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1、BOOK 2 Module One1. 在节食 (be) on a diet 2. 渴望做某事(anxious)be anxious to do sth.3. 恢复正常 return to normal 4. 一段痛苦的记忆 a painful memory5. 一种健康的生活方式 a healthy lifestyle 6. 前往某处 head towards for 7. 深呼吸 take a deep breath 8. 上气不接下气 out of breath9. 与有联系 be connneted with have connection with10. 运动,锻炼 take exe

2、rcise 11. 热衷于,迷恋 be crazy about 12. 做预测 make a prediction 13. Hand sb.sth.14. 生病住院(be)in hospital 15. 那再好不过了。That couldnt be better.16. Under stress17. 尽情地生活 live ones life to the fullest18. 爱吃甜食 have a sweet tooth19. 投入足够的钱在医疗服务中put enough money into the health service20. 以开始 begin with 21. 懂一点英语kn

3、ow a bit of English 22. 由某人负责 in the charge of sb.23. 遭受失眠之苦 suffer from sleeplessness24. 即将淘汰 on the way out 25. 出生时 at birth26. 对造成损坏 cause do damage to 27. Catch sight of 28. 从中康复 recocer from 29. In bad need of 30. 把考虑在内 take sth. into consideration31. Remaining tickets32. On top of 33. 点头表示同意 n

4、od in agreement34. Celebrate ones courage 35. Manage to do sth.36. There is more chance of 37. 认为理所当然 38. 凭着一颗无私的心 with a selfless heart 39. Make oneself at home 40. In exchange for 41. 配备有,具有 be equipped with42. 为某人攒钱save money for 43. 映入眼帘 come into view44. 安排一个日期 set a date for45. Take over 46. T

5、ear down 47. Serve as 48. Bring in 49. 鼓起勇气 take ones courage50. 责任感51. On special 52. As always 53. 把固定在上 54. 踢球时我把手臂摔断了。55. 她总是第一个来,最后一个离开。Module 21. 对上瘾 be addicted to sth.2. 把注射进 inject sth. into sth.3. 一个附近的村子 a nearby village 4. 犯罪 commit a crime 5. 与有联系(connection)have connection with 6. 与有关

6、(relate)be related to 7. 招待某人吃午饭treat sb. to lunch 8. 破门而入 break into a house break in 9. 采纳某人的建议take follow ones advice10. 由于的结果 as a result of 11. 吸烟引起的火灾 fires caused by smoking 12. 曾是一个瘾君子used to be a drug addict 13. 同甘共苦share joys and sorrows 14. 向某人征求意见 ask sb. for advice 15. 处于非常痛苦中 in terrib

7、le pain 16. 反社会行为anti-social behaviour17. 列一份名单 make a list of 18. 培养某方面的兴趣 develop an interest in 19. Look through 翻阅 、浏览20. 死于 die of from 21. 减少开支 reduce expenses 22. 被允许做某事 be allowed to do sth.23. 禁止做某事ban forbid doing sth.24. 一禁烟令 a ban on smoking 25. Refer to 提及、 指的是、查阅26. 可能做某事(likely)be lik

8、ely to do sth.27. 不同意某人某事disagree with sb. about over sth.28. Recognise sb. sth. by from 从辨别出29. 与有共同之处have something in common with 30. Bring up 养育, 提出31. Switch on off 32. 失去理智lose ones mind 33. 最终成了朋友(end)end up being friends 34. 改变某人的想法 change ones mind35. On condition that 以为条件 、 只要36. 与相反 be o

9、pposite to 37. 掉价 drop in price 38. Come across 39. 作为报答 in return (for)40. 羞愧低下头 hang ones head in shame 41. On hearing the news 一听到这消息42. In no time 立刻43. That is to say 也就是说44. Work out 算出、锻炼、解决45. 似乎有,好像有 there seems to be 46. Figure out 弄清楚,弄明白47. 而且,此外whats more 、 in addition 48. Be scheduled

10、to do 预计做某事49. Fix ones eyes on 把目光专注于50. In search of 寻找51. In high spirits 兴高采烈 52. A flight of stairs 一段楼梯53. 挤满了 be crowded with54. Anything but 绝不、一点也不55. 环境问题 environmental issues problems56. Let sb. down 让某人失望57. Make ones way to 前往某处58. Non-smoking areas 59. There is no doubt that 60. In a h

