module 8《different habits》test 练习(外研社七年级上)doc--初中英语 .doc

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1、 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数Module 8 Test一.选择填空(36*0.5=18分)( )1._often has a party at home.A.Daming B.Damings uncle C.Daming uncle D.Daming uncle( )2.I _ like your clthes.A.dont not C.doesnt D.havent( )3.The boy _ red trainers is my brother.A.put on B.wears C.on )4.Jim often _football on tele

2、vision.A.watchs watches( )5.Nacy _ music every morning.A.listens to B.listens C.hears D.hears of( )6.Victor David _ lots of healthy _.A.eats,foods,foot C.eats,food,foods( )7.Jim _ a birthday card at this party.A.give C.get D.gets( )8.Frank _ up at 7:00 oclo

3、ck on Sunday.A.get B.gets get D.goes( )9.Tom _ to bed early but his brother doesnt.A.goes B.going go D.gos( )10.This is a painting _ Van Goph.A.on D.for( )11.My fiend makes a birthday card _ me.A.for )12.My mother often listens _ C.for D.on( )13.Th

4、e boy _ the tall tree is picking the pears _ the tree.A.on,on B.on,in ,from,on( )14.My grandparents live _ B.on D.from( )15._ Sunday morning we have a birthday party.A.On B.In C.At D.To( )16.The old man always watches football _ D.on( )17._ Betty

5、like her birthday party?A.Do B.Are C.Does D.Is( )18.I like bananas. Do you like _?A.they D.them( )19.Do you often watch TV? No,Im too busy. I_ watch TV.A.always B.often C.usually D.never( )20.How _ do you go to the cinema?Twice a month(一月两次).A.always B.usually C.often D.never( )21.Tony _

6、birthday parties.A.always like B.alwa like C.alwa likes D.always likes( )22.This is _ friend._ name is,He,His C.his,My D.his,He( )23.My uncle likes chicken.Its _ favourite food.A.he B.him C.his D.hes( )24.This is my favourite book. _ name is Harry Potter.A.It B.Its C.Its D.Itss( )25.

7、Mr Greens T-shirt is white,and Mrs _ green. A.Greens B.Green is C.Greens D.Greens is ( )26.I want to buy _ for Mum.A.a pair trainers B.a jeans C.a pair of trainers D.a pair of jean( )27.There are two _ on the of chocolates B.boxes of chocolatesC.boxes of chocolate of chocolate( )28

8、.That pair of jeans _ C.are )29.Her clothes _ always C.are )30.She often wears a yellow _ and a pair of_.A. shoe,skirt B.shirt,trainerC.shirt,trainers D.shirt,jean( )31.This book is different _ that one.A.for B.from C.away D.with( )32.Tony never _ jean

9、s _ trainers.A.wear,and B.wears,or C.puts on,and D.put on,or( )33.Ann sister_ table tennis _ basketball.A.dont like ,and B.dont like,or B. doesnt likes,and D.doesnt like,or( )34.Jack _ his homework at seven in the evening.A.dont do B.dont does C.doesnt do D.doesnt does( )35.She often buys CDs _ her

10、favourite B.on )36.My father _ to the cinema.A. often doesnt go B.often doesnt goes C.doesnt often go D.doesnt often goes 二.单词拼写(24*0.5=12分)1.My mother and my fathers favourite food are _(不同的)2.He _(总是) helps his sister with her English.3.He is _(从不) late for school.4.They _(

11、经常)get up early.5.He _(通常) plays football after school.6.I get many _(礼物) on my birthday every year.7.Reading _(杂志) is good for your study.8.These are birthday _(卡片).9.We can _(得到) pork from pigs.10.What are you going to _(发送) for Teachers Day?11.His _(习惯) is good.12.I have a cat. _(它的) name is Mimi

12、.13.The clothes are very nice. I dont know which one to _(选择).14.I have two_(票).One is for my mother,the other is for my sister.15.My sister has two _(双)of new shoes.16.How much are your _(软运动鞋)?17.I never wear _(牛仔裤).18.Give him a _(音乐会) ticket.19.Ill buy two _(盒子) of cookies for my son.20.This is

13、a _(丝绸) shirt.21.They make many _(衣服).22.I dont know those _(歌手).23.We often learn English_ (通过) the radio.24.The women sells _(衬衫).三.完成句子(20*1=20分)1.Sam通常在他的生日收到礼物.Sam _on his birthday.2.在星期天他从来不开晚会.He _ on Sunday.3.我妈妈经经常为我做些蛋糕.My mother often _some cakes _ me.4.他总是打电脑游戏.He _ computer games.5.他不喜欢

14、踢足球.He _ football.6.请给他发一个电子邮件.Please _ an email.7.他经常六点不起床.六点半起床.He _often _at six. He _ at half past six.8.他喜欢阅读,但不喜欢去看电影.He _,but he _ go to the cinema.9.她从末去看足球赛.She _to the football match.10.他既不喜欢打蓝球,也不喜欢踢足球.He _playing basketbll _ playing football.11.她从不穿牛仔裤或运动鞋.She _jeans _trainers.12.我妹妹经常去听

