2022年适用全国中考英语阅读理解专项练习复习资料 .pdf

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1、适用全国中考英语阅读理解难易适中专项练习复习资料(A4 打印版)(1)Many 15-year-olds don t know what they want to be when they grow up.Abby Harris knows she wants to become an astronaut and isn t letting anything stop her.According to Harris Internet blog,Astronaut Abby,she has wanted to be the first astronaut to walk on Mars sinc

2、e she was 5 years old.Harris wrote that at the beginning.Most people didn t take her dream seriously.But she stuck with(坚持)it.I made plans,I worked hard and I focused on(集中于)my goal.As I got older and continued to stay focused on science,people in my life began to notice and encouraged me to dream b

3、ig,she wrote.In the 7th grade,Harris was doing a project on the International Space Station.She set up a Twitter account to get in touch with NASA(美国航空航天局).But soon she found that it was a great place for her to write about her dreams and talk with others who are interested in space.Her friends on T

4、witter then helped her create her website and blog,Astronaut Abby.What s more,Harris has a real astronaut as her mentor(导师).Several years ago,Harris ran into Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano at an airport.They talked for an hour and Parmitano agreed to become her mentor.Now Parmitano is in the Inter

5、national Space Station.Harris e-mails him every day to learn about his experiences.It s not easy to become an astronaut,but Harris is confident about herself.If you work really hard at something,it can happen.And it will happen,she said.56.Who is Abby Harris?A.She is a five-year-old girl.B.She is a

6、fifteen-year-old girl.C.She is a girl in the 7th grade.D.She is the astronaut walking on Mars.57.Which of the following of Abby Harris is TRUE?A.She wants to be the first astronaut on the moon.B.She has made plans to let her dream come true.C.She is often laughed at for dreaming big.D.She gave up he

7、r dream because it s bad for her.58.At first Abby Harris set up a Twitter account in order to _.A.learn more about space B.make more friends online C.tell others about her dream D.introduce her website and blog 59.Where did Harris meet Luca Parmitano?A.In Italy.B.In the street.C.At an airport.D.In t

8、he International Space Station.60.What does the story want to tell us?A.Look before you leap(跳).B.Well begun is half done.C.All roads lead to Rome.D.Where there is a will there is a way.(2)Around the world more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports activities.Of course,there have alway

9、s been people who have looked for adventure and those who have climbed unknown parts of the world or sailed in small boats across the greatest oceans.Now,however,there are people who seek(寻找)a risky activity,which may only last a few minutes or even seconds.Bungee jumping is a good example of such a

10、n activity.You jump from a high place 200 meters above the ground with an elastic(有弹力的)rope tied to your feet.You fall at up to 150 kilometers an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground.It is reported that two million people around the world have now tried bungee jumping.Why do people

11、take part in such activities like this?Some psychologists(心理学家)suggest that it is because life in modern societies has become safe and boring.In ancient times,people had to face danger and difficulties.They had to go out and hunt for food.Diseases could not easily be cured,and there was a continuous

12、 battle for survival(生存).Nowadays,according to many people,life offers little excitement.They live and work in comparatively safe environments;they buy food in shops;there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they become ill.It is necessary for some of these people to seek danger in activ

13、ities such as bungee jumping.61.Why do people tie their feet with an elastic rope in bungee jumping?A.Because it s more exciting.B.Because it s interesting.C.Because it can protect people.D.Because it s very high.62.How many people have tried bungee jumping?A.More than 150.B.About 200.C.Few people.D

14、.2,000,000.63.In Paragraph 2,what does the underlined sentence mean?A.Bungee jumping is a very popular activity.B.Bungee jumping is a dangerous activity that only lasts a few seconds.C.Bungee jumping is an activity that many people like very much.D.Bungee jumping is an activity that is similar to sa

15、iling.64.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.People in ancient times could be looked after well.B.People in ancient times had to hunt for food.C.Today people s life is safe.D.Some people think that life today is boring.65.What is the best topic(题目)of the passage?A.How to Ke

16、ep Fit B.Sports and Health C.Sports Activities in History D.Dangerous Sports Activities 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 37 页 -3 Jean is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family.She goes to a good university and has everything that money can buy.Well,almost everything.The problem i

