2021-2022学年冀教版八年级英语下册期末复习达标测试卷(word 版 无答案).docx

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1、期末复习达标测试卷时间:100 分钟满分:100 分一.单项选择(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。()1.To prepare fortrip to LA.Betty is makinglist of things to take along.A.the;theB./;aC.the;aD.a;()2.The fruits are on sale.They are veryA.cheapB.expensiveC.lowD.high()3.-How much did youfor the ticket to the concert?-180 yuan.A

2、.takeB.costC.spendD.pay()4.Martin was so busythe old that he gave up his part-time job.A.helpingB.helpedC.to helpD.help()5.I want to watch TV the whole day after the long journey.-You shouldnt watch TV too much.Its badyour eyes.A.onB.inC.forD.with()6.I can see a lot ofin your room.A.rubbishesB.garba

3、gesC.littersD.rubbish()7.The hotel is very old.Its one ofbuildings in the city.A.oldB.olderC.oldestD.the oldest()8.-Mum,its too hot.I swim in the lake with my friends?-No,you.Thats too dangerous!A.Could;mustntB.Need;couldntC.Must;needntD.Should;cant()9.-Mum,Ive got the first prize in the photo compe

4、tition.!A.Good luckB.Not at allC.Good ideaD.Congratulations()10.-Mr.Wang,I didnt catch what you said.Could you tell meagain?-OK.Wait a minute.A.how we will get thereB.what should we takeC.when would we startD.where shall we meet二.完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。When I was in pr

5、imary school,I fell in love with reading.The books1 me to awonderful world.The more I read,the more I wanted to know.However,my parents2 afford so many books.I had to solve the problem myself.There was a book shop near my home.One day I walked into 3 shop and pickedup a book.I didnt know whether 4 t

6、here without buying any books.5 I wasnt noticed,I just read a few pages and then put it back.Luckily,no one noticed me.After that,Iwent there to read every day.Several days later,while I was reading,the owner cameup and asked,“You like reading?”I looked down and replied 6,“Yes.“Dont worry,”he said w

7、ith a smile.You may read books here 7 you help me clean the shop.”I feltquite surprised,“Really?Its so kind of you!I was very happy that I 8 to readthere.From then on,I spent a little time cleaning the shop.After that,I quietly readthere.That way,I read lots of books.I became one of 9 writers in our

8、 school.I evenwon some prizes in writing.Now studying in high school,I can borrow books 10 the library.My hobby ofreading is kept.It will make a big difference to my life.()1.A.broughtB.are bringingC.bringD.have brought()2.A.couldntB.mustntC.needntD.shouldnt()3.A.aB.anC.theD.().A.can I readB.I can r

9、eadC.could I readD.I could read()5.A.Make sureB.To make sureC.Believe inD.To believe in()6.A.nervousB.nervouslyC.angryD.angrily()7.A.ifB.althoughC.beforeD.unless()8.A.will allowB.will be allowedC.allowedD.was allowed()9.A.goodB.the bestC.poorD.the poorest()10.A.toB.forC.withD.from三.阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题

10、2 分,共 30 分)阅读 A、B、C、D 四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。ATian Liang was born in Chongqing in 1979.He began his training in diving at theage of seven.Xu Guilu was Tians coach at primary school.Tian Liang joined thenational team in 1993.He has become the most important member of the nationalteam since Xiong N

11、i and Fu Mingxia left the team.Tian Liang set a new world record at the Sydney Olympic Games and got anOlympic diving gold medal.He won the gold medal in the mens 10-metre platformdiving.His Chinese fans call him“Diving Prince.He won two Olympic gold medals andabout 15 World Cups in his career(生涯).B

12、ut now Tian Liang has left the Chinesediving team.()1.Tian Liangs coach wasat primary school.A.Xiong NiB.Fu MingxiaC.Guo JingjingD.Xu Guilu()2.He joined the national team at the age of.A.7B.10C.14D.17()3.He won the gold medal in the mensat the Sydney Olympic Games.A.3-metre platform divingB.10-metre

13、 platform divingC.3-metre springboard divingD.10-metre springboard divingBA young woman travelled and stayed in a hotel.All the rooms in the hotelwere singles(单人间).So she lived in a single room.Just when she was going to bed,there was a knock at the door.She had no friendsin the city.So she was quit

14、e surprised but still opened the door.The man who was standing at the door looked a little nervous.Oh!Im sorry.Ithought this was my room.”the man said and walked away in a hurry.The woman called the police at once.Soon,the man was caught.He was a thief(小偷)!But how did the woman know that?All the roo

15、ms in the hotel were singles.Who would knock at his own door if hewas staying alone?Only a thief would do this.He wanted to see if anyone was insidebefore he broke into the room.()4.A young woman travelled and stayedA.in a hotelB.in a police officeC.in a parkD.in her friends home()5.The man looked a

16、 littlewhen the woman opened the door.A.happyB.nervousC.madD.relaxed()6.The man knocked at the door to.A.find his friend in the cityB.stay aloneC.see if anyone was insideD.call the policeCA group of reporters asked a group of 4-to-8-year-old children this question,What does love mean?The answers wer

