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《最新版牛津英语+8A+期末复习专项之翻译(含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新版牛津英语+8A+期末复习专项之翻译(含答案).docx(3页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、译林版8A期末翻译句子专项复习卷1. 他儿子将来想当一名作家。His son wants to be a writer in the future.2. 刚才什么让你不开心?What made you unhappy just now?我喜欢和他分享我的快乐。I like to share my joy/happiness with him.3. 为你的好朋友保守秘密是很重要的。Its very important to keep secrets for you good friends.4. 在所有电影中,哪一部最有趣呢?Which one is the most interesting o

2、f all the films?5. Mike的英语有一些问题,希望我们能给他一些建议。Mike has some problems with English and hopes that we can give him some advice.6. 我们都喜欢英语老师,因为他有幽默感。We all like our English teacher because he has a sense of humor.他们都喜欢David,他从来不说别人坏话。They all like David. He never says bad words about others.7. Bob长大后想成为一

3、名医生,帮助人们保持健康。Bob wants to be a doctor to help people keep healthy when he grows up.8. Tom喜欢这项活动,每次训练都很刻苦。Tom likes the activity so he is hard-working in training every time.9. 今年国庆节我们将放假七天。We will have 7 days off for National Day this year.10. 在他们班,他会唱的歌最少。He can sing the fewest songs in their class

4、.11. 我们今天下午将谈论下周的学校旅行。We will talk about the school trip next week this afternoon.12. Millie画得比我班里其他任何一位老师都好。Millie draws better than any other teacher in my class.13. 孩子们玩捉迷藏玩得很开心。Children had fun playing hide and see.14. 我们可以选择俱乐部参加。We can choose clubs to take part in.15. 昨天考试前我快速浏览了一下问题。I looked

5、through the questions before examination yesterday.16. 在夏季,英国学生比美国学生少休息几周。British students have fewer weeks off than American students in the summer holiday.17. 他们所有人都迫不及待地要拍照。All of them couldnt wait to take photos.18. 那里有五十多个世界各地景点的模型。There are models of more than 50 places of interest from all ov

6、er the world. 19. 金门大桥的模型看起来就像家乡的那座一样棒。The model of The Golden Bridge looks as good as that in hometown.20. 我认为他的答案不正确。I dont think his answer is right.21. 昨天王老师邀请我参加他们学习去故宫的旅行了。Mr. Wang invited me to join their trip to learn the Palace Museum yesterday.22. 去年夏天,我们参观了北京的各种名胜古迹。We visited all kinds o

7、f places of interest in Beijing last summer.23. 要制作一个好的网页要花费你好几周的时间。It will take you a few weeks to make a good website. 24. 我们为什么不去无锡博物馆呢?Why dont we go to the Wuxi Museum?25. 每周一早上路上交通拥挤。There is a lot of traffic on the road every Monday.26. 当学生们看到姚明时,他们异常兴奋。When students saw Yao Ming, they were v

8、ery excited.27. 我女儿在玩水,弄得房间里到处都是水。My daughter was playing water, which made the room full of water. 28. 我上学期总是把单词拼写错。I always made mistakes spelling words last semester.29. 有时干“自己动手做”的活要花费很长的时间。It will take a lot of time to do DIY sometimes.30. 他很粗心,经常在考试中犯错误。He is so careless that he often makes mi

9、stakes in the examination.31. 在万圣节那天,我决定为她用南瓜做个灯笼。I decided to use the pumpkin to make a lantern on the Halloween.32. 格林先生打算要装修他的新房子。Mr. Green plans to decorate their new house.33. 我表弟花了四个半小时在墙上搭起了书架。My little cousin spent four and a half hours setting up the book shelf on the wall.34. 老师建议他多花点时间在英语

10、听力上。The teacher advised him to spend more time on the English listening.35. 我确定我能每周六去上课。I am sure that I can attend lessons every Saturday.36. 大熊猫在野外面临严重的问题。Giant pandas are facing serious problems in the wild.37. 因此,东北虎可能无处生存,无以为食。As a result, the Manchurian tiger may have no place to live or have

11、no food to eat.38. 蝙蝠看不见,但是它们在嘴和耳朵的帮助下能飞行正确的路线。The bats cannot see but they can fly the right way with the help of mouth and ears. 39. 熊经常白天在四周慢慢活动。Bears often walk around slowly in the daytime.40. 如果你在一个大城市迷路了怎么办?我会去找警察帮忙。What will you do if you get lost in a big city? I will ask the police for hel

12、p.41. 有些动物在野外既自由又快乐。Some animals are free and happy in the wild.42. 我们为什么不尽力来保护野生动物呢?Why dont we do our best to protect the wild animals?43. 你知道关于今天会议的一些重要事情吗?Do you know anything important about todays meeting?44. 他们总是在冬天来临之前储存一些食物。They always save some food before winter.45. 人们杀死饿狼是因为他们认为狼对人类有危险。P

13、eople killed the hungry wolf because they think wolves are dangerous to people.46. 他的父母亲一年到头都很忙。His parents are busy all year round. 47. 图书馆为人们准备各种各样的书籍。The library prepared all different kinds of books for people.48. 张老师同意让我帮他学英语。Mr. Zhang agreed to let me help him study English.49. 去年我去了一趟海南稍作了停留。

