【走向高考】(天津 山东专用)高中英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module6 The Internet and Telecommunications 外研版必修1.doc

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【走向高考】(天津 山东专用)高中英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module6 The Internet and Telecommunications 外研版必修1.doc_第1页
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《【走向高考】(天津 山东专用)高中英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module6 The Internet and Telecommunications 外研版必修1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【走向高考】(天津 山东专用)高中英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module6 The Internet and Telecommunications 外研版必修1.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Module 6The Internet and Telecommunications.单词拼写1The war has ended but government spending on _ (防卫) is still increasing.2The main _ (通路)to the building is closed.3This account provides you with a ready _ (来源) of income.4The experiment is _ (设计) to test the new drug.5The _(发明) of the computer marked

2、 the beginning of a new era.6You were wrong to take the car without _(允许)7You should learn to be _ (独立的)to live in this competitive society.8One of the _ (缺点) of the job is the long hours I work.9Smoking can _ (缩短) your life so give it up.10This sheet _ (包括) a list of problems a patient would like t

3、o raise with the doctor.答案:1.defence 2.access3.source4.designed5.invention6.permission7.independent8.disadvantages9.shorten10.contained.单项填空1You must get a high income by doing that kind of job.Oh, my incomes rather variable, but I earn 100 yuan a day _.Aon averageBin generalCin total Don the whole答

4、案:A根据句意可知,“我”平均每天挣100元。on average“平均”符合题意。in general和on the whole都意为“总体来讲”;in total“总计”。2_, well go camping this weekend.AWeather permitting BIf weather is permittedCWeather permits DWeather permitted答案:A句意:如果天气允许的话,我们本周末将去野营。此处考查独立主格结构weather permitting作状语,相当于状语从句if weather permits。3Im going to the

5、 post office._ youre there, can you get me some stamps?AAs BWhileCBecause DIf答案:Bwhile作为从属连词,作“当时候;在期间”用时,从句中须用延续性动词。4The bottle _ a lot of water fell on the ground and broke.Acontaining Bto containCcontained Dbeing contained答案:A考查非谓语动词。句意:装很多水的那个瓶子掉在地上摔碎了。根据句意以及句子结构可知,containing a lot of water相当于定语

6、从句which/that contained a lot of water修饰the bottle。contain与被修饰词the bottle之间是主动关系,所以用v.ing形式。5(2013河南周口市高三第四次月考) Film has a much shorter history, especially when _ such art forms as music and painting.Ahaving compared to Bcomparing toCcompare to Dcompared to答案:Dcompared to意为“和相比”。句意为:“电影历史比较短,特别是和音乐与绘

7、画等艺术形式相比较。”6Anyone not familiar with the Internet is at a serious _ when applying for a job in such an age of information.Adisadvantage BadvantageCdisagreement Dagreement答案:A考查名词辨析。句意:在这个信息时代,不熟悉因特网的人在申请工作时很不占优势。disadvantage弊端,缺点;advantage优势,优点;disagreement 不和,争论;agreement一致,协议。at a disadvantage处于不利

8、位置。7_ average, people who dont smoke are healthier than people who do.AAbove BBelowCOn DWith答案:C考查固定搭配。句意:平均而言,不吸烟的人比吸烟的人更健康。above average在平均以上;below average在平均以下;on average平均而言。8(2012济宁模拟)House prices show no signs of going _, which makes many who want to buy houses worried.Aup BdownCout Doff答案:B考查

9、go动词短语。句意:房价没有下降的迹象,这使很多想买房子的人担心。go up上升;go down下降;go out 出去,(灯)熄灭;go off离开,爆炸。9Our car had a _ on the way to the airport last week.Abreakout BbreakdownCbreakin Dbreakup答案:B句意:上周我们的车在去机场的路上出了故障。breakout逃脱,越狱;breakdown损坏,故障;breakin闯入;breakup破裂,解散。依题意应选B项。10Some advertisements _ pictures or words of e

10、xperts to show people how good the products are.Aare consisted of Bare made ofCconsist of Dare made up答案:C短语consist of意为“由组成”,无被动语态;be made of由制成;be made up of由构成,D项缺少of。根据题意应选C项。11_ matters much _ the headmaster supports our activity.AThat; if BWhat; whetherCAs; that DIt; whether答案:D考查it作形式主语。句意:校长

11、是否支持我们的活动很重要。根据句意以及句子结构可知,此处it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的从句。12If a place or building is _ to people, it is easy for them to reach it or get into it.Aavailable BaccessibleCacceptable Dadaptable答案:B考查形容词辨析。句意:如果一个地方或建筑对于人们来说是可以进入的,那么他们就能容易地到达或进入这个地方或建筑。available可得到的,有用的;accessible可进入的,可使用的;acceptable可以接受的;adaptab

