外研版八年级下册英语课件 module4 Unit3 Language in use.ppt

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1、Unit3 Language in use 外研版外研版 八年级下八年级下Module 4 Seeing the doctor习题链接习题链接67developingfitter课后巩固答案呈现12345CDDBC8to open10to do9have known1to get2C3A4B题组专训提示:点击 进入习题习题链接习题链接课后巩固答案呈现1112BListen to your body.13你花费在这种活动上的时间越长你花费在这种活动上的时间越长,那么你花那么你花费在进行体育运动费在进行体育运动,如篮球以及进行其他活如篮球以及进行其他活动动,如骑车和游泳上的时间就会越少。如骑车和游

2、泳上的时间就会越少。15Suggestions for staying healthy.14 Four suggestions are mentioned in this passage.习题链接习题链接课后巩固答案呈现Mayeating/havingdoctorHoweverwellknown/famous1617182019starssaddependshappilyallow2122232524习题链接习题链接exerciseawfulheadachetake part inactive课文精华答案呈现sleepyfast foodstomachall over10in excellen

3、t condition作文作文123456789学必有法题组专训题组专训1.Could you please tell me where I can get some stamps?(改为同义句)中考巴中Could you please tell me where _ _ some stamps?to get题组专训题组专训2.The girl students are discussing _ the walls in the classroom.中考宿迁A.what to paint colorB.to paint what colorC.which color to paintD.to

4、paint which colorC题组专训题组专训3.Would you like to attend the farewell party next week,Mr.Huang?中考黄冈Sure,Id love to.I have no reason to _ your invitation.A.turn down B.turn off C.turn up D.turn on【点拨点拨】考查动词短语辨析。考查动词短语辨析。turn down“调小调小;拒绝拒绝”;turn off“关掉关掉”;turn up“调大调大”;turn on“打开打开”。结。结合意思合意思“黄老师黄老师,你会参加

5、下周的欢送会吗?你会参加下周的欢送会吗?当然当然,我愿意。我没有理由拒绝你的邀请。我愿意。我没有理由拒绝你的邀请。”可知选可知选A。A题组专训题组专训4.Please _ the water when you brush your teeth.中考西宁A.turn down B.turn off C.turn on D.turn up【点拨点拨】通过题意可知通过题意可知,刷牙刷牙时应该关闭水源。故选时应该关闭水源。故选B。B课后巩固课后巩固一、语法专练一、语法专练(单项选择)1.He _ the city since he graduated from college.中考齐齐哈尔A.has

6、left B.leftC.has been away from【点拨点拨】根据根据since可知用现在完成时。可知用现在完成时。而且应与延续性动词连用。故选而且应与延续性动词连用。故选C。C课后巩固课后巩固2.William Shakespeare _ for 400 years,but his works still have great influence today.中考青岛A.died B.was dyingC.has died D.has been dead【点拨点拨】分析语境可知分析语境可知,本句描述的是从过去一直持续到现本句描述的是从过去一直持续到现在的状态在的状态,故用现在完成

7、时。故用现在完成时。die是瞬间动词是瞬间动词,不能和不能和“for 400 years”搭配搭配,故用故用“be动词动词dead”表示。故选表示。故选D。D课后巩固课后巩固3.The film Operation Red Sea _ a lot of praise since its first show months ago.中考上海A.wins B.win C.will win D.has won【点拨点拨】根据后面的时间状语根据后面的时间状语“since its first show months ago”可知此处要用现在完成时可知此处要用现在完成时,故选故选D。D课后巩固课后巩固4.

8、Lucy,is your uncle a teacher?中考北京Yes,he is.He _ history for nearly 20 years.A.teaches B.has taughtC.is teaching D.will teach【点拨点拨】用标志词法。根据时间状语用标志词法。根据时间状语“for nearly 20 years”判断用现在完成时。故选判断用现在完成时。故选B。B课后巩固课后巩固5.Mom,I want to watch The Legend of Miyue(芈月传)on Channel 8 tonight.中考泰州Oh,dear,it _ for a fe

9、w minutes.Come on!A.has begun B.will beginC.has been on D.will be on【点拨点拨】从时间状语从时间状语“for a few minutes”可知可知,此此处应该使用现在完成时。由于要表示动作的持续处应该使用现在完成时。由于要表示动作的持续性性,因此只能使用因此只能使用“has been on”。故选。故选C。C课后巩固课后巩固二、用所给词的适当形式填空二、用所给词的适当形式填空6.China is still a _(develop)country now.7.I want to become _(fit)and healthi

10、er.8.My uncle cooks well and he has decided _(open)his own restaurant.developingfitterto open课后巩固课后巩固9.Since then,I _(know)Mr Smith.10.How about choosing a table tennis club _(do)some exercise?to dohave known课后巩固课后巩固三、任务型阅读三、任务型阅读11.The underlined phrase“a variety of”means _.A.plenty of B.all kinds

