2006-2007学年度菏泽市郓城县第二学期九年级期中考试--初中英语 .doc

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1、20062006-20072007学年度菏泽市郓城县第二学期期中考试学年度菏泽市郓城县第二学期期中考试九年级英语试卷九年级英语试卷第第I卷卷(选择题,共选择题,共65分分)一、听力测试(共20小题。计20分)(一)录音中有5个句子,每个句子只听一遍,然后在每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。1.A.Its a nice radio.B.I cant mend it.C.It doesnt work.2.A.I11 be well soon.B.In about fifteen minutes.C.OK,enjoy your supper.3.A.Just a little

2、 orange.B.Yes,Im very hungry.C.OK,let me try.4.A.The girl on the right.B.Go along this road and turn left.C.A long way to the station.5.A.No,thanks.B.With pleasure.C.Yes,of course.(二)录音中有5组对话和5个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答录音中每个问题的正确答案。6.What is the boy doing?A.Hes sitting under the tree.B.Hes pi

3、cking apples from the tree.C.Hes climbing up the tree.7.What are they going to do?A.Go to see a film.B.Go shopping.C.Do their homework together.8.What day is it today?A.It s Sunday.B.It s Saturday.C.It s Monday.9.How long has the program been shown?A.Two hours and a half.B.Ten hours.C.Seven hours an

4、d a half.10.Who was ill?A.Mrs Williams.B.Jimmy.C.The doctor.(三)录音中有一段对话和5个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答录音中每个问题的正确答案。11.What is Steve going to do tomorrow morning?A.Go to work.B.Go to school.C.Go to the park and play tennis.12.How long has Steve had his part-time job?A.For a week.B.For two weeks.C

5、.For three weeks.13.How long does he have to work every week?A.15 hours.B.5 hours.C.50 hours.14When is Steve free every weekend?ASunday afternoonBSunday morningCSaturday afternoon15What can Steve do besides making money in his part-time job?AHave a tripBHave time for funCMeet some interesting people

6、(四)录音中有一篇短文和5个问题,听短文和问题两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答录音中每个问题的正确答案。16.What kind of young man was George?A.Tall and hard-working.B.Quiet and hard-working.C.Fat and without friends.17.When did the story happen?A.At the end of the year.B.At 11 o clock.C.On a Saturday evening.18.Why did Jim become worried about

7、 his friend?A.Because nobody would help him.B.Because he couldnt find his car.C.Because his friend drank too much.19.What was the weather like that evening?A.It was windy and dry.B.It was cold and clear.C.It was warm but cloudy.20.Where did George think he was?A.He knew that he was on his way home.B

8、.He thought he was high in the sky.C.He knew that he was on a bridge.二、语言知识运用(共两节。计25分)第一节单项填空(共15小题,计15分)请从A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳选项。21.-Someone must be sent to that faraway village.-I11 offer_ there if nobody will.A.goB.goingC.to goD.went22.If you want to know the meaning of the word_,youd better

9、look it up in thedictionary.A.mostlyB.exactlyC.nearlyD.hardly23.-I wonder_.-Im afraid well be late.A.how can we be on timeB.when theyll reach the cinemaC.why they got to school lateD.whether we will arrive at the meeting on time24.A report says hundreds of thousands of trees _ in the Amazon rainfore

10、st the yearbefore last.A.were cut downB.have been cut downC.was cut downD.has been cut down25.-You have left the computer on,Ted?-Oh,_.Ill go and turn it off.A.so I haveB.so does heC.nor I haveD.so Jane has26.-Shall we go on working?-All right,_ I prefer to have a rest.A.whenB.ifC.becauseD.though27.

