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《2022届高考英语一轮复习Unit17Laughter学案北师大版.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022届高考英语一轮复习Unit17Laughter学案北师大版.docx(33页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 17 Laughter微时光背诵一由教材充盈“语料库一、背单词与词块(一)背阅读单词一一会认就行(背诵时遮住右侧汉语,先自主翻译,后比对词义)1. anecdote n.2. ridiculous adj.3. agency n.4. mature adj.5. sunburnt adj.6. thriller n.7. psychology n.8. being n.9. authority n.10. tension n.11. seal vt.12. compensate vt.13. . yawn vi.14. cross- talk n.15. component n.(二

2、)背重点单词一一写对才行withdraw vt.2. overlook vt.3. clarify vt.4. delay n.5. queue vi.6. yell vi.7. swiftly adv.8. border n.9. figure n.10. scold vt.11. purely adv.12. obtain vt.13. rarely adv.14. depth 77.轶事,趣闻荒谬的,可笑的代理处,经销处成熟的晒黑的惊险小说(戏剧、电影)心理学人;物;生物权威;权力紧张,焦虑封,密封补偿,赔偿打哈欠相声成分,组成局部visa n. 签证提取;撤退忽视澄清,讲清楚延误,延期

3、排队叫喊,叫嚷迅速地国界,边境人物骂,责骂完全地,仅仅获得,得到很少,难得深(度),纵深2. While still at primary school, Rowan had already shown admirable acting talent.(状语从句的省略)然而,我在收集相关材料和使用语言方面遇到了一些困难。还在上小学时,罗恩就已经表现出令人赞叹的表演天赋。佳 句(2020 全国卷 I )When back home, Dad noticed my uneasiness and asked me what had happened.回家后,爸爸注意到了我的不安,问我发生了什么事。佳

4、 句 (2019 北京高考)While working, I realised how hard it was to work in the fields under a hot sun.工作的时候,我意识到顶着炎炎烈日在地里工作是多么的辛苦。佳 句(2018 全国卷 I )What,s more, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises while chewing food.更重要的是,当你用餐的时候,你要防止在咀嚼食物时发出声音。n同主题佳句熟读成诵1. It goes without saying t

5、hat a smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world full of strangers.毫无疑问,微笑能够帮助我们渡过难关,帮助我们在一个充满陌生人的世界里找到朋友。2. We should be kind to one another, which is essential to enjoying a harmonious life.我们应当彼此友善,这对于享受和谐的生活是绝对必要的。3. Therefore, we should keep calm no matter wh

6、at happens in the future. Only in this way can we deal with things correctly in our life.因此,不管将来发生什么事情我们都应该保持冷静,只有用这种方式我们才能恰当地处 理生活中的问题。4. As far as Im concerned, we should develop a positive attitude towards life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave when faced

7、 with difficulties.我认为,我们应该对生活采取积极的态度。生活中不仅充满阳光而且困难重重。面对困 难,我们应该勇敢。5. r m convinced that 10% of my life is what happens to me and 90% is how I react to it.我深信,我生活的10%是事情本身,90%是我对事情所采取的态度。(二)背总分值作文一一好习作就靠“仿效”和“背诵”本辑学点一一邀请信(二)题目要求(2017 全国卷H)假定你是李华,想邀请外教Henry 一起参观中国剪纸(paper-cutting) 艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:1

8、.展览时间、地点;2.展览内容。注意:1.词数100左右;2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。背范文 Dear Henry,r m Li Hua. Last time you told me you wanted to know more about traditional Chinese culture. Now Im glad to tell you there will be a Chinese paper-cutting exhibition in our school. I sincerely hope you can set aside some time for the art

9、 feast.The exhibition, the theme of which is “Beauty of China, will take place in our school library from 2 to 5 on the afternoon of June 21. Not only will some of our students works be displayed, but we also have a valuable set of paper-cutting works created by a famous artist. Besides, there will

10、be a lot of interesting activities, from which you can have a clearer picture of Chinese culture.I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation. Im sure you will get a wonderful impression of it. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua 学亮点1 .学亮丽开头考生首先进行了自我介绍,点明了身份。然后用Last time you

11、told me you.交代 了写信的背景,用Now Tm glad to tell you there will be .介绍了活动的主题,然 后便自然而然地诚恳地发出了邀请。2 .学高级表达熟练使用高级句式,如:there be 句型 there will be a Chinese paper-cutting exhibition in our school;非限制性定语从句 the theme of which is “Beauty of China” 和 from which you can .; 倒装句型 Not only will some of our students work

