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1、Unit 8 When is your birthday?听力部分(共20分)?I. 听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片(略)II. 听下面5段对话和问题,选择最佳选项(每小题1分,共5分)?( )6. A. September 11th.B. October 11th.C. November11th.( )7. A. A yellow sweater. B. A white sweater.C. A green sweater.( )8. A. In the evening. B. In the morning. C. In the afternoon.( )9. A. Its Novembe

2、r 18th.B. Its November 8th.C. Its December 8th.( )10. A. On the 12th of this month.B. On the 30th of this month.C. On the 20th of this month.?III. 听长对话,根据所听内容选择最佳选项(每小题1分,共5分)( )11. Who is Jane?A. She is Johns sister. B. She is Johns mother.C. She is Johns friend.( )12. How old is Lily?A. She is twe

3、lve. B. She is ten. C. She is eight.( )13. Who has a brother?A. Jane. B. Lily C. John( )14. Who is eleven years old?A. Jane. B. Linda. C. Joe.( )15. When is Joes birthday?A. May 8th. B. August 15th. C. May 15th.?I. 听短文, 根据所听内容判断句子正(T)误(F) (每小题1分,共5分)?( )16. The girls parents are in the USA.( )17. Th

4、e girls birthday is November 12th.( )18. The girl doesnt like her sister.( )19. The girl is not happy at the party.( )20. Its the girls first birthday party in the USA.?笔试部分(共80分)I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)?从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。?( )21. _ is your school sports day?Its great.A. When B. How C. W

5、hat D. Where( )22. Do you know the _ of your mothers birth?Yes. Its July 14th.A. age B. year C. month D. date( )23. Do you have _ school trip this month?No. Well have _ Art Festival.A. a; an B. a; a C. an; a D. an; an( )24. _ your teachers daughters nine?Yes, and her son is ten.A. Is B. Does C. Are

6、D. Do( )25. Last month is September. This month is _.A. August B. October C. November D. December( )26. My room is on the _ floor.A. two B. twelve C. twelfth D. twenty( )27. _? She is five.A. Whats the date B. How old is your brotherC. How many does she have D. Whats your cousins age( )28. Our Engli

7、sh teacher is _.A. 24 year old B. 24-year oldC. 24 years old D. 24-years-old( )29. Do you want to go to _ birthday party?Yes, I do.A. Tina and Simon B. Tinas and SimonC. Tinas and Simons D. Tina and Simons( )30. My fathers birthday is _.A. June five B. June fifthC. June fifteen D. fifteen June( )31.

8、 When is your birthday party?_ October 30.A. Its B. ImC. Were D. Youre( )32. _ you have a Music Festival every year?_.A. Are; Yes, you are B. Are; Yes, I doC. Do; Yes, you are D. Do; Yes, we do( )33. The School Day is _ January.A. on B. in C. for D. at( )34. How old is your sister?_.A. She is fine B

9、. She is at the age of tenC. She is at school D. She is very happy( )35. Happy birthday to you!_A. Thats OK. B. Here you are.C. Thank you! D. Im happy.?II. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)?从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项.?Barry is an English boy. He is my new 36 . He teaches (教) me many 37 songs (歌曲). I 38 Barry and h

10、is songs. Thats a good way for 39 to learn (学) English. After class, he plays games with me. He likes 40 . We often play bas-ketball in the afternoon.? Today is November 2nd. It is 41 birthday. He doesnt tell (告诉) me but I 42 it from his sister. I 43 him a present (礼物) and a birthday card. He is ver

11、y 44 . He likes the present very much. 45 the present? Its a basketball.( )36. A. class B. father C. friend D. family( )37. A. blue B. Chinese C. boring D. English( )38. A. meet B. like C. see D. have( )39. A. her B. it C. me D. them( )40. A. pictures B. sports C. books D. fruits( )41. A. Barrys B.

12、Barrys sistersC. my brothers D. my sisters( )42. A. bring B. know C. help D. afford( )43. A. sell B. want C. watch D. buy( )44. A. happy B. sorry C. relaxing D. short( )45. A. Wheres B. Hows C. Whats D. Whens?III. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)?A? 难度:?Happy Birthday!? Do you want to have a special(特别的) birth-day?