11、Bens composition is almost perfect _ several spelling mistakes.A.exceptB.except forC.besidesD.beside28.-Do you think our football team will win the match?-Yes,we have better players.So I _ them to win.A.hopeB.askC.helpD.expect29.-Would you go to see the flower show with me this afternoon?-Sorry,Im t

12、oo busy.Besides,I _it twice.A.seeB.sawC.have seenD.had seen30.-If our parents would listen more to us,they would understand us better.-_.They just expect us listen.A.I believe notB.No problemC.Good ideaD.I quite agree with you31.All the children in the poor areas began to have a _to enjoy a free edu

13、cation fromthe spring,2007.A.chanceB.wishC.choiceD.turn32.-_ do I have to wait?-Ill finish it just in a moment.A.How longB.How farC.How oftenD.How soon33.Both of them can take this job,but I want to know who is_.A.carefulB.very carefulC.more carefulD.the most careful34.-Would you mind if I close the

14、 window?-_.A.With pleasureB.Yes,pleaseC.Of course notD.Thats a good idea35.Though he has studied _ at Russian for ten months,he can still _speakthe language.A.hard;hardB.hardly;hardlyC.hard;hardlyD.hardly;hard第二节完形填空(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入短文中相应空白处的最佳选项。In the United States,people enjoy e

15、ntertaining guests at home.So they often36friends over for a meal,a party,or just for coffee.People often37their invitation bysaying:Would you come over for dinner Saturday night?”Hey,were having a party on Friday.Could you38us?If people accept the invitation,they often say Yes,thank you.”If not,the

16、y say Im sorry”,and give a(n)39.Sometimes,people use40expressions.They41like invitation,42they are not real invitations.For example:Please come over for a drink sometime.Why dontyou come over and see us sometime soon?In fact,these are not real invitations43they dont have a specific time or date.They

17、just show that the person is trying to be44,and he/she is trying to end a conversation in apolite way.When people reply to expressions like these,they just say,Sure that would be great.”Or OK,yes,thanks.”So next time you hear something like an invitation,listen carefully to45if it is a real invitati

18、on or the person is just being friendly.36.A.askB.inviteC.letD.make37.A.sendB.takeC.talkD.hold38.A.joinB.comeC.play withD.take part in39.A.letterB.answerC.excuseD.way40.A.anotherB.othersC.the otherD.some other41.A.lookB.seemC.soundD.feel42.A.howeverB.butC.thoughD.for43.A.becauseB.beforeC.afterD.sinc

19、e44.A.worriedB.busyC.kindlyD.friendly45.A.find outB.think ofC.make sureD.try out三、阅读理解(共两节。计40分)第一节阅读下面3篇短文,从A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。A*News l:Yanhua Pool is a famous garden built in the Tang Dynasty.Its name in Chinese ispainting lake”,and it is famous for colourful scenes with the change of s

20、easons.The garden isalso two memorial places of Lu You,a famous poet in the Song Dynasty.*News 2:Do you remember that last year was the Year of Russia?This year its the turn ofChinese teenagers to go to Russia.2007 is the Year of China there.Last Monday,ChinesePresident(主席)Hu Jintao opened the year

21、together with Russian President Vladimir Putin inMoscow.Over 200 events covering politics,science and culture are being held.A Chinese culturefestival will begin in March and run to January 2008.Russian people will see Peking Opera andChinese porcelain(瓷器),silk(丝绸)and treasures(珍宝)from the For-bidde

22、n City.*News 3:Can you remember how excited you were when the Shenzhou V and Shenzhou spacecraft went into space?And how interesting it was when the Chinese astronauts told us aboutwhat they had seen on the trip!Guess what?Earlier this month,Chinese space scientistsannounced that Shenzhou VII will b

23、e sent up in 2008.Will it be sent up in time for the Beijing Olympics?Scientists say no.They say the timing ofthe mission(任务)depends on when they finish designing the spacesuit.Shenzhou will take three astronauts into space.It will travel around the Earth for up tofive days.At least one of the astro

24、nauts will do a spacewalk.Yang Liwei,Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng,who have all made trips into space in the pastfew years,are all competing for a place.But it seems that its unfair for women astronauts.After the Shenzhou flight China will build a space lab and then a space station.Chineseastronauts

