40 社会热点02-2022年高考英语最新热点时文阅读.docx

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1、2022年高考最新热点时文阅读社会热点02题型主要内容1语法填空文章主要介绍了“内卷”这个网络流行语2语法填空文章主要介绍了中国非同寻常的2021年3语法填空介绍了一群野生亚洲象在过去的15个月里游荡了 500多公里4完形填空帮助癌症患者支付无效替代治疗费用的众筹活动正变得越来越普遍。5阅读理解讲述了起源于流行文化的盲盒玩具因为其神秘性和不确定性可以为人们带来惊 喜,很受年轻人欢迎。01 一、用单词的适当形式完成短文(2022河南黑河高一期末)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入I个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式, 并将答案填写在答题卡上。For the past few years, seven i

2、nternet buzzwords (流行语) I (go) popular, such as “People First, Life First”; 2 (hero) in Harms Way; Lying flat,“Nci Juan,etc. Once an ambassador (大fj) told a 3 (person) story to explain why the government introduced a policy to address nei jitan, or “involution”, a buzzword 4 (mean) irrational (非理性的)

3、or involuntary competition, which makes people feel burned out.力 still remember over 10 years ago, my weekends were spent rushing my kid from one training school to 5 and the courses he took ranged from math to physics,“ he said.But now, after a whole day of classes, a tutor came to his home in the

4、evening. When the tutoring session finished, he had to help his son 6 his composition homework.Such 7 phenomenon is very common in our competitive society. Many parents are 8 (extreme) afraid that their children will gel off to a slow start, so (hey would rather do whatever they can to ensure (ha( t

5、heir children can have a good education, 9 unavoidably results in some unexpected results, including a variety of online0 offline after-class classes.02(2022重庆巴蜀中学高三阶段练习)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的 正确形式。2021 was a significant year for China as the Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrated the 100th

6、anniversary of its founding. The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee 11 (hold) in November. It reviewed the Partys century-long struggle and called on its overall membership且有fifteen修饰,所以用复数months。故填months。22. 考查形容词。句意:他们在国内已经很知名,同时也得到了全球的广泛关注。形容词global,修饰名 词 attention o 故填 globa

7、l (23. 考查非谓语飞句意:其中,两只小象靠在一起的片段,以及两只掉进沟里的小象被老象帮助的片段 尤其受欢迎。two little elephants与help在逻辑上是被动关系,所以用过去分词。故填helped.24. 考查名词。句意:家庭度假和互相照顾在我们的生活中是非常重要的。of为介词后接名词importance, be of importance=be importanto 故填 importanceo25. 考查时态语态。句意:许多警察被派去保护大象,清理道路,用食物把它们引到平安的地方。本句 在描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,主语Lots of policemen与send

8、为被动关系,应用一般过去 时的被动语态。故填were sent。26. 考查连词。句意:许多警察被派去保护大象,清理道路,用食物把它们引到平安的地方。前后几个 动词为并列关系,连词为and。故填and。27. 考查副词。句意:他们还用无人机密切注视他们。副词closely,修饰动词watch。故填closely。28. 考查连接词。句意:当局面临的挑战是制定出下一步需要做什么。work out后接宾语从句,作主语, 指代“需要做的事情“,应用what。故填what。29. 考杳非谓语动词。句意:这包括继续为大象返回西双版纳栖息地提供平安通道。固定搭配include doing sth”包括做某

9、事。故填continuingo30. 考查冠词。句意:纽约城市大学的一位助理教授说,这一事件产生了积极的影响。effect为可数名词, 泛指“一次积极的影响“,positive首字母的发音为辅音音素,应用不定冠词a。故填a。31. DC32. DA33. BC34. CA35. BA36. AD37. CB38. D【解析】这是一篇说明文。帮助癌症患者支付无效替代治疗费用的众筹活动正变得越来越普遍。他们通常会 提出六位数的目标,以满足有争议的治疗本钱。因此,头条新闻几乎是必然的。文章说明了尽管极 端饮食等治疗方法没有科学依据,但绝望和脆弱的人往往会受到诊所提供的卓越证明的诱惑。癌症 患者通常把

10、这些疗法视为希望,他们的支持者不愿考虑他们的帮助可.能会造成伤害。31. 考查固定短语辨析。句意:因此,头条新闻几乎是必然的。A. On iheolherhand另一方面;B. In addition 此夕卜;C. By contrast 相比之下;D. As a result 结果。根据后文“headlines are almost guaranteed”表示因 果关系,应用as a result。应选D。32. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:英国医学杂志基于我在慈善机构Good Thinking工作时收集到的信息, 报告了对这一问题的担忧。A. attitudes态度;B. stands站立;C

