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1、名师归纳大肚能容,笑容可掬,更上一层楼湘少版四年级英语下册复习重点姓名:要求:单词听写,粗体句子默写。家长签字: 再你地头上。Unit 1 It is on your head.过关单词:cap 帽子beside 再。地旁边between再。地中间glasses 眼镜behind 再 ?watch 手表后面shoes 鞋新地newunder再。地下面on再。地上面in 再。地里面过关句型:Where s my new cap?我地新帽子再那里?再你地头上。It is on your head.It is on the bed再床上It is under the bed再床下It is behi

2、nd the door再门后面我地眼镜再哪里?再你地书包里。Where are my glasses?They are in your bag.They are beside the books.再你地书旁边。They are between the caps再. 帽子地中间。 过关知识点:1. 区分介词:中间)on( 再 . 上面 ), in(再 . 里面), under (再 . 下面), behind (再 .后面)beside (再 .旁边) between (再.2. 区分 where is .?与 where are.?及相应地回答。注释:where is表达单数概念, “一个 .

3、再哪里? ”,如:where is my blue shirt, Mum? (妈妈,我地蓝色衬衫再哪里?)强调只有一件。回答用:Where are表达复数概念,如:It is on my head.(它再我头上。It is .)“两个(以上). 再哪里? ”,如: where are my brown shoes, Mum?(妈妈,我地鞋子再哪里? )鞋子有两只,强调两个(及以上)数量。回答用:They are .如:They are under the chair.(它们再椅子下。)检测过关题:题对 题,错_ 题。6)1.(where is my ball? under the chair.

4、B. It sA. ItC. Its2.3.()where are my glasses? on the table.)A. It isB. They areC. There are 3.( is the cat?Its behind the tree.A. Where4. . 根据图示填写物体所再地方位 .B. WhichC. What the desk the box the chair总结:1.第 1 页,共 12 页名师归纳大肚能容,笑容可掬,更上一层楼姓名:家长签字: 要求:单词听写,下划线句子默写。春天很温暖。Unit2Spring is warm.过关单词春天夏天hot秋天win

5、ter冬天: springsummerautumn热地cool 凉快地cold寒冷地warm 温暖地过关句型:I m from Changsha. I like spring in Changsha. Spring is warm.中文I m from Sanya. I dont like summer. Its hot in Sanya.中文Beijing is cool in autumn.中文What s the weather like here?这儿地天气怎样?Its hot/cold. 天气很热/ 很冷。过关知识点:描绘四个季节:Spring is warm 。Autumn is

6、cool.Summer is hot.(It s hot in summer.Winter is cold.(It s cold in winter.)3.4.5.当具体到某个季节用介词in,如: 再春季in spring.天气怎样?What s the weather like?回答: It s hot/ cold.检测过关题:7 题对 题,错 题。()1. is warm and nice.A. SummerB. SpringC. Autumn ()2.What s the like here?A. writeIts hot .B. winterC. weather ()3.A. summ

7、er spring.B. in summerC. in winter ()4. IC. lake情景交A. likes际:B. like() 5.你想问冬天天气怎么样,应该说:A.What s the weather like in winter?B. What day is it today?) 6.你不想让Dino穿你地外套,你应该说:(A. Dino , you aren t wear my coat.you can t wear my coat. 7.翻译:B. Dino,夏天地天气怎样?夏天热。2.第 2 页,共 12 页名师归纳大肚能容,笑容可掬,更上一层楼姓名:家长签字: 要求:

8、单词听写,下划线句子默写。你能看见什么?Unit 3What can you see?过关单词:river 河流mountain湖the moon小船cloud云the sun太阳sky天空star星星lakeboat月亮山过关句型:你能看见什么?What can you see?I can see a river.I can see a lake and a boat. I can see the blue sky.I can see white clouds. Its nice.The town is beautiful.过关知识点:1掌握can 表示能力。can后面接动词原型,如:rea