17、s that the people in Jean s family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her.In fact,Jean is quite lonely.So Jean spends a lot of her time on QQ.She likes being anonymous(匿名的)talking to people who do not know about her famous family and her rich life.She uses the name Linda on QQ and

18、 has made a lot of friends who she contacts(联系)quite often.Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ.His name was David and he lived in San Francisco.David was full of stories and jokes.He and Jean had a common interest in rock music and modern dance.So it always took them hours to talk happil

19、y on QQ and sometimes they even forgot the time.Of course,they wanted to know more about each other.David sent a picture of himself:he was a tall,good-looking young man with big,happy smile.As time went by,they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.When Jean s fathe

20、r told her that he was going on business trip to San Francisco,she asked him to let her go with him,so that she could give David a surprise for his birthday.She would take him the latest DVD of their favorite rock singer.But when Jean knocked on David s door in San Francisco,she found that the speci

21、al friend she had written to was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim.51.Jean spends lots of her time on QQ because she is _.A.rich B.famous C.young D.lonely 52.Jean thought“David”was special because _.A.David made her quite happy on QQB.David was from San FranciscoC.David sent her a picture of himselfD.

22、David was tall,good-looking 53.When Jean and“David”met and introduced themselves to each other,who felt surprised?A.Neither David nor Jean.B.Jean.C.Both David and Jean.D.David.54.Which of the following is true?A.Jean has got everything in her life.B.Both David and Jean enjoy rock music.C.David didn

23、t tell Jean his real address.D.Jean s family members often get together.55.What s the main idea of this passage?A.Don t believe those you get to know on QQ so easily.B.People dont use their real names on QQ so often.C.Don t go to meet those you get to know on QQ.D.People should tell their real names

24、 to others on QQ.4 More than half of the people across the country said they now prefer to spend time with friends by inviting them over to their homes rather than meeting in restaurants,a report showed.There are popular television shows,such as Come Eat With Me,where amateur(业余的)cooks would like to

25、 show each other their skills,Master Cook where people try to win the games how to cook.And many famous cooking shows help British people to entertain at home.The report showed that nearly a third of the people had spent money on home entertainment things such as sofas,dining tables,and bigger telev

26、isions to make the guests feel comfortable.Over the last few years,my guests have asked for home parties rather than ones at restaurants or other places away from homes,party planning expert(专家)Liz Brewer said in a report.This is not only because less money but because many have become proud of thei

27、r homes and enjoy showing their cooking skills,and they want to show their home entertainment things.By the way,people prefer visiting cook Jamie Oliver to Prime Minister(首相)Gordon Brown.They think they may feel relaxed and enjoy themselves at Jamie s house.56.From the first paragraph,we mainly know

28、 _.A.people never go to restaurants to meet friends B.most people prefer inviting friends to their homes C.most people don t want friends to visit their homes D.there are many TV shows about cooking 57.What is the TV show Master Cook about?A.Reading.B.Healthy eating.C.Cooking.D.Meeting friends.58.Th

29、e underlined word“entertain”here means _.A.to give food and drinks in one s house B.to make someone laugh or enjoy himself C.to have something happy in one s mind D.to make somebody see something 59.People asked Liz Brewer for help because _.A.they wanted him to do the survey B.they wanted to have a

30、 party at home C.they wanted to buy something new D.they wanted to learn to cook 60.People prefer to spend time with friends at home mainly because _.A.they want to save money B.they move into new houses C.they are good at cooking D.they are proud of their homes 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 37 页 -

31、5 In Britain every town has a public library and there are branch libraries(分馆)in many villages.Anyone may borrow books,and it costs nothing to borrow them.In some places you may borrow as many books as you want,but in others you are limited(限制)to a certain number of books including some novels.You

32、may keep the books for several weeks so that you can have enough time to finish all the books you ve borrowed.The latest novels are always in great need,and non-fiction(纪实文学)books,such as books on history,science and gardening,are well-loved,too.If the books you need are out,you may ask for them to

33、be kept for you when they are returned,and if you pay the cost of sending a postcard,the librarian(图书管理员)will let you know when the books are back and are ready for you.Most public libraries also have a reading-room and a reference library(参考图书馆).In the reading-room there are tables and desks at whi

