewhat disappointing that, upon coming to China to teach writing at a university in mid-2006, I discovered that the average Chinese learner was far more interested in King Kong than the subtle yet profoundly insightful poetry of the Tang Dynasty genius Li Bai; or that when

38、 I mentioned Mulan (the heroine of an early Chinese), I was told about a Disney animated adaptation of the story.本句中,it只是形式主语,真正的主语是后面that引导的从句。upon coming to China相当于as soon as I came to China。Discovered后面跟了两个that引导的宾语从句。句意:因而,令我吃惊甚至有点失望的是,2006年中我一来到中国在一所大学教学就发现,一般的中国学生对金刚的兴趣远远大于唐朝天才李白的微妙但是蕴藏很深的诗歌,

39、或者当我提起木兰(中国早期的女英雄),他们告诉我迪斯尼动画故事里的片段。The Yellow Crane Tower Yellow Crane Tower is the symbol of Wuhan. It is located on the Snake Hill in Wuchang, at the south bank of Yangtze River; it is called one of the three most famous towers in southern China, together with Yueyang Tower in Hunan Province and

40、Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi Province. The net height of the main building of the tower is 51.4 meters. It has five stories, of which each displays poems and essays by poets and writers, fairy tales, and legends. 体裁:议论文 总词数:277建议用时:5 mins1. What do you think the writer is? A. A Chinese college professo

41、r. B. A foreigner teaching at a university. C. A foreign student studying in China. D. A Chinese college student. 2. What made the author disappointed and surprised? A. Few students knew Tang poems. B. Many students were interested in foreign cultures. C. The Chinese-especially the youth-lost all in

42、terest in the literary masterpieces of their own language as a result of the greedy impact of popcorn Western culture. D. Chinese primary school students still learn Tang Dynasty poems.3. What does the underlined word “sites” mean in the third paragraph? A. Documents B. Books. C. Places. D. Bases. 4

43、. While he was pleased to see many primary students learn Tang poems, he was a bit disappointed to see _. A. nothing new added to Chinese writing B. primary students cant understand the meanings of the poems fully C. primary students do not learn many poems D. primary students only learn these poems

44、 for a year5. Whats the purpose of the writer in writing this passage? A. He wants to advise the youth in China not to know popular culture in other countries.B. He wants to show that foreign culture is not as good as Chinese culture. C. He wants to let us know primary students should learn more Tan

45、g poems. D. He wants to encourage young people in China to learn more about their own culture. 结束时间:_实际用时:_正确率:_难度系数:文章大意:中国具有非常辉煌灿烂的文化,例如中国的唐诗在世界上占有非常重要的地位。可是作者来到中国后吃惊地发现,现在的大学生对国外那些被扔掉的文化依依不舍,而对自己灿烂的文化知之甚少。当问起中国古代的女英雄木兰时,人们想起的是迪斯尼动画片中的人物。令作者感到欣慰的是,中国的小学生仍在学习唐诗。拔高篇C开始时间:_ In Chinese literature, the

46、 Tang period (618-907) is considered the golden age of Chinese poetry. Tang Shi San Bai Shou 300 Tang Poems is a compilation of poems from this period made around 1763 by Heng-tang-tui-shi Sun Zhu of the Qing dynasty. Suns motivation for compiling the collection sprang from his dissatisfaction with the then popular textbook, the Qian Jia Shi Poems by A Thousand Poets, an earlie


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