12、s be displayed .;过去分词短语作定语created by a famous artist等。这些亮点表达增强 了文章的表达效果,是加分的亮点所在。同时 这也彰显了考生灵活的语言驾驭能力,值得 称赞。3 .学精彩结尾结尾使用I would appreciate it if表达期待对方接受邀请,与开头呼应。随后 用Im sure .从自己的角度表达了对活动效果的肯定和信心。最后用Looking forward to your early reply.表达了期待回复。本文结尾短短三句话便表达出了自己邀请对方的诚恳 态度和期待心情。4 .学过渡衔接文章准确使用了 last time,

13、now, not only.but also besides等过渡性词 语,增强了文章的连贯性和条理性。5 .防微点失分考生容易把 “The exhibition, the theme of which is Beauty of China , will take place .中的which错用成it,或把take place误认为其有被动语态形式,而误 用成被动语态be taken place,从而导致失分。新学案设计由课堂提升“高素养”学案(一)重点单词的查漏补缺一一打牢必备知识全面练一一练清易错微点I.单词拼写1. This research is based on anecdote

14、(趣I闻)not fact.2. He graduated from York with a degree in Psychology GC?理学).*3. This new comedy (喜居1) deserves a warm welcome.4. She yawned (打哈欠),and stretched lazily.*5. The audience was amused by the cross- talk (相声).6. Trust is a vital component (因素)in any relationship.7. The agency (机构) is volunt

15、ary and not run for profit.8. She now has authority (权威) over the people who used to be her bosses.9. Tod could not bear the touch of clothing on his sunburnt (晒黑的)skin.10. Nowadays many people do ridiculous (荒谬的)things to realize their dream of “perfection” .IL根据语境写出加蓝局部的汉语意思1. This movie is a rich

16、er and more compelling thriller involving a cat-and-mouse game.惊险小说(戏剧、电影)There is often a tension between the aims of the company and the wishes of the employee s.矛盾;对立*3. It can also cause that person to miss or overlook key information being passed on to them.忽略,忽视4 .(熟词生义)Some researchers argue

17、that we can seal the machines inside a kind of firewall, using them to answer difficult questions but never allowing them to affecttherealworld.密封5 .(果&词生义)She has no intention of giving you a divorce; she,s just stringing you along.哄;愚弄6 .(果(词生义)Technology in this field has matured considerably ove

18、r the last decade.成熟;长成*7.(熟词生义)1 was standing right next to her, but she didn,t even acknowledge me.(微笑、挥手等)致意III.单句语法填空1. r m going to write good jokes and become a good comedian (comedy).2. Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one.*3. Suddenly sitting down on the ground the child swiftl

19、y (swift) took off her shoes and stockings.4. Strong light will affect the depth (deep) of colour of your carpets and curtains.5. She took the job purely (pure) and simply for the job experience.6. He is one of this country,s top professional (profession) sportsmen.7. In the film, Po is finding his

20、way home, which is very universal (universe).8. The police say the response (respond) has been far better than expected.9. Your room is so messy (mess) that you cant find what you want.10. He is rarely (rare) satisfied with anything less than perfection itself. 名师点拨“一站清”(1)comedy “喜剧”,属于戏剧的一类,戏剧还包括:

21、tragedy (悲剧),tragicomedy (悲 喜剧)等。(2)cross-talk “相声”属于中国传统曲艺形式之一,常见的曲艺有:小品(opusculum), 杂技(acrobatics)等。(3)overlook为前缀over-后跟动词look构成,意为“俯视;忽略”,前缀为over-的 词还有:overcome, overwork, oversleep 等。(4)acknowledge在句中为动词,其后常跟动名词作宾语,其同义词有:admit, appreciate 等。(5) swiftly是在形容词后加副词后缀-ly构成,类似的还有:rarely, purely, trul

22、y 等。重点练一一深化高频考点1. amuse明其义一逗乐;使(某人)笑通其用(1)用amuse的适当形式填空Yesterday we went to the park for amusement. The park provided a lot of amusing performances, which amused the tourists a lot. The clowns walked off the stage, shaking hands with the audience, giving candies to the children and making the childr

23、en really amused.(2)单句语法填空He told an amusing (amuse) story as a lead- in to the serious part of his speech.The audience was amused at/by the magicians tricks.Amused (amuse) at the final score, he decided to treat himself to a big dinner.(8)We were greatly amused to hear (hear) about him sitting on t

