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《2020版高考英语总复习Unit2TheUnitedKingdom高考题型分组训练新人教版必修5.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版高考英语总复习Unit2TheUnitedKingdom高考题型分组训练新人教版必修5.doc(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 2 The United Kingdom高考题型分组训练训练一语言知识运用板块训练重情理,练准度(限时:25分钟).完形填空(2018重庆重点中学协作体适应性考试)It was a sunny day when my dad and I were arriving at his company. We _1_the car and got out of it. I_2_and saw a gray thing on the ground. I thought it was a_3_,but it started to move. As we approached we_4_that

2、it was a small wounded dog.We were so moved by the_5_that we decided to help the_6_dog. We bought some dog food in the store across the street and got some _7_ water for the dog in order to help him regain_8_.He was desperate_9_while we were giving him the food and water he almost_10_his head in the

3、m. Once he had eaten we encouraged him to move; _11_, he could not. My dad tried to take him in his arms, but he started barking due to a wounded bleeding paw._12_, we made a decision to carry him on a small stretcher(担架) to our _13_.Rapidly, we took him to the vets for him to receive _14_ treatment

4、. The vet told us that he had a broken leg and that he had been _15_ for days. He got out of the vets office after 5 days of _16_, and we decided to look for a _17_for him.He was finally _18_ by one of my dads workers and is living_19_. In conclusion, I learned from this that everybody can do an act

5、 of kindness. Everyone_20_a second chance to be happy.语篇解读:本文为一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己和父亲一道救助一只受伤的狗,最终狗被一个好心人收养的经历。通过这个故事,作者告诉我们每个人都能尽一份爱心,每个人都拥有再次快乐的机会。1A.left BparkedCdrove Dboarded解析根据上文中的“were arriving at his company”及下文中的“got out of it”可知,作者和父亲把车停(parked)好后下了车。答案B2A.looked around Bcame upCpassed by Dwent

6、away解析作者环顾(looked around)四周,看见地面上有一个灰色的东西。pass by“路过,经过”;go away“走开,离开”。答案A3A.plastic box Brubbish binCgarbage bag Dmetal can解析作者以为它是一个垃圾袋,但是它开始移动了。根据上文的“saw a gray thing on the ground”和下文的“it was a small wounded dog”可知,只有garbage bag和gray thing,dog能联系起来。答案C4A.remembered BadmittedCexpected Drealized解

7、析当作者和父亲走近时,他们才意识到那是一只受伤的小狗。remember“记得,记住”;admit“承认”;expect“期待,期望”;realize“意识到”。答案D5A.scene BviewCcondition Dsituation解析作者和父亲被眼前的这一幕(scene)打动了,决定帮助这只可怜的小狗。condition“状态,状况”;situation“情况,局面”。答案A6A.lucky BmissingCpoor Dlovely解析参见上题解析。poor“可怜的,不幸的”。答案C7A.pure BsaltyCsweet Ddelicious解析作者和父亲在街对面的商店买了一些狗粮并

8、弄了一些纯净(pure)水来帮助它恢复体力。答案A8A.power BstrengthCenergy Dspirit解析参见上题解析。power“动力”;strength“体力,力气”;energy“精力”;spirit“精神”。答案B9A.even if Bas ifCso that Din that解析前后句之间是原因和结果的关系,故用so that“因此,结果”引导结果状语从句。in that“因为”,引导原因状语从句。答案C10A.hurt BabandonedCshook Dburied解析根据上文中的“He was desperate”可知,小狗非常需要食物和水,因此当作者和父亲提

9、供给它食物和水时,它差点儿把它的头埋(buried)在其中。答案D11A.therefore BbesidesCinstead Dhowever解析小狗一吃完,作者和父亲就鼓励它动一动,但是,它动弹不得。根据语境可知,本空应填表示转折的however。答案D12A.In the end BAt firstCIn fact DAt one time解析最后,作者和父亲决定用小担架把狗带到他们的车上。in the end“最后”;at first“起初”;in fact“事实上”;at one time“一度”。答案A13A.car BcompanyChome Doffice解析参见上题解析。答案

