译林版五下英语5B课件Unit 7 Chinese festivals 第一课时课件.pptx

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1、Unit 7 Chinese festivals (1),英语牛津译林版 五年级下,Lets sing,Song of months,Free talk,Can you say the months?,Free talk,Talk about holidays and months,Look and read,重阳节,Double Ninth Festival,Dragon Boat Festival,端午节,Spring Festival,春节,Mid-Autumn Festival,中秋节,Look and read,一个年糕,a rice cake,dumplings,饺子,moon c

2、akes,月饼,rice dumplings,粽子,Story time,Where are they?,Who are they?,What are they doing?,Story time,Talk about Festivals.,What is the festival in each picture?,When is the holiday?,How do you know?,What do you usually do at the holiday?,Story time,The Spring Festival is in January or February. People

3、 also call it Chinese New Year. At this festival, people get together with their family. Some people eat dumplings.,Story time,The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June. There are dragon boat race in some places. People eat rice dumplings at this festival.,Story time,The Mid-Autumn Festival is in S

4、eptember or October. People look at the moon at night with their family. They eat moon cakes and fruit.,Story time,The Double Ninth Festival is in October or November. It is a festival for old people. People visit their parents and grandparents. They also climb mountains and eat rice cakes at this f

5、estival.,Lets learn.,节日,一月,叫作,称作,festival,January,call,二月,February,Lets learn.,中国农历新年,团聚,六月,Chinese New Year,get together,June,五月,May,Lets learn.,赛龙舟,地方,地点,月饼,dragon boat race,place,mooncake,十月,October,Play the game.,dragon boat race moon place,Chinese New Year parent May,速读下列单词。,February festival O

6、ctober,call June January,Lets practice.,dumplings,Mid-Autumn Festival,a rice cake,rice dumplings,Lets match,Dragon Boat Festival,Double Ninth Festival,Spring Festival,mooncakes,Answer the questions.,1. What is the festival in picture 1? 2. What is the festival in picture 2? 3. What is the festival i

7、n picture 3?,It is the Spring Festival.,It is the Dragon Boat Festival.,It is the Mid-Autumn Festival.,Answer the questions.,4. What is the festival in picture 4? 5. What can we eat at the Dragon Boat Festival?,It is the Double Ninth Festival.,We can eat rice dumplings.,Lets listen,点击播放Story time,Sh

8、owtime.,1. 四人一组进行故事讲述练习。 2. 注意自己的语音语调,表情和动作。 3.一小组表演时,其他小组观看并评分。 Good! Very good! Excellent!,Lets read,Lets match,a,b,c,d,Read quickly,重温月份,Read and write,The Spring Festival is in J_ or F_.,The Dragon Boat Festival is in M_ or J_.,The Mid-Autumn Festival is in S_ or O_.,The Double Ninth Festival is

9、 in O_ or N_.,anuary,ebruary,ay,une,eptember,ctober,ctober,ovember,Pair work,According to the story, ask and answer in pairs.,Lets practice.,一、词汇互译。 1. February_ 2. dragon boat race_ 3. 六月_ 4. 春节_,二月,June,Spring Festival,龙舟赛,3.At the Mid-Autumn Festival, people eat_.,2.At the Dragon Boat Festival ,

10、people eat_.,4.At the Double Ninth Festival, people eat_.,1.At the Spring Festival, people eat _.,moon cakes,rice cakes,dumplings,rice dumplings,Summary,1. 词汇: 月份:January February March April May June July August September October November December 节日:Spring Festival Dragon Boat Festival Mid-Autumn Festival 食物:a rice dumplings rice dumplings rice cake 2.句型:The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June, there are dragon boats race and people eat rice dumplings.,Homework,Read and try to recite the story . 2. Try to act the story with your friends.,


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