译林版五下英语5B课件Unit 5 Helping our parents (3) 课件.pptx

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1、Unit5 Helping our parents (3),英语牛津译林版 五年级下,Game time,cook,parent,busy,clean,grow,sweet,wash the dishes,Lets watch,What are they doing?,点我播放,Look and say,Lets sing the song together.,To known more,Can you say something about the kettle?,Lets guess.,Bobby grows grapes in his garden.,Where is Bobby?,Le

2、ts guess.,How was his grapes?,Lets guess.,Are his grapes big or small?,Who will come?,What will happen at the end?,Lets read the text.,Lets guess.,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,There are some pests on the grapes.,Cartoon time,Then, some ladybirds come.,Cartoon time,The pests go away, but the ladybirds d

3、o not.,Fill in the blanks.,Bobby is in his garden.,They are eating the grapes.,Yes, they are.,Yes, they can. But,Lets listen,点击播放Cartoon time课文音频,Read or act.,Tip: Choose one picture to read in pairs. 选择一幅图片两人练习。,1.Read it together.,2.Each student reads a sentence.,3. Read in roles. 自己分配角色。,Think an

4、d write,英汉互译,1. Bobby grows grapes in his garden.,2. My grapes are big and sweet.,We can help you!,What are you doing here?,3. 我们能帮助你。,4. 你们在这里做什么?,Bobby 在他的花园里面种葡萄。,我的葡萄又大又甜。,Checkout time,Look and say.,What is Liu Tao doing?,What is Su Hai doing?,What is Nancy doing?,Checkout time,Look and say.,Wh

5、at is Yang Ling doing?,What is Wang Bing doing?,What is Mike doing?,Checkout time,Can you write about them?,Liu Tao is_.,Su Hai is_.,What are the children doing?,making the bed,washing the dishes,Checkout time,Nancy is_.,Yang Ling is _.,Can you write about them?,What are the children doing?,sweeping

6、 the floor,doing her homework,Checkout time,Wang Bing is _.,Mike is _.,Can you write about them?,What are the children doing?,cleaning the table,washing clothes,Checkout time,Listen, number and say.,1,2,3,4,5,Lets practice,Lets practice.,一、选择题。,( ) 1. - Who _ over there now? - Miss Li. A. singing B.

7、 are sing C. is singing ( ) 2. Its eight oclock. The students _ an English class. A. has B. is having C. are having,C,C,Lets practice.,1.我的妈妈正在种葡萄。 My mother _ _ _. 2.“你喜欢跑步吗?”“不,我喜欢散步。” - Do you like _? - No, I _ walking. 3.刘涛没在睡觉,他在做家庭作业。 Liu Tao isnt _. He is doing his _. 4.苏洋正在教室里帮助海伦。 Su Yang _

8、 _ Helen in the classroom. 5.“南希在做什么?” “她在扫地。” - _ is Nancy _? - She is _the floor.,is growing grapes,running,like,sleeping,homework,二、根据中文完成句子,每空一词。,is helping,What,doing,sweeping,Summary,1. 复习本单元词汇: make the bed clean the car wash clothes cook grow . 2. 充分利用卡通故事来复习语法知识。 3. 学会描述某人正在做某事。,Homework,Read the text. Recite and act the story time and cartoon time.,


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