34、ch you can sit and read the daily newspapers and all the other important periodicals(the weeklies,the monthlies and the quarterlies).In the reference library there are encyclopedias(百科全书),dictionaries,books of maps and other useful books.But you can only use these books there.You cannot take them ou

35、t.61.The sentence“it costs nothing to borrow them”means _.A.you may pay some money to borrow them B.you only have to pay a little money to borrow them C.the books cost you almost no money D.you don t have to pay any money to borrow them 62.“You are limited to a certain number of books.”This sentence

36、 may mean _.A.you are allowed to borrow only a certain number of books at a time B.each time you can borrow as many as you like C.every time you can borrow only two or three books D.you can only borrow the limited books which are in the library 63.If the books you need are out,what can you do?A.We c

37、an go to the librarian to ask for it.B.We have to buy one in a shop.C.We can ask the librarian to keep it for us when it is returned.D.We can write a postcard to the librarian.64.In“daily newspaper”,the word“daily”means _.A.every week B.every day C.every other day D.a certain day of the week 65.Ency

38、clopedias belong to _.A.books of maps B.periodicals C.non-fiction books D.the latest novels 6 As we know,beer(啤酒)is important in German life.However,beer is not the only important thing in Germany.Germany is a big country in the car making industry(产业).Today,many top cars like Audi,BMW,Porsche and M

39、ercedes Benz are from Germany.Germany is also well known for its great poets(诗人)and writers.Germans love sports.The most popular sports in Germany are soccer,tennis,swimming and skiing.Germans are precise(严谨的).For example,a German would never cross the street when the lights are red.Many people in C

40、hina and the UK will not notice the red light.Germans are punctual and every minute is very important for them.For example,if a train is going to arrive at 3 pm,and it is only one minute late,people will get very angry.On the other hand,Germans are very relaxed about time when meeting friends.German

41、sget up early.They usually start work very early in the morning.51.Which is very popular with Germans?A.Coffee.B.Beer.C.Rice.D.Pizza.52.Paragraph 2 is mainly about _.A.Germany s sports.B.the biggest city in Germany C.Germany s car making industryD.Germany s great poets and writers53.Which tells us G

42、ermans are precise?A.Germany is at the heart of Europe.B.Germany is well known for its great poets.C.Many people in China will not notice the red light.D.A German would never cross the street when the lights are red.54.The underlined word“punctual”in the passage probably means _.A.准时的 B.迟到的C.易怒的D.友好

43、的55.We know from the passage that _.A.Germans are hardworking B.most Germans are poets and writers C.basketball is the most popular in Germany D.Germans are easy to get angry 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 37 页 -7 Different weather makes people feel different.It influenceshealth,intelligence(智力)and

44、feelings.In August,it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States.People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month.In the Northeast and the Middle-West,it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times.People in these states have more hea

45、rt trouble after the weather changes in February or March.The weather can also influence intelligence.For example,in a 1983 report by scientists,IQ of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came,but after the strong wind,their IQ was 10%lower.The wind can help people have more int

46、elligence.Very hot weather,on the other hand,can make it lower.Students in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year(July and August).Weather also has a strong influence on peoples feelings.Winter may be a bad time for thin people.They usually feel cold

47、 during these months.They might feel unhappy during cold weather.But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer.At about 18,people become stronger.Low air pressure(气压)may make people forgetful.People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low-pressure days.People feel best at a temperature of a

48、bout 18.Are you feeling sad,tired,forgetfu l or unhappy today?It may be the weather s problem.56._ can cause problems on health.A.Hot and wet weather B.A strong wind C.Warm weather D.Low air pressure 57.A report shows that people may have more intelligence when_ comes.A.rain B.very hot weather C.a s

49、trong wind D.low air pressure 58.According tothe writer,fat people may feel bad in _ weather.A.cold B.cool C.warm D.hot 59.The writer wants to tell us that _.A.hot and cold weather influence all people in the same way B.IQ changes when weather changes C.IQ has nothing to do with the weather D.people

50、 feel good on low pressure days 60.The best title(标题)for this passage is _.A.Hot Weather Causes Health Problems B.Different Weather Makes People Feel Bad C.Weather Influences Feelings D.Weather Influences Health,Intelligence and Feelings 8 It was Tom s first visit to England,and he was looking forwa


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