25、will then be able to do experiments in space.46.According to News 1,we dont know _.A.when Yanhua Pool was builtB.why Yanhua Pool was builtC.which province was Yanhua Pool built inD.what Lu You was47.How long will the Chinese culture festival in Russia last?_A.One months.B.Three moths.C.Eleven months

26、.D.A year.48.Mainly because _,Shenzhou VII hasnt been decided when to be sent up.A.the astronauts havent been chosenB.the design of Shenzhou hasnt been finishedC.the spacesuits havent been designedD.the money isnt enough49.Which of the following is NOT true about Shenzhou?A.It will take more astrona

27、uts into space.B.It will travel around the Earth longer than any spacecraft.C.Astronauts will be able to walk outside the Shenzhou spacecraft.D.It will take no women astronauts into space.BIm confused these days.We are taught at home and at school that using violence(暴力)isthe least civilized(文明)way

28、to solve problems.For example,last week I thought about hitting myfriend for winning a beautiful shell while we were playing at the beach.I talked with him insteadand we came to an agreement.If two adults had a disagreement,and if they used violence towardseach other in order to win,is it all right?

29、When two countries disagree,they often fight a war.Why is using violence not okay at home,at school,or in your country but okay between countries?So many people have been killedbecause of wars,not only soldiers but ordinary people,even small children and babies.Andrefugees(难民)exist,too.A war is a gr

30、eat violence,like two people fighting over a shell,just much bigger.Adults saythey are fighting wars in order to solve problems and make peace.But can you really makepeace by killing so many people?I dont think bombs(炸弹)can reach peoples hearts and changethem.Bombs cant create love and caring,and th

31、ats what we need in the world.Why do adults useviolence so quickly?Why cant they use their wisdom(智慧)and talk it over?Adults might say that things are not that easy.But they are the ones that teach us to be kind,not to hurt people,and not to kill.Why dont they act as what they say?A page from a 12-y

32、ear-old boy,Joshuas diary.50.At the beach,Joshua _.A.hit his friendB.won a beautiful shellC.played with a beautiful shellD.came to an agreement with his friend51.What s the key to peace in Joshuas opinion?A.Love and care for each otherB.Dont use violence so quicklyC.Stop using bombs in warsD.Dont hu

33、rt or kill people in wars52.Choose the best title(标题)for the passage.A.Adults and WarsB.How to Stop WarsC.Wars Cant Make PeaceD.Ways of Solving ProblemsCArriving in New YorkThere are three airports in New York.When you arrive at one of them,you can take a bus ortaxi to any place in New York.Public t

34、ransportIn New York theres a good bus and subway service.If you are planning to use the subway alot,you should buy a subway ticket for ten journeys because its cheaper.But you dont have to usepublic transport-there are lots of places you can go to on foot,like The Empire State Building,5thAvenue and

35、 Central Park.The New York taxis are part of the city experience,so you should take ataxi at least once during your visit.HotelsThere are lots of good hotels in New York.The best is The Plaza on 5thAvenue.But youdont have to pay a lot to stay in the city.There are lots of smaller hotels and the YMCA

36、 nearCentral Park is great for young people.Eating outThere are many kinds of food in New York,and you shouldnt eat at McDonalds every day.There are good restaurants in Little Italy and Chinatown,for example.ShoppingShopping in New York is fun.There are big shops on 5thAvenue.They are open seven day

37、s aweek.But be careful when you look at the prices,you have to pay special 8%tax(税)oneverything you buy.Places to seeFinally,there are a lot of places to see in New York-Times Square,the Statue of Liberty.And you shouldnt go home without climbing the Statue of Liberty to enjoy the scenery of the cit

38、y.53.How many kinds 0f public transport are mentioned in the passage?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.54.The plaza in the passage is the name of _.A.a restaurantB.a hotelC.an airportD.a shop55.From this passage,we can learn that _.A.people can visit many places of interest in New York on footB.New York i