14、I went to Hainan for a short stay last year.50. 如果我们不保护湿地的话,将来就不可能看到这些濒临灭绝的鸟类了。If we dont protect the wetlands, it will be impossible to see the endangered birds in the future.51. 那只狗昨天一整天叫个不停。That dog kept barking the whole day yesterday.52. 盐城自然保护区有各种植物和珍稀鸟类。There are all kinds of plants and rare

15、birds in Yancheng Nature Reserve.53. 我希望我所有的学生都对英语感兴趣。I hope that all of my students are interested in English.54. 一些人想要使湿地变得更小,以便为农场和房屋挪出更大的地方。Some people want to make the wetlands smaller to make more space for farms and houses.55. 现在中国政府以立法来阻止在扎龙的所有此类事情。Now the Chinese government prevents all of

16、such things in Zhalong by making laws.56. 厚厚的白雪覆盖了一切,湖泊与河流都结了冰。Deep snow covers everything. Lakes and rivers are frozen with ice.57. 他表弟经常用他的电脑打游戏。His little brother often uses his computer to play computer games.58. 那是在外面打雪仗的最佳时刻。Its the best time to play snowball fights.59. 我女儿最喜欢夏季,因为她可以游泳和享受冰淇淋。

17、My daughter kikes summer best because she can go swimming and enjoy ice cream.60. 在昨天语文课上Lisa扔给我一张纸条。Lisa threw a piece of paper to me in the Chinese class yesterday.61. 昨天的会议使我们昏昏欲睡。The meeting yesterday made us sleepy.62. 昨天她花了大约两个小时练习拉小提琴。She spent about two hours practicing playing the violin ye

18、sterday.63. 为了能到温暖而晴朗的地方,鸟儿飞得很远。The birds fly far away to find a warm and clear place.64. 据说地球70%被水覆盖。It is said that seventy percent of the earth is covered with water.65. Daniel因为发高烧和咳得厉害今天没上学。Daniel didnt go to school because he had a high fever and coughed seriously.66. 既然每个人都来了,让我们开始开会吧。Lets st

19、art the meeting since everyone is here.67. 我告诉自己要保持镇静。I tell myself to calm down.68. 请尽快给我打电话。Please call me as soon as possible.69. 你能帮我把那袋大米移开吗?Would you please move away that bag of rice for me?70. 请远离那些狗,它们可能会咬人。Please stay away from those dogs. They may bite people.71. 一丝恐惧掠过我的脑海,但是我没有停下来。A mom

20、ent of fear crossed my mind but I didnt stop.72. 周围一片黑暗,孩子们尖叫救命。It was dark around and children screamed for help.73. 我开始在黑暗中慢慢向前移动身体。I started to move body slowly in the dark.74. 碎玻璃和砖块分分掉落下来,人们四处逃散。Pieces of broken glass and bricks fell down and people ran away in all directions.75. 我们学到了很多在火灾、洪水、

21、地震和意外事故中使自己安全的知识。We learnt a lot of knowledge about how to keep ourselves safe in the fire, flood, earthquake and accidents. 76. 当时你相信他所说的吗?Did you believe what he said at that moment.77. 李雷心地善良,他经常帮助他人解决问题。It is kind of Li Lei to help others solve problems.78. 彼得考试通过了,因为他学习比以前更努力了。Peter passed the

22、examination because he worked harder than usual.79. 学生们多久做一次早操?How often do students do morning exercises?80. 请仔细按照说明操作。Please follow the instruction carefully.81. 读一本好书比看一部无聊的电视剧有趣的多。Reading a good book is much more interesting than watching a boring TV series.82. 你对不同的文化感兴趣吗?Are you interested in

23、different cultures?83. 我昨天看了一篇由美国老师写的文章。I read an article by an American teacher yesterday.84. 多做运动是保持健康的好办法。Exercise more is a good way to keep fit.85. 有10多人因那场大雪而丧生。Over 10 people died from that heavy snow.86. 昨天我读了一篇鲁迅写的文章。I read an article by Lu Xun yesterday.87. 谢谢你为我保密。Thank you for keeping se

24、crets for me.88. 他正在学习电脑。He is learning computer.89. 在我们国家,大多数房屋朝南。In our country, most houses face south.90. 刚开始的时候你感到一阵轻微的震动了吗?Did you feel a slight shaking in the beginning?91. 我们准备为贫困地区的学生提供书籍来帮助他们。We prepared to provide books for students in the poor areas to help them.92. 如果我们不采取行动,世界上很快就不会有野生

25、动物了。If we dont take action, there will be no wild animals in the world soon.93. 地震发生时他正在超市买东西。He was shopping in the supermarket when the earth happended.94. 没有人知道昨晚那幢房子是如何着火的。Nobody knew how that house caught fire last evening. 95. 我们必须马上把他送医院。We must take him to the hospital at once.96. 她从自行车上摔下来,伤了左腿。She fell off the bike and hurt her left leg.97. 那座老房子上周四着火了吗?Did that old house catch fire last Thursday?98. 老师们希望学生在新的一年学习上更努力。Teachers hope that students can work harder in study in the new year.3


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