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1、下载可编辑Unit 6 WeatherUnit 6 Weather一Completethesentenceswiththehelpof thecontextand the first letter is given.1.1.The wThe win Beijing is very dry.in Beijing is very dry.2.2.ItIts cs c outside.you outside.you d better take a coat.d better take a coat.3.3.Hai Nan is a good place to take holidays.ItHai

2、Nan is a good place to take holidays.It s ws win Winter.in Winter.4.4.It is rIt is rnow.Why not take an umbrella?now.Why not take an umbrella?5.5.Look at the sLook at the s.The whole world is white and.The whole world is white andletlets go out.s go out.6.6.The question is qThe question is q easy.yo

3、u can solve by easy.you can solve byyourself.yourself.7.7.ItIts s MarchMarch1212ththtoday.Wetoday.Weareare goinggoingtoto p ptreestreesthis afternoon.this afternoon.8.8.WouldWouldyouyou pleasepleaseb byouryour PCPC tomorrow?tomorrow?ThereThereisissomething wrong with mine.something wrong with mine.9

4、.9.TheThe summersummervacationvacationisis coming.Icoming.Ih htoto visitvisitmymyuncle in Si Chuan.uncle in Si Chuan.10.10.We havenWe havent seen for a long time.You have ct seen for a long time.You have c a lot.a lot.二Completethesentencesbychoosingthebestonefromthe four choices.专业.整理.下载可编辑1.There1.

5、Therefour seasons in a year.four seasons in a year.A Ais B.am C.are D.wasis B.am C.are D.was2.Spring is2.Spring is MarchMarchMay in my hometown.May in my hometown.A Atoo,to B.from,on C.from,to D.too,too,to B.from,on C.from,to D.too,onon3.In the fields,everything3.In the fields,everythingto grow.to g

6、row.A.begin B.begins C.beginning D.beganA.begin B.begins C.beginning D.began4.I often go to the seaside4.I often go to the seaside vacation with myvacation with myfriends in summer.friends in summer.A.in B.on C.for D.toA.in B.on C.for D.to5.Autumn is5.Autumn is time of a years.time of a years.A.most

7、 beautiful B.more beautiful A.most beautiful B.more beautiful C.the most beautiful D.the more beautiful C.the most beautiful D.the more beautiful6.The weather gets6.The weather getsand the day getsand the day gets in winter.in winter.A.cool,shorter B.coolest,shorter A.cool,shorter B.coolest,shorterD

8、.cooler,shorter D.coolest,shortestD.cooler,shorter D.coolest,shortest7.The boy is as7.The boy is asas my brother.as my brother.A.tallest B.the tallest C.taller D.tall A.tallest B.the tallest C.taller D.tall8.Get up8.Get uptomorrow,or youtomorrow,or you ll be late again.ll be late again.A.early B.ear

9、lier C.much A.early B.earlier C.much earlier D.earliestearlier D.earliest9.Not all of us9.Not all of us pop music.pop music.A.like B.likes C.liking D.liked A.like B.likes C.liking D.liked.专业.整理.下载可编辑10.We all like Mary10.We all like Mary she is a hardworking girl.she is a hardworking girl.A.so B.but

10、 C.bacause D.or A.so B.but C.bacause D.or11.11.I I amam busybusy thesethesedays,days,I I willwill spendspendthe weekend with my family.the weekend with my family.A.Although,but B.Although,so A.Although,but B.Although,so C./,but D./,/C./,but D./,/12.12.mymy MonMonisis ill,ill,I I havehavetotolooklook

11、afteraftermy sistr today.my sistr today.A.Because,so B.Because,/A.Because,so B.Because,/C./,/D.so,becauseC./,/D.so,because13.Mike is13.Mike is quieter than his brither.quieter than his brither.A.much B.most C.more D.lotA.much B.most C.more D.lot14.This old house is14.This old house is than the new o

12、ne.than the new one.A.beautiful B.most beautiful A.beautiful B.most beautifulC.more beautiful D.beautifulerC.more beautiful D.beautifuler15.-How15.-How the weatherthe weather in Wu Han?in Wu Han?-It was sunny.-It was sunny.A.is,like B.is,/C.was,like D.was,/A.is,like B.is,/C.was,like D.was,/三Fill in

13、the blanks with the correct forms of thewords in the brackets to complete the sentences.1.-What1.-Whats the weather like in England?s the weather like in England?-It -Its s(snow).(snow).专业.整理.下载可编辑2.The book is not as2.The book is not as(thick)as that one.(thick)as that one.3.Get up3.Get up(early)to

14、morrow,or you(early)tomorrow,or you ll be latell be lateagain.again.4.The4.Theparkparkisisoneoneofof(beautifulbeautiful)places inplaces inthisthiscitycity。5.Which5.Whichisis(smart)(smart),thethe pandapanda oror thethe elephant?elephant?6.The6.Thegreengreenboxboxisis muchmuch(heavy)(heavy)thanthanthe