13、 Have a look at our website (网站)!Birthday partyWe have two kinds of parties. The party will be in your home. Girls please visit (访问) www.g-; boys please visit www.b-.Birthday dinnerWe have three kinds of set dinners (晚餐套餐) at the cost of $10-30.Set A $10 per person (每人)Set B $20 per person Set C $30

14、 per person Tel: 659- 487根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。( )46. The website doesnt offer information (信息) about _.A. birthday parties B. birthday dinnersC. birthday trips D. birthday places( )47. We can know more about _ birthday parties at www.g-.A. parents B. girls C. boys D. teachers( )48. The underlined word cos

15、t means _.A. 调查 B. 描述 C. 费用 D. 职位( )49. Set dinner B is _ per person.A. $10 B. $20 C. $25 D. $30( )50. We can see the words above (上述文字) _.A. in a dictionary B. in a math bookC. in a newspaper (报纸) D. in a family photo?B?难度:?Im Simon from America. I am twelve and Im at Wllis Junior High School (高中).

16、 This month we have two school activities (活动). One is an English party. And the other is a school trip. I have a great time. What about next (下一个) month? Oh, there are five activities. Here is a list.?Date Event?May 12 School DayMay 15-17 English speech contest 3:00 pm - 4:30pmMay 18 Basketball gam

17、e 2:00 pm - 3:30 pmMay 19 Art Festival 9:00 am - 5:00 pmMay 24 Music party 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm? Im in the school basketball club and I like singing (唱歌). Ill play in the basketball game and Ill sing in the music party. I cant wait (等不及)!?根据短文内容,回答问题。51. How old is Simon? _52. How many school activitie

18、s does Simon have in April? _53. Does Simon have a basketball game in May? _54. When is the Art Festival? _55. Does the boy have a music party at 9:00 am on May 24 at school? _?IV. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)?根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词补全句子(每词限用一次)。? third, age, trip, December, music, happy,? seventy, festival, Chinese,

19、February56. Our speech contest is in _.57. Jack is very small for his _.58. She is the _ girl of the family.59. I want to have a _ to Beijing!60. What _ do you have in January? New Years Day.61. Johnsons new watch is lost. He is not _.62. My grandma is _ years old.63. Do you have a _ name?64. The se

20、cond month of a year is _.65. Miss Chen is my _ teacher.?V. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)?根据上下文,在横线上填写适当的词语,使对话完整、通顺。A: What is the (66)_ today, Lily?B: Its October twentieth.A: Oh, Great! My birthday is coming (来临).B:(67)_ is it?A: Its October 27th. What about you?B: My birthday is February 15th. Do you (68)_ a

21、birthday party?A: Yes, I (69)_. Can you come?B: Let me see. Its Friday. Er, sorry, (70)_ I have a trip next week.A: Thats OK.?VI. 完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)?根据汉语意思,补全英文句子。?71. 她姐姐的生日是3月19号。? Her sisters birthday is _.72. 这是南茜(Nancy)的第十六个生日。? It is _.73. 12月是一年中的最后一个月。? _ of the year.74. 他喜欢看排球比赛。? He likes _.7

22、5. 你们这个月有英语演讲比赛吗?? _ this month?VII. 基础写作(共15分)? 今天是周日,是玛丽亚(Maria)的生日。假设你是吉尔(Jill), 你收到了玛丽亚给你的生日聚会邀请卡(如下图),并去参加了她的生日聚会。你送给她一顶帽子作为礼物。生日聚会上大家都玩得很开心。你告诉玛丽亚你的生日是在12月6日,希望她也能来参加你的生日聚会。?Marias 13th Birthday!November 1st, 2009 5:00 pmMcDonalds Restaurant? (饭店)No. 106 XXXRoadFood and cakes (蛋糕)Drinks (饮料)Ga

23、mes &Activities!?要求:根据以上所给提示信息写一篇日记,字数40词左右。日记开头已给出,不计入总词数。提示:invite邀请Sunday, November 1st Sunny (晴)_?附加题部分(共20分)?I. 把下列词汇按要求分类(每小题1分,共5分)?March, trip, April, party, contest, September, sixteen, eighteenth, first, July, thirtieth, happy, sorry, twenty1. 表示月份的:_2. 表示数量的:_3. 表示顺序的:_4. 表示事件的:_5. 形容人情绪的

24、:_I. 根据上下文用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共5分)?A: Sorry to be late (迟到的).B: Hi, (6)_ (not) worry (担心). What do you (7)_ (like) to have?A: I only want some fruit and salad. Im not very hungry (饿的).B: Thats not like (像) you!A: No, but I have dinner with the family. Its my (8)_ (sister) birthday today.B: Well, help

