2013届高考英语一轮复习 Unit1Art and Unit2Poems限时训练 新人教版选修6.doc

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1、【新人教版 选修6】2013届高三英语一轮复习限时训练:Unit1 Art and Unit2 Poems (时间:40分钟满分:50分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1David had prepared carefully for the chemistry exam,so that he could be sure of passing it at her first _ .Apurpose Bdesire Cwish Dattempt答案D名词辨析。作了充分的准备,这样“他就可以完全有把握在第一次参加时就可以通过。”attempt表示“尝试”的意思。2How did

2、you _ the old valuable house?It used to be _ my uncle.He left it to me in his will.Atake possession of; in possession ofBtake the possessionof; in the possession ofCtake possession of; in the possession ofDtake the possession of; in possession of答案Ctake possession of“拥有”为固定短语;第二空的主语为it即the house,所以使

3、用表示被动的in the possession of。3Its the sort of work that _ a high level of concentration.Acalls for Bmakes up Clies in Dstands for答案Acall for意为“需要”;make up意为“组成;打扮;编造”等;lie in意为“在于”;stand for意为“代表、支持”。根据句意应选A。4Teaching as a career _ to many people because of the long holidays.Aattracts Bcalls Cappeals

4、Dpulls答案Cappeal to“对某人有吸引力”。其他动词不能和to构成短语。句意:教师因为有长假期,教学作为一项职业对许多人有吸引力。5Considering the advantages of the method,they decided to _ it.Aarrange Bpossess Cadopt Dattach答案C句意:考虑到这个方法的优势后,他们决定采用它。adopt“采用”,符合句意。arrange安排;possess拥有;attach附上。6Nowadays,its still very difficult to _ exactly when earthquakes

5、 will happen.Ainform Bpredict Cprove Dguide答案B句意:目前准确地预报何时发生地震还是很困难的。predict预报;inform告知;prove证明;guide指导。7John always thinks of others instead of himself.So he does.It is_of him to offer help to others.Aaggressive BridiculousCtypical Dconventional答案Cbe typical of sb to do sth的意思为:某人爱做某事。8The idea see

6、ms fine but we need to_in practice.Atry it out Btry out itCtry it on Dtry on it答案A从语境分析,此处表示“经过实践试验”的意思。注意out为副词,所以代词it应该放在中间。9He accidently _ he had quarreled with his wife and he hadnt returned home for several weeks.Aput forward Bmade outCcame up Dlet out答案D考查短语动词。“他无意间流露出他和妻子吵架了,已经几个星期没有回家了。”短语l

7、et out的意思为“泄漏;让出去”。10One reason _he told me for his being late is _he didnt catch the early bus.Athat;why Bwhy;becauseCwhy;that Dthat;that答案D本题考查名词性从句的引导词的用法。第一个空用that引导定语从句;第二个空用that引导表语从句,表示事实。注意句型The reason why.表示的是“的原因”。11When he woke up,he realized that the things he had dreamed about could not

8、 _ have happened.Apossibly Bcertainly Clikely Dsurely答案Apossibly是副词,而likely通常用作形容词。possibly表示的可能性不是很大。likely用作形容词时,一般用人作主语(可能性与possible差不多)。如:He is likely to come.It is possible that he will come.而不能说成:It is likely that he will come.12Mr Smith is no longer the man who he used to be.So he is.Success

9、and wealth have _ his character.Atrained BtranslatedCtransported Dtransformed答案D句意:是的,成功和财富已经改变了他的性格。13I shook hands and _ a few words with the manager.Atalked BexchangedCturned Dexpressed答案B句意:我和经理握了握手交谈了几句话。exchange a few words with sb.“和某人交谈”的意思。14I was so excited at the news that I could hardly

10、_ my feelings in words.Acarry BconveyCtransmit Dcommunicate答案B句意:听到这个消息我很激动,以至于几乎不能用语言表达我的感情了。convey传递,表达。15Dont get off the bus _ it is stopping.Auntil Bbefore Cwhile Dafter答案Cwhile表示“在期间”。如果使用before,则后面使用一般现在时态。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Whenever people ask me why I like ice creams in summer so much,

