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1、,英语的简单句有五种基本句型:主谓;主谓宾;主系表;主谓间宾直宾;主谓直宾宾补。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。FriendBettyisone of my best friends.She is slim and has short hair. Betty is generous.She is willing to share things with her friends. Sheisalsohelpfulandreadytohelppeopleanytime.Shehelpsmewithmyhomeworkandshealwaysgivesherseatonthebus

2、tosomeoneinneed.Bettyhasagoodvoice.Shewantstobea singer whenshegrowsup.My best friend is Max. He is the tallest boy in our class-almost 1.75 metres.Hewearssmall,roundglasses.Theymakehimlooksmart.Maxhasagoodsenseofhumour.Hetellsfunnyjokesandalwaysmakesmelaugh.Ineverfeelboredwithhim.Maxslegsareverylon


4、methingworriesme,Icanalwaysgotoher.Icantellheranythingbecauseshecankeepasecret.1. Betty is one of my best friends. 贝蒂是我最好的朋友之一。 one of +复数,之一,one of +形物/the + adj.最高级+名词复数,意为“最之一”one of the biggest countries最大的国家之一 one of his best paintings他最好的作品之一翻译:李雷是我们班最高的男生之一。 马铃薯是我最喜欢的蔬菜之一。2. She is willing to

5、 share things with her friends.她愿意和她的朋友们分享东西。 be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事=be ready to do sth share sth. with sb.和某人分享某物翻译:杰克乐意帮我打扫房子。她总是和我们分享她的故事书。3. She always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need. 她总是在公共汽车上把座位让给有需要的人。give ones seat to sb.给某人让座 someone in need 有需要的人(be) in (great) need of s

6、th. (急)需要某物翻译:鲍勃经常帮助那些有需要的人。这个贫困家庭急需要钱。 4. She wants to be a singer when she grows up.她长大后想成为一名歌手。 when引导的时间状语从句(if引导的条件状语从句)通常用一般现在时表示一般将来时,主句常用一般将来时,即“主将从现”。翻译:如果明天不下雨,他将去钓鱼。爸爸没告诉我他什么时候来。当他来时,我会给你打电话。1. 形容词 (1) 形容词的比较级一般:1) 大多数形容词后加-er/-estclever-cleverer-cleverest2) 以不发音字母e结尾的形容词加-r/-stfine-finer

7、-finest3) 以辅音字母加y结尾,先把y改成i,然后再加-er/-est healthy-healthier-healthiest(happy,sunny,easy,heavy,busy,early,lucky.)4) 以重读闭音节结尾的形容词,先双写最后一个辅音字母,然后再加-er/-estbig-bigger-biggest(fat,sad,wet,red,thin,slim,hot.)5) 部分双音节单词和多音节单词,在原级前加more/mostlovely-more lovely-most lovely(slowly,tired,interesting,famous,beauti

8、ful,important.)不一般:原级比较级最高级good / wellbetterbestbad / illworseworstmany / muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfarther, furtherfarther, furtheroldolder, elderoldest, eldest(2) 比较级前的修饰语still, even, any, quite(a bit), almost, nearly, just, rather;a little, a bit;much, a lot, far, many(3)形容词的比较等级常见句型 A=B A+ V

9、 + as + adj./adv. + as + B (与。一样)He is as tall as I/me. 他和我一样高。He is as good a teacher as his father.他和他的父亲一样是个好教师。A B A + V + not + as/so + adj./adv. + as + B (与。不一样)They didnt do as much work as you did. 他们干得事没有你多。Ive never seen as old a car as this.我从来没有见过像这样旧的车。A B 或A B A + V + 比较级 + than + B (比

10、。)Tom is two years older than his brother. 汤姆比他的弟弟大两岁。Our classroom is bigger than theirs. 我们的教室比他们的大。表示倍数A + V + twice/four times/ + as + adj./adv. + as + B(A是B的两倍/四倍/)This room is twice as large as that one. 整个房间是那房间的两倍大。The earth is 49 times as big as the moon.地球是月球的49倍大。表示程度的递增主语 + V + 比较级+ and+

11、比较级 (越来越) 主语 + V + more and more+ +adj./adv. (越来越) The days are getting shorter and shorter.白天变得越来越长了。Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.我们的国家变得越来越美了。表示两种情况同时变化The+ 比较级+ 主语+ V + ,the+ 比较级+ 主语+ V + (越越) The more we get together, the happier well be.=If we get together more, well be happi

12、er.我们聚得越多,我们就会越高兴。The harder you study, the better youll be at English.= If you study harder, youll be better at English.你学习越努力,你的英语成绩越好。 主语+ be +one of the+ 最高级 + n.(pl.) + in/of (是最之一) Beijing is one of the oldest cities in China.北京是中国最古老的城市之一。 主语+ V。+ the+ 最高级 + in/of (最) Ann studies hardest of a

13、ll the girls in our class.安妮是我们班学习最用功的学生之一。 主语+ V。+ the+ 比较级 + of the two (较的) Lily is the taller of the twins.莉莉是这两个双胞胎中较高的那个。主语+ V。+ 比较级 + than + any other +n. (单数) + in (比任何其他的更)主语+ V。+ 比较级 + than + any of the other +n. (复数) + in(比任何其他的更)He is taller than any other student in his class.他比他班级中其他的任

