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《2019年江苏省常州市中考英语试卷含答案-答案在前.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年江苏省常州市中考英语试卷含答案-答案在前.pdf(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 1/9 江苏省常州市 2019 年中考试卷 英 语.单项选择 1.【答案】D【解析】句意:你什么时候愿意陪我去游泳,这个星期五还是星期六?都不行。我只有这周日有空。答语下文“我仅仅这个周日有空”提示既不是上文的星期五,也不是星期六。用 neither 表示“两者都不”,符合句意,故选 D。【考点】代词辨析。2.【答案】C【解析】句意:你能给我一些建议怎样变得更苗条吗?少吃肉和少吃蛋糕。由问句可知下文应为“少吃肉和少吃蛋糕”。用 little 的比较级 less 修饰不可数名词 meat,用 few 的比较级 fewer 修饰可数名词cakes。两者都表示“更少的”。故选 C。【考点】形容词辨

2、析。3.【答案】B【解析】句意:吉姆正在看一场电视直播的足球比赛。尽管他不在现场,但他仍然可以为他的球队喝彩。前文“吉姆正在看足球比赛”提示用形容词 live 表示“直播的”。lively 意为“活泼的;热闹的”;living 意为“活的;现存的”;alive 意为“活着的;在世的”。故选 B。【考点】形容词辨析。4.【答案】D【解析】句意:这本书我可以借一周吗?对不起,恐怕你不可以。用情态动词 may 引导一般疑问句,表示征求许可;情态动词 cant 应答征求许可的一般疑问句,表示“不可以”。答语 sorry 提示用否定形式 cant。故选 D。【考点】情态动词辨析。5.【答案】A【解析】句

3、意:如果你在课堂上有任何问题,你必须举手。否则,你的老师不会注意到你。根据下文可知 otherwise(否则)符合上下文句意。anyhow 意为“无论怎样”;instead 意为“反而;代替”;moreover 意为“而且;此外”。故选 A。【考点】副词辨析。6.【答案】C 2/9 【解析】句意:他选择到离他家近的一个中学学习,这证明了是一个明智的决定。动词短语 turn out 和 to be连用,表示“证明是,证实是”,上下文句意贯通。put out 意为“扑灭”;put on 意为“上演;穿上”;turn on 意为“打开”。故选 C。【考点】动词短语辨析。7.【答案】D【解析】句意:我

4、不会停止喜欢英语,除非太阳从西边出来。unless 意为“除非;如果不”,引导条件状语从句,符合句意。if 意为“如果,假如”;although 意为“尽管”;because 意为“因为”。故选 D。【考点】连词辨析。8.【答案】B【解析】句意:在图书馆里,学生们被要求保持安静,静静地活动。用形容词 quiet 作系动词 keep 的表语;表示“保持安静”;用副词 quietly 修饰动词 move,表示“静静地活动”。故选 B。【考点】形容词和副词用法。9.【答案】A【解析】句意:你能告诉我他怎样创作音乐吗?他用传统的中国音乐和中国古钟的声音。宾语从句中用陈述句语序,排除 B、D;答语提示用

5、 how 引导宾语从句。故选 A。【考点】宾语从句。10.【答案】B【解析】句意;你想要什么样的咖啡;女士?请加一些牛奶。特殊疑问句不用 yes 或 no 回答,排除 C、D 项;A 项不是 How do you like.或 What do you think of.的答语。故选 B。【考点】情景交际。.完形填空 11.【答案】C【解析】承接上文“人们围着一个球转”和 but 引导的转折句意可知用介词 beyond 表示“超过;超出”符合句意“但人们的反应经常远超过篮球本身”。towards 意为“朝;向”;about 意为“关于”;for 意为“为了”。故选 C。【考点】介词 12.【答案

