冀教版八年级下册英语课件 Unit 1 Lesson 3 The Sun Is Rising.ppt

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1、 Unit 1 Spring Is Coming!Lesson 3 The Sun Is Rising 冀教版冀教版 八年级下八年级下习题链接习题链接1spring2blossom3by4gently678910is rising;is comingCome with;Climbblossom;Enjoyis warming;blows gentlyseasons change先练后背提示:点击 进入习题5wind答案呈现习题链接习题链接题组专训答案呈现12345BDbringAteachers67BC8A10A9D1112wake upA13playing15another few days

2、14B习题链接习题链接67risingpractice答案呈现12345DCCDD8Childrens10changes9gently1112have funone by one13climbing;hillside15coming;from14blow hard课后巩固习题链接习题链接课后巩固答案呈现1617181920ACDBB2122232425CACDB先练后背先练后背一、根据汉语提示完成句子一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语词汇并背记相应英语词汇1.It is getting warmer when _(春天)comes.2.All kinds of flowers _(开花)

3、everywhere.springblossom先练后背先练后背3.Tens of goats passed by one _(跟着)one.4.She held the baby _(轻柔地).5.You can feel the spring _(风)bringing warmth.bygentlywind先练后背先练后背二、根据汉语意思完成句子二、根据汉语意思完成句子,并背记英语句子并背记英语句子6.太阳在升起,春天姗姗而来。The sun _ _;spring _ _.is rising is coming先练后背先练后背7.跟我来,爬山坡。_ _ me._ the hillside.

4、Come with Climb先练后背先练后背8.花开了,去赏花。The flowers _._ them.blossom Enjoy先练后背先练后背9.天渐暖,微风吹。The weather _ _.The wind _ _.is warmingblows gently先练后背先练后背10.让我们见证季节的变换。Lets see the _ _.seasons change题组专训题组专训1.Look,there is a cute bird,Mom.It flew into our kitchen(厨房)_ the window just now,Alex.【中考凉山】A.across B

5、.through C.above D.underB【点拨点拨】词语辨析法。句意为词语辨析法。句意为“快看,妈妈,快看,妈妈,那有一只可爱的鸟。那有一只可爱的鸟。亚历克斯,它是刚才通过亚历克斯,它是刚才通过窗户飞进我们厨房的窗户飞进我们厨房的”。across指的是从物体的表指的是从物体的表面穿过面穿过;而而through指的是从物体的内部穿过指的是从物体的内部穿过;above在物体的上方在物体的上方;under在物体的下面。结合语境,鸟在物体的下面。结合语境,鸟穿过窗户,故选穿过窗户,故选B。题组专训题组专训2.Bill,did you see Tom?Yes,he just parked hi

6、s car here and then hurried _ the street.【中考连云港】A.through B.over C.past D.acrossD【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“比尔,你看见汤姆了吗?比尔,你看见汤姆了吗?是是的,他刚才把车停在这儿然后急忙穿过街道的,他刚才把车停在这儿然后急忙穿过街道”。through 穿过,表示从内部穿过穿过,表示从内部穿过;over 在在上面上面;past 经过经过;across 穿过,强调从物体表面穿过。穿过,强调从物体表面穿过。“穿过穿过大街大街”强调从一端到另一端,用强调从一端到另一端,用across表示,故选表示,故选D。题组专训题组专训

7、3.Dont forget to _(带来)your homework to school next week.bring题组专训题组专训4.Shall I _ some tea or water?Either will do.Im really thirsty.A.get B.take C.carry D.bringA题组专训题组专训5.Follow that _(teacher)advice and soon you will solve the problem.【中考扬州】teachers题组专训题组专训6.What does _ weather report say?It says i

8、ts cloudy and rainy.A.today B.todays C.todays D.todaysB题组专训题组专训7.Mom,can I do _ much work in _ a short time?Dear,I think you can.【中考安顺】A.so;so B.such;so C.so;such D.such;suchC【点拨点拨】考查考查so和和such的用法。的用法。such常用于名常用于名词及名词短语之前,但名词被词及名词短语之前,但名词被many/much修修饰,前面常用饰,前面常用so。题组专训题组专训8.She was _ excited at the

9、news that she couldnt say a word.【中考湘潭】A.so B.very C.suchA题组专训题组专训9.Every day they would _ up early and help their parents feed the cows before school.【中考绵阳】A.stand B.make C.grow D.wakeD题组专训题组专训10._,Lily.Its time to get up.A.Wake up B.Stand up C.Put up D.Set upA题组专训题组专训11.The noise you are making mi

10、ght _(惊醒)your sleeping sister,dear.wake up题组专训题组专训12.Im going to Anns birthday party.Bye,Mom._,Jack!【中考泸州】A.Have fun B.No problemC.Best wishes D.Take careA题组专训题组专训13.All the students are having great fun _(玩)with water in the river.playing【点拨点拨】have fun后跟后跟doing sth.意为意为“开心地开心地做做”。题组专训题组专训14.We cant