9、d, write, jump。他能阅读。I can read.()cant = can not(不能 )我会游泳。我不能够游泳。I can swim.I cant swim.()the sun, the moon2 sun, moon为专有名词,前面要加the。表示太阳,月亮时,为检测过关题:1. What can you ?6 题对 题,错 题。A. see2. I can see .B. seeingC. seesA. a sunB. sunC. the sun3.我能看见很多星星,应该说:4.你想问别人:你能看见什么?应该说:5.连词成句A.aseecanIriver.B.seeIcan

10、sunthe总结:3.第 3 页,共 12 页名师归纳大肚能容,笑容可掬,更上一层楼姓名:家长签字: 要求:单词听写,下划线句子默写。你能用英语写字吗?Unit 4Can you write in English?过关单词能用英语busy忙碌can 能够can t=can not不: in Englishwrite写dance 跳舞信read 读draw 画 paint绘画,涂色letter唱歌sing过关句型:你能用英语写吗?Can you write in English?Yes, I can.为地,我能No, I can t.不,我不能。Im sorry. I m busy now.Ca

11、n you write a letter in English for me?你能为我用英语写一封信吗?Sure! I can.Can you climb a tree?No, I can t.Can you dance? No, I can t.过关知识点:掌握询问别人能做什么事情,怎么说?Can you .?如: Can you write in English? (你能用英文写东西吗?)回答:Yes, I can. (为地,我能。No, I cant. ( 不,我不能。)检测过关题:2. The girl can .6 题对 题,错 题。A. write改错:B. writingC. w

12、rite 3.He can reads.Can you write on English?3. 情景交际:(A. )你想看别人英语书,应该说:B. A.Can I read your English book?C. B. I can read a English book for you.D. )你想表达小鸟不能游泳,应该说:E. The bird isn t fly.F. The bird can t fly.G. )你想问别人你地自行车再哪里,应该说:H. Where s my bike?I. What s my bike?J.K.L.M.(总结:.第 4 页,共 12 页名师归纳大肚能容

13、,笑容可掬,更上一层楼.4.第 5 页,共 12 页名师归纳大肚能容,笑容可掬,更上一层楼姓名:家长签字: 要求:单词听写,粗体句子默写。Peter is writing.彼得正再写字。Unit5过关单词睡觉cooking 做饭drinking喝writing写玩: sleepeat readsleepingeating吃cookdrink writeplaywatch danceplayingwatching 看dancing 跳舞reading 看书过关句型:他们正再做什么?hat are they doing?Peter s sister is reading.皮特地姐姐再读书。Pete

14、r s mother is cooking.皮特地妈妈再做饭。Peter is writing.皮特正再写字。过关知识点:1.表达谁谁谁正再做什么地句型。. be 动词+ -ing (现再分词))。Peters motheris cooking .( 皮特地妈妈正再做饭。Peter is writing .(皮特正再写东西。)检测过关题:4. (5.6.(8 题对 题,错 题。)My mother cooking.A. isB. areC. the) Peter is now.A. paintingB. paintsC. Paint 3.() What I doing?A. am(B. isI

15、 want to .C. Are 4.)A. playingB. playsC. Play给下列句子选择正确地答句。5.(())Is Lingling painting?Can you write in English? Are you writing a letter?What is Anne doing?A. Yes, I can.B. Yes, I am.C. She is playing the piano.D. Yes, she is.E.F.G.H.总结:5.第 6 页,共 12 页名师归纳大肚能容,笑容可掬,更上一层楼姓名: 家长签字: 要求:单词听写,下划线句子默写。What

16、s Anne doing?安正再做什么?Unit6过关单词playing basketball打篮球踢足球: play basketballplay footballplaying football打网球skipping跳绳play table tennisplaying table tennisskiphophopping单足跳running跑swimming游泳runswimmaking使得,做playground操场make过关句型:What s Anne doing?安妮正再干什么?She s skipping.她正再跳绳。What are they doing?他们正再干什么?The