6、】A【解析】下文“一如既往”提示用 team up 表示“结成一队;协作”,符合句意“我们默默地一如既往地分组比赛”。cheer 意为“喝彩”;look 意为“看”;catch 意为“捉住;跟上”。故选 A。【考点】动词。13.【答案】B 3/9 【解析】上文“太阳像一个巨大的“挤压者”和下文“而且还有我们不快的情绪”提示用 energy 和 sweater并列,符合句意“因为它不仅榨出了我们的汗水和精力”。time 意为“时间”;health 意为“健康”;pride意为“自豪”。故选 B。【考点】名词。14.【答案】D【解析】承接上文“身体接触变得越来越频繁”提示下文用动词 feel(感觉

7、),符合句意“我们都能感觉来自肘部的袭击”。accept 意为“接受”;afford 意为“负担”;smell 意为“闻;嗅”。故选 D。【考点】动词。15.【答案】B【解析】上文“从他冒火的眼球”提示下文用名词 fight(打架;争斗),符合句意“我能明白一场争斗几乎不可避免了”。match 意为“比赛”;touch 意为“接触”;risk 意为“冒险”。故选 B。【考点】动词。16.【答案】C【解析】承接上文的 Cola(可乐)可知用名词 drink,表示“喝一杯怎么样?”game 意为“比赛”;talk 意为“谈话”;ball 意为“球”。故选 C。【考点】名词。17.【答案】D【解析】

8、下文“我用最诚恳的面部表情看着他的眼睛”提示用副词 carefully 修饰动词 rolled,符合句意“我小心地滚动一罐可乐给他”,说明作者用心良苦地化解矛盾。angrily 意为“生气地”;equally 意为“平等地;同样地”;guiltily 意为“内地”。故选 D。【考点】副词。18.【答案】D【解析】上文“我想我没事”提示下文用形容词 broken(折了的;碎了的)修饰 bones,符合句意“幸运地没有骨折,否则我们最后就在医院了!”。lazy 意为“懒惰的”;hidden 意为“躲藏的”;medical 意为“医疗的”。故选 D。【考点】形容词。19.【答案】A【解析】文作者的话

9、和“我能清楚地看见他脸上的一些动作”提示用 humor 表示“幽默”,符合句意“我的幽默起作用了!”。chance 意为“机会”;advice 意为“建议”;trust 意为“相信”。故选 A。【考点】动词。20.【答案】D 4/9 【解析】用动词 hold out(伸出)和 hand 构成动宾短语,符合句意“他伸出左手,对我微笑”。Look at 意为“看”;think of 意为“想起”;put away 意为“收好;整理”故选 D。【考点】动词短语。21.【答案】B【解析】主语 The sun 提示用 warmth 表示“热情;温暖”;来表达作者的心境,符合句意“太阳继续给我们提供热情”

10、。worry 意为“担忧”;stress 意为“压力”;peace 意为“和平”。故选 B。【考点】名词。22.【答案】C【解析】用动词 exchange(交流)和 skill 构成动宾短语,符合句意“有什么能比一群学生在一个温情、阳光灿烂的下午交流篮球技巧更好呢?”protect 意为“保护”;encourage 意为“鼓励”;compare 意为“比较”。故选 C。【考点】动词。.阅读理解 23.【答案】A【解析】短文介绍的是几处与水有关的奇迹所面临的危机,A 项“正在消失的水上奇迹”最符合短文标题。故选 A【考点】主旨大意题 24.【答案】D【解析】短文介绍这几处奇迹时,都体现了作者的忧

11、患意识,并说明造成这些奇迹面临的困境的共同原因是人类活动。故选 D。【考点】推理判断题。25.【答案】D【解析】通过短文最后一句可知面临灭绝或面貌改观的是珊瑚礁生态系统,到 2030 年可能会消失。故在接下来的 15 年里汤姆要去参观这些奇迹的话要先去大堡礁。故选 D。【考点】推理判断题。26.【答案】A【解析】短文第二段“.to meet the need for skilled workers and technicians(技术人员)in the job market.”提示在中国推进现代职业教育的主要目的是培训就业市场所需的高级技术人员。故选A。【考点】细节理解题。27.【答案】C【解