11、. concerns关心:D. prospects前景。 根据后文“people in the UK who sought money for unproven or disproven treatments”可知,人们为未经 证实或证实不了的治疗方法寻求资金,所以是对这一问题的担忧。应选C。33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们己经筹集了 700万英镑,这些钱将用于非法诊所。A. private私人 的;B. foreign 外国的;C. local 当地的;D. illegal 非法的。根据上文“people in the UK who sought money for unproven o

12、r disproven trealmenls”提到了人们为未经证实或证实不了的治疗方法寻求资金,可推测 这些钱最后是用于非法诊所里了,应选D。34. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管极端饮食等治疗方法没有科学依据,但绝望和脆弱的人往往会受到 诊所提供的卓越证明的诱惑。A. tempted引诱;B. questioned询问;C. awakened唤醒;D. frightened 使害怕。根据上文“people who are desperate and vulnerable are often”指绝望和脆弱的人往往会受到诊 所提供的卓越证明的诱惑。应选A。35. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,对于

13、那些在媒体上看到这类故事的人,以及那些关心良好的科学 证据的人来说,自然的反响是试图保护人们免受可能的身体、情感和经济伤害。A.prohibil禁止;B. protect 保护:C. discourage 使灰心;D. distract 使分心。根据后文“people from possible physical, emotional and financial harm”指保护人们免受可能的身体、情感和经济伤害,protect from”使免受,保护应选 B。36. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:质疑这些诉求并不容易。A. Launching发射;B. Issuing宣布;C. Questioni

14、ng 询问;D. Considering 考虑。根据后文说明的理由“their supporters dont want to consider that their efforts to help may cause harm(他们的支持者不愿考虑他们的帮助可能会造成伤害)”可知,质疑这些诉求并不 容易。应选C。37. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:癌症患者通常把这些疗法视为希望,他们的支持者不愿考虑他们的帮助 可能会造成伤害。A. reference 提及;B. interference T; C. hope 希望:D. implication 牵连。根据上 文提到绝望和脆弱的人往往会受到诊所提

15、供的卓越证明的诱惑,是因为这些疗法被他们看作是希望。 应选C。38. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,记者必须重新审视他们在促进这些诉求方面所发挥的作用。A. appeals 吸引,诉求;B. awareness 意识;C. resources 资源;D. sales 销售。呼应:文“these appeals isnt easy” 指重新审视他们在促进这些诉求方面所发挥的作用。应选A。39. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我在整理那些呼吁和绝望病人的令人心碎的故事时,我震惊地发现, 有很多人把他们在报纸上读到的成功故事作为他们相信可疑治疗的理由。A. persuaded说服:B. alarmed

16、报警;C. moved 移动;D. encouraged 鼓励。根据后文“by jusl how many cited success stories they had read in newspapers as their reason for trusting questionable treatments”可知,作者震惊地发现, 有很多人把他们在报纸上读到的成功故事作为他们相信可疑治疗的理由。应选B。40. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:最令人担忧的是经常有人死亡的案例有时是在他们治疗的引人注目 的报道发布几个月后。A. coverage新闻报道;B. details细节;C. timing时

17、机;D. course课程。根据 后文“If journalists wish to avoid promoting ineffective treatments”可知,此处指的是治疗的引人注目的 报道,应选A。41. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然一个社区帮助资助某人“治愈”的令人振奋的故事很吸引人,但当 这种希望被证明是徒劳时,随之而来的现实似乎远没有新闻价值。A. newsworthy有新闻价值的;B. time-worthy值得花时间的;C. effort-worthy值得努力的;D. praise-worthy值得称赞的。根据上文“the subsequent reality whe

18、n that hope proves fruitless seems farless”结合后文提到 了 记者的职责,可知,当 这种希望被证明是徒劳时,随之而来的现实似乎远没有新闻价值。应选A。42. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这让公众对此类治疗的有效性产生了扭曲的看法,并成为诊所的广告 工具,因为根据英国法律,这些诊所不能直接宣传他们的治疗方法。A.general总体的;B. moderate 普通的;C. extreme 极大的;D. iwisted 扭曲的。of the effectiveness of such treaiments, and serves as an advertisi

19、ng tool fbr clinics which, under UK law, wouldiVt be able to directly promote their 由erapies”可知公众成为诊所的广告工具是因为对此类治疗的有效性产生了扭曲的看法。应选D。43. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果记者希望防止宣传无效的治疗方法,他们最好不要仅仅把这些新闻 当作人类感兴趣的新闻,而是当作科学和健康新闻。A. survival幸存;B. nutrition营养;C. science科 学:D. emotion情感。根据后文“and health stories”可知,指把这类新闻当作科学和健康新闻

20、。应选C。 44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这意味着审查治疗背后的证据,寻求专家对其疗效的意见,并选择不发 表经过如此仔细审查的报道。A. classifying分类;B. examining检查,审查;C. revising校正;D.enriching丰富。根据后文“the evidence behind treatments”指审杳治疗背后的证据。应选B。45. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我相信没有一个记者会希望自己的作品被用作治疗师的招募工具,这些 治疗师的治疗方法只提供了心碎和虚假的希望,然而,在对有问题的诊所奇迹般地治愈癌症的报道 以适当的怀疑态度对待之前,我担忧这种地方会继续兴旺。A.

