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1、 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数外研版英语七年级上Module 4 Family全模块教案I. Teaching goals 模块教学目标 技能目标听Listen to conversations involving the introduction of family members说Make a brief introduction of ones family读 Read letters / conversations involving the introduction of the family写Write about the family, paying atten

2、tion to punctuation语言目标 功能句式Describing familiesHow many people are there in your family? Have you got any or ?Is your family small / big?Describing ones familyThere are people in my family.I have got a / an 词汇1重点词汇 many, people, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, grandparent, uncle, email, him, make, s

3、ister, have, grandma, grandpa 2. 短语 have got 语法Have / has got (affirmative, negative, interrogative) 重点句子1. How many people are there in your family?2. There are fourmy mum and dad, my sister Linda, and me.3. Have you got any aunts or uncles?4. Shes in China with her mum and dad.5. Hes got a big fam

4、ily.II. Teaching material analyzing 教材分析本模块以家庭为话题,以家庭介绍为任务,训练have / has got 句型的使用,并介绍了英语写作时应注意的标点符号问题。通过对本模块内容的学习学生能够了解不同国家家庭结构的不同。值得一提的是,班内可能会有单亲家庭,教师在授课时应注意该问题,在不伤害学生自尊心的同时注意培养学生的移情能力。Unit 1 通过听、读、说训练,初步学习询问对方家庭情况和介绍自己的家庭成员。其中活动1 要求学生将适当的词汇和人物联系起来。活动有一定难度,教师可提醒学生注意利用图中所看到的有用信息。活动2训练学生从听力材料中听出fathe

5、r,mother,sister,grandfather等词汇。活动3、4要求学生听对话并完成填词任务,活动6要求根据提示口头练习询问及介绍家庭情况。Unit 2 通过读写训练,让学生进一步掌握如何介绍自己的家庭成员的相关表达。活动12通过词汇匹配、小组活动(介绍自己家庭成员)的活动为下面的阅读做词汇和话题上的准备。活动3要求学生阅读电子邮件,从中获取有用信息并回答相关问题。活动4学习英语中标点的用法。教材中没有具体的写作任务,教师可根据本模块话题增加写作活动。Unit 3 共设计了6项活动内容。 活动14复习所学内容,进一步巩固所学have / has got 的用法。Around the w

6、orld通过图片让学生来了解东西方家庭模式的不同。完成本模块学习后,教师可安排学生将自己的家庭状况写下来。IIIClass types and periods 课型设计与课时分配Period 1 Listening and speaking (Unit 1) Period 2 Reading and writing (Unit 2) Period 3 Integrating skills (Unit 3) Period 1 Listening and speaking Language goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇many, people, aunt, gr

7、andfather, grandmother, grandparent, uncle, have got 2. Key structures 重点句式 There is / are have / has got 3. Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to briefly introduce ones family.Teaching methods 教学方法Bottom-up approach.Teaching aids 教具准备Tape recorder, video. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 StepWar

8、ming up and lead-inGive students some school things such as books, pens, notebooks, ask students who get one, using have got.T: What have you got?S: I have got a blue pen.S: I have got an English book.Show the following. have / has got = have / has have got 表示“某人有”常用在英国英语中,美国朋友则常用 have 来表达这一意义。如:I h

9、ave got two pencils. / I have two pencils.应该注意的是在 have got中, have是助动词,没有实际意义,而美国英语中的have则表达实际意义“有”。两个have形同但意义不同。Then ask students to go on practicing the question form of have / has got and the way of answering the questions.T: Has he got a green pen?S: No, he hasnt.T: Has she got an English book?S

10、: Yes, she has.Step II Label Tonys familyDivide students into groups of five or six. Play a little game to get the students familiar with the expressions of the family members. The group which can answer best will be the winner. T: Who is your fathers father?S: My grandfather. T: Who is your fathers

11、 brother?S: My uncle.T: My mother has got a sister, what should I call her?S: Aunt.T: Who are my mothers parents?S: Grandparents.Write down the following and make sure that students know what they all mean. Then work in pairs to complete the labels. aunt, grandfather, grandmother, grandparent, uncle

12、, brother, sister, father, mother T: OK, class. Tony has got a big family. There are many people in his family. He has got grandparents, uncles, an aunt and a sister. Look, here is a photo of his family in the book. Do you know who they are? You can have a discussion and complete it.Call back the an

13、swers from some pair. Encourage students to use the known prepositional words or phrases: next to / in front of / behind, etc. Possible answers:The girl next to Tony is his sister.The women behind them are his aunt and his mother.The man next to his mother is his father.Then play the tape recording