15、theyellowyellowone.one.7.Canada7.Canadaisis oneone ofof thethe(large)(large)countriescountriesinin thetheworld.world.8.Can8.Canyouyou findfind outout thethe(different)(different)betweenbetweenthethetwo pictures?two pictures?9.His mother works in this factory.She is a9.His mother works in this factor

16、y.She is a(work).(work).10.It10.Its s timetimeforfor(have)(have)dinner.Letdinner.Letsoso toto thethedining-hall.dining-hall.四Put the Chinese in the brackets into English tocomplete the following sentences.1.1.(秋季)(秋季)is a very busy season.is a very busy season.2.Sometimes we go2.Sometimes we go(溜冰溜冰

17、)on weekend.)on weekend.3.3.(春天春天)isis fromfrom MarchMarch toto MayMay inin mymy hometown.hometown.4.In the4.In the(田地田地),everything begins to grow.everything begins to grow.专业.整理.下载可编辑5.Many5.Many peoplepeople likelike springspring becausebecause itit(带带来来)hope.)hope.6 6ItIts usuallys usually(晴朗的)(

18、晴朗的)but sometimes coldbut sometimes coldin autumn.in autumn.7.We have a lot of7.We have a lot of(海鲜海鲜)in Hai Nan.)in Hai Nan.8.Please wait a moment.I will8.Please wait a moment.I will(回复回复)you at)you atonce.once.9.Could you please9.Could you please(改变)(改变)the color of thethe color of thewall?I donwa

19、ll?I dont like red.t like red.10.My uncle is a10.My uncle is a(农民农民).He has a beautiful).He has a beautifulfarm.farm.五五 WriteWrite downdown thethe comparativecomparative degreedegree formsforms andandsuperlativesuperlativedegreedegreeformsformsofof thethe followingfollowingadjectivesadjectivesand ad

20、verbs.and adverbs.smallsmall cleanclean smartsmart thinthin bigbig hothot latelate nicenicebusybusy heavyheavy earlyearly popularpopular interestinginteresting goodgood littlelittle .专业.整理.下载可编辑badbad many many 六阅读。六阅读。A ANo one can change the weatherNo one can change the weather But if read the sig

21、nsBut if read the signscorrectly around uscorrectly around us,we can know how the weather willwe can know how the weather willbebeThis way of telling what the weather will be likeThis way of telling what the weather will be likeononthethefollowingfollowing daydayorortwotwoisiscalledcalled weatherwea

22、therforecastingforecasting For many centuries and in all countriesFor many centuries and in all countries,peoplepeople havehave studiedstudied thethe weatherweather andand triedtried toto makemakeweather forecastingweather forecasting Rings around the sun are a signRings around the sun are a signof

23、coming rainof coming rain Many people feel in their bones theMany people feel in their bones thecoming of wet weathercoming of wet weather Their joints(Their joints(关节关节)ache)acheSomeSomebirdsbirds flyfly highhigh ifif thethe finefine weatherweatherisis comingcoming,butbut theytheyfly near ground if

24、 rainy or stormy weather is on thefly near ground if rainy or stormy weather is on thewaywayIt is probably because of the insects which theyIt is probably because of the insects which theyareare huntinghuntingflyfly lowlowIfIf youyou seesee a a rainbowrainbowduringduring rainyrainyweatherweather,thi

25、s is a sign that the weather will becomethis is a sign that the weather will becomeclear and fineclear and fine Such rainbows come in the eveningSuch rainbows come in the eveningIfIfthe stars twinkle clearly at nightthe stars twinkle clearly at night,then fine weatherthen fine weatherwillwillcontinu

26、econtinue IfIfa a fogfogappearsappearsininthetheeveningeveningjustjustaboveabovea rivera river,then the day will be warmthen the day will be warm If the sunset isIf the sunset ismostly red in colormostly red in color,then the morningthen the morning,rainy weatherrainy weather.专业.整理.下载可编辑willwillprob

27、ablyprobablycomecomeMostMostofof thethe aboveabovesayingssayingshavehavebeenbeenmade by the people who have used their eyes and brainsmade by the people who have used their eyes and brainsto make weather forecastingto make weather forecasting 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()1()1Peoples joints ache _Pe

28、oples joints ache _ A Ais a sign of coming rainis a sign of coming rain B Bbecause they are illbecause they are ill C Cwithout any reasonwithout any reasonD Dbecause of the insectsbecause of the insects()2()2Which is true about weather forecasting?Which is true about weather forecasting?A A WeatherW

29、eatherforecastingforecastingisisa a reportreportaboutaboutthetheweatherweatheron the following day or twoon the following day or two B BWeatherWeatherforecastingforecastingisis a a wayway ofof tellingtellingwhatwhatthetheweather will be likeweather will be like C CPeople can change the weather forec