11、urry 61. Possible的副词 possibly62. 通常,学生喜欢考前熬夜为考试做准备。Usually students like staying up before an exam, _(prepare) for it.63. 他默默地坐在那里,什么也不做。He sat there in silence, _ (do) nothing.64. 为了不上课迟到,他一早就起床了。He got up early_ late for class.65. 众所周知 _ _ _BOOK 2 MODULE 31. 有音乐天赋:have a talent for music2. 作为而出名:

12、be known as 3. Be known to sb: 4. 把变成:changeinto5. 生来就是天才:be born a genius6. 对某人有影响:have an influence on sb.7. 失去理智:lose ones mind8. Lose heart 9. Lose ones heart to sb.10. 有史以来:of all time11. At a time: 12. At one time:13. As well as:14. 对印象深刻:be impressed with by15. 变聋了:go deaf16. This song is cat

13、hy:17. Work as :18. 获得很多奖:receive many prizes19. 陷入沉思:be lost in thought20. 在某人的帮助下:with ones help=with the help of sb.21. If so/ if not:22. Refer to :23. 买不起某物(afford):cant afford sth. cant afford to buy sth.24. Cantt afford to do sth.:担负不起做某事25. World-class athletes: 26. Round up:27. Or so :28. 追赶

14、: run after29. 以一种非常的方式:in an unusual way 30. 使某人成为英雄:make sb. a hero 31. 保护某人免于遭受:guard sb. against protect sb. from32. Back and forth:33. 运气不好:out of luck34. Make sth. out of sth. 35. 改变想法:change ones mind 36. 以低沉的声音:in a low voice37. 突然笑了:burst out laughing38. As to:39. 为了纪念:40. 前往某处(way):41. Be

15、scheduled for May:安排在五月42. Be scheduled to do sth:预计做某事43. 面临,面对:in the face of 44. 用完,用尽(run):run out run out of 45. 做好了最坏的打算:be prepared for the worst46. 珍惜我们的友谊:value treasure our friendship47. 过着积极的生活:live a positive life Live an active life48. 采取行动;take action 49. 这个计划讨论多次后,我们决定付诸于实际。(用V-ing)Ha

16、ving discussed the plan for mant times, we decided to carry it out.50. 到他14岁时,Mozart已经创作了许多曲子。By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces of music. BOOK 2 MODULE 41. A delightful painting:2. 令某人高兴的是:to ones delight3. 对感到开心(delight): be delighted at by 4. 在现场:on the scene5. 活着的人(alive): pe

17、ople alive 6. 一条活鱼 a live fish7. 实际上(reality): in reality8. Observe n. : obeservation9. 看见某人正在做:observe sb. doing sth.10. 一个被收养的孩子:an adopted child11. 采纳某人的建议:adopt follow ones advice12. 无法忍受做:cant stand doing sth.13. 目的是,旨在:aim to do aim at doing14. 针对某人:be aimed at sb. 15. 带着的目的:with the aim of 16

18、. 一个担心的表情:a worried expression17. 对造成损伤:do cause damage to 18. 一个非常漂亮的花园(most):A most beautiful garden19. 厌倦 :be get tired of 20. Be get tired from:21. 一直(time):all the time 22. 一个金发女孩:a golden-haired girl 23. 喜欢做(fond): be fond of( doing )sth.24. 培养艺术兴趣:develope an interest in art25. 把某人分辨开来:tell s

19、b. apart26. 推迟做:put off doing 27. 成功做到:succeed in doing 28. 答应做某事:promise to do sth.29. 考虑做: consider doing 30. 努力做,试图做(attempt): attempt to do31. 在某人二十岁出头时:in ones early twenties32. 在某人快三十岁时:in ones late twenties33. 一系列的画:a series of pictures34. Happen to do : 35. 打算做;意味着:(mean):mean to do mean doi

20、ng sth36. Regret doing to do:37. 轮流做某事:take turns to do 38. 做没有用:Its no usegood doing sth39. Agricultural produce:40. 停产(production):go out of production41. 落叶:falllen leaves 42. 开水:boiled water43. 担心,害怕(frighten)be frightened of 44. Its unrealistic to do sth.45. 最著名的艺术家(known):the best-known artist

21、46. 人们认为他染上了这种疾病。(consider)He is considered to have been infected with the disease.47. 帮助他人是我感觉很好。Helping other people makes me feel good .48. 让我最高兴的是他康复了。(most)What delights us most is that he has recovered from the disease.49. 随着春天到来,越来越暖和了。(with)With spring approaching, its getting warmer and war