17、e surprising.The children would answerlike what they did below.Rebecca-aged 8“When my grandmother hurt her knees,she couldnt bend(弯腰)over andpaint her toenails(脚趾甲)any more.So my grandfather would do it for her all thetime,even when his hands hurt.too.Thats love.”Samantha 一 aged 6“Love is when someo

18、ne hurts you,and you get so mad but you dont shout ather because you know it would hurt her feelings.Terry-aged 4“Love is what makes you smile when youre tired.”Bethany-aged 4“I let my big sister pick on(捉弄)me because my mum says she only picks onme because she loves me.So I pick on my baby sister b

19、ecause I love her.Lauren-aged 4“I know my elder sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes andhas to go out and buy new clothes.”Elaine-aged 5“Love is when Mummy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.”Clear 一 aged 5“My mummy loves me more than anybody.You dont see anyone else kissing m

20、eto sleep at night.”Jessica 一 aged 8“You really shouldnt sayI love youunless you mean it.But if you mean it,youshould say it a lot.People forget.”()7.Who told us the love between Mum and Dad?A.Clear.B.Elaine.C.Rebecca.D.Lauren.()8.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.Rebecca

21、s grandmother ever couldnt bend over.B.Bethany wants to be picked on by any other person.C.If Samantha becomes angry,she will not shout at others.D.Lauren prefers to wear her sisters old clothes.()9.What does Jessica mean about love?A.Too much love is no love.B.You should say love more often.C.You m

22、ean what you think.D.Say love more often if you have it.()10.What is love according to Terry?A.Love is the care between husband and wife.B.Love is a rest when you are tired.C.Love is what cheers you up when you are tired.D.Love is a kiss from parents.DWe all need a healthy enviroment,but we produce

23、waste every day,and it isharmful to our environment.Please clean all the recyclable things.Put them in therecyclable bins.(Bottle tops are usually made from plastic#5 and the bottles areusually made from plastic#1,so you have to separate(分开)them from bottles.)Please use this bag to recycle plastic b

24、ottles and food and drink cans:()11.Bottles are usually made fromA.plastic#1B.plastic#2C.plastic#4D.plastic#5()12.The underlined word“themhere refers to“A.recyclable binsB.bottle topsC.plastic bagsD.recyclable things()13.People can putinto the recyclable bag.A.plastic filmB.plastic packagingC.plasti

25、c platesD.steel cans()14.What cant we know from the passage?A.People need to pay to recycle plastic.B.Plastic products might be made from different materials.C.The bag is especially for plastic bottles and cans.D.Its better to clean bottles and cans before recycling.()15.We may find the passage abov

26、e fromA.a storybookB.a novelC.a noticeD.a cartoon四.任务型阅读(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分)阅读下面短文,按要求完成 1-5 题。The Wilsons decided to go overseas for vacation.They had a family meeting toplan the vacation.First,Mr.Wilson said,“we should decide where we are going.”“I dont agree,”Mrs.Wilson said.I think we should

27、decide when we are goingfirst.We dont want to go to a place when it is cold there.Mr.Wilson agreed,so thefamilys first decision was when to go on vacation.They decided to go in July.“Now we can decide where to go,said Mr.Wilson.“But,Dad,”Ben said,“dont you think that where we go depends on how wego?

28、If we plan to fly,we can go a faraway place.If we plan to drive,we cant go far.”Again,Mr.Wilson agreed,and they discussed this.At last they agreed to travel byplane.And so the meeting went on.The next day,one of Mr.Wilsons friends at workasked,“Where are you going for vacation?”“Well,”Mr.Wilson told

29、 him,“we are going in July by plane,but I dont knowwhere we are going!”1 题完成句子;2、3 题简略回答问题;4 题找出并写下全文的主题句;5 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1.The Wilsons decidedthey were going first.2.How the Wilsons decided to travel in July at last?3.What didnt they decide?4.5.。五.词语运用(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)阅读下面短文,要空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内

30、单词的正确形式。Mum and I were just going out when it began to rain.We had to stay athome.and I 1(feel)quite bored.Mum got 2idea.She suggestedteaching me to make dumplings.I thought it could be fun,so I said OK.Mum cut themeat and cabbages into small pieces 3(quick).Then she showed me 4to mix them with salt

31、 and oil.Mixing is the most important of all the 5(step),”she said.I also made some other preparations with her help.Wheneverything was ready,dad came back home 6his office.Together the three of 7(we)wrapped(包)the dumplings.At last,we8(cook)them.They were so delicious that I ate 9(many)thantwenty.Th

32、at was the 10(one)time I learnt to make dumplings.It wasenjoyable!六.基础写作(包括 A、B 两部分,A 部分 10 分,B 部分 20 分,共 30 分)(A)连词成句(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分)将所给词语连成句子,要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用。标点已给出。1.1,on,went,yesterday,a,trip.2.it,my,was,trip,first,school.3.we,happily,sang,the,on,way.4.activities,interesting,there,many.were.5.what,we,a,wonderful,time,had!(B)书面表达(共 20 分)假如你是李华,你的朋友 Jenny 想向你了解一下你的宠物猫的情况,现在请你给她发一封电子邮件,词数 80 左右。


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