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1、 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数Go for it! Unit 1 My names Gina.一、教学目标通过教学,引导学生学会问候他人和学会如何做自我介绍;能从对话中获取对方的基本信息;建立班级电话号码簿;学会制作个性名片;能向他人简单地介绍自己名字的含义。1 认知目标 掌握介绍自己和问候他人的句型:Whats your name? My names Gina. Nice to meet you! 掌握数字0-9 ,及电话号码的问答:Whats your telephone number? My telephone number is 234-5873. 掌握Be的一般现在

2、时形式 掌握What引导的特殊疑问句 掌握形容词性物主代词:my, your, his, her2 能力目标 培养语用能力,让学生把所学到的语言知识和生活实际联系起来,使学习过程生活化。 学会一些基本的学习策略,听说领些,读写跟上的策略,在起始阶段反复跟读磁带,标上语调,模仿纯正的美语 培养用英语思维的能力和创新意识 学会不断发现问题,并用自己已有的知识水平和生活经历来解决实际问题。如个性化名片的设计,培养了学生的动手能力,展示了学生的个性。3 情感目标 通过小组对话、讨论、调查和设计等一系列的活动,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。 通过结交新朋友,学会如何礼貌地与他人交往。4 学习策略 交际策

3、略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料运用到真实的生活中去。 资源策略:学会利用一切可以利用的学习资源,如词典,网络,音像资料,尤其是配套的录音材料来获取更多的信息。 认知能力:积极思考,及时反馈。 调控策略:在反思、顿悟和自醒中不断的调整自己的学习策略。 二、课时安排及内容1. 第一课时: Section A :1a, 1b,1c. Introduce oneself and greet people: Whats your name? My names Nice to meet you!2. 第二课时: Section A: 2a, 2b, 2c. Whats his name? His

4、name is Whats her name? Her name is3. 第三课时: Section A: 3a,3b,4. personal names, first name, last name.4. 第四课时: Section B: 1a,1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c. numbers 0-9, phone number. Ask for and give telephone numbers.5. 第五课时: Section B: 3a, 3b, 3c, 4 ,Self check 3. Names and telephone numbers.PeriodStep One L

5、ead in1. Greet with the students by using “Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello/ Hi”2. Revise “Whats this in English?” by showing some lovely toys. (e.g. a clock)3. Ask the students to look at the picture in 1a and see how many other words they know.Step Two Listing1. Divide the class into groups of

6、four. Ask them to look at the picture in 1a for about two or three minutes , first list the words as many as possible and then share with group members.2. Memory Challenge. Ask some groups to make a report to see which group has the most words. Meanwhile the teacher writes some easy and important wo

7、rds on the blackboard.3. Give the students a few minutes to copy the words on the book.Step Three Presentation 1. The teacher asks one of the winners above “Whats your name?” Ask the winners to introduce themselves “Im or My name is” . Then the teacher puts on a lovely mask and says “ Oh, Im Nice to

8、 meet you, ” Help the students to answer “Nice to meet you , too.”2. Write the target language on the blackboard and ask the students to repeat.-Whats your English name? -Im Gina.-My name is Alan. Nice to meet you!-Nice to meet you, too.3. Show some pictures of boys and girls and teach the new words

9、 of the boys name : Alan, Jim ; the girls names : Mary, Jenny, Gina.教师带上面具与学生交流,就把“我是一个新形象”这一信息清晰地传达给了学生。学生也能轻而易举地接收这一信息,因为他有过类似的生活经验与体验。这样做的目的,在于为Nice to meet you 提供一个真实的情境,让学生理解它是用于初次见面的问候语。 同时自然的导入本单元的目标语,介绍自己和问候他人:Whats your name? Im Gina. -My name is Alan. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, to

10、o.通过卡通图片这样的直观教具,学生会非常感兴趣,很快就能积极地投入到学习中去。Step Four Listen and number1. Look at 1b and ask some pairs to read the conversations.2. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.3. Play the recording a second time. Students number the conversations.4. Check the answers.5. Imitate 1b.Step