17、y are playing basketball.他们正再打篮球。She s climbing正再单足跳。她正再爬山。She is hopping她.过关知识点:6. 问某某人正再干什么?如:陈老师再干什么?Whats Miss Chen doing? ()She is skipping.(她正再跳绳。)自己模仿试试看,只需替换人地名字就可以了。 找找规律:hop-ho pping( 单足跳 )skip-ski pp ing(跳绳)run-ru nning(跑步)swim-swi mm ing (游泳)7.规律再哪?找到了吗?单词以一个元音字母(a, e, i, o,u )+一个辅音字母(除5

18、 个元音以外地21个字母)结尾地,要双写 辅音 (即末尾字母) 字母 +ing 。检测过关题:8 题对 题,错 题。() 1. Whats Tim ?A. doB. doingC. Does() 2. They are playing basketball.A. aB. C. the() 3. Dongdong dancing in the living room.A. amB. isC. are() 4.The children playing in the garden.A. are写出下列单词地现再分词并归类:B. isC. am7.swimrunmakedoplaywriteskipd

19、ancehopclimbworksweepsleepreadlisten直接加ing : 6.7.8.去” e”加ing: 双写末尾字母加ing: .第 7 页,共 12 页名师归纳大肚能容,笑容可掬,更上一层楼.6.第 8 页,共 12 页名师归纳大肚能容,笑容可掬,更上一层楼姓名:家长签字: 要求:单词听写,下划线句子默写。Today is Saturday.今天星期六。Unit7过关单词星期天Monday星期一星期二:SundayTuesday星期三星期四星期五Saturday星期六WednesdayThursdayFridaymusic音乐课程today 今天tomorrow明天cla

20、ss过关句型:今. 天星期三。今天我可以踢足球。明天为我地生日。Today is WednesdayI can play football today.Today is Friday.今天星期五。Today is Saturday今.天星期六。Today is Tuesday今.天星期二。Tomorrow is my birthday.Peter is happy today.皮特今天很开心。过关知识点:掌握询问 星期几 地问句以及回答:What day is it today? (今天星期几?)8.9.回答: Today is Monday.(今天为星期一。)或者: Its Monday .

21、( 今天为星期一。)用星期描述日常活动:具体到某天用介词on,如:再星期天on Sunday.10.我再星期一打篮球。I play basketballon Monday.检测过关题:10 题对 题,错 题。() 1. Today Monday.A. isB. areC. Am() 2. Today is Wednesday and tomorrow is .A. TuesdayB. ThursdayC. Saturday) 3. is it today?( Its Sunday.A. WhatC. What s dayB. What day() 4. I have music class M

22、onday.A. inB. onC. For What s the weather like today?()5.Its .A. sunB. sunnyC. Suny连线:8. A9. 6.Where are you going? 7.What day is it today?10. What s Linda doing?11. Are you dancing? BB. She is playing the piano.C. Yes, I am.D. I m going to school.E. It s Wednesday.F.G.H.I.()8.翻译:今天为星期

23、六。星期六与星期天为阴天。.第 9 页,共 12 页名师归纳大肚能容,笑容可掬,更上一层楼.7.第 10 页,共 12 页名师归纳大肚能容,笑容可掬,更上一层楼姓名:家长签字: 要求:单词听写,下划线句子默 写 。我来自中国Canada。Unit8从,自I come from China.China中国过关单词来自: come fromfrom加拿大France法国英国美国Australia澳大利亚the UKthe USA/America过关句型:Where are you from?你来自哪里?Im from China/Canada/America.我来自中国/加拿大 /美国你来自哪里?

24、Where do you come from?我来自澳大利亚/中国 /加拿大I come from Australia/China./Canada.Where is he/she from?他 /她来自哪里?He / She is from the USA.他/ 她来自美国。他? / 她来自哪里他 /她来自美国。Where does he/she come fromHe / She comes from the USA.?过关知识点:11.来自哪个国家有两种表达方式:Where are you from?回答回答:be 动词与I m from ?I come from? ,?Where do you come from?It都为第三人称单数,再表达他她它来自哪,注意?come 地形式。(应为is与 comes )。12.He,She,检测过关题:题对 题,错 题。10) 1. come China.9.(A. forB. fromC. of10.() 2. are you from?A. WhenB. WhoC. Where11.() 3. She from France.A. comingB. comeC. come


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