11、I always respond that when I am eating ice creams I feel a child again.I _16_ my first ice cream in Argentina when I was four years old.Since then I have always _17_ eating ice creams.My favorite flavors were caramel and banana splits._18_ of them were popular then,and they are _19_ the most popular

12、 flavors in Argentina today.When the ice cream truck came to our town,all my _20_ and I ran to be the first to _21_ an ice cream cone because the first one always got the largest _22_.To be the first and get the biggest ice cream was a pleasant _23_.I _24_ several funny things about that ice cream t

13、ruck.First,the music from the ice cream truck was like the music from a cartoon show._25_,the man selling ice creams yelled “Ice creams!If you buy one ,you are going to be happy forever!”So,I _26_ said to my mom,“I want an ice cream _27_ I would like to be happy forever,forever.”Now whenever we buy

14、ice creams,my mom always _28_ me of this.The last _29_ thing I remember is that if you found M & M candies inside when you licked an ice cream,you would _30_ a free ice cream!All of my friends and I enjoyed this“M & M hunt”and always wondered who was to going to be the _31_ person!When I was playing

15、,it was hard for my _32_ to find out where I was.Whenever she found me,she always asked,“Where were you?”I always _33_ her,“In the magic ice cream place!”_34_ for me,the best thing about eating ice creams is that it reminds me of those many happy _35_ days of my childhood.【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者小时候十分喜欢

16、吃冰激凌,也喜欢卖冰激凌的卡车所播放的卡通音乐以及卖冰激凌的人所送出的美好祝福。作者现在仍然不能忘怀小时候拿到最大的冰激凌的那种喜悦,作者在吃冰激凌时就会想起快乐的童年时光。16A.invented BtastedCsmelled Dcooked答案B考查动词。根据下文中的“Since then.eating ice creams,”可知,作者在四岁的时候第一次品尝(tasted)了冰激凌。17A.finished BappreciatedCsuggested Denjoyed答案D考查动词。由下文中的“My favorite flavors were caramel and banana s

17、plits.”可知,自从那个时候,作者总是喜欢(enjoyed)吃冰激凌。18A.Both BAllCSome DNeither答案A考查代词。根据上文提到的“caramel and banana splits”可知,这里是指两种(Both)都很受欢迎。19A.already BhardlyCstill Dsimply答案C考查副词。这两种口味那时就受欢迎,今天它们仍然(still)是最受欢迎的口味。20A.friends BassistantsCcolleagues Drelatives答案A考查名词。根据“When the ice cream truck came to our town”

18、可知,此处指作者和朋友们(friends)。21A.reach BsellCdeliver Dbuy答案D考查生活常识。卖冰激凌的卡车来到我们镇上,我们跑过去是要买(buy)冰激凌。22A.length BamountCreward Dnumber答案B考查名词。根据下一句中的“To be the first and get the biggest ice cream was a pleasant.”可推断出此处应选B,amount意为“数量”。23A.practice BphenomenonCexperience Dcelebration答案C考查名词。根据上文中的“.to be the f

19、irst to buy an ice cream cone because the first one always got the largest amount”可知,第一个到达并且得到最大的冰激凌是一次令人愉快的经历(experience)。24A.remember BforgetCcollect Drealize答案C考查动词辨析。根据下文的“First,the music from the ice cream truck was like the music from a cartoon show.”可知,作者记得(remember)几件有关卖冰激凌的卡车的有趣的事情。25A.Then

20、 BBesidesCHowever DSecond答案D考查上下文的逻辑关系。根据上文中的“First”可知,这里表示第二或其次(Second)。26A.never BalwaysCseldom Dincidentally答案B考查副词辨析。根据语境及下文中的“I want an ice cream _27_ I would like to be happy forever,forever.”可知,作者总是(always)这样跟妈妈说,其他选项不符合语境。27A.so BbutCbecause Dtill答案C考查上下文的逻辑关系。由于(because)作者想要永远幸福,所以想吃冰激凌。28A