24、he wet paint. (3)完成句子To ouc amusement, his father watches cartoons for amuseoent.让我们感到好笑的是,他爸爸竟然看动画片消遣。It was too rainy to play outside, so she amused herself by/with a book. 雨太大了,不适合在外面玩,所以她看书消遣。解其困amuse为及物动词,意为“使(某人)笑”,其现在分词形式为amusing,意为“令人发 笑的”,过去分词形式为amused,意为“(人)觉得好笑的”。类似的动词有:surprise, shock, t

25、ire, astonish 等。2. delay明其义n. &匕延误,延期通其用(1)单句语法填空I have to delay answering (answer) his question, waiting for the right moment.The injured were taken to the nearest hospital without delay.(2)完成句子(3)They should have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.他们本该在午饭的时候到达,但是他们的航班延误了。解其困delay可作动

26、词,其后跟名词或动名词,同义词有:postpone, hold over等。3. resist明其义Vt,抵抗,抵抗通其用(1)单句语法填空Some people weren,t resistant (resist) to the temptation of money, and were punished by law in the end.I can,t resist eating (eat), so that I put on weight again.There has been a lot of resistance (resist) to this new rule.(2)同义句转

27、换She couldn,t help making jokes about his funny behaviour.She couldn resist making jokes about his funny behaviour, (resist) She couldnt be resistant o making jokes about his funny behaviour, (resistant)解其困resist表示“忍住”时常与表示否认意义的can,t/can hardly/be not able to等连 用;resist后接动词-ing形式,不接不定式。4. caution明其义

28、77.谨慎,小心;警告一警告,告诫;提醒通其用(1)单句语法填空He is a cautious (caution) man and is always doing things carefully.The teacher suggested we do the exercises with great caution though they were easy.(Di think you should be cautious about giving your address to strangers.(2) 一句多译她告诫我不要和那个淘气的男孩交朋友。She cautions me no

29、to make friends with the naughty boy.She cautionsjne against niaking friends with the naughty boy.解其困“介词+名词/形容词”含有名词或形容词对应的副词的含义,如:with caution = cautiously, in short = shortly 等。5. forbid (forbade, forbidden)明其义禁止,不准通其用(1)单句语法填空It is high time that we forbade setting (set) off fireworks in urban ar

30、eas.I think the middle school students should be forbidden to use (use) smart phones at school.It is not allowed to approach the forbidden (forbid) area.My father forbade me from meeting (meet) my friends online at the Internet cafe!(2) 一句多译我父亲禁止我玩电脑游戏,除非我做完所有的家庭作业。My father forbids me to play compu

31、ter games unless I finish all my homework.(6)My father forbids me from playing computer games unless I finish all my homework.My father forbids my playing computer games unless I finish all my homework.解其困forbid后跟动名词作宾语,跟动词不定式作宾语补足语。类似的词还有allow, encourage, advise, permit 等。6. astonish明其义一.使惊讶,使惊骇通其用

32、(1)单句语法填空To our great astonishment, the boss wasn,t astonished at the astonishing news at all. (astonish)Everyone is astonished at/by the news that he,s learned Latin in three months.Hearing his name called, the sleepy boy stood up in astonishment.He was astonished to see (see) how his hometown had

33、changed in the past 10 years.(2)完成句子To my astonishment, he finished the job in such a short time.令我吃惊的是,他竟在如此短的时间内完成了工作。It did not astonish her at all that he had gone.他走了,她对此一点都不吃惊。解其困astonish的过去分词astonished在句中常作形容词,意为“感到惊讶的”,可作定语 或表语;而现在分词astonishing在句中用作形容词时,表示“令人惊讶的”,在句中作定 语或表语。7. convince明其义一使相

34、信;说服通其用(1)单句语法填空Ive been trying to convince him to see (see) a doctor.There is now convincing (convince) evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.You need to convince your interviewer of your ability to master the work.Convinced (convince) of the truth of the report, he told his colleagues about it.

35、(2)完成句子I am convinced that he has learned a lesson from his mistakes.我确信他已经从错误中吸取了教训。Because they were convinced of the accuracy of the data, they stuck to their opinion.因为他们确信数据的精确性,所以他们坚持自己的意见。解其困“匕+sb. +of+sth. ”结构中的动词有:convince, warn, remind, persuade, inform, accuse 等。8. scare明其义Vt.使恐惧;使害怕;惊吓恐慌

36、;恐惧通其用(1)单句语法填空 They made fires to cook the food, scare wild beasts away/off and keep warm. Generally speaking, most of the girls are scared to set (set) off fireworks.To tell you the truth, the movie is very scary (scare).(4)1 was too scared (scare) to go into the water even though they tried to pe

37、rsuade me several times.(2)完成句子I was nearly scarej j:。death when I was alone in the building.当大楼里只有我一个人时,我几乎被吓死。 He wascared j;Qtay/oftaying outside late at night because he wascaredf being jobbed/to be/obbed.深夜他不敢待在外面,因为害怕被抢劫。解其困scare sb. to death短语中介词to表示到达某种结果,如:starve to death “饿死”; sentence sb.