12、析】短文第三段第四句和第五句话“Also,.cannot meet the need of upgrading(升级)manufacturing(制 5/9 造业)”提示中国职业教育面临的问题是教育方法和课程设置不能令人满意,满足不了市场对人才的需求。故选C。【考点】细节理解题。28.【答案】A【解析】短文最后一句话“it is believed the vocational education system in China will start to play a bigger role in the development of China.”可以推断作者相信中国未来的职业教育是有希望的

13、(hopeful)。故选A。【考点】推理判断题。29.【答案】B【解析】短文首尾照应,中间作者通过自身的经历所举的例子来证明阅读故事梗概不能带给你阅读原著的真实感觉。故选 B。【考点】主旨大意题。30.【答案】C【解析】通读第二段可知作者旨在说明无论读一本好的还是坏的书,只要你能够面对挑战读完它,即使一本最坏的书也是很珍贵的成就,即作者通过读一些有挑战性的书收获了很多。故选 C。【考点】细节理解题。31.【答案】B【解析】短文第一段提出论点,通过第二段和第三段的举例说明,可知第二段和第三段提供了支持观点的材料,第三段是进一步支持他的观点读故事梗概和读原著是不同的。故选 B。【考点】细节理解题。

14、32.【答案】A【解析】通过 Major 的演讲内容和一些语句如第三段中的“Man is the only real enemy we have.”等可知其演讲目的是鼓励动物们来对抗人类。故选 A。【考点】细节理解题。33.【答案】D【解析】通过第二段最后“在英国没有动物了解幸橱或自由的意义”等可知画线单词意为“痛苦的”,和short 并列,意为“我们的生命痛苦而短暂”。【考点】词义猜测题。34.【答案】B【解析】结合各项的意思和短文第五段最后一句,可知 Major 的演讲差一点就成功了。其他各项“农、场上的动物很勇敢”,“Major 和琼斯先生彼此友好”和“琼斯先生强迫动物们从出生到死都干活

15、”是错误的。故选 B。6/9 【考点】细节理解题。35.【答案】D【解析】最后一段第一句话提示琼斯先生是以为院子里来了狐狸才放枪的,所以他是为了保护他农场上养的动物。故选 D。【考点】推理判断题。.阅读表达 36.【答案】history【解析】空格后的 of 3 000 years,提示用名词 history(历史),符合句意“作为四大艺术之一,古琴有 3000年的历史,代表中国的独奏乐器传统”。【考点】名词。37.【答案】two【解析】短文第二段最后两句话提示周代的两位皇帝添加了两根琴弦。【考点】数词。38.【答案】mixed/mixing【解析】第四段第二句中的 mixed(混合)提示用

16、mixed/mixing,符合句意“古琴和山中溪流回音的混合声能使音乐家找到自己与自然合一的感觉”。【考点】动词。39.【答案】hobby【解析】第四段最后一句说明王维喜欢在有月光的晚上在竹林星弹琴,提示用名词 hobby(爱好),符合句意“王维的爱好是”。【考点】名词。40.【答案】situation【解析】短文最后一段说明的是古琴艺术的现状,用名词 situation 表示“形势,状况”,符合标题意义“现状;现况”。【考点】名词.词汇 41.【答案】impatient【解析】前文“作为一名优秀教师”提示下文用形容词 patient 的反义词和副词 never 构成双重否定表示肯定意义;符合

17、句意“她从不对她的学生不耐烦”。【考点】形容词。42.【答案】safety 7/9 【解析】形容词性物主代词 your 提示用 safe 的名词形式,表示“为了你自己的安全”。【考点】名词。43.【答案】windiest【解析】用形容词 windy 修饰名词 places.表示“多风的地方”,one of 和表范围的 on the Earth 提示用 windy的最高级形式,符合句意“你相信这是世界上最多风的地方之一吗?”【考点】形容词。44.【答案】peacefully【解析】修饰动词用名词 peace 的副词形式 peacefully(和平地),符合句意“我们希望和来自其他国家的人们和平共