12、le适合的,适应性强的。13Children above 12 are able to take part in skiing or other activities _ for children.Adesigned BdesigningCto design Dhaving designed答案:A考查非谓语动词。句意:12岁以上的孩子可以参加为孩子开设的滑雪或其他的活动。根据句意以及句子结构可知,designed for children相当于定语从句which/that are designed for children,作定语修饰skiing or other activities。be

13、 designed for为设计或计划。14If people _ virtual reality (虚拟实境) holidays, we _ on an aroundtheworld tour.Ainvent; go Binvented; had goneCinvent; have gone Dinvented; would go答案:D考查虚拟语气。句意:如果人们发明了虚拟实境的假期,我们就能进行环球旅行了。根据句意可知此处表示对将来的虚拟,所以if从句中的谓语用一般过去时,主句中谓语用would do的形式。故选D。15Mum always _ great ways to celebra

14、te our birthdays.Aputs up with Bcomes up withCkeeps up with Dcatches up with答案:B考查动词短语辨析。句意:妈妈总是想出好的办法来为我们庆祝生日。put up with忍受;come up with提出,想出;keep/catch up with赶上。根据句意可知选B。 .阅读理解AChinese people are now spending more time surfing the net than watching TV, according to results of a survey by the Chin

15、ese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) published Thursday.The survey, of citizens of five Chinese cities, found that 79 percent of interviewees use the internet for information, and 55. 1 percent to read news on the internet. About 63 percent of the interviewees use email. The average times spent sur

16、fing the net and watching TV were 2. 73 hours and 1.29 hours, respectively.Only 10. 4 percent reported use the internet primarily to send and receive email; 65.9 percent read online news; 62. 2 quite often play games online. More and more people have taken an interest in the entertainment opportunit

17、ies online. Up to 56. 5 percent of interviewees quite often download music, and 53.5 percent get entertainment messages from the internet.Yet the survey found that television is still the dominant mass medium. Seventynine percent of interviewees choose to watch TV to get information, and another 75

18、percent take newspapers as important as TV.Five major web sites in the Chinese language, namely Sina, Sohu, Netease, Baidu and Yahoo are still ranked top ones by web users, and those that voted for Sina as the best among them were 30. 9 percent.Authorized statistics showed that web users in China ha

19、ve already exceeded 100 million, second to that of the United States.1Which of the following is not true? A. Chinese people are now spending more time surfing the net than watching TV. B. There are more Chinese people using the internet for information compared with those reading news on the interne

20、t. C. There are more people using email compared with those searching information on the internet. D. There are more people using email compared with those reading news on the internet.答案:C细节题。由第2段中的“The survey, of citizens of five Chinese cities, found that 79 percent of interviewees use the intern

21、et for information.About 63 percent of the interviewees use email”可知选C项。2The survey shows that_. A. Only 10. 4% reported use the internet to send and receive email. B. Less than half of the people use the internet for entertainment. C. All of the people reported like to play games online. D. Most of

22、 the people reported read online news.答案:D细节题。由第3段中的“Only 10.4 percent reported use the internet primarily to send and receive email; 65.9 percent read online news; 62.2 quite often play games online”可知选D项。3The underlined word “exceeded” means “_”A. increased to B. increased byC. risen D. decreased答

23、案:A词义推测题。这句话要表述的意思是“中国的网民已经上升到了1亿,仅次于美国,在全世界排名第二”,故答案为A项。BThe rate at which the United States is becoming more energy efficient has risen since 1995, when the computer based Internet and communications revolution began soaking into (渗入) US society. That conclusion from a creative study by the Americ

24、an Council for an EnergyEfficient Economy (ACEEE) last week stands in sharp contrast to recent concerns that the computer based Internet was gobbling up (吞噬) huge amounts of energy.Indeed, all Americas serversthe computers that direct traffic on the Internet and the systems that cool them use about

25、1.2 percent of the nations electricity, according to a study last year. Thats still a lot of power, comparable to the energy used by color TVs in the US. But it turns out that for every kilowatthour of electricity used by information and communications technologies, the US saves at least 10 times th

26、at amount, the new ACEEE report found.After the oil embargoes (禁运) from the 1970s, America quickly became more efficient and its “energy intensity” fell sharply. Energy intensity is the amount of energy required to produce a dollar of economic output. Since 2001, the pace of US energy efficiency gai