11、ofC.the rest of D.a lot of【点拨点拨】原句为原句为Eat a variety of food,especially fruit and vegetables.B课后巩固课后巩固12.What is the third suggestion?_【点拨点拨】通读全文可知第一个建议是第二段首句通读全文可知第一个建议是第二段首句Eat a variety of food,especially fruit and vegetables.第第二个是第三段首句二个是第三段首句Drink water and milk most often.第三个是第四段首句第三个是第四段首句List

12、en to your body.Listen to your body.课后巩固课后巩固13.将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。_ _ _【点拨点拨】原句为原句为The more time you spend on this kind of activity,the less time you spend in playing sports,like basketball,and doing other activities like bike riding and swimming.你花费在这种活动上的时间越长你花费在这种活动上的时间越长,那么你花费那么你花费在进行体育运动在进行体育运动,如篮球以及

13、进行其他活动如篮球以及进行其他活动,如骑车和游泳上的时间就会越少。如骑车和游泳上的时间就会越少。课后巩固课后巩固14.How many suggestions are mentioned in this passage?_【点拨点拨】短文第二段到第五段的首短文第二段到第五段的首句都属于建议,可知答案是句都属于建议,可知答案是4个。个。Four suggestions are mentioned in this passage.课后巩固课后巩固15.给文章拟个恰当的标题。_【点拨点拨】主旨大意题。可围绕短文第一段中主旨大意题。可围绕短文第一段中Lets read the following ru

14、les.They can help you stay healthy拟题。拟题。Suggestions for staying healthy.课后巩固课后巩固四、综合四、综合填空填空 中考浙江阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Have you ever heard of“National Smile Month”?It started on the 14th of _ 16(五月)in the UK.May课后巩固课后巩固During this month,people are made to think about the importance of

15、 brushing their teeth,_ 17(吃)less sweet food and going to see the _ 18(医生)from time to time.The British are _ 19(出名的)for their bad teeth.Even a dictionary has the expression“British Smile”,meaning“Any smile with bad teeth”.eating/havingdoctorwellknown/famous课后巩固课后巩固_ 20(然而),in America,the“Hollywood

16、Smile”gets its name because American movie _ 21(明星)are so proud to show off their beautiful teeth.But what about smiling in the UK?Do the British smile a lot,or do they look _ 22(悲伤的)all the time?Its said that the British dont often show their feelings.But actually it all _ 23(取决于)on the situation.H

17、oweverstarssaddepends课后巩固课后巩固For example,Britain doesnt _ 24(允许)smiling in passport photos.But if you are at a party,youll find everyone smiling _ 25(开心地)and loudly.So,the British smile as much as anyone else.happilyallow课文精华课文精华根据所给提示使用本模块所学单词或短语完成短文根据所给提示使用本模块所学单词或短语完成短文Last year,I didnt usually _

18、 1(锻炼).I often stayed at home and spent much time on the computer,so I often felt a 2 and got a _ 3(头痛).I went to see a doctor and the doctor told me to _ 4(参加)more activities.Then I followed his advice.Now I become very _ 5(积极的).exercisewfulheadachetake part inactive课文精华课文精华I go to bed early and ne

19、ver feel s 6 in the day.I dont eat _ 7(快餐食品)any more and my _ 8(肚子)feels well.After doing exercise,l am hot _ 9(浑身)and I think I am _ 10(健康状况很好)now.leepyfast foodstomachall overin excellent condition写必有法写必有法一、话题分析一、话题分析本模块主题是“健康”。我们应学会谈论与健康生活有关的经历。写必有法写必有法二、写作方法二、写作方法“三步三段法”写健康类议论文。第一步(第一段):引出话题。第二步

20、(第二段):展开话题。第三步(第三段):总结话题。写必有法写必有法三、素材积累三、素材积累1.健康类议论文的常用词汇:weak,sleepy,tired,take more exercise,fast food,in excellent condition,illness,feel healthier写必有法写必有法2.健康类议论文的常用句型:(1)Here are some good ways to keep fit.(2)You shouldinstead of(3)Its bad/good for your health.(4)In this way,we can写必有法写必有法四、写作

21、任务四、写作任务根据以下提示,以“How to Keep Healthy”为题写一篇短文。从良好的生活习惯、适当的锻炼以及健康的饮食习惯等方面提出良好的建议。写必有法写必有法五、写作模板五、写作模板写必有法写必有法_How to Keep HealthyEveryone would like to keep healthy.Here are some good ways to keep fit.First,you should have healthy eating habits.You should eat less fast food and more vegetables and fru

22、it.You should drink water instead of coffee and colas.六、满分作文六、满分作文写必有法写必有法_Theyre bad for your health.Second,you can play sports.Sports can make you stronger and healthier.You can also climb the mountains with your family.Third,be happy.A happy man lives longer than a sad man.You can do anything to make yourself happy.In this way,we can enjoy a happy life.


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