18、处”。【考点】副词。45.【答案】During【解析】根据汉语提示,用介词 during 表示“在期间”和名词 stay 构成介宾短语,表示“他在北京逗留期间”。【考点】介词。46.【答案】mistook【解析】根据汉语提示,用动词 mistake 表示“误以为”,下文的 made 提示用一般过去时态。【考点】动词。47.【答案】uncomfortable【解析】根据汉语提示,用 uncomfortable 表示“不舒服的”,作系动词的表语。【考点】形容词。48.【答案】customers【解析】用 customer 表示“顾客”,all 提示用名词复数形式。【考点】名词。.用括号内所给动词的

19、正确形式填空 49.【答案】have finished【解析】下文 may 引导的一般疑问句提示上文的动词 finish 对现在造成影响,用现在完成时态表达;主语 I提示用助动词 have。.【考点】过去完成时。50.【答案】will be dealt【解析】主语 problem(问题)和动词 deal(处理)存在动宾关系,时间状语 next year(明年)提示用一般将来时,故谓语动词用一般将来时态的被动语态形式。8/9 【考点】动词。51.【答案】to eat【解析】本句是 allow sb.to do sth.句型的被动语态形式。在被动语态里面用动词不定式作主语补足语,意为“某人被允许做

20、某事”。【考点】动词不定式。52.【答案】was drawing【解析】时间状语“昨天上午从 7 点到 9 点”提示用过去进行时态,表示在过去某一时间段内持续存在或发生的动作;主语是 He,提示助动词用 was。【考点】过去进行时。53.【答案】having【解析】句型 be used to doing sth.表示“习惯做某事”,符合句意“他习惯起床后先喝一杯茶”。【考点】动词。.根据所给中文完成句子 54.【答案】got along/on well with spoken highly of【解析】用 get on/along with sb.表示“与某人相处融洽”,下文的 was 提示用

21、一般过去时态;用 speak highly of sb.表示“对某人评价很高”,was 提示用被动语态表达,介词 of 不能省略,即 sb.be spoken highly of。【考点】动词短语。55.【答案】why my parents ideas were different from mine【解析】汉语提示在动词 understand 后用 why 引导宾语从句;宾语从句中用陈述句语序;用 be different form表示“与不同”;用名词性物主代词 mine 代替 my ideas。【考点】疑问句。56.【答案】How long have you been back【解析】用

22、 how long 引导特殊疑问句表示“多久”;how long 提示用延续性动词 be back 的现在完成时态。【考点】疑问句。57.【答案】hard/difficult it was for her to hand out【解析】用 how 修饰形容词 hard 或 difficult 引导感叹句;句型为 its+adj.+for sb.to do sth.意为“对某人来说做某事是的”;用 hand out 表示“分发”;根据句意确定用一般过去时态。【考点】感叹句。58.【答案】success has something to do with luck 9/9 【解析】用 have so

23、mething to do with 表示“与有关”,陈述观点,表达客观事实用一般现在时,success 提示用 has。【考点】陈述句。59.【答案】had no choice but to give up the job【解析】用 have no choice but to do sth.表示“除外别无选择”;用 give up 表示“放弃”;时间状语 then提示谓语动词用一般过去时态。【考点】陈述句。.书面表达【答案】One possible version:Nowadays many Chinese students no longer pay much attention to h

24、andwriting.They believe their keyboards-can do the work.However,I think that handwriting is still important.First of all,handwriting is an important part in Chinese traditional culture.Therefore,practising writing Chinese characters helps to pass on the traditional culture.Good handwriting can make

25、us proud as a Chinese and make us love our country more.Next,theres a personal meaning in ones handwriting.For example,handwritten letters can better express our feelings.Also,writing Chinese characters can help you form a habit of learning Chinese well.At last,a good handwriting can help you to get