10、A14A.affordable BfreeCimmediate Davailable解析很快,作者和父亲带小狗去看了兽医,以便它能得到及时的治疗。affordable“负担得起的”;immediate“立即的,即刻的”;available“可利用的,可得到的”。答案C15A.continuing BstrugglingCsurviving Dstarving解析根据常识可知,兽医应是对狗的身体状况作评论,故此处应表示“兽医告诉我们它腿受伤了,而且饿了好几天”,故选starving“挨饿”。上文的“He was desperate”也是暗示。答案D16A.operation BrecoveryC

11、exercise Dadjustment解析经过五天的恢复(recovery),小狗得以从兽医诊所出来了,作者和父亲决定为它找一个家。答案B17A.hospital BunitCmarket Dfamily解析参见上题解析。答案D18A.supported BadaptedCreceived Dadopted解析根据上文提到的作者和父亲要给狗找一个家的内容可知,作者父亲公司的一名工作人员最终收养(adopted)了这只狗。support“供养,支持”;adapt“适应”;receive“收到”。答案D19A.happily BpositivelyCeasily Dsimply解析结合全文来考虑

12、,这只受伤的狗被作者和父亲救助,然后又被好心人收养,问题最终被圆满地解决,故happily最契合全文主旨。下文中的“to be happy”亦是提示。答案A20A.demands BdeservesCallows Dshares解析作者通过救治受伤的狗得出启示:每个人都能尽一份爱心,每个人都值得(deserves)拥有再次快乐的机会。demand“需要”;allow“允许”;share“分享”。答案B.语法填空(2018江西南昌十校二模)When I was an international student in China, I was lucky to experience Chinese

13、 New Year. The buildup was exciting as everywhere 1._(decorate) with red.Some fellow students and I decided to travel from Xian to Guilin for the festival. Travel during that time is quite 2._ adventuremany people journey home 3._(see) their families and everywhere is very busy.On the eve of New Yea

14、r, we watched the CCTV New Years Gala. Although we didnt really understand everything, it was good to be lost 4._ the atmosphere of the occasion! At New Year, families make 5._(taste) dumplings together as part of the celebrations. On New Years Day,and for several weeks afterwards, you can hear fire

15、crackers and fireworks everywhere, and the air 6._(smell) strongly of dynamite(火药) and smoke. This was adventurous for us!Being in China during New Year somewhat meant 7._(lonely) though it was a great experience. I can 8._(absolute) explain it with how international students in the UK might feel at

16、 Christmas if 9._(have) no loved ones around them.Overall, my first Chinese New Year was an amazing experience 10._ Ill never forget.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者在中国留学期间,曾经有幸和同学一起边旅行边体验中国的新年,这个经历使作者一直难以忘怀。1解析准备过程令人激动,因为处处都装饰着红色。主句用一般过去时,故从句也应用一般过去时。decorate与主语之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态。答案was decorated2解析空前是quite,空后是名词,故可判断此

17、处是“quite不定冠词名词”结构。当名词前没有形容词修饰时,quite要放在冠词前。答案an3解析很多人回家看望自己的家人。分析句子结构并根据句意可知,空处应是不定式作目的状语,故填to see。答案to see4解析句意:尽管我们不能真的听懂所有的内容,但是沉浸于这种节日的气氛是极好的。be lost in sth.“沉浸于”,是固定搭配。答案in5解析家家都包美味的饺子。空处修饰dumplings,故用形容词tasty“美味的,好吃的”。答案tasty6解析主语是表示单数意义的“the air”,故谓语用第三人称单数形式。smell在此是系动词,意为“闻起来”,不能用于被动语态,故填sm

18、ells。答案smells7解析句意:尽管新年期间待在中国是很美妙的经历,但它稍微让人感到孤单。mean是及物动词,后接名词作宾语。loneliness“寂寞,孤独”。答案loneliness8解析空处修饰谓语动词explain,故用副词absolutely“完全地”。答案absolutely9解析分析句子结构可知,此处是“连词非谓语动词”结构,涉及“状语从句的省略”这一语法现象。非谓语动词的逻辑主语是主句的主语,即“international students”。have和“international students”之间是主动关系,故用现在分词having。答案having10解析句意:

19、总体来说,第一次在中国过新年是令人惊喜的经历,一个我永远不会忘怀的经历。空处引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语,先行词是experience,故用that或which。答案that/which训练二主观应用题板块训练重语法,练规范(限时:45分钟).语法填空Anoka, Minnesota:The Halloween Capital of the WorldAnoka, Minnesota, calls 1._ the “Halloween Capital of the World,” as it was one of the first cities in the United States to

20、 put on a Halloween celebration. When Anokans awoke to 2._(surprise) find their windows soaped, their outhouses tipped over and their cows 3._(walk) on the Main Street, they decided something had to be done.So, in 1920, a weeklong celebration was started in Anoka in an effort 4._(take) the trick out

21、 of trickortreat. The towns love affair with the October holiday has been going strong ever since. Each year, 5._(colour) activities take place during the week leading up to the big day.The Grand Day Parade includes a Mass Band, made up 6._ bands from four high schools. Another featured event is the

22、 Gray Ghost 5K Run, 7._(inspire) by sightings of Bill Andberg, a marathon runner in his 70s 8._ ghostly figure can often be seen running through a local cemetery(墓地)The 9._(compete) include a pumpkin bakeoff and one for best Halloween house decorations. Most participants wear their Halloween costume

23、s. Do you suppose people wear 10._ same costumes all week long?语篇解读:你知道万圣节有首府吗?明尼苏达州的安诺卡自称为“世界的万圣节首府”。1解析宾语和主语指的是同一事物,故填itself。答案itself2解析设空处修饰动词find,故填surprisingly。答案surprisingly3解析cows与walk之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且walk所表示的动作正在进行,故填walking。答案walking4解析in an effort to do sth.意为“尽力做某事”。答案to take5解析修饰名词activities

24、需用形容词,故填colourful(丰富多彩的)。答案colourful6解析be made up of是固定搭配,意为“由构成”。答案of7解析inspire与Gray Ghost 5K Run之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填inspired。答案inspired8解析设空处引导定语从句修饰runner,且与figure之间是所属关系,故填whose。答案whose9解析设空处作主语且由include可知,应用复数形式,故填competitions。答案competitions10解析same前通常加定冠词the。答案the.短文改错(2018西安八校联考)Today, at the local

25、 convenience store that I work, an elderly man with a guide dog come in. He went to the shelf where there were all kinds of greeting card. He picked up a card, held it up extreme close to his eyes, and struggled read it. Just as I was about to walk over to help him, I found the little girl, who was

26、about ten years old, asked him that he needed help. Before heard his answer, she started to read him almost every single greeting card out loud until when the elderly man smiled. He said,“Thats perfect! His wife will love that one!”答案Today, at the local convenience store I work, an elderly man with

27、a guide dog in. He went to the shelf where there were all kinds of greeting . He picked up a card, held it up close to his eyes, and struggled read it. Just as I was about to walk over to help him, I found little girl, who was about ten years old, asked him he needed help. Before his answer, she sta

28、rted to read him almost every single greeting card out loud until the elderly man smiled. He said,“Thats perfect! wife will love that one!”.书面表达假设你是河源市的李华,你市为吸引国外游客,拟制作英文版河源旅游宣传手册,并公开征稿。请根据下面信息,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文应征。1位于广州的东北方向,离广州约198公里。2由五个县(county)组成,人口约324万。3历史悠久,名胜众多;万绿湖(Wanlu Lake)景点优美;湖水清澈;鱼类繁多。4博

29、物馆中有各种恐龙(dinosaur)蛋化石(fossil),吸引了来自全世界的游客。 _答案Heyuan, with a long history, lies to the northeast of Guangzhou, from which it is about 198 kilometers away. The city of Heyuan, consisting of 5 counties, has a population of about 3,240,000. There are many famous places of interest in Heyuan, one exampl

30、e of which is Wanlu Lake, an inviting tourist destination. So clean is the water there that there is a variety of fish in it. In addition, there are many dinosaur egg fossils displayed in the local Museum, attracting visitors from every corner of the world.Why not give it a try?Your trip to Heyuan is sure to be enjoyable and worthwhile.9


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