11、Five Pair work1. Say the conversations in 1b, substituting the names of students in the class. Have students repeat.2. Ask the students to practice the conversations in 1b with a partner. Tell them to use their own names.Step Six Competition1. Ask the students to greet each other within five minutes

12、 and write down their partners names. The more , the better. They can use the target language.-Whats your English name? -My names -How do you spell it? -Hello. Im Nice to meet you! - Nice to meet you , too.2. While they are greeting, the teacher moves around the classroom checking pronunciation and

13、offering help as needed. Encourage the boys to greet with girls and girls greet with boys. Boys nameGirls name3. After five minutes ask the students to count how many names theyve got. The students who gets the most are the winners.这是一个巩固性的活动,要求学生能运用目标语进行真实的交际。同时,在活动的过程中,学生又获得了拼写能力的锻炼。男女同学进行问候既为下一节课

14、his /her的运用作好了准备,同时也使学生养成良好的运用英语的习惯。在英语学习的初始阶段,一定要鼓励与帮助学生打破男女生之间的壁垒,这将是今后英语学习活动顺利展开的重要保证。学生活动中,教师应四处走动,向学生提供帮助。这是第一位的。Homework: 1. Recite 1b. 2. Write five new words of 1a in the Vacab-Builder. 3. Ask the students to bring some nice pictures of their friends, family members, pets etc.Period Step One

15、 A game1. The teacher passes a ball to a student and greets with “ Hello/Good morning !Whats your name?” (Then the students pass on the ball and greet each other)The Student who gets the ball responds, and then passes on the ball to the next one and greets him/her. Let the students greet each other

16、by using the target language in Period I naturally and proficiently.Step Two Practice1. Ask the students to look at the four pictures in 2a and make conversations.2. Ask three or four pairs to act out the conversation for each picture . Accept any possible answers. Encourage the students as much as

17、possible.3. While a boy and a girl are making the conversation, ask the other students “Whats his name? Whats her name?” and help them to answer “His name is Her name is ”. Then draw a picture of a boy and a picture of a girl on the blackboard and teach his /her.适时地进入假想情景是英语学习的必要手段,本活动的设计很好地实践了这一点。它

18、在复习上一节课的内容的基础上,为学生提供了较真实的语言环境,使学生拥有了足够的发挥想象的空间,从而使学生创造性地使用语言成为可能。在活动中,以激励评价为主,及时的肯定和鼓励每位参与问答的学生,易激发学生学习的热情和积极性,可以让学生去除紧张心理,从而营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。在学生谈论的同时引入his /her的教学,显得十分自然。同时,简笔画的添加让学生对his /her有了更直观的了解。Step Three Listening1. Before listening, ask some students to read the names in 2b.2. Play the recor

19、ding for the first time. Students only listen.3. Listen to the recording again, students number the conversation.4. Listen to the recording a third time, Circle the names they hear.5. Check the answers.Step Four Conversations 1. Listen and imitate the four conversations.2. Make up similar conversati

20、ons.3. Ask some pairs to act in front of the class.Step Five Group work1. The teacher shows one of the pictures and says “ This is my His name is or Her name is2.Ask the students to work in groups of four and talk about their pictures using the sentence structure above.3.Collect some of the students

21、 pictures and ask the students to answer “Whats his name? Whats her name?”( a competition)活动从教师作示范如何将自己喜欢的人、物介绍给大家开始,然后学生四人小组介绍自己的家庭成员、朋友、宠物等、到最后的比赛(抢答),始终围绕主话题开展活动,既巩固了his /her的运用,同时又增进了师生之间、生生之间的互相了解。话题由课本知识向实际生活延伸,充分体现了语言的语用原则。Homework: 1. Imitate 2a 2.Ask the students to bring some pictures of f

22、amous persons.Period IIIStep One Name Game1. Play the name game like Activity 4每做游戏之前,给学生介绍游戏规则是非常重要的,要让每位学生清楚该怎么做,只有这样才能体现英语(新目标)在做中学原则(Learning by doing)。教师要自始至终引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验,而不是为做游戏而做游戏。同时,教师必须有一定的调控能力,让课堂活而不乱。Step Two Guessing game1. The tea