26、 good-grades in exams from your excellent look of papers.All in all,its everyones duty to write Chinese characters well and be good at handwriting.【解析】第一段已经给出,提出了观点;第二段结合表格内容提示,说明书写重要性的理由,按要求添加至少一个理由来支持写好汉字的重要性这一论点;第三段作总结,并号召人们付诸行动,重视书写。注意:1.围绕 handwriting 这一话题,文中用第一人称或第二人称来表示泛指;动词时态采用一般现在时态为主,恰当使用情

27、态动调 can 来说明预计的情况。2.写作时要把握提示内容和写作的关系,在有提示内容和提出观点的基础上,不要再把电脑和书法的关系作反复论述。第二段开始直接陈述理由,并理顺提示内容,使句意上下连贯;恰当添加自拟理由,理由要简练,做到收放自如。3.根据写作内容,可以采用 first of all,Chinese traditional culture,for example,form a habit of,at last,all in all,be good at 等短语;使用 there be.,Its+n.+to do 等句型。【考点】话题作文。英语试卷 第 1 页(共 12 页)英语试卷 第

28、 2 页(共 12 页)绝密启用前 江苏省常州市 2019 年中考试卷 英 语(满分:90 分 考试时间 100 分钟).单项选择(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.When would you like to go swimming with me,this Friday or this Saturday?_.I am free only this Sunday.A.None B.Both C.Either D.Neither 2.Can you give me some advice o

29、n how to be slimmer?Eat _ meat and _ cakes.A.less;less B.fewer;fewer C.less;fewer D.fewer;less 3.Jim is watching a football match which is shown _ TV.Though he is not on the scene,he can still cheer for his team.A.lively B.live C.living D.alive 4._ I keep the book for a week?Sorry,Im afraid you _.A.

30、Need;couldnt B.Need;cant C.May;couldnt D.May;cant 5.You must raise your hand if you have any questions in class._,your teacher wont notice you.A.Otherwise B.Anyhow C.Instead D.Moreover 6.He chose to study in a junior school near his home.It _ to be a wise decision.A.put out B.put on C.turned out D.t

31、urned on 7.I wont stop loving English _ the sun rises in the west.A.if B.although C.because D.unless 8.In the library,students are required to keep _ and move _.A.quiet;quiet B.quiet;quietly C.quietly;quiet D.quietly;quietly 9.Could you tell me _ the music?He used traditional Chinese music art and t

32、he sounds of an ancient Chinese bell.A.how he made B.how did he make C.why he made D.why did he make 10.How would you like your coffee?_.A.I like it very much.B.With some milk,please.C.No thanks.D.Yes,it smells good.完形填空(本题有 12 小题;每小题 1 分,共 12 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Basket

33、ball can be fun,or it can be trouble.People gather around a ball,but their reactions(反应)often go 11 the object.It was a terribly hot summer day when the group of us appeared on the basketball court.Silently,we 12 up and played,as always.The sun was a big“squeezer(挤压者)”,as it not only squeezed out of

34、 us sweet(汗水)and 13 ,but also our unhappy feelings.Body contact became more and more often,and we could all 14 the attacks of elbows(肘部).After another round of game,one of the players and I fell to the ground at the same time.From his burning eyeballs.I could see a 15 was almost unavoidable.It sudde

35、nly came to me that my tins of Cola were lying on the ground,about an inch away from me.“Buddy,hot down here.What about a 16?”I said to him.17 I rolled(滚动)one to him,looking at him in the eyes with my most sincere facial expression.“I guess Im quite fine.Lucky no 18 bones or well end up in the hospi

36、tal!”I said.Other players watching nearby all laughed.I could clearly see some movement on his face.My 19 did work!He picked the Cola up,tried to open it,and walked over.As he passed-在-此-卷-上-答-题-无-效-毕业学校_ 姓名_ 考生号_ 英语试卷 第 3 页(共 12 页)英语试卷 第 4 页(共 12 页)by my side,he 20 his left hand,and smiled at me.I