27、ns has remained remarkably high, at 2. 4 percent annually, at least half due to technology gains, researchers say.Not long ago, delivery giant UPS introduced new software to develop more efficient routes and help drivers avoid lefthand turns. Result: 28. 5 million fewer miles driven and 3 million ga

28、llons of gas saved each year. Efficiency gains for individuals have saved a lot of energy, too, Dr Laitner says. Email, instant messaging, and Internet news can help organize and streamline (使高效化) individual schedules. Ordering books or groceries online avoids extra trips to the shop. Transferring (

29、转移) funds to a college student electronically avoids having them mailed. Telecommuting once or twice a week to work avoids gas burned and lessens traffic jams on the roads. “Not long ago we had all these people running around saying that the Internet was going to gobble up all this power very quickl

30、y,” says researcher Jonathan Koomey at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “But their claims were greatly overestimated.” 4ACEEE proves the viewpoint that “the Internet was gobbling up huge amounts of energy” is _.A. untrue B. acceptableC. valuable D. objective答案:A推断题。根据第一段中的“stands in sharp cont

31、rast to recent concerns that the computer based Internet was gobbling up huge amounts of energy”可知正确答案为A项。5We can conclude from the passage that in the US _.A. it has been proved that the higher the “energy intensity”, the more energy can be savedB. statistics show that energy efficiency gains incre

32、ased at the rate of 2. 4% in 2003C. few families use color TVs due to the communications technology developmentD. the electricity used by information and communications technologies has decreased答案:B细节题。根据第三段最后一句可知,自2001年以来,美国的能源效益每年以2.4%的速度增长。故B项正确。6The new software introduced by UPS is used to _.

33、A. help speed up B. deliver the packages C. assist drivers who get lost D. find the best route for drivers答案:D细节题。根据第四段第一句“Not long ago, delivery giant UPS introduced new software to develop more efficient routes and help drivers avoid lefthand turns”可知正确答案为D项。7The title of the passage would be“_”A.

34、 Thanks to the Internet, Americans Save More EnergyB. Communications Technology Develops RapidlyC. Internet Gobbles up the PowerD. The Social Impact of Internet答案:A主旨题。文章讲的是以互联网为基础的信息通讯技术的进步为美国节省了能源,促进了其经济的发展,故A项正确。.阅读表达The worlds first subway was built in London in 1863. At the time the government

35、was looking for a way to reduce traffic problems in the city of London. The poor areas of the city were so crowded with people that it was almost impossible for horse carriagesthe taxis of those days to get around . The city officials were interested in trying to make it possible for workers to live

36、 outside of London and travel easily to work each day . If_people_had_a_cheap_and_convenient_way_that_they_could_depend_on_to_get_to_and_from_work_they_would_relocate_their_homes_outside_of_the_city. This would help ease the pressure of too many people living in the poor parts of London. From these

37、problems, the idea of the London Undergroundthe first subway system was born.The plans for building the Underground met with several problems and delays but the first track was finally opened in January 1863. A steam train pulled the cars along the first underground track which was six kilometers 3.

38、7 miles long. About 30000 people got on the subway the first day.Riders were treated to comfortable seats, standing up while the train was moving was not allowed, and pleasant decorations inside each of the cars.However the smoke from the engine soon filled the air in the tunnels with ash and soot a

39、s well as chemical gases. Fans had to be put in the tunnels later to keep the air clean enough for people to breathe. Even with its problems riding the Underground did become popular. It carried nine million riders in its first year. Modern subways have come a long way since the early days of the Lo

40、ndon Underground. Today there are 94 large underground rapid transit systems around the world. The busiest of these subway systems is the Tokyo Metro which opened in 1927.This efficient subway has two billion riders per year and “porters ” work on the platforms during busy traffic hours to help push

41、 riders onto trains. At times subway cars have been packed with up to 300 people.Shopping malls built in high traffic stations where riders move from one train to another have also helped the popularity of subways in Tokyo. Stations like the famous Ginza Sugo Eki Ginza Consolidated Station include u

42、nderground department store supermarkets restaurants and specialty shops. Shoppers never have to go above ground.1What is the best title for this passage (Please answer within 10 words)_2Why Shoppers never have to go above ground ? (Please answer within 10 words)_3What problems led the British gover

43、nment to build the London Under ground(Please answer within 10 words)_4Which sentence can be replaced by the following sentence?Although there were such problems people loved to take subways._5Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese._答案:1Subway then and now2Shopper can buy what they want in underground malls.3Overcrowding and traffic jams4Even with its problems riding the Underground did become popular.5如果人们有了一个能够用来上下班、又便宜、又方便的方式,他们就愿意在城市外面重新安家了。8

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