14、for students, let them check their answers.Step III ListeningIn this part, students will listen to the tape recording twice and finish Activity 4 first. Then repeat the conversation.T: As we know, Tony has got a big family. Do you know how many people there are in his family?S: There are eleven peop

15、le in his family.T: Good, do you know who they are?S: His grandparents, parents, uncles, his aunt and his sister.T: Do you know how to write these words?S: Sure.Check if the students can write these words down. T: Very good. Lets listen to a conversation between Lingling and Tony. Listen and fill in

16、 the blanks in activity 4. By the way, has Tony got any brothers?S: No, he hasnt got any brothers.Play the recording twice. Then check the answers. After this, ask students to repeat after the recording.Step IV PairworkAsk students to practice the conversation and make their own conversations.T: Fro

17、m the conversation, we know Tony has got one aunt and two uncles. Have you got any aunts or uncles? Have your got any brothers or sisters? Now work in pairs and practice asking and answering questions about your family. You can make your own conversations. A sample conversation:S1: How many people a

18、re there in your family?S2: There are threemy father, my mother and me. I havent got any brothers or sisters.-S1: Have you got any aunts or uncles?S2: My father has got a brother and a sister. My mother has got a sister, but she hasnt got a brother. So I have got one uncle and two aunts. And I have

19、got three grandparents. Step V Homework1. Ask students to learn the new words and expressions in this unit (on page 129).2. Ask students to write something about their families.Period 2 Reading and writing Target language目标语言1.Words & phrases生词和短语email, him2. Key sentences重点句子Shes in China with her

20、mum and dad.Hes got a big family.Hes got four grandparents.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to read and write about the family, paying attention to capitalization, full stop and question mark.Learning ability goals学能目标Help students learn how to write an email to friends introducing their families.Te

21、aching important / difficult points教学重难点How to introduce others family members, using the third person singular correctly.Teaching aids教具准备A tape recorder, a projector and a computer. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式StepRevision and lead-inReview the words by putting them into pairs.T: Hello, cla

22、ss. During the last period we learned how to introduce our family to others. And we learned some words about family members. We can remember these words in pairs. For example: father and mother. Can you give me other examples?S;Yes. Aunt and uncle.S: Grandma and grandpa. S: Grandfather and grandmoth

23、er.S: Mum and dad.S: Brother and sister.T: Very good.Then ask students to talk about their families.T: How many people are there in your family? Is your family big or small?S: There are threemy mum and dad. I think my family is small.S: There are fivemy grandpa and grandma, my mum and dad and me .I

24、have got a big familyT: Well done.Then pair students to let them talk about their families freely.Step Reading and pairworkIn this procedure, ask students to work in pairs and read the email and answer the questions in Activity 3.T: OK, class. Here is an email on page 23. Now read and find out the a

25、nswers to the following questions. Show the following. 1. Who writes the email?2. Who is the email to?After a few minutes. T: Well. After reading, do you know who writes this email?S: Lingling writes this email.T: Who does Lingling write the email to?S: Diana.T: Very good. Now there are questions on

26、 page 22. Read this email again carefully, and then work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.Check the answers by choosing some pairs to ask and answer the questions. S: How many people are there in Bettys family?S: Nine people.S: Is Bettys family small?S: No, it isnt.S: Has Betty got any broth

27、ers or sisters? S: Yes, she has got two brothers.S: How many people are there in Tonys family?S: Eleven people.Ask students to read the email loudly by themselves.Step III WritingAsk students to write an email as an answer to Linglings email. Then choose some work that has punctuation mistakes to as

28、k students to correct. T: Suppose you are Diana; write an answering email to Lingling to tell her something about your family. Pay attention to your spelling and punctuation.One sample writing:Dear Lingling, I am happy to see your email.There are three people in my familymy mother and father and me.

29、 I have got an uncle. I havent got any aunts, or brothers and sister.My friend Daming also has got a big family. Hes got four grandparents, his mum and dad, two aunts, an uncle and a brother.Do you want to know anything else?Best wishes,Diana Show this writing to students and ask them to pay attenti

30、on to the use of the punctuation marks. (See Teaching Resources: Punctuation marks) Step IV HomeworkAsk students to 1. finish Exercises 1 & 4 on page 84.2. listen to the recording and finish Exercises 10 &11 on page 86.Period 3 Integrating skillsTarget language目标语言1.Words & phrases生词和短语 Review the w

31、ords and phrases in this module.2. Key sentences重点句子Weve got a small family.He hasnt got any brothers.Have you got a big family?Yes, I have. / No, I havent.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to use have / has got correctly. Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点The difference between there is /are a

32、nd have/has got.Teaching aids教具准备A computer, some pictures and handouts.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式StepRevision In this procedure, students will practice using have/has got, asking and answering questions about the two pictures on page 24. Ask students to finish Activity 1 and then write dow

