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《境外代理销售协议.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《境外代理销售协议.pdf(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、-海外代理协议LE AGENY AGRE编号N:日期/De:此协议是双方在平等互利基础上建立的,共同遵守下列条款:TsAreement i mad amon the paies cced on the basis o equality and tua bn its to vel usiess on te s and cditions mutuly agreedpo as follws:1。协议相关各方当事人Th ptie concernd生产商:鸿安企业(香港)子公司宜昌瑞英机电有限公司(以下简称“甲方”)nufacturer:Sbsidiary f Hanovr Enterpsestd.Yi

2、chan Unio Ic。(herenafer eferr to as Par A)代理商:(以下简称“乙方”)Aent:(heeinafer referred tos Party B)2。独家代理权的授予Appoinmet xlusi Agnt甲方授权乙方为其单头电磁炉产品在日区域特约总经销商,全权负责甲方生产的产品在日本市场的推广,销售和售后服务事宜.Party A hereb appoint Pat B s its so agcy in th Jpan arket to enae i the pr m tion,sales and fter s les se ce of s single

3、-h nduction cookr。产品:由甲方生产的单头电磁炉。Commdiy:Singe-ho inducto ookers prodc by Party A.代理区域:仅限日本区域内。Teitoy:I apan oly.3.订单的确认 Confirmton n ders关于协议所规定的上述商品的每笔交易,其数量、价格及装运条件等以甲乙双方另行签定的销售合同为准。Th ua it e ,pric s and sh p ent of t e c o itie stated in this Agreemen sl be cofire or e tasactin,the artic lar of

4、 which are o be sp cifie in e Sales Cont cts ig ed by th two parties heret。4.付款 Paymet erm订单确认后,乙方须通过/先向甲方支付0定金,在出货前须将余款通过 T/的方式付清,或者按照有关销售合同所规定的时间开立以甲方为受益人的保兑的、不可撤消的即期信用证。乙方开出信用证后,应立即通知甲方,以便甲方准备交货。1/1-Atr cnfirton ofh order,Pay B suld pa 0%foreoit b/T to Party,th lance should be pai before ship ng

5、y T/T,r te Pary B shall rrag to ope a cnfme,irevale LC vale by drat igt in favor of Pary A ithin the tim stpulated in te levant SC。Pary shl alo n fy Pt A imeiey aft L/C i pened,so h Pry A can e peaed fo diver。说明:若订单数量500pcs,则为发货前 100%付清款.Reak:I cas th qu ity of oders is les than 500pcs,100%T/T befor

6、ehipmnt。价格条款 Pric Tems价格:为了保证长期的合作,促进共同的发展,甲方提供产品价格表给乙方,各款报价详见其他附件.P i e:ar A p ov de quo at on list o products to Par y B so as to ensure the long trm cooperation ad oint devlopent Det quotaion is s additona tthmet.注 1,如甲方推出新款产品,甲方将通过电邮通知乙方;注 2,甲方保证报给乙方的价格为在日本区域内最低的价格。注,乙方不得擅自将价格表内容透漏给任何第三方,乙方必须严格执

7、行和遵守甲方的价格体系。Remar:,Once Prty A pomoteew cts,wil infrm Party B by emal.2,Part A make sure ored te lowst rie for Party B witin Jap are.3,arty sould o let out he quoations to ny id aties t ut execute sicl and adhr o he price ste of Paty。6。甲乙双方责任aility f wo Partie.1 产品质量 Quai f oduc:甲方保证向乙方提供优质产品(甲方生产的电

8、磁炉等一系列产品),保证供货稳定;当产品出现重大的质量问题,引起相关的投诉和法律纠纷时,甲方需要承担相应的责任。rty A ganee all prducs(ri of indutio cokers)provided wt high uality ad stable supy.f tere ocurs big poblems on qalit and ased compaints leg disutes,Pay A shol fo the ead eponsiblity.产品配置roductfiurain如乙方没有特殊要求,则按照甲方公司提供的产品标准机型配置(如有特殊要求需要重新报价)Wit

9、ht spcial reques fom Par,l products ar jst a Party A ofeed,or w e eeded to rene te uottn。6。3 产品包装及交货时间aaging n Deliver Tim甲方发货要保证货物的安全及包装适合长距离运输。产品的颜色,商标,包装由乙方指定或中性包装.一般货物的交货期为30 个工作日,特殊机种双方另行约定交货时间。Paty shall uranee te securty a suiable paag for long-sanc of shipet。Prty B1/1-coud apoint the color,b

10、rnd an ak of prducts or eural ack。ormll the eierytime is 0 workig days excet sme secil prouts wih ed o be areed saratl.6产品认证 Cerfiion f Produts甲方现有产品及以后由甲方单独开发或者委托第三方生产的产品,由甲方提供出口日本所需的相关产品认证证书。Prt A shoul provie the necessary crtificatn for al rduts(now aaille nd devlopd lney n the fture o prodcd b

11、te ppoint third party)erng to Japa.乙方需严格保密甲方的产品报价,技术资料,合作方式等商业机密.经营活动不得损坏甲方的声誉。Party B shou keep te quttin,technca data,business iformton o Part stricly cni ti。Oprting actiities annot amage the reutationf arty A。乙方应尽力在日本区域市场推广销售产品,未经甲方许可,严禁跨区域销售甲方产品.Party B hould do best romotn producs i Jan,cannot