21、 contract签合同;B. decay腐败;C. bother 费心;D. flourish 繁荣。根据上文“yet until reports ofmiraculous cancer cures in questionable clinics are approached with an appropriate level of skepticism, I fear such places will continue to”中 yet 表示转折, 可知在对有问题的诊所奇迹般地治愈癌症的报道以适当的怀疑态度对待之前,所以作者担忧这种地 方会继续兴旺。应选D。46. BA47. BD【解析】

22、这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了起源于流行文化的盲盒玩具因为其神秘性和不确定性可以为人们 带来惊喜,很受年轻人欢迎。46. 推理判断题。由第一段“In the 1994 film Forrest Gump, theres a famous saying, uLife is like a box of chocolates; you never know what youre gonna get. The surprise is part of the fun. Now blind box toys arc bringing ihe magic of surprise loonline shopp

23、ing.(在1994年的电影阿甘正传中,有句名言:“生活 就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。“惊喜是乐趣的一局部。现在,盲盒玩具给网上购物 带来了惊喜的魔力)”可知,阿甘正传中的名言说明生活中充满了惊喜,作者引用电影台词是为了 引出给人带来惊喜的盲盒玩具这一话题。应选B项。47. 推理判断题。由第三段中的According to a 2019 Tmall report, the mini-series of Labubu blind box, designed by Kasing Lung, was named Champion of Unit Sales with 55, 000 s

24、old in just 9 seconds during the Singles Day shopping event. Most customers for blind boxes are young people aged 18 to 35.(根据 2019 年 天猫的一份报告,由KasingLung设计的迷你系列Labubu盲盒在光棍节购物活动期间仅9秒钟内售 出5.5万个,被评为销量冠军。盲盒的大多数顾客是18至35岁的年轻人)”可知,光棍节购物活动期 间仅9秒钟内就售出5.5万个盲盒,说明盲盒很受年轻人的欢迎。应选A项。48. 推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的Opening a blin

25、d box is a delightful little surprise for our boring routine lives, something small but fun to wait for each day, week or month.(对于我们枯燥的日常生活来说,翻开 一个盲盒是一个令人愉快的小惊喜,每天、每周或每月都可以等待一些小而有趣的事情)”可得出,盲 盒为人们的日常生活增添了乐趣。应选B项。49. 主旨大意题。由第三段中的“Blind boxes have caught on since they were first introduced from Japan

26、to China in 2014.(自2014年从日本首次引入中国以来,盲盒就开始流行起来)”和其它段落可知,文章 主要讲述了网上购物中风行一时的盲盒,讲明了其来源以及流行的原因,D项“盲盒玩具,人们的新 宠符合文意。应选D项。12 (play) a leading role in the pursuit of a better life fbr the Chinese people.2021 marked a great year fbr humanity, as the 13 (explore) of outer space was extensively carried out and

27、achieved new progress: Chinas Mars rover Tianwcn-1 landed on the red planet. Chinas lunar probe Change-4 continues to reveal 14 lies on the far side of the moon, and the nations taikonauts have already been living and working in 15 (it) own Tiangong space station.2021 also proved extraordinary when

28、16 fight against COVID-19 remained a worldwide focus. Humans were forced to tackle one virus variant after another, from Alpha to Omicron, all 17 (damage) public health. Against that backdrop, China still achieved steady economic growth, contributing greatly 18 the stability of global supply chains.

29、 It 19 (provide) nearly 2 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines to more than 100 countries around the globe up to now.Peace, cooperation, development, and mutual assistance will be Chinas key words in the 1220(month) ahead. Its never too late to change. Its never too late to heal.03(2022四川二模)阅读下面材料,

30、在空白处填入适当的内容(I个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A group of wild Asian elephants had wandered more (han 500 km over the last fifteen 21 (month). Already famous al home, they had received a lot of 22 (globe) attention as well.Some famous foreign social networking sites were full of clips (节目 片断)of the elephants. Clips t

31、hat showed them leaning (倚靠)together, as well as one clip of two little elephants that fell into ditch G勾渠)23 (help) by older ones, were particularly popular. Wc should be more like the elephant. Taking family vacations and caring for each other are of great24(important) in our Lots of policemen25 (