25、(9)_ (you). Theres (10)_ (lot) of food.?III. 阅读短文,把AE五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文完整正确(每小题2分,共10分)?Dora loves her mom. (11)_ Shell buy her a present. (12)_ She wants a card that says the right thing. (13)_ The card must (必须) say, I love you, Mom. It must say, Mom, you are the best mother in the world (世界上).It mus

26、t say, Im so happy that you are my mom.(14)_ But there is one more thing the card must say. It must say, (15)_A. What is the right (正确的) thing?B. Happy Birthday!C. Her mothers birthday is next Sunday.D. Those are all the right things for the card to sayE. She wants to buy a nice birthday card.?听力原文?

27、I. 1. M: How old is your cousin? W: Shes only two years old.2. M: Mary, is Jacks birthday March 27th? W: Yes, it is.3. M: Whens Sallys birthday? W: Its July 6th.?4. M: Is May 9th your School Day? W: No, its the Art Festival.?5. M: Whens your birthday party? W: Its July 31st.II.?6. W: Jeff, do you kn

28、ow Mums birthday? M: Its September 11th .? W: No, its October 11th.?Q: When is the mothers birthday?7. W: Hi, Tony! When is the great sale in? Mr Cools clothes store? M: From February 26th to 28th. What do you want to buy,Sally? W: I want to buy a green sweater.? Q: What does the girl want to buy?8.

29、 W: Lets watch the basketball game on TV this afternoon.? M: In the afternoon? I think its in the evening.? W: Oh, yes, its in the evening.? Q: When is the basketball game on TV?9. W: Mr Jones, when is our school trip? M: This Sunday.? W: Great! Thats November 8th.? Q: When is the school trip?10. W:

30、 Can I help you? M: Yes, please. Heres a list of food I want to buy.? W: Can I have a look? M: Here you are.? W: Im sorry, we dont have strawberries. Please comeon the twentieth of this month.? M: OK.? Q: When can the man buy strawberries in the shop? III.? M: Hi, Jane!? W: Hi, John!? M: Do you have

31、 any brothers or sisters? W: I have a sister. Her name is Lily. She is? twelve years old.? M: When is her birthday? W: Its August 15th. Do you have a sister? M: Yes, Linda is eleven.? W: When is her birthday? M: Its May 8th. And I also have a brother.? Hes Joe. He is eight. His birthday is August 15

32、th, too.? W: Thats interesting.I.Its November 12th today and it is my thirteenth birthday. Im in the USA but my parents are in Beijing. This is my first birthday in the USA. I want to have a birthday party but I dont know how to do it. My sister and her nice friends have a birthdayparty for me. I am

33、 so happy to have it here, in the USA. Thank you, my sister, and thank you, my dear friends. Thanks foryour love.?参考答案?听力部分? I. 1-5 CBABCII. 6-10 BCABC? III. 11-15 CACBB IV. 16-20 FTFFT? 笔试部分? I. 21-25 BDACB 26-30 CDCDB? 31-35 ADBBC? II. 36-40 CDBCB 41-45 ABDAC? III. 46-50 CBCBC? 51. Hes twelve year

34、s old.? 52. He has two school activities in April.? 53. Yes, he does.? 54. Its May the nineteenth.? 55. No, he doesnt.? IV. 56. December 57. age? 58. third 59. trip? 60. festival61. happy? 62. seventy 63. Chinese? 64. February 65. music? V. 66. date 67. When? 68. have 69. do? 70. but? VI. 71. March

35、nineteenth? 72. Nancys sixteenth birthday? 73. December is the last month? 74. watching volleyball games? 75. Do you have an English speech contestVII. One possible version:? Sunday, November 1st SunnyToday is November 1st. Its my friend, Marias birthday. I go to her party in the afternoon. I buy he

36、r a beautiful hat. She likes the hat. We have drinks, eat salad and cakes at the party. We also play games. We are very happy. My birthday is December sixth. I invite Maria to my birthday party.?附加题部分I. 1. March, April, July, September? 2. sixteen, twenty? 3. eighteenth, first, thirtieth? 4. trip, party, contest? 5. happy, sorry? II. 6. dont 7. like 8. sisters 9. yourself? 10. lots? III. 11-15 CEADB


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