15、音乐会,并且常买些她喜欢的歌手的唱片.My sister often _ and she usually _ CDs _ her favourite singers.13.我在电视上知道这个消息.I know the news _.14.他们不经常去看电影. They_often _ the cinema.15.我父母星期天不去看音乐会。My parents _to concerts on Sunday.16.我妹妹经常不看小说.My sister _ often _.17.Betty在生日时不常开晚会.Betty _usually _on her birthday.18.他们生日礼物是一双运

16、动鞋和一条牛仔裤._birthday presents _and _.19.你认为这部电影怎么样?What do you _ the film?20.他们通常不给钱或水果.They _ usually _money _ fruit.四.用所给动词的适当形式填空(10*1=10分)1.My mother _(have) lunch at school.2.I _(not get )information for my lesson on the Internet.3.Now many writers _(write) on the computers.4.His father_(send)him

17、 a postcard.5.Marys teacher often _(go) to see the films.6.My grandma never _(remember)my birthday.I feel sad.7.Mike and Bill _(not speak) English to us .They speak Chinese.8._she _(like)playing football?9.He _(ride)a horse every day.10.His aunt always _(invite) her friends to her parties.五.用my,your

18、,his,her,our,their填空(10*1=10分)1.Hello!_name is Peter.Im new here.2.The boy is my friend._name is David.3.This girl is Kate ._father is a doctor.4.We are in the same class._classroom is over there.5.Is this _ book?No.My book is here.6.The two boys are brothers. _ mother is my aunt.7.He likes milk. It

19、s _ favourite drink.8.Lets make a card for Betty.Its _birthday today.9.My grandma and grandpa live in England._house is very big.10.My father likes football.What about _ father?六.完形填空(10*1=10分)Mr Green 1 in a middle school.He works hard.Mrs Green 2 home every day. She doesnt want to 3 work and she 4

20、 any housework.Their son,Bill ,is ten. Bill likes playing and doesnt like 5 .He cant do his 6 and often ask his mother 7 Him.But Mrs Green cant do it,either.She asks Mr Green to do all the homework 8 Bill every day. Mrs Green says she does some housework when he helps his son. It is Sunday today.Mr

21、Green doesnt go to work. But he has a lot of clothes 9 .He hates to do washing .So he asks, “Do you have any homework to do,Bill?” “No,I dont .” “Bad luck!”says Mr Green . “I have to wash 10 ”today.( )1.A.studies )2.A.stays at B.stay at D.are at( )3.A.look B.look at C.lo

22、ok after D.look for( )4.A.does B.doesnt C.doesnt do D.doesnt does( )5.A.studies B.studying C.working )6.A.housework B.clothes C.homework D.washing( ) B.helping C.helps help( )8.A.for C.and )9.A.wash wash C.washing D.washes( )10.A.face B.the trousers C.the clothes

23、 D.hair七.阅读理解(16*1=16分) Grandparents SundayClaires grandparents,Margaret and Graham,often have happy Sunday.Margaret and Graham dont get up early on Sunday. They get up at about half past eight. Graham takes a bath first. In the UK,people usually have baths in the morning.In China ,people usually ha

24、ve baths before they go to bed. At that time ,Margaret makes breakfast.She makes toast,eggs and tea.Graham likes to read newspaper and books in the sitting room on Sunday.He loves reading about history,sports and politics. He doesnt like reading about science.Margaret also likes reading. She reads n

25、ewspapers.But she never reads books on history or politics.They sometimes go shopping.Margaret buys things to make a cake.She loves cooking.Her chocolate cake is best.Margaret wants Graham to paint the sitting room but he hates painting!Margaret likes playing the piano.She is good at playing the pia

26、no and singing.Graham doesnt like playing the piano because he isnt good at it.At night,they usually watch TV.Graham loves watching football on TV.He loves football from England,Scotland and France.Margaret hates watching football. She likes watching romantic stories.Claire and her family sometimes

27、visit her grandparents on Sunday.They love eating their grandmothers cakes. They are always full at their grandparents.A.根据短文判断正误(T,F)( )1.Claire is from the UK.( )2.Margaret is Claires grandfather.( )3.Claires grandparents often get up early on Sunday.( )4.Claires grandparents like reading in the s

28、itting room.( )5.Claires grandmother is good at making chocolate cake.B. 根据短文,选择正确答案( )1.Claires grandfather likes _ after getting up.A.reading the newspapers B.having a bath C.making tea( )2.Claires grandparents often _for breakfast.A.have bath before they go to bed B.have bread and milkC. have toa

29、st,eggs and tea( )3._likes reading books on history,sports and politics.A.Claires grandparents B. Claires grandfather C.Claires grandmother ( )4.Claires grandmother likes _. A.playing the piano and singing B.playing football and tennisC.watching football games on TV( )5.Claire and her parents someti

30、mes _ on Sunday.A. got to visit her grandparentsB. go to eat her grandmothers breakfastC. go to have music parties with her grandparentsC.Complete the form with different habits between Claires GrandfatherGrandmotherAfter getting upIn the daytimeAt night八.作文:根据中文提示,以”My Birthday Party”为题,写一篇短文,写清时间,地点,人物和过程(4分) 今天是星期天,是我的生日,晚上妈妈为我在家里举办了一个生日聚会,妈妈还为我买了生日蛋糕,水果等,我的好朋友都来了,还送我许多礼物,我们唱歌,跳舞,做游戏,吃好吃的东西.我今天的生日过得真快乐! 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数


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