32、send) to protect the elephants, clear roads,26use food to lead them to safe places. Theyalso used drones (无人机)lo watch them 27 (close).“The challenge fbr authorities is working out 28 needs to be done next. This includes 29 (continue) to provide a safe passage for (he elephants back to Iheir Xishuan

33、gbanna habitat,founder of The Elephant said. This came with its own risk, uncertainly and cost which needed to be evaluated further.An assistant professor at The City University of New York said the event had 30 positiveeffect. The attitude of Chinese people toward the elephants was not only fascina

34、ting, but also offered key lessons for Africa.04(2022上海 rtf第二中学模拟预测)Crowdfunding (众筹)campaigns to help people with cancer pay for ineffective alternative treatments are becoming more common. They often come with six-figure targetsto meet the cost of debatable therapies. 31. headlines are almost guar

35、anteed.The BMJ (British Medical Journal) reports 32 over this, based on information I gathered working for the charity Good Thinking. By sorting fundraising sites like JustGiving and GoFundMe, I identified appeals from people in the UK who sought money for unproven or disproven treatments, finding 4

36、00 in the past three years. Those have raised 7 million, the money destined for 33 clinics.Although the treatments, such as extreme diets, arent backed by scientific evidence, people who are desperate and vulnerable are often 34 by remarkable testimonials45) provided by the clinics themselves. Howev

37、er, for those who see such stories in the media, and who care about following good scientific evidence, the natural reaction is to try to 35 people from possible physical, emotional and financial harm.36 these appeals isnt easy. People with cancer often view these therapies as 37. andtheir supporter

38、s dont want to consider that their efforts to help may cause harm.However, journalists must review the role they play in promoting the 38. Their influence ispowerful. As I sorted through appeals and the heartbreaking stories of desperately ill people, I was39 by just how many cited success stories t

39、hey had read in newspapers as (heir reason for trusting questionable treatments.Most concerning of all were the frequent cases where someone had diedsometimes just months after cyc-catching 40 of their treatment. While the uplifting story of a community helping fund someones cure” is attractive, the

40、 subsequent reality when that hope proves fruitless seems far less 41.This leaves the public with a 42 view of the effectiveness of such treatments, and serves as an advertising tool for clinics which, under UK law, wouldnt be able to directly promote their therapies.If journalists wish to avoid pro

41、moting ineffective treatments, they would do well to view such stories not just as human-interest ones, bu( as 43 and health stories. This means 44 the evidence behind treatments, seeking expert opinion on their efficacy, and choosing not to run stories that fail such a careful examination.Im certai

42、n no journalist would want their work to be used as a recruitment tool fbr therapists whose treatments offer nothing but heartbreak and false hope, yet until reports of miraculous cancer cures inquestionable clinics are approached with an appropriate level of skepticism ), I fear such places willcon

43、tinue to 45.31.A.On the other handB.In additionC.By contrastD. As a result32.A.attitudesB. standsC.concernsD.prospects33.A.privateB. foreignC.localD.illegal34.A.temptedB. questionedC.awakenedD.frightened35.A.prohibitB. protectC.discourageD.distract36.A.LaunchingB. IssuingC.QuestioningD.Considering37

44、.A.referenceB. interferenceC.hopeD.implication38.A.appealsB. awarenessC.resourcesD.sales39.A.persuadedB. alarmedC.movedD.encouraged40.A.coverageB. detailsC.timingD.course41.A.newsworthyB. time-worthyC.effort-worthyD.praise-worthy42.A.generalB. moderateC.extremeD.twisted43.A.survivalB. nutritionC.sci

45、enceD.emotion44.A.classifyingB. examiningC.revisingD.enriching45.A.contractB. decayC.bother05D.flourish(2020山东省青州第一中学二模)In the 1994 film Forrest Gump, theres a famous saying, t4Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what youre gonna get. The surprise is part of the fiin. Now blind box toys

46、 are bringing the magic of surprise to online shopping.A blind box toy is hidden inside uniform packaging but invisible from the outside. You dont know what will be inside, although the toys typically come from pop culture, ranging from movies to comics and cartoons.Blind boxes have caughl on since

47、they were first introduced from Japan to China in 2014. According to a 2019 Tmall report, the mini-series of Labubu blind box, designed by Kasing Lung, was named Champion of Unit Sales with 55, (MX) sold in just 9 seconds during the Singles Day shopping event. Most customers for blind boxes arc youn

48、g people aged 18 to 35.According to The Paper, blind box toys arc popular in part because of their cute appearances. The typically cute cartoon characters come in small sizes, making them suitable for display almost anywhere.Even if blind boxes are not their (op choice for decorations, the mystery and uncertainty of the process also attracts people. Ifs the dominant reason why people buy blind boxe


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