37、smiled back,took his hand,and gave him a light shake.A gentle wind caught me on the face as I returned to the basketball court.The sun continued to provide 21 for us.What could be better than a group of school students 22 basketball skills on a warm,sunny afternoon?11.A.towards B.about C.beyond D.fo

38、r 12.A.teamed B.cheered C.cooked D.caught 13.A.time B.energy C.health D.pride 14.A.accept B.afford C.smell D.feel 15.A.match B.fight C.touch D.risk 16.A.game B.talk C.drink D.ball 17.A.Angrily B.Equally C.Guiltily D.Carefully 18.A.lazy B.hidden C.medical D.broken 19.A.humor B.chance C.advice D.trust

39、 20.A.looked at B.thought of C.put away D.held out 21.A.worry B.warmth C.stress D.peace 22.A.protecting B.encouraging C.exchanging D.comparing.阅读理解(共 13 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 26 分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A The Dead Sea At 430 meters below sea level,the Dead Sea is Earths lowest point on land.I

40、t is popular for its wonderful buoyancy(浮力).The high salt content more than 34 percent makes swimming more like floating.Now the Dead Sea is actually dying.People are using water from the Jordan River,which takes water away from the Dead Sea.Since 1930,its surf area has reduced by almost 40 percent.

41、Venice,Italy With waterways instead of streets.This Floating City has attracted visitors for centuries.But no visit to Venice is complete without a ride on one of its famous gondolas,human powered water taxis.Water creates Venice.But water will also kill the city.Built on soft earth,Venice has slowl

42、y been sinking(下沉)for centuries.Now,with rising sea levels caused by human activities,its sinking faster.According to US-based magazine Architectural Digest,the city may disappear in the next 100 years.Better book your gondola soon!Great Barrier Reef,Australia Covering more than 2 300 kilometers of

43、Australias northeast coast,Great Barrier Reef is the worlds largest reef ecosystem,and an ideal place for scuba divers(水肺潜水者).Thousands of colorful coral(珊瑚)and fish make homes in the blue sea water.Its like a big underwater party!Sadly,the party might be over soon.The reef is dying.Human activities

44、 are changing the weather.Warming ocean,water kills the coral,and this causes problems up the food chain.The New York Times reported that large parts are already dead,and the reef system might be gone by 2030.23.What can be the best title of the passage?A.Disappearing Watery Wonders B.Amazing Man-ma

45、de Wonders on the Sea C.Lost Watery Wonders on the Sea D.Last Watery Wonders in the World 24.Which of the following is the shared cause of the problems all the three places are facing?英语试卷 第 5 页(共 12 页)英语试卷 第 6 页(共 12 页)A.Water loss.B.Sea pollution.C.Warming seas.D.Human activities.25.If Tom wants t

46、o visit all the following places before they are gone,and he can only afford one in the next 15 years,where must he go?A.The Dead Sea.B.Venice.C.Italy.D.Great Barrier Reef.B There is good news for students of vocational(职业的)colleges in China:the government has announced plans to develop modern vocat

47、ional education.Premier Li Keqiang said the government should speed up the development of modern vocational education to meet the need for skilled workers and technicians(技术人员)in the job market.High school graduates and workers with no special training are encouraged to study in higher vocational co

48、lleges.Li said that the number of the new students in higher vocational colleges.Li said that the number of the new students in higher vocational colleges in China should go up by 1 million this year.This is the first time the central government has a clear plan.This comes after the news of the larg

49、e shortfall(不足)in highly skilled technicians,although China has millions of technical workers.China is expected to face a shortfall of 3million skilled workers who can operate the newest machines by 2020.The shortfall will grow to 4.5 million by 2025.Also,vocational education is unsatisfactory(不令人满意

50、的),although there are many vocational colleges in China.In some vocational colleges,the education methods and courses cannot meet the need of upgrading(升级),manufacturing(制造业).As can be seen from the job market,some companies still cant find highly skilled technicians even with high pay.To deal with


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