23、cher shows a famous person and says “ Hes an actor. His name is” “She is a singer. Her name is”2. Students work in groups of four and talk about their favorite persons.3. Have a competition. Divide the class into two groups and the teacher chooses some pictures and folds the pictures and let them gu

24、ess “ His name is Her name is”Step Three Presentation1. At the end of the competition ,the teacher shows two of the famous person and introduces like this: His name is Bill Gates. Bill is his first name and Gates is his last name. Her name is Zhang Ziyi. Zhang is her last name. Ziyi is her first nam

25、e. Help the students understand the first name and the last name and the differences between Chinese names and English names.2. Write more full names on the blackboard and ask “What”s his first/ last name? Whats her first / last name?”3. Look at 3a and ask the students to read the lists of the names

26、 below.4. Ask the students to write F for first name and L for Last name. Check the answers.5. Ask the students to read after the teacher the following names: Smith, Miller, Green, Brown.通过对学生熟悉的各种名人介绍,适时的导入本课的目标语first/ last name的教学,同时通过中、英文姓名的差异,进行中、西文化的差异的教育。有条件的班级可适当的介绍英语姓氏的来源,鼓励感兴趣的同学利用课余时间通过上网等

27、查询相关的资料。Step Four Choose the name 1. Add more common English names on the blackboard and ask the students to choose a first name and a last name they like. Check that the students are pronouncing the names correctly.2. Rehearse the question and answer once more( Whats your first /last name?), then l

28、et them ask their classmates about their new first name and last name and make a list.3. Play a game ( Name my toys) . The teacher shows two of the new toys and asks the students to name them. After a few minutes to see which names are the most popular. Step Five One- minute speech1. Give the studen

29、ts a few minutes to prepare for introducing themselves and their friends or favorite persons etc in a minute. They can begin like this :Hello, everyone. Im a boy . My Chinese name is My first name is My last name is My English name is I have a friend. His /Her name is His /Her first name is His /Her

30、 last name is2. In one minute the student who can say the most correct sentences are the winners.这是一个具有挑战性的任务,通过这个活动,将Section A 的知识有机的进行整合,这会给学生带来极大的成功感,而当他们能顺利完成任务,感受成功的时候,就会树立起自信心,更积极主动地学习。Homework: 1.Look up the dictionary or P112-113 and try to find the meaning of your English name. 2. Write a s

31、hort passage to introduce yourself or your best friend.通过查阅课本112-113或词典了解自己的英语名字的含义,或自己取一个更好的英文名字等的活动,可以更好地了解中西方文化。通过课外作业由口头训练转向笔头训练,句型的练习为以后篇章的书写打下良好的基础。Period IVStep One Warming up1. Enjoy the song “Ten Little Indian Boys”通过欣赏歌曲,可以有效地调节课堂气氛,同时自然地导入数字的教学。Step Two Numbers1. Listen and repeat the num

32、bers.2. Write the numbers on the board in random order. Point to the numbers one at a time and ask the students to repeat.3. Play a Bingo game or Play the next number game4. Look at some signs or pictures and ask the students “ Whats the telephone number?” “ 114,119 120, 110, 96316, 12345, 121” 5. A

33、sk the students “Whats your phone number?” Let them try to answer, then write the numbers on the blackboard and tell the students how to write a telephone number_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ .很多学生能按顺序背诵从1-10的数字,但是不按顺序的朗读还是很困难,通过各种各样的游戏,让学生在玩中学,从而使学生更有效的掌握数字。从生活实际中常用的电话号码入手,一方面简单易学,另一方面与学生的实际生活紧密相连,学生有认同感,有话可说。同时自

34、然地导入了本课的目标语。Step Three Listening1. Before listening,ask the students to work in pairs , one say the numbers in random order, the other writes them down.2. Play the tape for the first time. Students only listen.3. Ask the students to write the numbers in the blank as the teacher plays the tape the se

35、cond time.4. Check the answers.Step Four Listening1. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.2. Listen to the recording again, students write the letter of each telephone number in the blank after the persons name.3. Check the answers in pairs by asking and answering in pairs.4.