11、 do it that waybut whether it will work is _ matter.【中考安徽】A.other B.another C.each D.everyB题组专训题组专训15.Sorry,but we cant leave until Mr.Li arrives.Never mind.We can stay _(再待几天).another few days【点拨点拨】“another时间段时间段”表示在原来基表示在原来基础上础上“再加一段时间再加一段时间”。课后巩固课后巩固一、单项一、单项选择选择1.Fruit should not be eaten on an e

12、mpty stomach.If you eat fruit like that,it will go straight _ the stomach into the intestines(肠道).【中考宜昌】A.past B.between C.among D.throughD课后巩固课后巩固2.Milk is _ kind of healthy food.【中考六盘水】A.the others B.other C.another D.othersC【点拨点拨】词义辨析法。词义辨析法。the others其余的人或物其余的人或物;other别的,其他的别的,其他的;another另一另一;ot

13、hers(复数复数)别的、别的、其他的人或物。句意:牛奶是另外一种健康的食物。其他的人或物。句意:牛奶是另外一种健康的食物。故选故选C。课后巩固课后巩固3.Chinas Got Talent is _ interesting _ many people like watching it.【中考孝感】A.too;to B.enough;toC.so;that D.such;thatC课后巩固课后巩固4.Spring _ us flowers and warm weather.A.take B.bringC.takes D.bringsD【点拨点拨】bring带来,指从远处拿来或带来带来,指从远处

14、拿来或带来;根据主根据主语语spring可知,动词应用第三人称单数形式。可知,动词应用第三人称单数形式。课后巩固课后巩固5.Dont forget _ tomorrow morning.I dont want to be late again.A.wake up me B.wake me upC.to wake up me D.to wake me upD【点拨点拨】结构分析法。结构分析法。wake up sb.意为意为“叫醒某人叫醒某人”,如果宾语为人称代词,必须放在,如果宾语为人称代词,必须放在wake up中间。中间。课后巩固课后巩固二、用所给词的适当形式填空二、用所给词的适当形式填空6

15、.Look!The flag is _(rise).rising课后巩固课后巩固7.I often see the old _(practice)Tai Chi.practice课后巩固课后巩固8.Many young parents choose to buy some books as presents on _(children)Day.【中考兰州】Childrens课后巩固课后巩固9.My mother put her hand _(gentle)on my head.gently课后巩固课后巩固10.We will insist on it until she _(change)he

16、r idea.【中考宿迁】changes课后巩固课后巩固三、根据汉语意思完成句子三、根据汉语意思完成句子11.夏令营让孩子们开心、交新朋友、体验新事物。【中考乐山】Summer camp is a place for kids to _ _,make new friends and experience new things.havefun课后巩固课后巩固12.孩子们一个接一个走进了教室。The children went into the classroom _ _ _.one by one课后巩固课后巩固13.我喜欢在春天爬山坡。I enjoy _ the _ in spring.clim

17、bing hillside课后巩固课后巩固14.你们的城市里春天风大吗?Does wind _ _ in spring in your city?blow hard课后巩固课后巩固15.你度假就要回来了吗?Are you _ back _ holiday?coming from课后巩固课后巩固四、完形填空四、完形填空The weather is closely related(联系)to our life.It is all around us all the time.It is an important part of our lives.We cannot control it,but

18、it often controls how and _16 we live,what we do,what we wear and what we eat.16.A.where B.which C.what D.whenA课后巩固课后巩固Read this passage and learn _17 about the weather.17.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everythingC课后巩固课后巩固What is the weather?The weather is just the state of the atmosphere _18 an

19、y time,such as temperature,wind,_19,the sun,etc.18.A.in B.for C.on D.at19.A.water B.rain C.plant D.animalDB课后巩固课后巩固What makes the weather change?As we know,not every place on the earth gets the same amount of sunlight.Some places get _20 sunlight.20.A.much B.more C.little D.lessB课后巩固课后巩固So its warme

20、r in those places.Some places get little _21 no sunlight in winter.Then those places have colder temperatures.21.A.and B.so C.or D.butC课后巩固课后巩固These differences in temperature make the air and water _22 around the earth.22.A.move B.keep C.fly D.swimA课后巩固课后巩固The movement helps to take the heat energy

21、 from the sun across the earth.So the _23 changes.23.A.sun B.earth C.weather D.sunlightC课后巩固课后巩固Whats the difference between the weather and the climate?Climate is a places weather over a long time.The weather changes from day to day and _24 from hour to hour.24.A.already B.almost C.ever D.evenD课后巩固课后巩固It can be sunny in the morning,cold and wet in the afternoon.But the climate changes very _25 over lots of years.25.A.differently B.slowly C.carefully D.easilyB


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