38、 to death “判某人死刑”;be tired to death “累极了; be bored to death “烦透了”。学案(二)词块、句式的活学活用一一强化关键能力词块的验收盘点1 .词块点点练一一选词填空burst out laughing, wait in line, run into, thanks to, do sb. good, get rid of, as a result of, regardless of, from time to time, put on1. In order to keep healthy, you should get rid of the

39、 bad habit of smoking.2. He serves the people heart and soul, regardless of his personal gain or loss.3. He didn,t expect to run into so many of his friends in this party.*4. She burst out laughing when she heard the good news that she was admitted into her ideal university.5. The football match was

40、 put offthe storm.*6. Thanks_to your help, we finished the work ahead of time.7. Its good manners for us to wait inine when we buy a ticket.8. . We wouldappreciate it if you could giveus someencouragement _from_tinie_tQ_tinie.9. In response to the audiences great demand, the play will be put_on in t

41、he theatre twice a week.*10. It will not do you good if you drink large amounts of water after heavy exercise without any rest.名师点拨“一站清”(1)burst out意为“突发;大声喊叫,其同义短语有burst into等。(2) thanks to 意为“由于,幸亏”,其同义短语有:because of, due to, owing to 等。(3) do sb. good 意为“对某人有益”,其同义表达有:do good to sb. , be benefici

42、al to sb.; 反义表达有:do sb. bad, be harmful to , 等。IL易错对对碰一一辨析比拟burst out VS burst into句式的验收盘点比较She burst into tears and ran from the kitchen.The class burst out laughing after hearing the joke.那清burst out与burst into均意为“突发;大声喊叫,burst out后跟 动名词作宾语,而burst into后跟名词作宾语。状语从句的省略通其用1 .单句语法填空Unless invited (inv

43、ite), he will not come back to the company.When asked (ask) about the secret of his success, he said that he owed much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.If chosen (choose), Mr Brown, who is rich in experience, will turn out to be an excellent manager.While travelling (travel) alo

44、ng the way, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery as well as the new looks of the villages and towns.2 .句型转换If it is necessary, you should turn to your parents for help.flf necessary, you should turn to your parents for help.解其困在由 while, when, if, as if, even if/though, though, although, until, once, u

45、nless等引导的状语从句中,当从句中的主语与主句的主语一致或从句中的主语是it,且 从句中含有be动词的某种形式口寸,从句中的主语连同be动词可同时省略。16. tough adj.艰难的;不幸的;强壮的,强健的(三)背拓展单词用准才行Lamuse此逗乐,使(某人)笑f amusement娱乐,消遣;快乐的事famused adj.娱乐的,觉得好笑的famusing ad/.逗人笑的,好笑的2. response n.回应,应答f respond v.回答,答复3. harmony n.协调,和谐f harmonious a打:和谐的,协调的4. mess n.混乱f messy a4/.凌

46、乱的,肮脏的5. scare 一使恐惧f scared a4/.惊恐的,担惊受怕的f scary .可怕的,(某人) 吓得发抖的6. acknowledge vt.认可,成认一acknowledgement n.成认;感谢7. profession n.职业,专业f professional a力.职业的,专业的8. resist 抵抗,抵抗f resistant3力抵抗的;有抵抗力的f resistance n.抗 拒;反对9. caution n.谨慎,小心cautious0以谨慎的,小心的f cautiously己介谨慎小 心地10. forbid .禁止,不准f forbidden (

47、3力,禁止的;不准的11. universe n.宇宙funiversal a4/.通用的,普遍的;全世界的12. astonish 以使惊讶,使惊骇f astonishing adj.令人惊讶的f astonished adj. 惊讶的f astonishment n.惊奇13. desperate a力,绝望的;不顾一切的f desperation n.拼命;绝望f desperately .绝望地;拼命地;非常地14. convince匕使相信f convincing adj.令人信服的f convinced己力.,相信的,信 任的15. comedy n. 喜剧f comedian n. 喜剧演员语境活用1. The cautious boy looked around cautiously and then walked across the road with c


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