12、sll podus in other area witout pemssion f Prty A6。7 乙方无论任何情况下,不得销售假冒伪劣或者未经授权许可产品,若因此引发第三方法律责任,则由乙方负责,一概与甲方无关,甲方将保留日后法律追究权利.any case,arty B canot sell ntefeit an shdd prouct o other uatized pd。If aud l fo hrd part,Pary shll tae al eposiiy。N an ttr wt Par bt will reserv te rights to puue gal atin in f

13、ur。7 业绩考核eformance Evluaton在本协议期限内,乙方应当销售甲方的产品到达金额.如乙方在本协议期限内未完成前述销售金额,则甲方可另行选择第三方作为日本区域的总代理商.ithi agreed period,Paty B shall ahiee he sal oal of Pr As produc:_。In ce Par B ant aieve t gal wih te ageed period,Party A sal chooe the third parto e te enea agen in Japan。8.知识产权保护 Intelec Prorty Prtetion乙

14、方应当承担起协助保护该产品在其销售区域的专利保护责任,如协助在日本区域申请专利保护、申请注册商标及制止他人的侵权等,另外,甲方应申请注册商标。Pty B sal undertake the responsbiity of aiin wih patnt poction n h sales area,such as to appy r ronal patent protection,egistre admarks a sop the infrngemt of ths n apa。In adi,Par hal pl or regteredrademrk。.协议终止的情形 Terinati o Age

15、ment9。协议期限届满或甲乙双方当事人协商一致终止本协议止等情况应当自动终止;The agreent shl be termintd atomially once in the d o red peod oroth paries ivo agree to end te ageeent9。2 如乙方在协议期限内无法完成本协议第7 条的业绩金额,则甲方有权单方提前终止本协议;1/1-In se Pa B cudnt cieve the sles ga a ricl 7 saed,Pa A sall hv he ight to endh agreement vance。9。3 在本协议有效期内,如

16、果一方被发现违反本协议条款,另一方有权终止本协议。thin te ageed perod,in case oe aty ws ou againt th aget,the t party sal ha te rt to end areeme.10。违约责任 Liabil o Deful若乙方每逾期一天支付货款,则乙方每天按照应付金额的千分之一向甲方支付违约金。n case arty B overdue the ayen or one day,Prt hll p ealty(ili of u pyable)Party A eac day11。技术支持echnica spport甲方会提供完整的产品

17、信息资料及必要的售后服务技术培训给乙方。注:甲方免收培训费用,乙方需自行承担相关住宿往返交通费用.The Par A wil ofer the fuy-formed producs dat to e arty B,as ell as the ecesay tcncal traini or after-sles sevi.Rark:Fre cge on training,but Part will ae to afford te relativ cres acmmodaton n transprton by itself。12。协议有效期 Valdityf Agreeen为年 月日开始至年 月

18、日有效,双方须严格按照本协议执行,若发现任何一方违背协议规定,双方均有权终止本协议,违约方造成的损失法律责任由违约一方承担。本协议未尽事项及需变更事项,经甲乙双方协商后以补充协议形式确定,补充协议与本协议具有同等效力。The aldt of this Agrement isom to ,each par y shal euts srity ordance wi the aremet,if anyarty vioat thi ageement,boh pties have te righ o termnt this agrement,the defauling party h to a sume

19、 th l ss an legal li bility.Ma ters not men ond in this agremt,ad ne to hnge;hrough conultatin etween each paty in he form upplemenaryagreemen,suppleentay aeement ad tis areemen hs he same effec1适用法律licable La甲乙双方确认,本协议履行过程中适用中国法律。s oth aries areed,h perfrmc f the agreement sll be gore by Chese Law.

20、14。仲裁rbtraion在履行协议过程中,如产生争议,双方应友好协商解决。若通过友好协商未能达成协议,则提交华南国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(原中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会华南分会),根据该会仲裁程序进行仲裁。该委员会决定是终局的,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用、律师费及担保公司担保费,除另有规定外,由败诉一方负担。All disuts a ig rom the excio of th areement sall be setled thr ugh r n l c nsultations.In ase no settleme t ca e 1/1-eached,the case iniput shll

21、then b subitte to thorign Trade Arbitrain Cmissin of te Soutern hina Counc r the rootion f Intenational Tra(SCA)for rbiration in accrance th is rovisioal Ruls of rcdur.Th dcision mad by his coissin shll egarde as final and bnding pn oth pties。rratio fees,attoney fes an chargs of ndin ompay shal beon

22、e b the osng part,unlss hrwise aaded。其他事项 Others对双方政府间的贸易,甲方有权按其政府的授权进行有关的直接贸易,而不受本协议的约束。乙方不得干涉此种直接贸易,也无权向甲方提出任何补偿或佣金要求。Fr any business ransacted etween overnmns f oh Pati,ary A may hanle sch diret delings s uthid y Pary As governt ithout inn mel o tis Agreeent。Part B hal not nterere i suc direc dea

23、ing,r sall Prty brig frwrd ny emand f compensatio threfrom。本协议受签约双方所签定的销售确认条款的制约。Ts Ageement shall b subjec to the er n nitions n th as Confmt igd bybt parties heeto.本协议于_年_月_日在_签定,正本两份,甲乙双方各执一份。This Ageeent i signed n_/_/_at_ad s in two originls,each party hods one。甲方/Py A:乙方/Paty B:签字Signature:签字Sinatur:1/1


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