33、n the answers to Activity 2 and check with the whole class.Then review the words by labeling the family tree on page 25. Ask students to complete the family tree using the words learned in the previous units.Show the following and help students learn these words. Members of a Family father dad mothe

34、r mum , mummy , mom (America) parent parents child children son daughter brother sister grandfather granddad , grandpa grandmother grandma , granny grandson granddaughter grandchild uncle aunt cousin nephew niece boyfriend girlfriend fianc fiance bride groom, bridegroom wife husband spouse father-in

35、-law mother-in-law parents-in-law son-in-law daughter-in-law brother-in-law sister-in-law StepPractice Ask students to finish the following. I. Write down the term for the opposite sex?1. mum - _2. brother - _3. son - _4. uncle - _5. grandmother - _6. granddaughter - _7. nephew - _8. wife - _9. boyf

36、riend - _10. cousin - _II. Fill in the blanks according to the family tree. Who am I?Fill in the correct member of the family. Keep to the family tree (picture).1. My _ is 64 years old. His name is _. 2. My _ is 62. Her name is _. 3. I have got a _, she is 37. 4. My _ is 40. He is married with two _

37、.5. I have got two _, too. 6. My _ is called _. She is 17 years old. 7. My _ is called Joe. He is married. 8. His _ is called _, just like my _. 9. Do you know who I am? My name is _.Key: I. mum dad, brother - sister, son - daughter, uncle - aunt, grandmother - grandfather, granddaughter - grandson,

38、 nephew - niece, wife husband, boyfriend - girlfriend, cousin - cousinII. 1. father, Tom 2. mother, Sue. 3. sister 4. brother, children 5. children 6. daughter, Tina 7. son 8. wife, Jane, sister 9. Phil Step III SurveyAsk students to work in groups of five or six and make a survey to see how many of

39、 the group members have got brothers or sisters, and how many of them have got aunts or uncles using the expressions in Activity 5. Then choose some to report the survey results.Show the following. Name BrothersSisters Aunts Uncles One sample report:There are five members in our group. Li Xiuyu has

40、got a sister. Wen Peijian has got a brother. Ding Lei has got a brother and a sister. Bai Yun has got two uncles and an aunt but she hasnt got any brothers or sisters.Step III HomeworkAsk students to1. make a family tree of their own.2. finish the exercises in the workbook.Teaching resources 教学资源库I.

41、 Email Nowadays people often use email to communicate with each other. Do you know How to write an email? There arent many differences between an email and a letter. They are almost the same.An email usually consists of five parts, that is,1. Heading: 包含收件人 发件人电子信箱,信件主题。在电子邮件中,这部分内容填写在固定的空格内。2. Salu

42、tation:称呼语后可用逗号或冒号隔开,称呼语通常用 Dear开头。3. Body: 称呼下方开始写正文,及信的主体,常常以向对方问候开始。4. Complimentary close:写在结束语下,内容因寄信人和收信人的关系而定,一般亲友之间用 Yours, Love, Yours ever等,后面加逗号,这一部分也可不写。5. Signature: 发件人的姓名 II. Use capital letters in the following ways1. Use a capital letter for the personal pronoun I: What can I say? 2

43、. Use a capital letter to begin a sentence or to begin speech:The man arrived. He sat down. Suddenly Mary asked, Do you love me? 3. Use capital letters for many abbreviations and acronyms:G.M.T. or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) N.A.T.O. or NATO or Nato (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 4. Use a capit

44、al letter for days of the week, months of the year, holidays:Monday, Tuesday January, February Christmas Armistice Day 5. Use a capital letter for countries, languages & nationalities, religions:China, France Japanese, English Christianity, Buddhism 6. Use a capital letter for peoples names and titl

45、es:Anthony, Ram, William Shakespeare Professor Jones, Dr Smith Captain Kirk, King Henry VIII 7. Use a capital letter for trade-marks and names of companies and other organizations:Pepsi Cola, Walkman Microsoft Corporation, Toyota the United Nations, the Red Cross 8. Use a capital letter for places a

46、nd monuments:London, Paris, the Latin Quarter the Eiffel Tower, St Pauls Cathedral Buckingham Palace, the White House Oxford Street, Fifth Avenue Jupiter, Mars, Syrius Asia, the Middle East, the North Pole 9. Use a capital letter for names of vehicles like ships, trains and spacecraft:the Titanic the Orient Express, the Flying Scotsman Challenger 2, the Enterprise 10. Use a capital letter for titles of books, poems, songs, plays, films etc:War And Peace If, Futility Like a Virgi


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