译林版五下英语5B课件Unit 1 Cinderella(2) 课件.pptx

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1、Unit 1 Cinderella(2),英语牛津译林版 五年级下,Play a game,fairy,because,take off,put on,Cinderella,火眼金睛:Read quickly,sad,prince,fit,why,Retell the story,Lets think,2. What did they do? 他们做了什么?,1. Who are in the story? 故事有哪些角色?,3. What did they say? 他们说了什么?,Retell the story,There is a _ at the princes house, all

2、 girls can go, but Cinderella cant. she doesnt have any _ clothes or shoes.,party,nice,Retell the story,The fairy _ Cinderella, she has beautiful clothes and_, then ,she can go to the party.,helps,shoes,Retell the story,Cinderella has a _ time at the party. The prince _ her very much. Cinderella goe

3、s home before _ oclock. She leaves a _ .,good,loves,12,shoe,Retell the story,The prince visits every _. Many girls _ on the shoe, but it doesnt _. Finally, Cinderella tries it on, it fits _.,house,try,fit,well,Say and act,Say and act,Say and act,Say and act,Act it out,Showtime.,1. 五人一组进行故事拓展表演练习。 2.

4、 注意自己的语音语调,表情和动作。 3.一小组表演时,其他小组观看并评分。 朗读基本流利,表情动作基本到位。 朗读较为流利,表情动作比较到位。 基本能够脱稿,表情动作十分到位。,Lets learn,Grammar,动词的单数形式,当句子的主语是第三人称单数时,动词要用单数形式。 1. 一般在词后加s; 2. 以ch或 sh 结尾的要加es; 3. 以y 结尾的要变y为i,再加es。,Lets learn,come,comes,put on,puts on,take off,takes off,watch,watches,wash,washes,try,tries,Lets learn.,Do

5、 you remember these question words?,what,when,where,who,whose,Lets learn.,what,什么,例如:What is this?,这是什么?,Lets learn.,when,什么时候,例如:When is Mid-Autumn Festival?,中秋节在什么时候?,Lets learn.,where,哪里,例如:Where is the park?,公园在哪里?,Lets learn.,例如: Who are you?,你是谁?,who,谁,Lets learn.,例如: Whose hat is it?,这帽子是谁的?,

6、whose,谁的,Play the game.,whose,why,tries,because,who,when,what,where,comes,whose,快速读出出现的单词,看到炸弹要说“bomb嘭”。,Lets practice.,根据中文意思,选择恰当的疑问词。,What Who Whose Where Why When,1. _ are you so sad? 为什么你如此伤心?,2. _ ruler is this? 这是谁的尺子?,3. _ is the zoo? 动物园在哪里?,Why,Whose,Where,Lets practice.,根据中文意思,选择恰当的疑问词。,W

7、hat Who Whose Where Why When,4. _ is he? 他说谁?,5. _ is Teachers Day? 什么时候是教师节?,6. _ is it? 它是什么?,Who,When,What,Listen and follow,dr,d,r,Listen and chant,Andrew,Andrea,Andrew is having a drink.,Andrea is drawing a dress for her friend Sue.,Its cold and blue.,Lets try,draw,dress,drink,driver,Lets pract

8、ice,Lets practice,圈出不同发音的单词。,1. drawer brown draw,2. doctor dog drink,3. bruce dress bring,Lets practice.,一、词汇互译。 dress _ who _ 什么时候 _ 谁的 _,连衣裙,谁,when,whose,Lets practice.,二、选择填空。 ( ) 1. _ are you so sad? Because I cant go to the party. A. What B. Why C. How ( ) 2. Lucy _ on the T-shirt but it _ fit

9、. A. try, doesnt B. trys, dont C. tries, doesnt ( ) 3. _ is Childrens Day? It is on June 1st. A. When B. Whose C. What,B,C,A,Summary,一、动词的单数形式 1. 一般在词后加s; 2. 以ch或 sh 结尾的要加es; 3. 以y 结尾的要变y为i,再加es。 二、Question words 疑问词的使用 1.what 什么 2. when 什么时候 3. where 哪里4. whose 谁的 5. who 谁,Homework,Try to recite the rules of Verb three single form. 2. Try to find more question words.,


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