14、何学生高。= He is taller than any of the other students in his class.= He is the tallest students in his class. 11A+ V + more/ fewer + 可数名词复数+ than B (A比B 做更多、更少。) A+ V + more/ less + 不可数名词复数+ than B (A比B 做更多、更少。) Jhon studies more subjects than Nancy.Jhon比Nancy学更多科目。Students in the USA have more weeks o

15、ff in the summertime than British students.在夏天美国学生比英国学生有更多周不上课。12. A+ V + the same (size/ colour/ age.)as + B (A与B一样) My uniform is the same as Simons uniform. 我的校服和Simon的校服一样. Millies pencil box is the same size as Amys pencil box. 我的铅笔盒和Amy的铅笔盒一样大。 A+ V + different from + B (A与B不一样) Kittys rubber

16、is different from Simons rubber. Kitty的橡皮和Simon的橡皮不一样。Try: 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.This book is not as _(interest)as that one. 2. Betty looks much _(slim) than before. 3. Dad, you are carrying the _ (heavy) bag of the three. 4. Do you think the film is a good one? -Yes, I think it is the _ (good) film this

17、 year. 5. Who is the _ (busy) in your family? -My mother is. She is always as _ (busy) as a bee. 二、单项选择 6. -Our school bus will leave at 8 Oclock tomorrow. Dont be late.-OK. Ill be there ten minutes_.A. sooner B. slower C. faster D. earlier 7. -How _ the song sounds! I have never heard a better one.

18、A. beautifully B. sweet C. well D. bad 8. - I think English is as _ as maths.- I agree with you.A. more interesting. B. most interesting C. the most interesting D. interesting 9. My grandpa told a good story, but I told a _ one.A. good B. better C. best D. worse 10. _ careful you are, _mistakes(错误)

19、youll make。A. The more; the fewer B. The fewer; the moreC. The more; the more D. The less; the less 11. Of the two skirts, Id like to choose the _ one to save some money for a cap. A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive 12. Shanghai is bigger than _ in Jiangsu. A. any other city

20、B. any city C. all the other cities D. all the city13.- Tom, what do you think of the school? - Oh, no other school is _ in the city. Its _ one. A. better, a better B. the best, the best C. better, the best D. the best, a better14. -Helen, can I wear jeans and a T-shirt to the school talent show? -

21、OK, but a dress might be _. A. good B. bad C. better D. worse15. - Which girl is your cousin, Jacky? - _ one of the two is my cousin. She is called Betty. A. The tall B. The tallest C. The better D. A taller16. Boris has a good brain. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _ IQ. A. a high

22、B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest17.- I really like to watch the TV program I AM A SINGER. - Me, too. Its one of the _ TV programs Ive ever seen. A. more boring B. least interesting C. most boring D. most interesting18. Mo Yan is one of _ writers in the world. A. famous B. more famous C. most

23、 famous D. the most famous19. Which city is_ like Suzhou, Paris, Sydney_ London? A. more; and B. much; or C. most; and D. most; or20. Nanjing isnt so large _ Shanghai. However, its the second _ city in East China. A. like; largest B. as; largest C. like; large D. as; large2. One of +adj最高级+n复数Eg:XMJ

24、 is one of the excellent students in her class.3. Maybe(adv) 和 may be(情态+v)may的用法一、表示许可或征求对方的许可,有“可以”的意思。例如:Youmaygonow.你可以走了。MayIuseyourcomputer?我用一下你的电脑可以吗?二、回答以may开头的疑问句有如下表达法:-MayIsmokehere?我可以在这儿抽烟吗?-Yes,youmay./Yes,please.请抽吧。-No,youcant./No,youmustnt./No,youdbetternot.请不要抽烟。三、表示猜测,通常只用于陈述句。例如

25、:Youmayberight.你可能是对的。四、在口语中can 可以代替may 表示许可,但can 较随便,may 更正式。例:Can I use your bike, John? 约翰,我可以用一下你的自行车吗?May I have a look at your license please, sir? 先生,我可以看一下你的执照吗?4. because 和because of Eg:我们没做早操,因为下大雨。5. have problems (in) doing sth 6. 在表示征求意见、希望得到对方肯定答复的句子(疑问句)里,some/something不需要改成any/anythi

26、ng, ,Do you want () Can I have ()to drink , please?Can I have()more food too? What/How about ()milk? Try:( )Eddie, can I have _, please?A. something drinking B. anything to drinkC. something to drink D. anything drinking( )I have a friend _ Millie.A. call B. to call C. called D. calling( )I have _ t

27、o tell you.A.anything interesting B. something interestingC. interesting nothing D. interesting something ( )Im hungry, Mum. I want _ to eat. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing( )I want _ you _ my English teacher. A .to tell, with B. to tell, about C. telling, about D. telling, to( )There is a big cake. _ share it. A. May be we can B. We may be C. Maybe we can D. Maybe can we


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