30、astingPeople can change the weather forecasting D DWeather forecasting is a sign of coming rainWeather forecasting is a sign of coming rain()()3 3TheThebirdsbirdsflyflyhighhighandandthethestarsstarstwinkletwinkleclearlyclearlyis a sign that the weather will _is a sign that the weather will _ A Abe r

31、ainybe rainy B Bbe warmbe warm C Ccontinue clear and finecontinue clear and fine D Dbe coldbe cold.专业.整理.下载可编辑()()4 4A A rainbowrainbowduringduring rainyrainy weatherweatherisis a a _ ofofthe fine weatherthe fine weather A Asign Bsign Bway Cway Cmethod Dmethod D roadroad ()()5 5WeWe mustmust _toto m

32、akemake weatherweatherforecastingforecasting A Ause our eyes and brainsuse our eyes and brains B Bstudy the weather hardstudy the weather hardC Cread the weather hardread the weather hardD Dall of the aboveall of the aboveB BHowHowmanymanyplasticplasticbagsbagsdodo youyouuseuseeveryeveryday?day?IsIs

33、 therethereany chance for us to live without them?What can we doany chance for us to live without them?What can we dototo havehave lessless plasticplastic pollution?pollution?A A performanceperformance ininHangzhou makes people think more about the overuse ofHangzhou makes people think more about th

34、e overuse ofplastic bags in our livesplastic bags in our lives InIn frontfront ofof a a supermarketsupermarket inin HangzhouHangzhou,fivefivevolunteers wore white plastic bags and walked aroundvolunteers wore white plastic bags and walked aroundandandthroughthroughthethecrowdcrowdTheTheperformancepe

35、rformancecalledcalledononpeoplepeopleto use more cloth bags instead of plastic onesto use more cloth bags instead of plastic onesSomeSome ofof thethe plasticplasticbagsbags wornworn byby thethe performersperformerswerewerecollectedcollectedfromfrom customers(customers(顾客顾客)inin twotwo foodfood marke

36、tsmarketsandandthethe othersothers werewere collectedcollected byby 700700 studentsstudents fromfrom a asecondary schoolsecondary school.专业.整理.下载可编辑OnOnthatthatdayday,whenwhenleavingleavingthethefoodfoodmarketsmarkets,customerscustomerswere told to hand over unnecessary plastic shoppingwere told to

37、hand over unnecessary plastic shoppingbagsbagsSeveral hundred plastic bags were collected inSeveral hundred plastic bags were collected intwo hourstwo hours If Ifwewedodonothingnothingaboutaboutitit,thetheearthearthwillwillbebeeateneatenupup byby whitewhitepollutionpollutionAndAnd humanshumanswillwi

38、ll becomebecomeplasticplasticmenmen,said one of the performers said one of the performers How can you breathe in so many plastic bags?A How can you breathe in so many plastic bags?Amiddle-aged woman asked one performermiddle-aged woman asked one performer How can theHow can theearthearth breathebrea

39、the ifif therethere areare tootoo manymany plasticplasticbags?bags?thetheperformer answeredperformer answered Starting from June last year Starting from June last year,plastic bags wereplastic bags werenonolongerlongergivengivenforforfreefreeininsupermarketssupermarkets,shoppingshoppingmallsmallsor

40、food markets all over the countryor food markets all over the country People are called on to use cloth bags when they People are called on to use cloth bags when theygo shoppinggo shopping 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()1()1Since June last year people should _Since June last year people should _plas

41、tic bags all over the countryplastic bags all over the country A Apay forpay for B Bgetget C Cuse as many asuse as many as.专业.整理.下载可编辑 D Dstop usingstop using()2()2A performance took place in _A performance took place in _ A Aa supermarketa supermarket B Ba plastic bag shopa plastic bag shop C CHang

42、zhouHangzhou D Da schoola school()3()3 Why did the performers wear white plastic Why did the performers wear white plasticbags and walk around?bags and walk around?They wanted _ They wanted _ A Ato ask people to overuse plasticsto ask people to overuse plastics B Bto invite people to go to the super

43、marketto invite people to go to the supermarket C Cto give people more bagsto give people more bags D Dto persuade people not to use plastic bagsto persuade people not to use plastic bags()()4 4IfIf wewe dontdontdodo somethingsomethingagainstagainstthethe pollutionpollution,humans _humans _ A Awill

44、be pollutedwill be polluted B Bwill become plastic menwill become plastic men C Cwont be comfortablewont be comfortable D Dwill be plastic oneswill be plastic ones()()5 5TheThe mainmain idea ofidea ofthisthis passagepassageisis aboutabout _pollutionpollutionA Awhite Bwhite B air Cair Cwater Dwater D lightlight.专业.整理.下载可编辑.专业.整理.


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