39、s not a good place for shoppingC.people must travel by public transport in New YorkD.people have to eat only one kind of food in New York第第卷卷(非选择题非选择题 共共55分分)第二节 任务型阅读:根据短文内容,完成有关阅读任务。(共10小题,计20分)(1)The winter of 2005,a 23-year-old college students story moved millions of Chinesepeople.Hong Zhanhui

40、has raised an abandoned(被遗弃的)child for 11 years.Hong was born in a small village in Henan Province.When he was 12,his father suddenlywent crazy and killed his one-year-old sister.The family then adopted a baby girl calledChenchen.Later,Hongs mother ran away from home.She couldnt(2)stand Hongs mad fa

41、thersbeating.(3)洪站辉只好独自支撑起这个家庭并抚养晨晨。In 1998,Hong entered Xihua No.1 Senior High School,about 20 kilometers from his home.Hong took Chenchen along with him.He never talked to others about his hard life.He put histime and energy into many things:working to get money,looking after his adopted sister,an

42、dsending medicine home for his fatherHong sold pens,books and tapes to make money“Many people looked down on me forthat,”Hong remembered“But I didnt c&2eAfter he entered Hunan Huaihua College in 2003Hong took on more parttime jobs,suchas selling instant noodles and phone cardsEarlier this year,Hong

43、sent Chenchen,now 12,to aprimary school in Hunan with the money he got(4)When Hongs story became public,many people wanted to give him money,but Hongrefused.“(5)Poverty(贫穷)and suffering should not be an excuse for begging sympathy(同情)andhelp from society.”said Hong“I think it is the most important f

44、or a man to support himself andbe strong”Recently,Hongs school started a fund(基金)named after himThe fund is to give money tohelp poor college studentsAbout 100,000 yuan has been put into the fund任务(一)根据要求完成下列各项阅读任务。56将(1)处的句子变成被动语态。一空一词。The winter of 2005,millions of Chinese people_ _a 23-year-oldco

45、llege students story.57写出(2)处句中黑体单词“stand”的汉语意思。_.58将(3)处的汉语句子翻译成英语。一空一词。Hong had to support the family and bring up Chenchen_ _.59改写(4)处的英语句子,意思不变。一空一词。When Hongs story became public,many people wanted to give him money,butHong_ _.60将(5)处的英语句子翻译成汉语。_.任务(二)根据短文内容回答下列问题。61.Why did Hongs mother run aw

46、ay from home?_.62.Why did Hong take Chenchen along with him to the Senior High School?_.63.What does that refers to(指)?_.64.Whats the name of the fund Hongs school started?Why did they start it?_.65.What should we students learn from Hongs story?_.四、综合填空共10小题,计15分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容用方框内所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文语义完

47、整。(一定要注意形式变化!)bothsoundimportantduringwakefinishturn offwhathappentiredA Strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night.They66the lights,pull up thecovers and close their eyes.After they sleep for six or seven hours,they wake up again.It67very strange,doesnt it?Sleep puzzles science all the time

48、.Scientists and doctors would like to talk about why onecant fall asleep.They are not sure68causes sleep.You will sleep best69when you are in good health and when you dont eat too muchor too little.No worries and a comfortable place to sleep are70,too.They advise againsttwo in one bed.Strange things

49、71while you are sleeping.For example,you often move72your sleep.You would feel73if you dont move.You also dream.Part of your brain isstill74when you dream.Dont worry if you dream.Some great stories and poems were75while their writerswere dreaming.66._67._68._69._70._71._ 72._73._74._75._五、情景表达(共两节计2

50、0分)第一节阅读下面对话,从方框中选出正确的句子完成对话,使对话语义完整,其中有两个选项是多余的。(将选项的代号填入对应的横线上;共5小题,计5分)A:Are you going to leave school at the end of the term?B:yes.This is my last year at school.A:What are you going to do then?B:I want to find a job.Many jobs are offered in the newspapers.A:76._B:I want to be a vet(兽医).A:77._B:


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