21、.reminds BinformsCwarns Daccuses答案A考查动词辨析。妈妈总是向作者提到(reminds)这件事情。29A.difficult BstrangeCinstructive Dlovely答案D考查形容词辨析。根据下文中的“All of my friends and I enjoyed thisM & M hunt and always wondered who was to going to be the _31_ person!”可知,作者所能够记得的最后一件令人愉快的(lovely)事情是在吃冰激凌的时候发现里面有糖。30A.lose BwinCseize Dc

22、atch答案B考查动词辨析。如果发现冰激凌里面有M & M candies就可以获得(win)一个免费的冰激凌。31A.wealthy BintelligentClucky Dmean答案C考查形容词辨析。作者和朋友都认为能得到含有M & M candies的冰激凌的人是一个很幸运的(lucky)人。32A.mom BdadCniece Dnephew答案A考查上下文一致。根据上文中的“my mom always reminds me of this”,再结合下文中的语境可知,此处指妈妈(mom)。33A.blamed BencouragedCfollowed Danswered答案D考查动词

23、用法辨析。此处是作者对上文中母亲提出的问题的回答,故此处应用answered。34A.After all BAll in allCAbove all DAt all答案B考查插入成分的用法。根据下文语境可知,这里是作者最后所作出的总结,所以应用All in all“总之”。35A.spring BwinterCsummer Dautumn答案C考查名词辨析。联系文章第一句中的“in summer”可知,这里指夏天的(summer)日子。.阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,请根据短文后的要求进行答题。(请注意问题后的词数要求)1The more honest and mo

24、dest an employee is,the more likely he or she is to receive a higher job performance assessment by their boss,according to researchers at Baylor University in Waco,Texas.The study finds that evaluations of honesty and modesty among employees may predict how their bosses view job performance.2“As hon

25、esty and modesty increase,manager evaluations of job performance increase,”said Dr.Wade Rowatt,one of the studys lead authors.“The effect honesty and modesty have on job performance goes above and beyond other personality qualities that might be related to good performance.”3Over a period of a year

26、and a half,Rowatt and his team conducted online surveys of about 270 employees from 25 companies in the health care field.Participants in more than 20 states were asked to selfreport on their own character qualities.These results were then compared to performance reviews completed by the employees m

27、anagers,who evaluated each worker according to 35 job skills.Employees_who_selfreported_high_levels_of_honesty_and_modesty_also_received_better_job_performance_reviews_by_their_bosses.4Rowatt acknowledges that honesty and modesty will not predict job performance in every field,especially for jobs wh

28、ere a high level of selfpromotion is necessary,such as sales roles or entertainers.He said,however,that in many workplaces,employees who show _will be liked by their colleagues.5“These are people who are trustworthy,downtoearth,and easy to relate to,”he told the Star.“They probably get along with th

29、eir managers and coworkers,and this is driving some of the better performance evaluations.”36What is the main idea of the text?(no more than 10 words.)_答案Honesty and modesty increase evaluations of job performance./The effect honesty and modesty have on job performance.37Which sentence in the text i

30、s the closest in meaning to the following one?Honesty and modesty have a greater effect on job performance than other personalities._答案The effect honesty and modesty have on job performance goes above and beyond other personality qualities that might be related to good performance.38Fill in the blan

31、k in Paragraph 4 with proper words to complete the sentence.(no more than 6 words)_答案honesty and modesty39List three qualities that can better ones job performance based on Paragraph 5.(no more than 10 words)_答案trustworthydowntoeartheasy to relate to40Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese._答案对诚实与谦虚自我评价高的雇员,老板对其工作表现的评价同样也高。写作素材集锦单词flavor味道句子Now whenever we buy ice creams,my mom always reminds me of this.现在每当我们买冰激凌的时候,妈妈总是会提起这件事。7


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