Unit 2 Period 1 Starting out & Understanding ideas 教学设计 【新教材】外研版2019高一英语必修第一册.doc

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Unit 2 Period 1 Starting out & Understanding ideas 教学设计 【新教材】外研版2019高一英语必修第一册.doc_第2页
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1、教学设计课 题Unit2 Exploring EnglishStarting out & Understanding Ideas学 科英语班 级Class 授课教师单 元目 标1 语言能力目标能够理解与英语奇闻趣事有关的文章内容,借助语境理解英语中的一词多义和习惯用语;能够听懂并谈论与英语词汇、表达相关的话题,使用新学语言描述英式英语与美式英语的不同,恰当地使用构词法进行词语重构,描述自己在英语学习过程中的误解。2 文化意识目标能够理解英语的多样性、地域差异性及相关原因;能够注意到语言发展与社会发展、文化差异之间的内在联系。3 思维品质目标能够辨析语言的多样性和文化的差异性;能够在深入理解文本

2、的同时联系自身实际,反思自身英语学习过程中遇到的问题,创造性地提出英语学习的新方法。4 学习能力目标能够通过了解英语的特点和与英语相关的奇闻趣事,激发英语学习的兴趣;能够多渠道获取英语学习资源;能够选择恰当的策略与方法,监控、评价、反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程。重 点 带领学生观看关于英语发展与演变的历史的视频,激活已有的语言、背景知识,激发对话题的兴趣难 点 引导学生基于教材内容和自身实际,简要介绍英语的历史,初步分析中国英语学习者数量持续增长背后的原因。教 学方 法Interactive Reading Approach教学内容与过程Step1 Warming up教师引导学生观察图表,

3、了解不同语言在世界范围内的使用和学习情况以及中国人英语学习的现状,初步导入主题。Look at the charts and answer the questions. 1. According to Chart 1, which language has the largest number of native speakers? According to Chart 2, which language has the largest number of learners? 2. What can you learn from Chart 3? Why do you think many p

4、eople in China learn English? 2.参考答案1. Chinese has the largest number of native speakers. English has the largest number of learners.2. The number of English learners in China is increasing. Students own answers.Step2 Starting out 教师带领学生观看视频,了解英语的历史,激活学生已有的语言、背景知识,激发对话题的兴趣。Watch the video and answer

5、 the questions. 1. Which countries mentioned in the video have English as their first language? 2. Where do a third of English words come from? What examples are given in the video? 参考答案1 The UK, Ireland, the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.2 More than a third of English words come from Frenc

6、h. For example, “fruit”, “table”, “crocodile” and “invasion”.教师通过问卷调查,激活学生对高中生活第一天的记忆和相关的背景、语言知识,为整个单元的学习活动做预热。第1步:学生独立阅读问卷内容并自主完成问卷。第2步:学生以小组为单位,分享彼此的答案。第3步:请各组选出一名代表,汇报小组内的问卷情况,并谈一谈对新学校的向往。第4步(适合程度较好的班级或学生):组织全班分类统计问卷调查的结果.进一步了解学生怡况,同时培养学生归纳、总结倍息的能力。参考答案1. They have four classes every day and do p

7、ractical work. They often have a quick snack and catch up with friends, and then have lunch at 12:55.Some pupils also participate in after-school activities and dubs.2. Students own answers.Step3 Understanding ideas Activity 1 Before-reading学生以小组为单位,看图片,讨论图片中的公式所表达的信息,推测课文内容。教师帮助学生提前了解课文主题,对课文内容进行推测

8、,使学生对课文大意有所了解。Look at the title of the passage and the pictures. Tick what you think the passage is about. Then, read the passage and check your answer to Activity 1._food_cooking_words_plants_fruitActivity 2 Reading.Reading for main idea.第一步:对学生进行学法指导,找出课文主题句。第二步:请学生阅读以下四个选项,根据课文主题句和对课文的理解选出作者的写作意图

9、。第三步:请部分学生分享答案并说明理由,全班核对答案。Choose the authors purpose in writing the passage.A. To tell us that English is very difficult to learn.B. To give advice on how to learn English.C. To show that English is interesting and creative.D. To explain how English was created.Reading for detail information.第一步:确认

10、学生理解笔记中文字和图片的含义,明白活动意图。第二步:学生分组活动,各小组在文中寻找相应的信息,完成笔记。第三步:请各小组选派代表,分别朗读笔记的一部分,全班核对答案。第四步:引导学生注意课文中举例的方法和具体句式,并请各小组根据笔记复述课文内容。第五步(适合程度较好的班级或学生):引导学生思考并讨论笔记中不同类别下的例子,并思考汉语中有无类似的情况,培养学生的跨文化意识。Complete the notes with words from the passage.参考答案1 unique 2 hamburger 3 pineapple 4 painting 5 airsick 6 carsi

11、ck 7 homesick 8 opposing 9 behaviors 10 fill out 11 invisible 12 ends 13 reflectsActivity 3 After-readingRead the following information and answer the questions.A. The word “pineapple” developed from the Spanish word “pia”, which means pine cone. B. When it came to England, “apple” was added to show

12、 it is a kind of fruit.C. The origin of “hamburger” was a hard beef steak called “Hamburg steak”, eaten without bread. Later, people reinvented it and called it “hamburger”.D. Eggplants used to be smaller and yellow or white. They looked a bit like eggs, which led to the name “eggplant”.Question1: H

13、ow did pineapples, hamburgers and eggplants get their names? Question2: Does the information above give you a better understanding of the passage? Giveyourreasons.第一步:请学生关注课文中 pineapple,hamburger 和eggplant 三个词,思考单词如此构成的原因,并带着问题阅读活动中的短文。第二步:学生分组活动,各小组展开讨论,回答问题。第三步:请部分学生汇报小组讨论结果,其他学生进行补充。参考答案1 The nam

14、e of “pineapple” developed from the Spanish word “pia”, with “apple” added to show its a kind of fruit; the name of hamburger came from the idea of “Hamburg steak”, and later people reinvented it and called it“hamburger”; eggplants got the name because they used to look like eggs.2 Students own answers.Activity 4 Homework: Think & Share:1. Do you agree with the authors opinion about the English language? Give your reasons.2 What do you find most challenging about learning English? How do you deal with this?备注


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