36、Listen to the recording a third time, check the answers.听力过程中让学生通过两人小组活动校对答案,可以使学生产生互动的学习效果。如答案不一致,学生在听下一遍的时候能更加集中注意力,这比教师直接报答案的效果来得更好。Step Five Survey1. In about five minutes, let the students ask their classmates about their telephone numbers and write them down . They must use the target language

37、 “ Whats your phone number? Its ” The more , the better.NamePhone Numbers2. Ask some students to make a report like: Lisas phone number is Jims phone number is3. Answer the teachers questions: “Whats Lisas/Jims phone number?” “Her/ His phone number is.”Step Six Creative conversations1. Listen and im

38、itate the four conversations.2. Use some pictures or objects to create some different kinds of situations and ask the students to make conversations.发给学生听力材料让学生进行仿读,然后假设几个场景(同学之间,朋友之间,老板与雇员之间,教师与学生之间等),让学生展开想象,编尽可能真实合理的对话,让学生大胆地使用语言。Homework: Ask the teachers their phone numbers and fill in the form

39、.TeachersPhone Numbers 学生对教师总有万般好奇心,让他们去调查教师的号码,学生会非常乐意去做。同时也可以倡导其他学科的老师学说英语,为学生创设一个课内外学说英语的良好氛围。Period VStep One A game1. The students write their own telephone numbers on a piece of paper and put them in a bag.2. The teacher hands out every student a piece of paper and asks them to find the owner

40、by asking “Whats your phone number?” 3. The student who finds the owner with three guesses is the winner.4. Ask the winner to make a report like this: His /Her name is His / Her family name is His / Her first name is His / Her telephone number is这个活动以游戏形式,训练了学生熟练听说读写数字的能力。活动之后的汇报过程,为学生提供了综合运用本单元目标语的

41、机会。Step Two Talking about names1. Look at the name cards in 3a and ask something about the first name and the last name.2. Ask students to take turns reading the names on each card.3. Tell the students how to finish 3a.4. Ask the students to finish 25 on their own.5. Collect any ID cards , library c

42、ards etc and ask the students to talk about them.Step Three Practice1. Do 3b as a class exercise. Ask the students to look at the ID card. Ask the class questions. 2. Ask the students to fill in their own ID card. (3c)3. Exchange the ID cards and ask the students to look at the picture on the cards

43、and ask and answer in pairs: Whats his / her family name? Whats his /her first name? Whats his /her telephone number? 让学生自制卡片,全班随机交换,看卡上的画像进行猜测, 这一活动重在提供真实的语言场景。Step Four Writing1. Self Check 3. Ask the students to think of two classmates , one a boy and one a girl. Have them write their classmates

44、details in the charts. 可利用上一个活动中获得的信息来写作,电话号码记准确与否不重要。通过本活动将学生的语言输出落实到笔头上,可以检测学生对本单元知识的掌握程度。Step Five Designing a Name Card1.Work in pairs and design a name card according to the information.e.g.假如你的父母将出国旅游,现在请你为他设计一张名片。设计活动是一种能无限激活学生思维的积极有效的语言输出方式。此任务具有趣味性、拓展性和挑战性,它可使学生创造性地使用语言。Homework: Design a n

45、ame card for yourself.假如下个星期你班将来一位外籍教师,请你为自己设计一张名片,以便交流,可根据下面的信息适当增减,以便外籍教师更好地了解你。Personal informationFirst name:Last name:English name:School:Class:Home Address:Postcode:Phone number:E-mail:QQ:这个任务的目的在于结合课本的内容及学生的实际情况,丰富学生的个人信息的相关词汇,培养学生的动手能力,展示学生的个性。教师可将学生作业置于班级中,进行展览、评比,最后放进学生的档案袋。 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数


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