22、mer.50. 人们一致认为特朗普(Trump)不靠谱。Its generally agreed that Trump is not reliable. BOOK 2 Module 51. 开始流行:come into fashion2. 围绕转圈 :make an orbit of 3. 摄影,照相:take a photograph of 4. 向某人祝贺某事:congratulate sb. on sth.5. 头条新闻:headline news6. 上船(飞机等):go aboard (the plane)7. 出国:go abroad8. On board :9. 在国内外:at

23、home and abroad10. 成就感:a sense of achievement11. 取得成功:(achieve)achieve success12. A被B取代:replace A with by B13. 高兴做某事(delight)be delighted to do 14. 在起着重要作用:play an important part role in15. 影评:film reviews16. Work on :17. 在太空:in space18. 总计,总共:in total in all19. 祝你幸福:wish you happiness20. 既然:now tha

24、t21. 专注于:concentrate on focus on22. 与相似:be similar to 23. Take off (3种意思):24. Take down:25. Take up (2种意思)26. Take in sth.27. Take in sb.28. 把与相配:match with29. 为期五天的访问:a five-day visit30. 信任某人:believe in sb.31. In general :32. 受到英雄般的欢迎:receive a heros welcome33. Work out(3种意思):34. 一段楼梯:a flight of s

25、tairs35. 有意义,有影响(difference):make a difference36. 对关心担心(concern):be concerned about37. 备受鼓舞:be inspired by38. In ones presence: 在某人面前39. Work wonders: 40. For the most part:多半,通常41. 下定决心做某事:make up ones mind to do42. 释放某人:set sb. free43. 牢牢抓住,不送,不卖:hold on to sth.44. 喜悦感:a sense of joy45. 台湾是中国的一部分。

26、Taiwan is part of China.46. 他总是第一个来,最后一个离开。He is always the first to come and the last to leave.47. 自信是成功的关键。Confidence is the key to success.48. 既然你病了,我就不邀请你参加party了。(since)Since you are ill, Im not going to invite you to the party.49. 我正在上网,这时停电了。I was surfing the Internet when the electricity was

27、 cut off.50. 这是我第二次读这本书了。This is the second time that I have read the book.BOOK 2 MODULE 61. brave n.:bravery2. rarely:3. 男演员女演员:actor actress4. 男性 女性:male female5. character(3种意思):6. argue n.argument7. 喜剧悲剧:comedy tragedy8. 优雅的动作:graceful movements9. 因感激某人:be grateful to sb.for sth10. Occasionally:

28、11. 对有兴趣:show (an)interst in12. 感动得流泪:be moved to tears13. 与某人就某事争吵:argue with sb aboutover sth14. 用使人乐(entertain)entertain sb with sth15. 以为背景:be set in 16. Come out(3种意思):17. Tell of :18. 属于:belong to 19. 在19世纪初期:in the early 1800s20. 与某人结婚:get married to sb21. 令每一个人惊讶的是:to everyones surprise22. 在

29、乎,在意:care about23. Care for (2种意思):照顾;喜欢24. 扮演的角色:play the part of 25. 在起作用:play a part role in26. 用语言表达:express in words27. 换句话说:in other words 28. 一周一次:once a week29. Look before you leap.30. As good as(2种意思):31. Good for you:真棒!真行!32. 对某人健康有好处(good):do good to ones health33. 犯错误:make a mistake ma

30、ke mistakes34. 每隔一天:every other day35. 赢得奥斯卡:win an Oscar36. 负债:in debt37. Out of debt:38. 愿意做某事:be willing to do39. 还钱:pay back 40. 跳过一堵墙:leap over a wall41. 与有关(connect):be connected with42. 可能做(likely):be likely to do43. 培养良好的饮食习惯:develop good eating habits44. 与相比:compared with45. 与某人取得联系:get in

31、touch with46. 喜欢上,爱上fall be in love (with sb)47. 那可怜的孩子坐在角落处,又冷又饿。That poor boy sat in the corner, cold and hungry.48. 幸运的是,我们大家都安然无恙。Fortunately, all of us are safe and sound.49. 她晚上很少独自外出。(倒装)Seldom does she go out alone.50. 人们普遍认为中国正越来越强大。Its generally agreed that China is growing stronger and stronger.51. 他昨天在街上遇见的是他的表弟。(强调句型)It was his cousin that he met in the street yesterday.


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